The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Men Who Make Western Story:
* ___ William Heuman, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 1945 [Ref. William Heuman]
- * Men Who Make You Laugh, (ar) The Royal Magazine April 1903
- * Men Who Never Speak, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Men Who Over-Advertise Themselves, (ar) The American Magazine May 1919
- * The Men Who Really Run the Country, (pi) The Strand Magazine November 1949
- * Men Who Should Have Committed Suicide:
* ___ No. 1, Benedict Arnold, (ar) Strange Suicides January 1933
* ___ No. 2, Oscar Wilde, (ar) Strange Suicides February 1933 [Ref. Oscar Wilde]
- * Men Who Steal Wives, (ts) “I Confess” February 6 1925
- * The Men Who Thrill Us, (ar) Films and Fiction #1, November 1 1932
- * Men Who Will Be Missed, (ar) The Boys’ Realm #57, April 29 1920
- * Men Who Won the West:
* ___ Dr. Marcus Whitman, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine January 1929
* ___ Francisco Coronado, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine December 1928
* ___ Jim Bridger—Trapper, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine February 1929
* ___ John C. Frémont—Explorer, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine March 1929
* ___ Kit Carson, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine November 1928
* ___ Meriwether Lewis, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine June 1928
* ___ Pierre Radisson, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine September 1928
* ___ Pony-Express Riders, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine March 1928
* ___ Trader Topance, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine August 1928
* ___ Wild Bill Hickok, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine February 1928
* ___ William Clark, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine July 1928
* ___ William F. Cody, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine April 1928
* ___ Zebulon Pike, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine October 1928
- * Men Who Wouldn’t Stay Dead, (ms) Whispers from Beyond ed. Kurt Singer, Peacock Press, 1972
- * The Men Who Write for Sport Story: Raoul F. Whitfield, (bg) Sport Story Magazine July 22 1928
- * The Men Who Write for Sport Story: Robert H. H. Nichols, (bg) Sport Story Magazine 2nd December 1928
- * Men with a Future: M. Hanotaux, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, (bg) The Windsor Magazine June 1898 [Ref. Gabriel Hanotaux]
- * Men with and Without a Vocation:
* ___ I. The Man with a Vocation, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine May 1865
- * Men with Future: Count Agenor Goluchowski the Austrian Foreign Minister, (ia) The Windsor Magazine April 1898
- * Men with Missing Faces [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #529, 1940
- * Men Without Faces [Merlo the Magician], (cs) (by Harry Harrison) Boys’ World July 6 1963
- * Men with Wings: The Story of the Film, (ss) Modern Wonder March 18 1939; adapted from the movie.
- * Men-Wolves, (ar)
- * Men, Women and Books, (cl) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly Dec 1901, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1902
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1903
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Nov 1904
- * Men, Women and Events, (cl) The Cosmopolitan May, Aug, Sep 1899
- * Men, Women, and Events, (cl) The New Penny Magazine #202, September 6 1902
- * Men, Women, and Horses: A Study at Ascot, (ar) London Society #7, August 1862
- * Men & Women of the Hour, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 8 1900
- * Men Working, (pi) Railroad Magazine May, Jun, Jul 1954
- * A Mephistopheles Word Square, (pz) Pearson’s Magazine January 1925
- * Mercedes, (pl) (by Thomas Bailey Aldrich) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1878
- * Mercedes, (pm) (by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard) The Atlantic Monthly May 1858
- * Mercedes, the Dancer, (ss) The Wave June 10 1893
- * Mercenry Lady, (??) Frenchy Frolics July 1945
- * Merchandizing Aspects, (ar) All Rare #1, Spring 1980
- * A Merchant, (pm)
- * The Merchant, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1859
- * The Merchant and His Magpie, (vi) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #13, 1872
- * The Merchant and the Genie, (ex) from The Arabian Nights,
- * Merchant Marine Hero, (ms) Argosy February 1943
- * The Merchant Marine of the Air, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer July 1934
- * Merchant Marine Training, (ms) The Skipper September 1937
- * The Merchant of Bagdad, (vi) (by John Hawkesworth)
- * The Merchant of Hamburg, (ss) A Race for Life and Other Tales, Leisure Hour, 1872
- * The Merchant of Venice, (cs) The Children’s Newspaper Aug 22, Aug 29, Sep 5, Sep 12, Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17 1964
- * The Merchant Princes, (br) Twilight Zine #47, 2007 [Ref. Charles Stross]
- * The Merchant Service and Apprenticeship, (ar) Chambers’s Journal September 26 1908
- * The Merchant Service as a Profession, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1887
- * The Merchant’s Lesson, (ss) (by T. S. Arthur) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1860
- * The Merchant’s Secret [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by John William Bobin) The Sexton Blake Library #9, 1916
- * A Merciful Deliverance, (ss) Yes or No June 8 1907
- * A Merciful Lie, (ss) “I Confess” August 22 1924
- * The Merciless Four, (ss) Boys’ Magazine October 16 1926
- * The Merciless Mutineer. A Sea Story, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #22, 1890
- * Merci Mercedes, (pi) Bluebook for Men August 1963
- * Mercury, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #34, June 15 1953
- * The Mercury, (ar) Railroad Stories April 1937
- * Mercury-198 Is Now Available, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction October 1949
- * Mercury in a Flower Garden, (ar) Sunset February 1904
- * Mercury’s New Magazine: P.S., (ms) SFWA Bulletin #4, January 1966
- * Mercury, World of Contrasts, (vi) Captain Future Spring 1941
- * Mercury: World of Heat, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #49, September 15 1954
- * Mercy, (pi) Mayfair v11 #6, 1976
- * Mercy’s Appeal to God for Man, (pm) (by Giles Fletcher), uncredited.
