The FictionMags Index
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Stern, G(ladys) B(ronwyn) (chron.) (continued)
- * Sunstroke, (ss) This Week February 23 1936
- * The Third Act, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1912
- * This Was Happiness, (ar) Liberty December 5 1942
- * Tickety Tack and the Blue Girl (with Geoffrey Lisle Holdsworth), (ss) The Sketch April 9 1924
- * To Every Dog His Day! [Richard Spurnville Carew, the “Happy Meddler”] (with Geoffrey Lisle Holdsworth), (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1925
- * The Toy Called Man, (nv) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine July 1920
- * The Tragedy at the “Loup Noir”, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1913
- * Ulysses Up to Date, (ss) The Sketch August 30 1922
- * The Very Ugly Man, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine October 1920
- * The Virtuous Elopement, (ss) Saucy Stories February 1917
- * Wanted—A Title, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1913
- * The Way of a Minx [Richard Spurnville Carew, the “Happy Meddler”] (with Geoffrey Lisle Holdsworth), (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1925
- * What Did She See in It?, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1910
- * What Women Do When They Are Alone, (ar) Harper’s Bazaar
- * When Autumn Goes A’Wooing, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) March 1923
- * “Where the Apple Reddens”, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1912
- * The Wife of Pantaloon, (ss) The Sketch December 28 1921
- * “Will You Join the Dance?” Memories of the Ballroom in Fiction, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922
- * With Wings as Eagles, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1935
[]Stern, James (1904-1993) (chron.)
- * Collected Stories, (br) The London Magazine October 1956 [Ref. V. S. Pritchett]
- * The Emigrants, (br) The London Magazine May 1955 [Ref. George Lamming]
- * The Force, (ss) Story #9, October 1932
- * Full Circle, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 1941
- * Letter from a Reviewer, (lt) The London Magazine May 1957
- * The Man Behind the Bar, (ss) Esquire June 1945
- * The Man from Montparnasse, (ss) Penguin Parade #1, 1937
- * The Man Who Was Loved, (ss) Esquire February 1940
- * The Moon to Play With, (br) The London Magazine February 1955 [Ref. John Wiles]
- * On the Sabbath, (ss) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine February 1934
- * Our Mother, (ss) New Stories (UK) December 1934/January 1935
- * Out Father, (ss) The London Mercury July 1932
- * Return to Laughter, (br) The London Magazine February 1955 [Ref. Elenore Smith Bowen]
- * Strangers Defeated, (ss) Esquire January 1943
- * A Thing to Love, (br) The London Magazine February 1955 [Ref. Elspeth Huxley]
- * Trial by Fire, (ss)
- * Under the Beech Tree, (ss) The London Mercury
- * The Wise Man from the West, (br) The London Magazine August 1955 [Ref. Vincent Cronin]
- * The Woman Who Was Loved, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar January 1945
- * The Young Lady, (nv) Penguin Parade #7, 1940
- * [unknown review], (br) The London Magazine August/September 1978
_____, trans.
[]Stern, Joel (fl. 1980s) (books)
_____, trans.
- * Doctor Diagoras by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (nv) Memoirs of a Space Traveler by Stanislaw Lem, tr. Joel Stern & Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982; translated from the Polish (“Doktor Diagoras”, Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania, Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1964).
- * The Eighteenth Voyage by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) The New Yorker November 2 1981
- * Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy I by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) Memoirs of a Space Traveler by Stanislaw Lem, tr. Joel Stern & Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982; translated from the Polish (“I (Profesor Corcoran)”, Księga robotów, Iskry, 1961).
- * Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy II by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) Memoirs of a Space Traveler by Stanislaw Lem, tr. Joel Stern & Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982; translated from the Polish (“II (Profesor Decantor)”, Księga robotów, Iskry, 1961).
- * Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy III by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) Memoirs of a Space Traveler by Stanislaw Lem, tr. Joel Stern & Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982; translated from the Polish (“III (Profesor Zazul)”, Księga robotów, Iskry, 1961).
- * Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy IV by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) Memoirs of a Space Traveler by Stanislaw Lem, tr. Joel Stern & Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982; translated from the Polish (“IV (Fizyk Molteris)”, Księga robotów, Iskry, 1961).
- * Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy V by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) The New Yorker November 30 1981
- * Let Us Save the Universe (An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy) by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) The New Yorker December 21 1981; translated from the Polish (“Ratujmy kosmos”, Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania, Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1964).
- * Memoirs of a Space Traveler by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (co) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, January 1982
- * Phools by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) The New Yorker October 12 1981; translated from the Polish (“Podróż dwudziesta czwarta”, Sezam i inne opowiadania, Iskry, 1954).
- * Project Genesis by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) The New Yorker November 2 1981; translated from the Polish (“Podróż osiemnasta”, Dzienniki gwiazdowe, Czytelnik, 1971).
- * The Twenty-Fourth Voyage by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) The New Yorker October 12 1981
- * The Washing-Machine Tragedy by Stanislaw Lem (with Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek), (ss) The New Yorker November 30 1981; translated from the Polish (“V: (Tragedia pralnicza)”, Noc księżycowa, 1963).
