The FictionMags Index
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[]Nichols, Dale (William) (1904-1995) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 19 1941, Mar 14 1942
- * [front cover], (cv) Liberty Jan 19, Mar 30 1946
- * [front cover], (cv) Woman’s Day January 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) 10 Story Book October 1928
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cosmopolitan October 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Redbook July 1961
- * [illustration(s)] (with James Briss, W. Collins, John J. Janecek, Hazel Goodwin Keeler, Bertram Paine, Bruce Patterson, Libby Sandra, Harry Sauvalle, Otto Soglow & Toby Tutt), (il) 10 Story Book November 1934
[]Nichols, Elsa (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * All or Nothing, (ss) All-Story Love Stories June 30 1934
- * Anything Can Happen, (ss) All-Story Love Stories April 24 1937
- * Behind the Mask, (ss) Lively Stories July 1931
- * Bring Back My Love, (nv) All-Story Love Stories February 22 1936
- * By Appointment Only, (nv) All-Story Love Stories January 30 1937
- * Cleopatra—1936, (nv) All-Story Love Stories June 20 1936
- * Clothes Make Some Men, (ss) All-Story Love Stories September 5 1936
- * Easy to Love, (sl) All-Story Love Tales Apr 29, May 6 1939
- * First Rapture, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories October 1932
- * Follow Your Heart, (nv) All-Story Love Stories July 11 1936
- * ’Fraid Cat, (ss) All-Story Love Stories June 6 1936
- * Give Me One Hour, (nv) All-Story Love Stories June 19 1937
- * Give Me Romance!, (ss) All-Story Love Stories November 23 1935
- * Kiss and Goodby, (ss) All-Story Love Stories January 16 1937
- * Lady, Be Lovely!, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #256, August 1937
- * Lovely Incognito, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 11 1936
- * Lovers Should Walk, (ss) All-Story Love Stories October 26 1935
- * Love Without Faith, (ss) All-Story Love Stories January 20 1934
- * Man Chaser, (ss) All-Story Love Stories April 11 1936
- * Man-Hungry, (sl) All-Story Love Tales May 7, May 14 1938
- * The Man She Wanted, (ss) All-Story Love Tales December 10 1938
- * Men Talk of Love, (ss) All-Story Love Stories January 13 1934
- * No Fury Like a Woman Scorned, (ss) All-Story Love Stories October 27 1934
- * No Other Man, (nv) All-Story Love Tales December 17 1938
- * Once in a Lifetime, (nv) All-Story Love Stories January 18 1936
- * Once to Every Girl, (ss) All-Story Love Stories September 1 1934
- * One Kiss to Remember, (ss) All-Story Love Stories July 27 1935
- * One Man’s Kiss, (ss) All-Story Love Stories December 1 1934
- * Please Like Me, (ss) All-Story Love Stories November 30 1935
- * The Real Thing, (ss) All-Story Love Stories May 22 1937
- * Riffraff, (ss) Lively Stories September 1931
- * Second Best, (nv) All-Story Love Stories September 12 1936
- * Soft Soap, (ss) Romantic Love December 1939
- * Stars Can Be Close, (ss) All-Story Love Stories April 25 1936
- * Sweet—For a Reason, (nv) Young Love May 1937
- * That Fiend of a Girl, (nv) All-Story Love Stories May 16 1936
- * Trouble with the Irish, (nv) All-Story Love Stories March 20 1937
- * Twice a Thief, (ss) All-Story Love Stories May 1 1933
- * When Rivals Love, (nv) All-Story Love Stories December 22 1934
- * With This Ring, (ss) All-Story Love Stories June 2 1934
- * You Can’t Fool Love, (ss) All-Story Love Stories June 1 1935
- * You’re Beautiful, Tonight!, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #260, December 1937
[]Nichols, Essillyn Dale (chron.)
- * In behalf of her neighbours, (ss) The Vagrant Spring 1927
- * A Miracle, (pm) The Vagrant #5, June 1917
- * A Song of the West, (pm) The Vagrant #6, November 1917
- * Success, (pm) The Vagrant #8, July 1918
- * These Two, (pm) The Vagrant #7, June 1918
- * What you can do - little girl, (pm) The Vagrant Spring 1927
[]Nichols, Fan; pseudonym of Frances Nichols Hanna (fl. 1930s-1960s) (chron.)