- * Merder Story, (ms) Suspense (UK) August 1958
- * A Mere Detail, (ms) Manhunt January 1957
- * Meredith’s Tribute to the New Woman, (ms) Women’s Stories August 1914
- * The Mere House Mystery [Lester Griffith], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #34, January 11 1913
- * “Merely a Man of Letters”: Jorge Luís Borges, an Interview, (iv) Philosophy and Literature #1, 1977 [Ref. Jorge Luís Borges]
- * Merely a Matter of Opportunity, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1 1914
- * Merely a Parable, (hu) The Popular Magazine May 1905
- * “Merely a Passing Passion”, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1898
- * Merely Being Kind, (ar) The American Boy September 1906
- * Merely Players, (ms) Magpie November 1952
- * Merely the Door-Mat, (ts) Smart Set August 1925
- * Merely the Maiden’s Wing, (pm) St. Paul’s Magazine
- * Mere Man Revolts, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1923
- * Merilee by the Sea, (pi) Rogue June 1965
- * Meriwether Lewis, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine June 1928
- * Merkle’s Petrified Foot, (ss) The Philadelphia Times
- * Merle Haggard: Odyssey of a Bad-Ass Dude, (ar) Knight May 1977 [Ref. Merle Haggard]
- * Merlin, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine June 1865
- * Merlin, the Wizard of Britain, (ss)
- * Merlinville, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1856
- * Merliza, the Fairy, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1909
- * The Mermaid, (ar) Young Englishman’s Journal June 6 1868
- * The Mermaid, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1880
- * The Mermaid, (ss) (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) The Token and Atlantic Souvenir 1835, 1834, uncredited.
- * Mermaid # 4, (??) Mermaid v2 #4, 1960
- * Mermaid Alignment Chart, (ms) Mermaids Monthly #1, January 2021
- * Mermaid Crossword Puzzle, (pz) Spellbound Fall 2000
- * The Mermaid of Martin Meer, (ss) Godey’s Lady’s Book February 1833
- * Mermaid of the Month, (pi) Mermaid v1 #3, v1 #4, v1 #6 1958, v1 #7, v1 #8, v1 #9, v1 #10, v1 #11, v1 #12 1959, v2 #1 1960
- * Mermaid’s 1960 Calendar, (pi) Mermaid Annual Summer 1959
- * The Mermaid’s Cave, (ms) The Happy Mag. October 1922
- * Mermaids of the Month, (pi) Mermaid v1 #2, 1958
- * The Merman, (pm)
- * Merovan Ecology [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Fever Season ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1987
- * Merovan Sea Floor and Hemispheric Maps [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Flood Tide ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1990
- * Merovingian City Maps [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Flood Tide ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1990
- * Merovingian Pharmacology /or/ “Poison in Jest” [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Troubled Waters ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1988
- * Merrill and Lambie in Movie, (ms) Flying Aces November 1937
- * Merrily We Live, (sa) Screen Romances #106, March 1938
- * Merriwell Apocrypha: “Frank Merriwell in the White House”, (sr) Dime Novel Round-Up August 1973 [Ref. Ward Moore]
- * Merry and Bright, (ms) The Modern Boy December 28 1929
- * Merry Andrew; or, The Mystery of the King’s Jester, (sl) Boy’s Comic Journal #463, January 23 1892
- * A Merry Ballett on Husbande and Wyffe, (pm)
- * The Merry Browne Bowle, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1897
- * Merry Christmas, (ar) London Society #12, Christmas 1862
- * Merry Christmas, (ar) Liberty December 26 1931
- * Merry Christmas, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 31 1887
- * A Merry Christmas, (ss) (by Constance Fenimore Woolson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1872
- * The Merry Christmas: A Twice-Told Tale, (ss) (by T. S. Arthur) Arthur’s Illustrated Home Magazine January 1874
- * Merry Christmas Chuckles, (ms) The Crusoe Mag. #7, December 1924
