The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7845
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Oliver, Reggie (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Mrs. Midnight, (nv) The Fifth Black Book of Horror ed. Charles Black, Mortbury Press, 2009
- * Music by Moonlight, (ss)
- * Number Ninety & Other Ghost Stories (2019), (br) Wormwood #33, 2019 [Ref. B. M. Croker]
- * The Old Man of the Woods, (ss) The Pale Illuminations, Sarob Press, 2019
- * The Old Silence, (nv) Masques of Satan, Ash-Tree Press, 2007
- * Oliver’s Cabinet of Curiosities:
* ___ I: The Sleeping Portraits of Monkshood Hall, (cl) All Hallows #42, October 2006
- * Oneiron, (br) Wormwood #31, 2018 [Ref. Laura Lindstedt & Owen F. Witesman]
- * Oscar, (br) Wormwood #32, 2019 [Ref. Matthew Sturgis]
- * P.D. James, Death Comes to Pemberley (2011), (br) Wormwood #18, 2012
- * The Perfect Author, (ss) Flotsam Fantastique ed. Stephen Jones, PS Publishing, 2013
- * Peter Bell, Strange Epiphanies (2012), (br) Wormwood #19, 2012 [Ref. Peter Bell]
- * Phil Baker and Antony Clayton, Lord of Strange Deaths (2015), (br) Wormwood #26, 2016 [Ref. Sax Rohmer]
- * Phil Baker, Austin Osman Spare: The Life and Legend of London’s Lost Artist (2011), (br) Wormwood #17, 2011 [Ref. Phil Baker]
- * The Philosophy of the Damned, (ss) Master in Café Morphine ed. D. T. Ghetu, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * Porson’s Piece, (ss) Ballet of Dr. Caligari & Madder Mysteries, Tartarus Press, 2019
- * Possessions, (nv) Horrorology ed. Stephen Jones, Jo Fletcher Books, 2015
- * A Posthumous Messiah, (ss) This Hermetic Legislature ed. D. T. Ghetu, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * Prince Narcissus and Other Stories (2019), (br) Wormwood #34, 2020 [Ref. Robert Scheffer & Shawn Garrett]
- * The Prince of Darkness, (nv) Horrorology ed. Stephen Jones, Jo Fletcher Books, 2015, as "Possessions"
- * Puss-Cat, (ss) Masques of Satan, Ash-Tree Press, 2007
- * Putting on the Surrealist Hat: The Decadent Aesthetic of Jules Charnier, (ar) Wormwood #11, 2008 [Ref. Jules Charnier]
- * Quentin S. Crisp, Defeated Dogs (2013), (br) Wormwood #21, 2013 [Ref. Quentin Crisp]
- * Quieta Non Movere, (ss) The Eighth Black Book of Horror ed. Charles Black, Mortbury Press, 2011
- * Rapture, (nv) Marked to Die ed. Justin Isis, Snuggly Books, 2016
- * Religion, Evil, and Obsession in the Ghostly Stories of Henry James, (ar) All Hallows #43, Summer 2007 [Ref. Henry James]
- * A Reminiscence, (ob) Weirdly Supernatural #2, 2004 [Ref. Joan Aiken]
- * Review of Chit-Chat, Cambridge: A Little Society, by Michael Toseland, (br) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #26, October 2014 [Ref. Michael Toseland]
- * Richard Dalby, ed., To My Dear Friend Hommey-Beg (2011), (br) Wormwood #17, 2011 [Ref. Richard Dalby]
- * Richard Gavin, At Fear’s Altar (2012), (br) Wormwood #20, 2013 [Ref. Richard Gavin]
- * The Road from Damascus, (ss)
- * Robert Aickman: An Attempted Biography, (br) Wormwood #38, 2022 [Ref. Robert Aickman & R. B. Russell]
- * Robert Scoble, The Turbulent World of Baron Corvo (2013), (br) Wormwood #25, 2015 [Ref. Frederick Rolfe]
- * The Rooms Are High, (ss) The Sea of Blood, Dark Renaissance Books, 2015
- * The Runes Have Been Cast, (br) Wormwood #38, 2022 [Ref. Robert Irwin]
- * The Scholar and the Story-Teller: Two Aspects of M.R. James in Eton and King’s, (ar) All Hallows #41, February 2006 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * The Sea of Blood, (co) Dark Renaissance Books, June 2015
