The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Trailside Cooking, (cl) Rangeland Romances Nov 1954, Jan, Mar, May 1955
- * Trail Sign, (ms) Wild West Weekly October 4 1930
- * The Trailsman-Snub, (ar) Manhunt June 1963
- * Trails of Danger, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #594, May 2 1931; adapted from the movie (Wally Wales, Virginia Browne, Jack Perrin).
- * Trails of Empire—A Map History of America’s Highways, (ia) Liberty February 20 1926
- * Trails of the West, (ar) Pete Rice Magazine November 1933
- * The Trails of Vengeance [Buffalo Bill], (ss) Lion Library #4, 1909
- * Trail Tales of the North:
* ___ Lost at Sea in a Kayak, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd February 1926
- * Trail to Love, (cl) Ranch Love Stories March 1950
- * The Trail to Mexico, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * The Trail to the Golden West, (cs) Wild West Weekly (UK) #22, August 6 1938
- * The Trail to Whispering Isle [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #320, 1932
- * The Trail Under the Sea [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Reginald Heber Poole) The Sexton Blake Library #118, 1920
- * Trail-Wise Tips, (ar) Lariat Story Magazine March 1926
- * Train Bandits’ Daring Robbery, (ms) Wild West Weekly January 31 1931
- * Train Bandits Shoot Six, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * Train, Car and Passenger Ferries, (ia) Modern Wonder April 9 1938
- * Train Communication Signals, (ar) Railroad Magazine October 1945
- * Train Conductor Foils Silk Hold-Up, (ms) Clues 1st April 1928
- * Train Control by Magnetism, (ia) Modern Wonder November 26 1938
- * Train Despatching by Telephone, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * The Trained Cadet in a Senior O. T. C., (ar) Chums December 21 1918
- * Trained Fish, (ms) The Strand Magazine March 1914
- * Trained in Machine Gunning, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1934
- * Trained to Kill, (cs) Battle Picture Library February 1961
- * Trained to Save Their Lives, (ia) Modern Wonder November 26 1938; Deep Diving and Submarine Operations by Robert H. Davis, London, St. Catherine’s Press, 1938?
- * Trainees for Defense, (ar) The Open Road for Boys September 1941
- * Trainer and Coach, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Jun 10, Jun 25, Jul 10, Jul 25, Aug 10, Aug 25, Sep 10, Sep 25, Oct 10, Oct 25,
Nov 10, Nov 25, Dec 10, Dec 25 1934
Jan 10, Jan 25, Feb 10, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 10, Apr 25, May 10, May 25, 1st Jul, 2nd Jul,
1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 2nd Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 2nd Nov, 2nd Dec 1935
1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 1st Feb, 1st Mar, 2nd Mar, 1st Apr, 2nd May, 1st Jul, 2nd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug,
1st Sep, 2nd Sep, 2nd Oct, 1st Nov, 1st Dec 1936
1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 1st Feb, 1st Mar, 2nd Mar, 1st Apr, 2nd Apr, 1st May, 2nd May, 1st Jun, 2nd Jun,
1st Jul, 2nd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 1st Sep, 2nd Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 1st Nov, 2nd Nov, 1st Dec 1937
1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 2nd Feb 1938, Nov 1939, May 1940, Aug 1941
- * Trainer Planes, (pi) Maclean’s August 1 1940
- * The Trainer’s Secret [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Arthur Joseph Steffens) The Sexton Blake Library #382, 1925
- * Train Held Up by a Hawk, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1910
- * Training, (ar) Chums January 4 1893
- * Training, (ar) (by G. Fielding Blandford) The Cornhill Magazine January 1867
- * Training and Examinations in an Officers’ Cadet Battalion, (ar) Chums January 4 1919
- * Training Britain’s Future Warriors, (ar) Modern World November 30 1940
- * Training Camp Tales, (cl) People’s Favorite Magazine May 25 1918
- * Training Dogs and Monkeys, (ar) The Penny Magazine #285, 1904
- * Training English Boys as Chefs, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 10 1910
- * Training for Authorship, (ms)
- * Training for Hard Work, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 7 1923
- * Training for Maids, (ms) Good Housekeeping January 1910
- * Training for School Sports, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1925
- * Training for School Sports: Hurdling, (ar) The Modern Boy June 22 1929
- * Training for School Sports: Long-Distance Running, (ar) The Modern Boy June 29 1929
- * Training for School Sports: Sprinting, (ar) The Modern Boy June 1 1929
- * Training for School Sports: The High Jump, (ar) The Modern Boy May 25 1929
- * Training for School Sports: The Long Jump, (ar) The Modern Boy June 8 1929
- * Training for the Church, (pi) Pearson’s Weekly #2525, December 17 1938
- * Training for the Colonies, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper November 17 1900
- * Training for the Cup, (ar) The Modern Boy April 27 1929
- * Training for the Soccer Blue Riband, (ar) Chums January 17 1926
- * Training in Relation to Health, (ar) (by George Henry Lewes) The Cornhill Magazine February 1864
- * Training in the Zone, Relieving Headaches, and More, (ar) Penthouse (US) November 2001
