The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Dandelion Gold, (pm) The Cottage Hearth
- * The Dandy, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 15 1880
- * The Dandy Cowboy on the Warpath, (ss) Boys’ Magazine August 14 1926
- * Dandy Dick, Detective; or, the Still Hunt at Burnt Match, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #133, 189?
- * Dandy Dick’s Double; or, the Severed Head of Paradise Pocket, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #134, 189?
- * The “Dandy Horse!” [Greyfriars], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1933, 1932
- * A Dandy of the Last Century, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1876
- * The Dane at Home, (ar) (by Charles Edwardes) The Cornhill Magazine February 1896
- * A Dan Fortune Checklist, (bi) Fortune’s World by Michael Collins, Crippen & Landru, 2000 [Ref. Michael Collins]
- * The Dan Fowler Novels in G-Men (Checklist), (ar) Pulp Fall 1970
- * Danger!, (ms) If November 1959
- * Danger!, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd April 1930
- * Danger Ahead for Linda!, (ss) Girls’ Fun #29, December 1950
- * Danger at 3 Fathoms, (ss) (by N. Powell) Boys’ World June 1 1963
- * Danger! Bandits at Work, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #22, August 6 1938
- * ’Danger’ Beam Shines for Eleven Miles, (ar) Look and Learn #163, February 27 1965
- * Danger Before Dawn, (ss) (by David Harris) Boys’ World September 26 1964
- * Danger & Co.: Dungeons of Doom, (ss) The Bullseye #3, February 7 1931
- * Danger & Co.: Taken for a Ride, (ss) The Bullseye #7, March 7 1931
- * Danger & Co.: The Hall of a Hundred Terrors, (ss) The Bullseye #1, January 24 1931
- * Danger & Co.: The Island of Diamonds, (ss) The Bullseye #8, March 14 1931
- * Danger & Co.: The Red Eye of Ratnagar, (ss) The Bullseye #2, January 31 1931
- * Danger & Co.: The Secret City, (ss) The Bullseye #5, February 21 1931
- * Danger & Co.: The Secret of the Seven Cataracts, (ss) The Bullseye #4, February 14 1931
- * Danger & Co.: The Ship in the Forest, (ss) The Bullseye #6, February 28 1931
- * Danger! Explosives, (ar) Snap v1 #2, 1958
- * Danger—Flaming Red, (ss) Chums Annual 1937, 1936
- * Danger from Thunderstorms, (ms) Mystery Magazine #20, September 1 1918
- * Danger in Deep Space, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. Carey Rockwell]
- * Danger in Diamonds [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Andrew Murray) The Union Jack #468,
- * The Danger in Mere “Brains”, (ar) The American Boy June 1906
- * Danger in the Country, (pi) Look and Learn #29, August 4 1962
- * Danger Island, (sl) Boy’s Cinema #624 Nov 28, #625 Dec 5 1931, #633 Jan 30, #634 Feb 6 1932; adapted from the movie (Kenneth Harlan, Lucille Browne).
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: Deep Down!, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #395, August 9 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: Heroes of the Sea, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #397, August 23 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: High Climber, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #393, July 26 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: Men Against the Sea, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #401, September 20 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: Stand-Ins for Stars, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #394, August 2 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: Tall Orders!, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #396, August 16 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: The Animal Catchers, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #399, September 6 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: The Big Blow Out!, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #402, September 27 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: The Fire-Fighters, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #398, August 30 1969
- * Danger Is Their Businesss: World-Wide Newshunters!, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #400, September 13 1969
- * Danger—Mental Blackout, (ms) Speed Mystery January 1945
- * Danger Mouse & MF Doom, (ar) Penthouse (US) January 2006
- * The Danger of a Second Mutiny, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal January 11 1913
- * The Danger of Tampering with the Fear of Ghosts, (ss)
- * The Danger of the Deep [Falcon Swift], (nv) Boys’ Magazine July 30 1922
- * Danger on the Athabasca, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 11 1936
- * Danger on the Line!, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1938, 1937
- * Danger on the Reef, (ss) (by George Johnston) Boys’ World October 19 1963
- * The Dangerous Abyss, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st May 1930
- * A Dangerous Affair, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #646, April 30 1932; adapted from the movie (Jack Holt, Ralph Graves).
