The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 365
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- Walter Archer Frost:
- The Garlic Bulbs, (sl) Flynn’s Weekly September 18 1926, etc.
- Trapped, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly October 2 1926
- Ruggles Hunts Trouble, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly October 16 1926
- The Bali Kris, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly October 23 1926
- The Living Death, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly January 1 1927
- The Masked Killer, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly January 15 1927
- The Van Holberg Tragedy, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly March 12 1927
- Jungle Hate, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly April 2 1927
- The Blauvelt Mystery, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly April 30 1927
- The Glavis Affair, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly June 4 1927
- In the nGaka’s Medicine Bag, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction June 18 1927
- Thokolosi, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 27 1927
- The Crooked Trail, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction September 17 1927
- Revenge, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 26 1927
- Unseen Hands, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 14 1928
- The Living Ghost, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction March 10 1928
- The Trap, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 7 1928
- Dealers of Death, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 24 1928
- The Barlow Mystery, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 13 1929
[]Rumbin, Mr.
- Booth Tarkington:
- Creating the Ideel, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 4 1936
- Mr. Rumblin’s De Rooster, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 29 1936
- Mr. Rumbin’s Face’s Lesson, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 16 1936
- Some Ways Like Washington, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 30 1936
- Mr. Rumbin’s Assistant’s Rubicon, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 11 1936
- Mr. Rumbin Double Talks, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 22 1936
- Mr. Rumbin’s Honour, (ss) The Story-teller September 1936
- Mr. Rumbin’s Personal Romance, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 7 1936
- Ee-Mechun, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 19 1936
- What Price Goya?, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1937
- Whose Copley?, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 18 1937
- A Little Deal in Ivory, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 2 1938
- Pat for Pit, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 22 1938
- Connoissurics, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 7 1939
- Don’t Sell It, Mr. Rumbin, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 16 1939
- Mr. Rumbin’s Dix Chunior, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 26 1941
- Mr. Rumbin’s Blessed Misfortune, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 19 1945
- The Art of Happiness, (nv)
[]Rumpole, Horace (about)
- John Mortimer:
- Rumpole and the Younger Generation, (nv) Rumpole of the Bailey by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1978
- Rumpole and the Fascist Beast, (nv) The Trials of Rumpole by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1979
- Rumpole and the Man of God, (nv) The Trials of Rumpole by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1979
- Rumpole and the Dear Departed, (nv) Regina v Rumpole by John Mortimer, Lane, 1981
- Rumpole and the Expert Witness, (nv) 1981
- Rumpole and the Spirit of Christmas, (ss) Regina v Rumpole by John Mortimer, Lane, 1981
- Rumpole and the Female of the Species, (nv) Rumpole and the Golden Thread by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1983
- Rumpole and the Sporting Life, (nv) Rumpole and the Golden Thread by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1983
- Rumpole and the Winter Break, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1984
- Rumpole and the Bubble Reputation, (nv) Rumpole and the Age of Miracles by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1988
- Rumpole and the Chambers Party, (ss) Rumpole and the Age of Miracles by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1988
- Rumpole and the Quality of Life, (nv) Rumpole and the Age of Miracles by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1988
- Rumpole and the Tap End, (nv) Rumpole and the Age of Miracles by John Mortimer, Penguin, 1988
- Rumpole à la Carte, (nv) Rumpole à la Carte, Viking, 1990
- Rumpole and the Quacks, (nv) Rumpole à la Carte, Viking, 1990
- Rumpole and the Right to Silence, (nv) Rumpole à la Carte, Viking, 1990
- Rumpole and the Summer of Discontent, (nv) Rumpole à la Carte, Viking, 1990
- Rumpole at Sea, (nv) Rumpole à la Carte, Viking, 1990
- Rumpole for the Prosecution, (nv) Rumpole à la Carte, Viking, 1990
- Rumpole and the Nanny Society, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1997
- Rumpole and the Absence of Body, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 1999
- Rumpole and the Actor Laddie, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2000
- Rumpole and the Old Familiar Faces, (nv) The Strand Magazine #7, 2001
- Rumpole and the Primrose Path, (nv) The Strand Magazine #8, June/September 2002
- Rumpole and the Teenage Werewolf, (nv) The Strand Magazine #9, 2002
- Rumpole Rests His Case, (co) Viking, November 2002
- Rumpole and the New Year’s Resolutions, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 2003
- Rumpole’s Bonfire Night, (ss) The Strand Magazine #10, 2003
- Rumpole and the Scales of Justice, (nv) The Strand Magazine #11, 2003
- Rumpole and the Christmas Break, (nv) The Strand Magazine #14, 2004
- Rumpole and the Kings of Rock, (nv) The Strand Magazine #15, February/May 2005
- Rumpole and the Wedding Guest, (ss) The Strand Magazine #18, February/May 2006
- Rumpole and Father Christmas, (ss) The Strand Magazine #20, October 2006/January 2007
- Rumpole and the Boy, (nv) 2007
- Rumpole’s Slimmed Down Christmas, (nv) The Strand Magazine #23, October 2007/January 2008, etc.