[]Stern, M. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Birth, (ss) Weirdbook #44, 2021
- * Head on the Door, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms September/October 2020
- * Memories of Emma, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms March/April 2021
- * Micro Madness:
* ___ The Singular, (vi) Cosmic Horror Monthly #19, January 2022
- * Payload, (ss) Startling Stories v34 #1, 2021
- * Pharmakon, Pharmakon, (ss) Startling Stories v34 #2, 2022
- * The Singular, (vi) Cosmic Horror Monthly #19, January 2022
[]Stern, Michael (1910-2009) (about) (chron.)
- * Algis Budrys: An Interview, (iv) Knights #19, December 1977 [Ref. Algis Budrys]
- * All Modes Lead from Rome, (pi) True #285, February 1961
- * Corpse for Sale, (ts) The Male Home Companion October 1942
- * A Day and a Night with Virginia Hill, (ar) Argosy December 1954 [Ref. Virginia Hill]
- * Death in the Tombs, (ts) American Detective June 1935
- * Diamond Buccaneers, (tc) True Detective Mysteries Sep, Nov, Dec 1940
- * Dice, Dames and Dollars, (ar) Argosy July 1955
- * Dope-Buster, (ar) Argosy November 1955
- * How to Steal $8,000,000 a Year, (ar) Argosy November 1954
- * Inside the Real Mafia, (ar) Argosy June 1955
- * Kings of the Devil’s Metal, (ar) Argosy February 1955
- * New York’s Great Titterton Mystery, (tc) American Detective July 1936
- * The Toughest Cop in America, (ar) Argosy April 1955
- * When Bandits Strike, (tc) True Detective Mysteries March 1939
[]Stern, Philip M. (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The Dawn of the Atomic Era: July 16, 1945, (ar) The Oppenheimer Story, Harper & Row, 1969, as "The Oppenheimer Case: Security on Trial"
- * The H-Bomb Debate, (ar) The Oppenheimer Story, Harper & Row, 1969
- * Letter from an Indignant Taxpayer, (ar) Penthouse (US) March 1973
- * The Oppenheimer Case: Security on Trial, (ar) The Oppenheimer Story, Harper & Row, 1969
[]Stern, Philip Van Doren (1900-1984); used pseudonym Peter Storme (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Case of the Corpse in the Blind Alley, (ar) The Virginia Quarterly Review Spring 1941
- * The Case of the Corpse in the Blind Alley, (ex) The Virginia Quarterly Review Spring 1941
- * The Greatest Gift, (ss) self-published, December 1943
- * How to Torture Your Friends (with Paul Stryfe), (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1942, as by Peter Storme & Paul Stryfe
- * Introduction, (in) The Pocket Reader ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Pocket Books, 1941
- * Introduction, (in) The Midnight Reader ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Holt, 1942
- * Introduction, (in) The Pocket Companion ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Pocket Books, 1942
- * Introduction, (in) The Pocket Book of Modern American Short Stories ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Pocket Books, 1943
- * Introduction, (in) The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Pocket, 1945
- * Introduction, (in) Travelers in Time ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Doubleday, 1947
- * Introduction, (in) Tales of Horror and the Supernatural by Arthur Machen, Alfred A. Knopf, 1948
- * Introduction, (in) The Pocket Week-End Book ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Pocket Books, 1949
- * Introduction, (in) Strange Beasts and Unnatural Monsters ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Fawcett Crest, 1968
- * Lincoln’s Last Christmas, (ss) Collier’s December 26 1942
- * The Man Who Was Never Born, (ss) Good Housekeeping January 1945, as by Peter Storme
_____, ed.
- * The Great Ghost Stories, (an) Pocket, 1947, as The Pocket Book of Ghost Stories
- * Great Tales of Fantasy and Imagination, (an) Doubleday, Doran, 1943, as The Moonlight Traveler
- * The Midnight Reader, (an) Holt, March 1942
- * The Midnight Reader (var. 1), (an) World/WDL, 1960
- * The Moonlight Traveler, (an) Doubleday, May 1943
- * The Moonlight Traveller, (an) World/WDL, November 1960
- * The Other Side of the Clock, (an) Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969
- * The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories, (an) Pocket, February 1945
- * The Pocket Book of Ghost Stories, (an) Pocket Books, November 1947
- * The Pocket Book of Modern American Short Stories, (an) Pocket Books, November 1943
- * The Pocket Companion, (an) Pocket Books, May 1942
- * The Pocket Reader, (an) Pocket Books, June 1941
- * The Pocket Treasury (with Caryl Brooks, Eric Swenson & Louis Untermeyer), (an) Pocket Books, February 1947
- * The Pocket Week-End Book, (an) Pocket Books, May 1949
- * Strange Beasts and Unnatural Monsters, (an) Fawcett Crest, August 1968
- * Travelers in Time, (an) Doubleday, July 1947
_____, [ref.]
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