- * Training Italy’s Detectives, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1919
- * Training Mariners and Making Men, (pi) Collier’s July 13 1918
- * Training Motormen, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1910
- * Training Naval Air Gunners, (ar) Modern Wonder November 4 1939
- * The Training of an Air Cadet, (ar) Chums September 9 1930
- * The Training of Volunteer Recruits, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 14 1895
- * Training Our Children, (qa) McCall’s Magazine January 1911
- * Training Poor Lads for Sea, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal September 7 1867
- * A Training-School for Diplomats, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1910
- * Training Schools for Servants, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1878
- * Training Ships, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 18 1880
- * Training the Maid, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal September 14 1912
- * Training to become an Architect, (cl) Chums November 30 1924
- * Training Troops by Landscape Targets, (ar) Modern World February 8 1941
- * Training Under Pressure, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine July 1912
- * Training Young Mollisons, (ia) Chums December 1933
- * A Train Is No Faster Than Its Track, (ar) Railroad Magazine July 1948
- * Train Messenger Rides Outside, (ms) The Popular Complete Stories October 15 1931
- * The Train of Tomorrow, (ar) Chums January 1935
- * The Train Robbers, (ss) Fun and Fiction #105, October 11 1913
- * The Train Robbers, (ss) (by Henry John Keevil) Boys’ World February 16 1963
- * Train Robbers Killed by Police, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1921
- * Train Robbers Use Gas Bomb, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 19 1921
- * Train Robber with New Game, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1917
- * Trains Forbidden to Run Backward, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
- * Trains on Sick List, (ms) True Adventures July 1925
- * Train Spotters’ Teaser, (pz) Favourite Annual for Boys 1957
- * Trains That Are Making Good:
* ___ The Blue Comet, (ar) Railroad Stories November 1936
* ___ The Broadway and the Century, (ar) Railroad Magazine September 1938
* ___ The Burlington Zephyrs, (ar) Railroad Stories March 1937
* ___ The Egyptian Zipper, (ar) Railroad Magazine November 1938
* ___ El Capitan, (ar) Railroad Magazine July 1938
* ___ The Empire Builder, (ar) Railroad Magazine June 1938
* ___ The Empire State Express, (ar) Railroad Magazine February 1938
* ___ The George Washington, (ar) Railroad Stories December 1936
* ___ The Green Diamond, (ar) Railroad Magazine November 1937
* ___ The Hiawatha, (ar) Railroad Stories February 1937
* ___ The Illinois Central MS-I, (ar) Railroad Magazine August 1938
* ___ The Mercury, (ar) Railroad Stories April 1937
* ___ The Rebel, (ar) Railroad Stories January 1937
* ___ The Silver Meteor, (ar) Railroad Magazine May 1939
* ___ The Union Pacific Streamliners, (ar) Railroad Magazine March 1938
* ___ No. 1 The Challenger, (ar) Railroad Stories October 1936
* ___ No.16—The Rockets, (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1938
- * Trains That Climb Mountains, (ia) Modern Wonder August 14 1937
- * Trains That Cross the Sea, (ar) Chums July 1934
- * Trains That Signal Themselves, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1931
- * Trains They Can’t Crash, (ar) Modern Wonder September 17 1938
- * The Train’s ’Tuck-Shop’, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * A Train That Kills Weeds, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1904
- * Train Tour Sights on Next Month’s SKY BIRDS!, (ms) Sky Birds September 1932
- * Train Wrecker Gets Life Imprisonment, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 14 1922
- * Train Your Sights on the Next Issue, (ms) Flying Aces September 1931
- * Train Your Sights on This Special Announcement!, (ms) Flying Aces August 1932
- * Traitor and Spy [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Arthur Joseph Steffens) The Sexton Blake Library #23, 1917
- * The Traitor from Radio Paris [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #569, 1941
- * The Traitor Guide, (n.) Aldine Wild West Yarns #16, June 1932
- * Traitor Heart!, (ss) The Violet Magazine #293, July 1938
- * The Traitor in the Stable [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #75, 1922
- * Traitor Is Killed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1921
- * Traitor’s Claws, (nv) Scotland Yard #5, September 1930
- * The Traitor’s Guerdon, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #22, January 17 1885
- * Traitor Shenns [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #525, 1940
- * Traitor Spy [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #549, 1940
- * Traitor to My Marriage Vows, (ts) Intimate Romances May 1938
- * The Traitor Twin, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces December 1938
- * Traitor Wings [Barry Rand (The Red Falcon)], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces December 1942
- * Traitor Wings [Greaseball Joe], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces February 1944; this is a new story, different from the previous story with this title.