- * Merry Christmas from Dogie Cantwell [Dogie Cantwell], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 26 1936
- * Merry Christmas from Lousy & Klaxon, (ar) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #24, December 1949
- * “Merry Christmas!”—“No Christmas!”, (il) Wide Awake December 1885
- * Merry Christmastide, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 25 1880
- * Merry Christmas to All Sons of Empire, (cl) Chums November 5 1921
- * A Merry Christmas to You All!, (ms) The Schoolgirls’ Pictorial #8, December 22 1924
- * A Merry Clip, (ar) New Age Illustrated November 1927
- * Merry-Go-Leave in Manhattan, (ar) Liberty May 23 1942
- * The Merry-Go-Round, (hu) The Columbian Magazine July 1911
- * The Merry-Go-Round Calendar. July, (pm) (by Hugh Chesterman) The Merry-Go-Round July 1926
- * Merry-go-Round for Tankers, (ar) Look and Learn #129, July 4 1964
- * A Merry-Go-Round in Space, (ar) Look and Learn #100, December 14 1963
- * Merry Is Her Name, (pi) Ace March 1966
- * A Merry Italian Flower-seller, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 29 1909
- * Merry Mac’s “Prizecracks”, (cl) Rover #933 Mar 2, #950 Jun 29 1940
- * Merry Mag Mixture, (hu) The Merry Magazine #57, March 1929
- * Merry Mats and Comic Covers, (pi) Caper March 1960
- * The Merry Men, (nv) (by Robert Louis Stevenson) The Cornhill Magazine June 1882 (+1), uncredited.
- The Golden Book Magazine #28, April 1927, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
- The Complete Short Stories. The Centenary Edition: Volume One by Robert Louis Stevenson, Mainstream Publ. Co., 1993, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Fireside Horror Stories About Demons and the Devil ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, The Body Snatcher, & Other Horrors by Robert Louis Stevenson, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2019, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
- * Merry Men of the Circus: The Story of Clowns, (cs) Children’s Digest May 1956
- * The Merry Men:
* ___ Chapter I. Eilean Aros, (sl) (by Robert Louis Stevenson) The Cornhill Magazine June 1882
* ___ Chapter II. What the Wreck Had Brought to Aros, (sl) (by Robert Louis Stevenson) The Cornhill Magazine June 1882
* ___ Chapter III. Lad and Leo in Sandag Bay, (sl) (by Robert Louis Stevenson) The Cornhill Magazine June 1882
* ___ Chapter IV. The Gale, (sl) (by Robert Louis Stevenson) The Cornhill Magazine July 1882
* ___ Chapter V. A Man Out of the Sea, (sl) (by Robert Louis Stevenson) The Cornhill Magazine July 1882
- * Merry Merry!, (hu) Spicy Stories September 1930
- * Merry! Merry!, (hu) Pep Stories September 1930
- * Merry Mirth, (hu) Gay Parisienne February 1938
- * Merry Mittens, (ms) Child Life January 1954
- * Merry Mix-Up, (pi) Dude May 1963
- * Merry Mixups, (hu) Coronet March 1957
- * The Merry Monarch, (ss) The Wave August 18 1894
- * Merry On, Jeeves, (iv) Harper’s Magazine November 2011 [Ref. P. G. Wodehouse]
- * Merry Play Clothes in Gingham and Stretch Terry, (ms) McCall’s May 1961
- * Merry Tales by Mark Twain (Chas. L. Webster, 1892), (br) Overland Monthly June 1892
- * Merry Thoughts, (hu) The Merrythoughts’ Magazine June 1932
- * A Merry Xmas to All My Readers, (ed) (by Hamilton Edwards) The Boys’ Friend #308, December 22 1900
- * Merton and Tunstall, (ms) The Magnet Library October 19 1918
- * Mesa Flats Is Football Daft, (ss) The Skipper #438, January 21 1939
- * Mesa Verde National Park, (ar) Pete Rice Magazine January 1935
- * Mescal, (ms) Short Stories February 10 1926
- * The Mesmerising Monique, (pi) Mayfair v5 #11, 1970
- * The Mesmerist Detective [Sexton Blake], (ss) Union Jack Library January 22 1898
- * Mesmerized by a Lion, (ar) Mystery Magazine #107, April 15 1922
- * A Message, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873
- * The Message, (pm) Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper March 10 1866, as by C. W. S.