- * A Dangerous Attempt, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1878
- * Dangerous Business, (ts) True Western Stories October 1925
- * Dangerous Cargo [Atta Boy], (nv) Boys’ Cinema Weekly #374, February 12 1927
- * A Dangerous Case for Nat Woods; or, Yellow Dick’s Last Treachery [Nat Woods], (na) New York Five Cent Library July 29 1893
- * Dangerous Come-On, (ts) Secrets April 1947
- * Dangerous Curves, (pi) Man’s Magazine June 1955
- * Dangerous Dames, Bold Bucanners and Gutsy Gunslingers Urge America to Get Into the Action, (ms) The Golden Gazette v1 #1, 2008
- * The Dangerous Days and Nights of Domiko, (pi) Ace March 1970
- * Dangerous Deals, (ts) Modern Story Magazine April 1927
- * The Dangerous Dog, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1886
- * A Dangerous Escape, (ar) Mystery Magazine #134, June 15 1923
- * A Dangerous Experiment, (ss) The Argosy (UK) June 1893
- * Dangerous Fashions for Leap Year, (pi) The Delineator February 1920
- * Dangerous Holiday, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #936, November 20 1937; adapted from the movie (Ra Hould).
- * Dangerous Jobs, (pi) Argosy January 1947
- * Dangerous Lady, (iv) Crime Time #1, 1995 [Ref. Martina Cole]
- * Dangerous Lady, (sa) Movie Detective February 1942
- * A Dangerous Mission to Spain, (ar) The Cosmopolitan Nov, Dec 1898
- * Dangerous Occupations, (ar) Mystery Magazine #146, December 15 1923
- * Dangerous Odds, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly October 30 1926
- * Dangerous Sweets, (ms) Chambers’s Journal January 25 1908
- * Dangerous Ways, (ts) True Love Stories 1st February 1930
- * A Dangerous Woman, (nv) (by Jane Thorneypine) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1866
- * The Danger Seal [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #28, 1920
- * Danger Signal, (ts) The Passing Show October 24 1936
- * The Danger Signal, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1877
- * The Dangers in Small Ash Trays, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * The Dangers of a Great City, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1912
- * Dangers of Alpine Climbing, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 27 1879
- * Dangers of Birds’ Nesting, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 3 1880
- * The Dangers of Cold Pig, (ss) The Wave April 11 1891
- * The Dangers of Flirtation, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #171, October 17 1851
- * Dangers of the Trail, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 15 1937
- * Danger Unlimited, (ar) Modern Wonder March 11 1939
- * Dangling on a ’Plane, (ms) The Modern Boy July 6 1929
- * Daniel Abraham, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #169, Spring 2006 [Ref. Daniel Abraham]
- * Daniel and Susanna, (ex) from The Revised English Bible, The Oxford University Press, 1989
- * Daniel and the Destruction of Bel, (ex) from The Revised English Bible, The Oxford University Press, 1989
- * Daniel and the Devil, (ss) Chicago News
- * Daniel Boone and the Indian: A True Story, (il) St. Nicholas April 1890
- * Daniel Boone, Pioneer, (ar) Pete Rice Magazine February 1935
- * Daniel Chester French, Sculptor, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine May 1898
- * Daniel Daddle, (vi) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1873
- * Daniel Defoe, (ar) (by John Dennis) The Cornhill Magazine March 1871 [Ref. Daniel Defoe]
- * Daniel Gray, (pm) (by Josiah Gilbert Holland) The Atlantic Monthly August 1859
- * Danielle, (pi) Rogue December 1965
- * Danielle Darrieux, (pi) Screen Romances #106, March 1938 [Ref. Danielle Darrieux]
- * Daniel Macmillan’s Advice to a Young Man, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper March 17 1883
- * Daniel O’Rourke, (ss) (by T. Crofton Croker) Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland by T. Crofton Croker, John Murray, 1825, uncredited.
