The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7762
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[]Noyes, Henry Walker (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * “49”, (pm) The Pacific Monthly August 1910
- * At a Poet’s Tomb, (pm) Sunset October 1907
- * The Death Watch, (pm) The Pacific Monthly August 1911
- * Diogenes McStunts, (ss) Overland Monthly April 1924
- * The Garden of Death, (pm) The Pacific Monthly May 1911
- * Governor’s Ball, (ss) Overland Monthly October 1923
- * In Her Absence, (pm) The Pacific Monthly March 1911
- * In Memoriam, (pm) The Pacific Monthly May 1911
- * The Land o’ Dreams, (pm) The Pacific Monthly March 1909
- * Love’s Warder, (pm) The Pacific Monthly September 1911
- * A Nocturne, (pm) The Pacific Monthly August 1911
- * Regeneration of Denny Lynch, (ss) Overland Monthly June 1925
- * “Spud” Murphy, (pm) The Pacific Monthly November 1910
- * Stained, (pm) The Pacific Monthly March 1910
- * Sunset, (pm) The Pacific Monthly July 1911
- * “We Thank Thee Lord”, (pm) The Pacific Monthly November 1910
[]Noyle, Alastair Bonham (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * The Cybarite, (ss) Ad Astra #14, 1981
- * The Man Who Walked on the Grass, (ss) Macrocosm Spring 1972
- * A Road-side Death, (pm) Macrocosm Spring 1972
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Macrocosm #1 Dec 1971, Spr, #3 Sum 1972
- * [letter], (lt) Macrocosm Spring 1972
- * [letter], (lt) Focus #3, Autumn 1980
[]Nuallak, Pear (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Candidate 45, Pensri Suesat, (ss) Unlikely Story #12, October 2015
- * How We Are Marked, (pm) Interfictions Online #5, June 2015
- * The Insects and Women Sing Together, (ss) The SEA Is Ours ed. Jaymee Goh & Joyce Chng, Rosarium Publishing, 2015
- * The Rice Mother in Red, (ss) The Future Fire #35, 2015
- * She Shines Like a Moon, (ss) Lackington’s #7, Summer 2015
- * With Her Diamond Teeth, (ss) The Dark #16, September 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) The Future Fire #36, #39 2016, #48, #50 2019, #55 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) Lackington’s #12, Fall 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #1, April 2017
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The SEA Is Ours ed. Jaymee Goh & Joyce Chng, Rosarium Publishing, 2015
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Future Fire #36, #38, #39 2016, #40, #43 2017, #45 2018, #48 2019, #55 2020
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[]Nudds, Terry (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Arkham House, (ss) Weird Stories #14, November 1997
- * The Beating, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #27, August 1997
- * Charley’s Tomb, (ss) Startling Science Stories #2, September 1997
- * Fangs of Death [Wade Hammond], (ss) Double Danger Tales #8, September 1997
- * The Joy of Paul Martin, (ss) Weird Stories #2, November 1996
- * Midnight Moon [Steve Thatcher (The Moon Man)], (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #10, March 1996
- * The Tale of the Fourteen Hearts, (vi) Weird Stories #15, December 1997
- * Within the Tower, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #28, September 1997
[]Nuetzel, Charles (Alexander) (1934- ); used pseudonyms John Davidson & George Frederic (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Booby Trap, (ss) Adam September 1959, as by George Frederic
- * Count Down to Doom (with Forrest J Ackerman), (vi) Famous Monsters of Filmland 1966
- * A Day for Dying, (ss) If July 1969
- * Dreamer of Tomorrow: Albert Neutzell, (pi) Vertex April 1973
- * The Homo Sap, (ss) If This Goes On ed. Charles Nuetzel, BCA, 1965
- * A Hot Day in the Country, (ss) King #7, 1960, as by John Davidson
- * The Nova Incident, (ss) Images of Tomorrow by Charles Nuetzel, Powell, 1969
- * Planet of the Love Feast, (ss) Adam August 1963, as by George Frederic
- * Polaris Green, (sl) The Spacewarper Spring 1953, as by John Davidson
- * Preface, (pr) If This Goes On ed. Charles Nuetzel, BCA, 1965
- * The Talisman, (ss) The Ersatz & The Talisman by Charles Nuetzel, Borgo Press, 2006
- * Vegas Last Laugh, (ss) Knight July 1963, as by George Frederic
- * A Very Cultured Taste, (ss) 1960, as by George Frederic
- * [front cover], (cv) The Spacewarper Spring 1953, as by John Davidson
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[]Nuetzell, Albert A. (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * The People Who Write Science Stories, (bg) Science Stories #3, February 1954
- * [front cover], (cv) Science Stories #3, February 1954
- * [front cover], (cv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1957
- * [front cover], (cv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (Australia) #14, 1958
- * [front cover], (cv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Mar, Jul, Sep 1959, Mar, Apr, Sep 1960, Jul 1961
- * [front cover], (cv) Fantastic Science Fiction Stories Jan, Aug 1960
- * [front cover] (with George L. Schelling), (cv) The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told #10, Fall 1968; composite cover including covers reprinted from Amazing Sep ’59 & Amazing May ’62.
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