- * Sex Magicians (2021), by Michael William West, (br) Wormwood #36, 2021 [Ref. Michael William West]
- * Shades of the Prison House, (na)
- * Shadowy Waters, (nv) The Far Tower ed. Mark Valentine, Swan River Press, 2019
- * The Silken Drum, (nv) Fearie Tales ed. Stephen Jones, Jo Fletcher Books, 2013
- * The Silver Cord, (ss) Faunus #12, 2005
- * Simon Strantzas, Nightingale Songs (2011), (br) Wormwood #18, 2012
- * The Skins, (ss) Weirdly Supernatural #2, 2004
- * The Sleeping Portraits of Monkshood Hall, (ar) All Hallows #42, October 2006
- * Some (Further) Remarks on Ghost Stories, (sy) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #10, September 2006
- * The Spooks of Shellborough, (ss) Terror Tales of East Anglia ed. Paul Finch, Gray Friar Press, 2012
- * Stella Gibbons: A Writer and the Supernatural, (bg) All Hallows #32, February 2003 [Ref. Stella Gibbons]
- * S.T. Joshi, Unutterable Horror (2012), (br) Wormwood #23, 2014 [Ref. S. T. Joshi]
- * Striding Edge, (ss) Terror Tales of the Lake District ed. Paul Finch, Gray Friar Press, 2011
- * Susan Hill, Printer’s Devil Court (2014), (br) Wormwood #24, 2015 [Ref. Susan Hill]
- * Tales of Telguuth (2016), (br) Wormwood #28, 2017 [Ref. Steve Moore]
- * Tawny, (ss) Madder Mysteries by Reggie Oliver, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * Thana Niveau, From Hell to Eternity (2012), (br) Wormwood #20, 2013 [Ref. Thana Niveau]
- * Their Dark and Secret Alchemy (2019), (br) Wormwood #33, 2019 [Ref. Richard Gavin, Colin Insole & Damian Murphy]
- * Thomas Leland, Longsword (2012), (br) Wormwood #19, 2012 [Ref. Thomas Leland]
- * Thomas Van Essen, The Center of the World (2013), (br) Wormwood #21, 2013 [Ref. Thomas Van Essen]
- * The Time of Blood, (ss) The Complete Symphonies of Adolf Hitler & Other Strange Stories by Reggie Oliver, The Haunted River, 2005
- * Tobias Churton, Aleister Crowley, The Biography (2011), (br) Wormwood #18, 2012
- * Tom Cullen, The Man Who Was Norris, the Life of Gerald Hamilton (2014), (br) Wormwood #24, 2015 [Ref. Tom Cullen]
- * Too Near the Dead (2021), by Helen Grant, (br) Wormwood #37, 2021 [Ref. Helen Grant]
- * To Those Gods Beyond (2019), (br) Wormwood #33, 2019 [Ref. Giorgio Manganelli]
- * A Tribute to Charles Black, (sy) Phantasmagoria Magazine #22, Spring 2023 [Ref. Charles Black]
- * Trouble at Botathan, (nv) The Sea of Blood, Dark Renaissance Books, 2015
- * Under Review, (rc) Wormwood #15 2010, #16, #17 2011, #18, #19 2012, #20, #21 2013, #22, #23 2014, #25 2015,
#26 2016, #28, #29 2017
#30, #31 2018, #32, #33 2019, #34 2020
- * Under Review: A Confederacy of Ghosts, (rc) Wormwood #36, #37 2021, #38 2022
- * Under Review: Of Ghosts and Guests, (rc) Wormwood #27, 2016
- * Under Review: Out of the Extraordinary, (rc) Wormwood #35, 2020
- * Under Review: The Lure of the Novella, (rc) Wormwood #24, 2015
- * The Vampyre Trap, (nv) Murder Ballads ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2017
- * Villa of Delirium (2020), by Adrien Goetz, trans. Natasha Lehrer, (br) Wormwood #37, 2021 [Ref. Adrien Goetz]
- * What Shall We Do About Barker?, (ss) The Screaming Book of Horror ed. Johnny Mains, Screaming Dreams, 2012
- * Wildwood, Tales of Terror and Transformation from the Forest (2021), ed. William P. Simmons, (br) Wormwood #37, 2021 [Ref. William P. Simmons]
- * Witch Cult Abbey (2020), (br) Wormwood #35, 2020 [Ref. Mark Samuels]
- * The Wrack Line (2016), (br) Wormwood #28, 2017 [Ref. Robert Edric]
- * Writing Madness, (br) Wormwood #29, 2017 [Ref. Patrick McGrath]
- * You Have Nothing to Fear, (ss) Nemonymous #10, 2010, uncredited.