- * Daniel’s Case of the Babylonian Idol: An Apocryphal Scripture, (ss)
- * Daniel Sturdivant—Gambler, (ss) Chums May 3 1893
- * Daniel Vierge Urrabieta, (pi) McClure’s Magazine July 1893
- * Danish Costumes, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1860
- * Danish Delight, (pi) Adventure January 1957
- * The Danish Girl, (ss) Pix May 1971
- * The Danish National Theatre, (ar) (by Edmund Gosse) The Cornhill Magazine September 1874
- * Danish Pastry, (pi) Cavalier #41, November 1956
- * The Danish Town of Aarhuus and Its Churches, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1885
- * Dan’l Boone VI, (ms) Collier’s May 10 1952
- * Dan Morgan, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #39 Sep 1955, #63 Sep 1957 [Ref. Dan Morgan]
- * Dan Morgenstern, Jazz Writer Who Fled the Nazis as a Child, (ob) The Times September 23 2024 [Ref. Dan Morgenstern]
- * Danny Dixon’s Lazy, Crazy Railway, (sl) The Hotspur #1005, February 11 1956
- * Danny Dunovan’s Daring Deed; or, O’Baldwin the Terrible, (cs) The Holiday Number of the Young Englishman September 2 1876
- * Danny of Wild Oaks, (ms) The American Magazine July 1943
- * Danny O’Shea, (pi) Movie Monthly May 1926 [Ref. Danny O’Shea]
- * Dan o’ the Docks!, (sl) The Rocket #65 May 10, #66 May 17 1924
- * Dan Reilly’s Story, (ss) The Boy’s Own Magazine v2, 1857
- * Dan’s Daughter, (ts) True Western Stories May 1926
- * Dan’s Den, (cl) Dapper Sep 1965, Feb, May, Jun 1966
- * Danse du Ventre, (pi) The Dude July 1961
- * Danseuse in the Wings Awaiting Her Cue, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine October 1896
- * Dan’s Letty, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1885
- * Dan’s Sacrifice, (ss) The Argosy (UK) January 1897
- * Dante, (bg) (by Alberto Mario) The Cornhill Magazine August 1865
- * Dante, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine April 1860
- * Dante, (pm) (by William Cullen Bryant) The Atlantic Monthly January 1869
- * Dante and the Smith, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1886
- * Dante in Exile, (ar) (by Mrs. Oliphant) The Cornhill Magazine December 1875 [Ref. Dante Alighieri]
- * Danube - Europe’s River of Destiny, (ar) The New York Times Magazine 1939
- * Danvers State Hospital Update, (ms) Lovecraft’s Weird Mysteries v1 #9, 2005
- * Dany Albums for your War Cards!, (ed) The Triumph July 16 1927
- * Danzig: A City without a Country, (ms)
- * Daphne, (pi) Mayfair v22 #1, 1987
- * Daphne’s Dilemma, (ss) You’ve Had It #12, 194?
- * Dapper Don Facing Prison, (ms) Mystery Magazine #158, June 15 1924
- * Dapper’s Date, (pi) Dapper February 1966
- * Dapple-Gray, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1881
- * Darby and Joan, (pm) The Argosy (UK) July 1890
- * Darby…a Real Darb!, (pi) Adam October 1957
- * Darby’s Rangers, (pi) Argosy March 1958
- * A Dare-Devil Caterpillar, (ar) The Modern Boy August 24 1929
- * The Dare-Devil Commandos, (ar) Speed Western Stories March 1945
- * Daredevil Cops, (pi) This Week January 4 1953
- * Daredevil Days at Niagara, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine June 1949
- * Dare-Devil Dick, (n.) Aldine Wild West Yarns #47, February 1933
- * Daredevil Dick, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #598, May 30 1931; adapted from the movie (Richard Talmadge).