- * And Love Begins, (nv) Fifteen Love Stories April 1949
- * The Angry Heart, (nv) New Love Magazine May 1951
- * Another Love Scene, (ss) Love Book Magazine May 1944
- * Belong to My Heart, (na) New Love Magazine September 1950
- * Charity and the Pirate, (ss)
- * The Chinese Hope Chest, (nv) 1945
- * Cowards Can’t Love, (ss) All-Story Love March 1950
- * Date with Danger, (nv) Love Short Stories April 1945
- * Deserted Heaven, (ss) Love Short Stories January 1945
- * Desert Rendezvous, (nv) All-Story Love July 1947
- * Entreat Me Not—, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #289, May 1940
- * The Eternal Threesome, (ss) All-Story Love June 1944
- * Firebrand, (sl) New Love Magazine Jan, Feb 1950
- * Flight Into Peril, (nv) New Love Magazine February 1947
- * Furlough, (ss) All-Story Love October 1943
- * A Girl of His Own, (ss) McCall’s April 1949
- * The Golden Ring, (ss) 1948
- * Headline Darling, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 27 1937
- * Heartbreak Voyage, (ss) Love Book Magazine November 1946
- * Heart on Ice, (nv) Romance December 1948
- * House Guest, (ss) McCall’s June 1947
- * The Irish Stick Together, (ss) All-Story Love October 1943
- * Journey for the Heart, (nv) Romance June 1949
- * Kiss Me Good-Bye, (nv) New Love Magazine July 1947
- * Kit O’Brien and Dion O’Shea, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #294, October 1940
- * Lady Be Good, (nv) Romance September 1947
- * The Lady Was a Jinx, (nv) Winning Love July 1946
- * Legacy of Love, (nv) Romance February 1949
- * Little White Lie, (ss) Love Short Stories June 1944
- * The Loner, (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1955
- * Love from Texas, (ss) Love Book Magazine April 1944
- * Love Rides the Sky, (ss) Popular Love July 1937
- * Love Unchanging, (ss) The Oracle December 22 1951
- * Mad Madigan, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 21 1936
- * Mysterious Lady, (ss) All-Story Love January 1944
- * No Love Without Tears, (nv) Love Novelettes Magazine February 1941
- * No Other Dream, (nv) New Love Magazine July 1948
- * Only Tomorrow, (ss) New Love Magazine May 1950
- * Orchid Girl, (sl) All-Story Love March 1944
- * Perilous Enchantment, (na) Romance June 1950
- * Queen Pat, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 20 1937
- * Recipe for Love, (nv) 1948
- * Recipe for Romance, (nv) 1948, as "Recipe for Love"
- * Reckless Heart, (na) Love Novels Magazine August 1950
- * Scandalous Lady, (nv) New Love Magazine February 1948
- * Sentenced to Love, (ss) Thrilling Love September 1938
- * Shadow of Love, (nv) New Love Magazine November 1948
- * Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing, (ss) Liberty July 25 1942
- * She Starred in the Kitchen, (ss) 1941
- * Snow Queen, (ss) All-Story Love February 1945
- * So You Want to Get Married, (nv) Today’s Love Stories July 1950
- * Star-Crossed Heart, (nv) New Love Magazine February 1946
- * Star Witness, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 25 1936
- * Stay-at-Home Heart, (ss) Love Novels Magazine March 1946
- * Stranded, (ss) All-Story Love July 1946
- * Strange Heritage, (na) New Love Magazine February 1951
- * Target for Heartbreak, (na) Fifteen Love Stories August 1950
- * Tomorrow’s Sun, (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1943
- * Trespass on My Heart, (nv) Romance October 1946
- * Vagabond Angel, (nv) Romance March 1946
- * What Price Love?, (ss) 1941, as "She Starred in the Kitchen"
- * Wish on a Star, (nv) Romance June 1945
- * The Woman Behind the Man, (ss)
- * Wrong Number Girl, (ss) All-Story Love August 1944
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