- * You Should Come with Me Now, (br) Wormwood #30, 2018 [Ref. M. John Harrison]
- * [front cover], (cv) Holidays from Hell, Tartarus Press, 2017
- * [illustration(s)], (il) All Hallows #38, February 2005
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Dark Horizons #51, Autumn/Winter 2007
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Phantasmagoria Magazine #16, Summer 2020
- * [letter], (lt) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #11, March 2007
_____, [ref.]
[]Oliver, Rosie (fl. 2000s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * Agents of Repair, (ss) Jupiter #29, July 2010
- * Air of Freedom, (ss) Jupiter #47, January 2015
- * Cold Pressure, (ss) Jupiter #26, October 2009
- * Customer Satisfaction, (ss) Cosmic Crime Stories March 2024
- * Etaerio, (ss) Fission #1 ed. Allen Stroud, HWS Press, 2021
- * Glass Ceilings of Science Fiction, (ar) Focus #64, Summer 2015
- * Grey Halo, (ss) New Myths #59, Summer 2022
- * The Ice Man, (nv) Distaff ed. Rosie Oliver & Samanda R. Primeau, Distaffanthology, 2019
- * Life Sentence, (ss) Jupiter #8, Spring 2005
- * Rings of Saturn, (ss) Kzine #26, January 2020
- * Ripple Effect, (ss) Jupiter #38, October 2012
- * Seers of Neptune, (ss) The Martian Wave July 2022
- * Taxed, (ss) Penumbric Speculative Fiction December 2022
- * UK Short Story Markets, (ar) Focus #46, November 2004
- * Under the Red Moon, (ss) Nebula Rift v2 #2, 2014
- * A Way with Words, (ss) Cosmic Crime Stories March 2022
- * [letter], (lt) Focus #39, May 2001
_____, ed.
[]Oliver, Stephen (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Grace, (pi) Mayfair v13 #5, 1978
- * Jacqueline, (pi) Mayfair v13 #12, 1978
- * Jill, (pi) Mayfair v13 #1, 1978
- * Maria, (pi) Mayfair v13 #3, 1978
- * Melody, (pi) Mayfair v13 #4, 1978
- * The Photographer and the Balloon Smugglers, (pi) Mayfair v13 #6, 1978
- * Robin, (pi) Mayfair v15 #2, 1980
[]Oliver, Steve (1946- ) (chron.)
- * Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine July 2016
- * Clever Girl, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine July 2019
- * The Family Problem, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2020
- * Hired Help, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine October 2018
- * How to Deal with Renters, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2019
- * The Missing Cat, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2016
- * The Murder Journal, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine October 2019
- * Polonius Wants a Cracker, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine April 2016
- * Short-Term Plans, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine April 2019
- * Unpredictable, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine October 2015
- * Vacation, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine July 2018
- * Waking Up, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2018
- * Work Ethic, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine April 2018
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine Oct 2015, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2016, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2017, Jan,
Apr, Jul, Oct 2018
Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2019, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2020, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2021
Jan, Apr, Jul, #1 Oct 2022, #2 Jan, Apr, Jul 2023
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