- * Daredevil Divers of the Top-Board, (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #4, Spring 1947
- * Dare-devil Don, (ss) Jack’s Paper #13, January 23 1923
- * The Daredevil Drivers, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #977, September 3 1938; adapted from the movie (Dick Purcell).
- * The Daredevil Is Back, (pi) Argosy May 1950 [Ref. Burt Lancaster]
- * Daredevil: Olivia Kent, (pi) Penthouse (US) August 2006
- * Daredevil Queen, (ar) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #13, June 1925 [Ref. Gladys Roy]
- * The Daredevil Reporter, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #553, July 19 1930; adapted from the movie (Eddie Polo, Gritta Ley, Fred Grosser).
- * Daredevils, (ms) Cosmopolitan August 1949
- * Daredevils!, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1918
- * Daredevils of the Air, (ar) The Modern Boy September 1 1928
- * Daredevils of the Clouds [Baldy’s Angels], (ss) (by Gerald Bowman) The Ranger #50, January 23 1932
- * Daredevils of the Speedway #1: “Wizard” Frank Arthur, (ar) The Modern Boy June 22 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway #2: “Smiling” Jim Kempster, (ar) The Modern Boy June 29 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway #3: “Broadside” Vic Huxley, (ar) The Modern Boy July 6 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway #4: Billy Lamont, (ar) The Modern Boy July 13 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway #5: “Sprouts” Elder, (ar) The Modern Boy July 20 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway #6: Roger Frogley, (ar) The Modern Boy July 27 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway: Colin Ford, (ar) The Modern Boy September 21 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway: Gus Kuhn, (ar) The Modern Boy September 28 1929
- * Daredevils of the Speedway: “Silent” Art Pechar, (ar) The Modern Boy September 14 1929
- * Dare of ’D’ Division:
* ___ The Bomb! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #80, September 9 1933
* ___ Dare’s Tightest Corner! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #76, August 12 1933
* ___ The Duel! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #88, November 4 1933
* ___ Father and Son! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #89, November 11 1933
* ___ From Information Received! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #79, September 2 1933
* ___ The Lonely House! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #82, September 23 1933
* ___ The Man who Escaped! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #81, September 16 1933
* ___ The Man with the Pointed Chin! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #71, July 8 1933
* ___ The Midnight Fare! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #74, July 29 1933
* ___ Miser Garthorne! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #72, July 15 1933
* ___ Out of the Past! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #75, August 5 1933
* ___ Set a Thief-! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #85, October 14 1933
* ___ The Silent Watcher! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #77, August 19 1933
* ___ The Smoke Clue! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #84, October 7 1933
* ___ The Threat! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #83, September 30 1933
* ___ Three to One! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #73, July 22 1933
* ___ The Travelling Cradle! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #70, July 1 1933
* ___ Under Fire! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #78, August 26 1933
* ___ [untitled?] [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #86, October 21 1933
- * Dare’s Tightest Corner! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #76, August 12 1933
- * Dare to Be a Daniel, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 31 1879
- * DargonZine Index (Vols 1 & 2), (ix) DargonZine v3 #1, 1990
- * A Daring Adventure (The Armada), (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper November 13 1880
- * Daring Attack at Grand Central Terminal, New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1921
- * A Daring Boy, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 13 1879
- * Daring Ching-Ching; or, The Mysterious Cruise of the Swallow, (sl) (by E. Harcourt Burrage) The Boy’s Standard #278, February 26 1881
- * Daring Daylight Bank Robbery, (ts) Saucy Detective Stories August 1937
- * Daring Debon-Airs, (hu) Debonair #1, November 1964
