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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 5367

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    Harper’s Magazine [v303, #1818, November 2001] ed. Lewis H. Lapham []
    Details supplied by Martin Wooster.
    • 22 · And Then There Were Ten · Isaac Babel; translated by Peter Constantine · vi The Complete Works of Isaac Babel by Isaac Babel, W. W. Norton & Company, 2001
    • 23 · I Was Standing at the Back · Isaac Babel; translated by Peter Constantine · vi The Complete Works of Isaac Babel by Isaac Babel, W. W. Norton & Company, 2001
    • 24 · At the Station: A Sketch from Life · Isaac Babel; translated by Peter Constantine · vi The Complete Works of Isaac Babel by Isaac Babel, W. W. Norton & Company, 2001
    • 85 · My Communist · Ron Hansen · ss

    Harper’s Magazine [v306, #1833, February 2003] ed. Lewis H. Lapham (Harper’s Magazine Foundation, slick) []
    Lethem’s is remembrance of his aunt, children’s writer and Humpty Dumpty contributor Wilma Leo, almost as much as a consideration of professional failure and all-is-trash/everything-is-personal critic/novelist/autobiographer Edward Dahlberg, once her discouraging writing instructor.
    Details supplied by Todd Mason.

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