- * The Message, (pm) (by S. S. Conant) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1870
- * The Message, (pm) (by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1872
- * Message Board, (cl) Star*Line Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1980, Jul/Aug 1981
- * A Message for the West Coast, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 1 1924
- * Message from Earth, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1972
- * A Message from Garcia, (pi) Hi-Life July 1963
- * A Message from Grover Whalen, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1929
- * A Message from Old Rome, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1909
- * A Message from the Moon, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal November 5 1887
- * A Message from the Stars, (hu) Hot Stories Dec 1929, Jan, Feb, Mar 1930
- * Message in the Maze, (pz) Rock and a Hard Place #4, Fall/Winter 2020
- * The Message in the Mud, (ss) The Penny Pictorial #476, July 11 1908
- * A Message of Jeff Davis in Secret Session, (pm) (by James Russell Lowell) The Atlantic Monthly April 1862
- * The Message of the Master Therion, (nf) (by Aleister Crowley) The International January 1918
- * The Message on the Ace [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Adventure (UK) December 21 1929
- * Messager’s “Basoche” at the English Opera, (th) Black & White #41, November 14 1891
- * Messages from Space, (cl) Scientifiction Jan, Apr, Jun 1937
- * Messages from the dead letter office, (cl) Fright Depot #1, 1988
- * Messages from the Fright Depot, (ed) Fright Depot #1, 1988
- * Messages Under the Ocean, (ia) Modern Wonder March 18 1939
- * A Message to the Future, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1939
- * Messenger Birds, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 28 1929
- * Messenger-Boy Becomes Manager, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1912
- * The Messenger-Boy Detective [Dixon Brett], (na) (by Talbot Mayne) Aldine Detective Tales #18, 1922
- * Messenger Boys See the World, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2326, February 23 1935
- * Messenger Mick, (ss) The Startler May 3 1930
- * Messenger of Zhuvastou, (br) Amra v2 #60, 1973 [Ref. Andrew J. Offutt]
- * Messengers from the Sky, (ar) Boys’ Life June 1924
- * Messent’s Double, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1887
- * The Messerschmitt Taifun, (ms) Air Trails September 1938
- * Messiah of Crime, (ms) Detective Tales April 1951
- * Mester Detektiver Under Lup, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1971 [Ref. Henry Lauritzen]
- * Metabolism Based on Silica?, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Fiction October 1961
- * Metacognition and the Writer Skill Set, (ed) Abyss & Apex #41, 1st Quarter 2012
- * Metalclad, (ss) (by S. T. James) Scoops March 31 1934
- * A Metal Eating Plant, (ms) 1890
- * Metal Font at Haderslev, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1877
- * Metal Fraud in London, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1921
- * Metal from Sea, (ms) Maclean’s November 15 1940
- * Metallic Wall-Paper, (ms) Chambers’s Journal June 27 1908
- * Metal Machine Music, (ss) Proud Flesh Fall 1994
- * The Metal Mole! [Martin Holt], (nv) (by Alfred Edgar ,[?]) The Surprise #82, September 23 1933
- * The Metal of Mystery, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 15 1920
- * The Metal Robot [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Winter 1940
- * Metals More Precious Than Gold, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1908
- * Metals That Win Wars, (ar) Modern Wonders December 9 1939
- * Metal That Kills and Cures, (ar) Modern Wonder September 16 1939
- * Metamorphoses, (pm) The London Magazine March 1958; translated by Rayner Heppenstall
- * The Metamorphoses of the Cicada, or Locust, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1880
- * The Metamorphoses of the Sesia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1881
- * The Metamorphoses of the Sphinx, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1879
- * The Metamorphoses of the Stag Beetle, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1880
- * The Metamorphosis, (pm) The Butterfly September 1893
- * The Metamorphosis of a Weed, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 20 1927
- * The Metamorphosis of Sheree North, (pi) Escapade February 1956
- * The Metamorphosis of Simon Wright [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Winter 1944
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