- * Traits, (ms) Live Stories August 1915
- * Traits and Stories of the Huguenots, (ar) (by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell) Household Words #194, December 10 1853
- * Traits of Chivalric Times, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine September 1868
- * Traits of Dogs, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1878
- * Tramp Dog Foils Bandit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 6 1923
- * The Tramps’ Mascot [Tin Fish Tramps], (ss) The Buzzer #5, November 13 1937
- * Tramps on the Railroad, (ar) Mystery Magazine #129, April 1 1923
- * Tramp, Tramp, Tramp—, (ar) Five-Novels Monthly October 1942
- * Tranquilizer, (pi) Spree v1 #4, 1958
- * Transatlantic de Luxe, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1941
- * Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund Delegates, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- * Transatlantic Liner of the Future, (ar) Modern Wonder February 19 1938
- * The Transcaspian Railway. Russia’s Great Strategic Line in Central Asia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1887
- * Transcaucasia, (ar) (by James Bryce) The Cornhill Magazine May 1877
- * The Transcontinental Air Races, (ar) Aviation Stories and Mechanics December 1928
- * A Transcontinental Dream (St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain Roster), (pi) Railroad Magazine October 1942
- * A Transferred Identity, (ss) Belgravia
- * Transfers, (ms) Leatherneck March 1961
- * The Transfiguration, (cs) The Bible Story #22, August 1 1964
- * A Transformation, (ar) The Novel Magazine January 1913
- * The Transformation, (??) Paris Nights November 1930
- * The Transformation in Hungary, (ar) The Sphere #1021, August 16 1919
- * Transformation Scenes: How They Are Made and Worked, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1893
- * Transforming ’60s Classic to Comic-Book Form, (ar) Parsec Fall 2000
- * Transgression and Consequences, (iv) All Due Respect #3, May 2014 [Ref. Jake Hinkson]
- * Transhumans, Tech, and Tentacles, (iv) Sexy Fantastic #1, 2021 [Ref. Charles Stross]
- * Transistor the Mighty Midget, (ar) Look and Learn #14, April 21 1962
- * Transition, (pm) Tinsley’s Magazine August 1873
- * The Transition, (br) Shoreline of Infinity #5, Autumn 2016 [Ref. R. J. Tomlin]
- * Transits of Venus, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1883
- * Transit Topics, (cl) Railroad Magazine Sep, Oct, Dec 1954, Apr, May, Jun 1955, Aug, Oct, Dec 1956, Apr 1957,
Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1958
Mar 1968, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1970, Feb, Oct, Nov 1971, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Jul, Sep, Oct 1972
Jan, May, Sep, Oct, Dec 1973, Jan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Aug, Oct 1974
- * The Translation of Colour Into “Black and White”, (ar) Atalanta July 1889
- * Translations, (ms) Breaking Point by James Gunn, Walker & Co., 1972
- * Translations of Shakespeare, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1888
- * Translation Traceries from the Classic and Continental Poets, (pm) (by Thomas Irwin) Dublin University Magazine November 1865
- * Translator Interview: Nat Paterson, (iv) Samovar April 22 2024 [Ref. Nat Paterson]
- * Translator Interview: Paige Aniyah Morris, (iv) Samovar December 27 2021 [Ref. Paige Aniyah Morris]
- * The Translators, (bg) The Secret Weavers ed. Marjorie Agosin, White Pine Press, 1991
- * Translators On, (br) ProtoStellar #2, 1991
- * The Transmission of Outdoor Scenes by Television, (ar) Short Stories (UK) late May 1936
- * The Transmission of Secrets, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1883
- * Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, (ar) The Pacific Monthly June 1905
- * Transmutation, (ss) (by D. R. Castleton) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1870
- * Trans-O-Gram Puzzle, (pz) Aurora March 1974
- * Transonic Tunnel Takes the Collier Trophy, (ms) Collier’s December 20 1952
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