- A Rumpole Christmas, (co) Viking, 2009
- Rumpole and the Asylum Seekers, (nv)
- Rumpole and the Camberwell Carrot, (nv)
- Rumpole and the Hanging Judge, (ss)
- Rumpole and the Remembrance of Things Past, (na)
[]Runagates Club, The
- John Buchan:
- “Divus” Johnston, (ss) The Golden Hynde December 1913
- Fullcircle, (nv) Blackwood’s Magazine January 1920
- The Green Wildebeest, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine September 1927 [Richard Hannay]
- The Loathly Opposite, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine October 1927
- Ships of Tarshish, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine November 1927
- Tendebant Manus…, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine December 1927
- The Last Crusade, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine January 1928
- Sing a Song of Sixpence, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine February 1928 [Edward Leithen]
- The Wind in the Portico, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine March 1928
- Human Quarry, (nv) Pall Mall Magazine April 1928
- Skule Skerry, (nv) Adventure April 15 1928
- Dr. Lartius, (nv) The Runagates Club, Hodder & Stoughton, 1928
[]Runyan, Rawhide
- Charles M. Martin:
- Rawhide Runyan’s Roundup, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 8 1938
- Rawhide Rods the River, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 10 1938
- Rawhide Runyan’s Revenge, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 22 1939
- Rawhide Runyan—Trigger Terror, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 20 1939
- Rawhide Runyan—Rustler, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 12 1939
- Baited Trail, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 30 1939
- Rawhide Runyan’s Quicksand Trail, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 25 1939
- Arizona Tiger, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 4 1940
- A Rope for Rawhide Runyan, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 14 1940
- Rawhide Runyan’s Rodeo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 3 1941
- Arizona Ambush, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 5 1941
- Colt Law for Lobos, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 18 1941
- The Guadalupe Bat, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 6 1941
- Murder on the Rail X, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly February 14 1942
- Deep Canyon Deadline, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 2 1942
- Three Sixes to Beat, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 15 1942
- Trouble in the Strip, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 24 1942
- Part-Time Sheriff, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 19 1942
- Canyon of the Damned, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly February 6 1943
- Plunder on the Hoof, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West July 3 1943
[]Rush, Clickell (The Gadget Man)
- Lester Dent:
- Death in Boxes, (ss) Crime Busters December 1937
- Funny Faces, (ss) Crime Busters January 1938
- The Scared Swamp, (ss) Crime Busters February 1938
- Windjam, (ss) Crime Busters March 1938
- The Little Mud Men, (ss) Crime Busters April 1938
- The Hairless Wonders, (ss) Crime Busters May 1938
- Run, Actor, Run!, (nv) Crime Busters June 1938
- A Man and a Mess, (ss) Crime Busters July 1938
- The Wild Indians, (ss) Crime Busters August 1938
- The Itching Men, (ss) Crime Busters October 1938
- The Mysterious Jugs, (ss) Crime Busters April 1939
- The Minks and the Weasels, (ss) Crime Busters May 1939
- The Remarkable Zeke, (nv) Crime Busters August 1939
- The Frightened Yachtsmen, (nv) Crime Busters September 1939, as by Kenneth Robeson
- The Green Birds, (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine December 1939
- Talking Toad, (co) Altus Press, August 2023
- The Devils Smelled Nice, (co) Altus Press, September 2023
- Six White Horses, (co) Altus Press, October 2023
[]Russell, Nan
- Dahlia Trenchant:
- Beneath the Make-Up, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 13 1920, as by Raymond Lester
- In the Light, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 20 1920, as by Raymond Lester
- None So Dumb, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 27 1920, as by Raymond Lester
- An Affair of Diplomacy, (ss) All-Story Weekly April 3 1920, as by Raymond Lester
- Nan’s Day Off, (ss) All-Story Weekly April 10 1920, as by Raymond Lester
- The Better Way, (nv) All-Story Weekly April 17 1920, as by Raymond Lester
[]Rustum Migration
- Poul Anderson:
- Robin Hood’s Barn, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction January 1959
- Condemned to Death, (nv) Fantastic Universe October 1959
- The Burning Bridge, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction January 1960
- Orbit Unlimited, (co) Pyramid, May 1961
- The Mill of the Gods, (nv) Orbit Unlimited, Pyramid, 1961
- My Own, My Native Land, (nv) Continuum 1 ed. Roger Elwood, Putnam, 1974
- Passing the Love of Women, (nv) Continuum 2 ed. Roger Elwood, Putnam, 1974
- A Fair Exchange, (nv) Continuum 3 ed. Roger Elwood, Putnam, 1974
- To Promote the General Welfare, (nv) Continuum 4 ed. Roger Elwood, Putnam, 1975
[]Rutledge, Inspector Ian
- Caroline Todd:
- Carolyn L. T. & David Wheaton Watjen:
- The Lost Boy, (ss) The Strand Magazine #16, June/September 2005, as by Charles Todd
- A ‘Guid’ Soldier, (ss) The Strand Magazine #19, June/September 2006, as by Charles Todd
- The Necklace, (ss) The Strand Magazine #24, February/May 2008, as by Charles Todd
- Wink at the Devil, (ss) The Strand Magazine #37, June/September 2012, as by Charles Todd
- Jeopardy, (ss) The Strand Magazine #52, June/September 2017, as by Charles Todd
- Blood Money, (ss) Odd Partners ed. Anne Perry, Random House, 2019, as by Charles Todd
- David Wheaton & Carolyn L. T. Watjen:
- The Lost Boy, (ss) The Strand Magazine #16, June/September 2005, as by Charles Todd
- A ‘Guid’ Soldier, (ss) The Strand Magazine #19, June/September 2006, as by Charles Todd
- The Necklace, (ss) The Strand Magazine #24, February/May 2008, as by Charles Todd
- Wink at the Devil, (ss) The Strand Magazine #37, June/September 2012, as by Charles Todd
- Jeopardy, (ss) The Strand Magazine #52, June/September 2017, as by Charles Todd
- Blood Money, (ss) Odd Partners ed. Anne Perry, Random House, 2019, as by Charles Todd
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