- * Daring Deeds for the Talkies, (ia) Chums September 1933
- * Daring Discretion, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine July 1 1925
- * Daring Dodges of Clever Thieves, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1908
- * Daring Escape in Montana, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 19 1921
- * Daring Exploits of Fighting Men, (cl) Argosy Apr 15, May, Jun, Jul, Sep 1942
- * A Daring Feat, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 19 1870
- * A Daring Feat, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1882
- * Daring Fur Thieves, (ms) Clues February 1927
- * Daring Holdup in Theater, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922
- * A Daring Jest at Greyfriars School, (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1929, 1928
- * A Daring Manoeuvre at Sea, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1883
- * The Daring of Innocence, (ts) Smart Set July 1927
- * Daring Rangers Rout Indian Raiders, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 19 1939
- * Daring Riders and Fine Horses, (ar) Look and Learn #105, January 18 1964
- * Daring Robbery in Baltimore, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 18 1920
- * Daring Scientists Penetrate the Unknown, (ar) Modern Wonder June 10 1939
- * Darings of the Red Rose:
* ___ Episode 1 [Betty Connolly (The Red Rose)], (ss) (by Margery Allingham) Weekly Welcome February 15 1930
- * The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, (pm) 1867, as "The Flying Trapeze", by George Leybourne
- * Darius, (cs) The Bible Story #11, May 16 1964
- * Darius Key, (br) Genesis Science Fiction Magazine #10, Summer 2017
- * Darius the Great, (ms) The Sunday Strand March 1906
- * Darius the King, (cs) The Bible Story #13, May 30 1964
- * The Dark Artist with a Colorful Heart, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2011 [Ref. Nathalia Suellen]
- * A Dark Breeze, (pi) Red Scream #0.1, July/August 2005
- * Dark Callings: Billy Wolfenbarger, (iv) The Tome #2 1989, #3 1990 [Ref. Billy Wolfenbarger]
- * Dark Canyons of the Deep, (ar) Look and Learn #28, July 28 1962
- * A Dark Chapter from the Diary of a Law Clerk [Mr. Prince; law-clerk], (ss) Eliza Cook’s Journal July 24 1852
- * A Dark Chapter of Austrian History, (ar) (by George Strachey) The Cornhill Magazine March 1867
- * Dark Church, (ts) The Passing Show October 19 1935
- * The Dark Church in Vienna, (ss) (by Edward Wilberforce) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
- * Dark City, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #76, November 1950
- * The Dark Closet, a Story for Mothers, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #215, August 21 1852
- * Dark Clouds, (ar) Comfort February 1932
- * Dark Coterie, (bg) The Chronicler of Cross Plains Fall 2006
- * Dark Council, (cl) Dime Mystery Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1933, Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct 1934,
Jan, Feb, Mar, Nov, Dec 1935
Mar, Sep, Oct 1936
- * Dark Days, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 14 1888
- * Dark Days as History Records Them, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1911
- * Dark Deception, (pi) Brunette v1 #3, 1961
- * Dark Dominion, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955 [Ref. David Duncan]
- * Dark Effigies, (iv) Shroud #15, Winter 2015 [Ref. GAK]
- * Dark Enchantments, (bi) Terror Australis Autumn 1988
- * The Darkened House, (pm) (by Julia Ward Howe) The Atlantic Monthly March 1863
- * Darkest Africa and the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 5 1892
- * Darkest Africa and the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper February 27 1892
- * The Darkest Evening of the Year, (br) Shroud #4, Fall 2008 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- * Dark-eyed Della, (pi) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine February 1917 [Ref. Lorna Della]
- * Dark Eyes, (pi) Rogue May 1961
- * The Dark Girl’s Mirror: A Tale in Six Letters, (ss) The Emerald August 1 1868
- * Dark Hair and Silver Chains, (pi) Broadside December 1973/January/February 1974
- * Dark-Hearted Queen, (ms) Rangeland Romances January 1950
- * Dark Hollow and Ghost Walk, (br) Shroud #5, Winter 2009 [Ref. Brian Keene]
- * The Dark Hour, (ss) The Knickerbocker
- * The Dark Island! [Martin Holt], (nv) (by Alfred Edgar ,[?]) The Surprise #88, November 4 1933
- * Dark Laughter, (pi) Snappy Stories and Pictures May 1928
- * Dark Liberation, (si) The Essential Ellison by Harlan Ellison, Nemo Press, 1987
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