The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 7085

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    Mystery and Detection   (about)
    One of several pulp reprint magazines issued by World’s Work as a spin-off from the Master Thriller series where the first Tales of Mystery and Detection had appeared in March 1934.

    • Publishers:
      • The World’s Work (1913) Ltd.; Kingswood, Surrey: Mystery and Detection.

    Mystery Book Magazine:   (about)
    Mystery Book Magazine started life as a high quality digest magazine that achieved very positive reviews, but disappointing sales. It started as a monthly in 1945, dropped back to a bi-monthly in schedule in 1947 and then in August 1947 dropped to a quarterly schedule and changed to a pulp format. After three years, with its fortunes failing, it changed its name dramatically to Giant Detective but folded after a mere two issues under that name.

    Mystery Book Magazine

    • Publishers:
      • William H. Wise & Co., Inc.; 50 West 47th Street, New York, NY: Mystery Book Magazine, Jul 1945 – Jan 1946.
      • Mystery Club, Inc.; 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL: Mystery Book Magazine, Feb 1946 – May 1947.
      • Best Publications, Inc.; 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL: Mystery Book Magazine, Fall 1947 – Spring 1949.
      • Best Publications, Inc.; 29 Worthing Street, Springfield, MA; and later at 1125 E. Vaile Street, Kokomo, IN: Mystery Book Magazine, Summer 1949 – Summer 1950.
    • Editors:

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