The FictionMags Index
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Nash, Ogden (chron.) (continued)
- * The Good Earth, (pm) Redbook Magazine September 1936
- * Goody for Our Side and Your Side Too, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 17 1934
- * The Grackle, (pm) Good Intentions by Ogden Nash, Little, Brown and Company, 1942
- * Grampahood, (pm)
- * Grateful, (pm) The New Yorker September 20 1930
- * Green Fingers, (pm)
- * Guide to the Zoo, (gp)
- * Guilt-Edged, (pm)
- * The Guppy, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1944
- * Halloween Hoodlums: Go Home!, (pm) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1964
- * The Hamster, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1949
- * Hard Lines, (gp) The New Yorker December 20 1930
- * Hard Lines, (gp) Lilliput August 1938
- * Hark! Hark! The Pari-Mutuels Bark!, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 6 1936
- * He Ain’t Ethical, (pm) Redbook Magazine January 1936
- * Helpful, (pm) The New Yorker November 1 1930
- * Helpful Reflection, (pm) The New Yorker November 1 1930, as "Helpful"
- * Here’s to You, Little Boy Blue, (vi) The Saturday Evening Post April 18 1942
- * Here Usually Comes the Bride, (pm) Cosmopolitan July 1943
- * Here We Go Quietly Nuts in May, (pm) Cosmopolitan June 1942
- * Hey Nonny Nonny!, (pm)
- * The Hippopotamus, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 25 1935
- * Home Is the Golfer, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 29 1934
- * Honest, (pm) The New Yorker September 20 1930
- * How Long Has This Been Going On? Oh, Quite Long, (pm) The New Yorker October 5 1940
- * How’s Your Sacro-Iliac, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1933
- * How to Tell a Quail from a Partridge, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 5 1934
- * The Human Comedy:
* ___ Mr. Judd and His Soul, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1967
* ___ Mrs. Moodus’s Second Honeymoon, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post December 4 1965
* ___ The Short-Order Cocktail, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post May 21 1966
- * Hymn to the Sun and Myself, (pm) The New Yorker August 16 1930
- * I Do, I Will, I Have, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 8 1948
- * If You Haven’t Been, You Don’t Have to Go Back, (pm) Cosmopolitan October 1942
- * I Had No Idea It Was So Late, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 28 1939
- * I Have It on Good Authority, (pm) New York American September 3 1935
- * I’ll Be Up in a Minute, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1937
- * I’ll Take a Bromide, Please, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 15 1934
- * I’m Sure She Said Six-Thirty, (pm) The New Yorker September 26 1942
- * I Never Even Suggested It, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 18 1940
- * The Insect, (pm) The New Yorker January 28 1933
- * Introspective, (pm) The New Yorker July 12 1930
- * Invidious, (pm) The New Yorker October 25 1930
- * Invitation, (pm) The New Yorker
- * It Is Indeed Spinach, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1936
- * It Must Be the Milk, (pm) The New Yorker February 29 1936
- * It Ought to Be History; or, Don’t Say It Isn’t So, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 10 1934
- * It’s All Wrong, (pl) The New Yorker May 23 1931
- * It’s Important to Be Alive, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 23 1935
- * I Want New York, (pm) The New Yorker December 20 1930
- * The Japanese, (pm) New York American April 11 1935
- * The Jellyfish, (pm) The New Yorker August 30 1941
- * Joyous Malingerer, (pm) The Saturday Review of Literature June 24 1967
- * The Judge, (pm) The New Yorker April 11 1931
- * Judgment Day, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 2 1935
- * Julyrical, (pm) Cosmopolitan August 1941
- * June Maneuver, (pm) Cosmopolitan July 1942
- * June Tune, (pm) Cosmopolitan July 1941
- * Just a Piece of Lettuce and Some Lemon Juice, Thank You, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 19 1933
- * Just Holmes and Me, and Mnemosyne, Makes Three, (ss) The New Yorker April 17 1965
- * Just Shut Your Eyes Till It’s Over, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 14 1934
- * The Kangaroo, (pm) The New Yorker January 3 1942
- * Kill or Be Killed, (ss) Collier’s October 25 1947, as "The Other Mind Reader"
- * Kind of an Ode to Duty, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 23 1935
- * The King of Kings, (pm) New York American April 11 1935
- * The Kinsey Report Didn’t Upset Me, Either (Speaking Out), (cl) The Saturday Evening Post March 14 1964
- * The Ladies, (ss)
- * The Lama, (pm) The New Yorker April 4 1931
- * Legal, (pm) The New Yorker November 1 1930
- * The Lepidopterist, (ss) The New Yorker October 25 1952
- * Let George Do It, If you Can Find Him, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 15 1934
- * Lines in Dispraise of Dispraise, (pm) The New Yorker December 20 1930
- * Lines Indited with All the Depravity of Poverty, (pm) The New Yorker December 20 1930
- * Lines to a Three-Name Lady, (pm) Redbook Magazine September 1933
- * Lines Written to Console, (pm) Hard Lines by Ogden Nash, Simon and Schuster, 1931
- * The Lion, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1944
- * Literary, (pm) The New Yorker August 9 1930
- * Little Feet, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1935
- * Little Verses, (gp) Lilliput February 1938
- * Long Live Delays of Ancient Rome, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 28 1934
- * Love Under the Republicans or Democrats, (pm) The New Yorker October 18 1930
- * Machinery Doesn’t Answer, Either, But You Aren’t Married to It, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 4 1935
- * The Manatee, (pm) The New Yorker December 1 1956
- * Manhattan Monkey, (pm) Free Wheeling by Ogden Nash, Simon and Schuster, 1931
- * The Man with Two New Suits, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1936
- * Marriage Lines, (gp)
- * Marta Abba, (pm) Redbook Magazine December 1936
- * Memo for November, (pm) Cosmopolitan December 1943
- * The Mermaid, (pm) The New Yorker August 30 1941
- * Merry Christmas, Nearly Everybody!, (pm) Cosmopolitan January 1938
- * Merry Christmas, You-All, (pm) What’s New December 1949
- * Midsummer Warning, (pm) Cosmopolitan September 1941
- * The Mind Readers, (vi)
- * Mr. Barcalow’s Breakdown, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1936
- * Mr. Judd and His Soul, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1967
- * Monstrous, (pm) The New Yorker November 1 1930
- * More Animal Crackers, (gp)
- * Mrs. Moodus’s Second Honeymoon, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 4 1965
- * Mrs. Peachey’s Predicament; or, No Mot Parades, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 19 1939
- * The Mules, (pm) The New Yorker January 7 1950
- * Mutiny on the Bounty, (pm) Redbook Magazine December 1935
- * National Anthem, (pm) Cosmopolitan August 1943
- * Natural Reflection, (pm) Hard Lines by Ogden Nash, Simon and Schuster, 1931
- * Nature Gets More Wonderful Every Day, (gp) The New Yorker August 30 1941
- * Nature Walks, or, Not to Mention a Dropping of Sheldrakes, (gp) The New Yorker December 1 1956
- * The Neighbors, (pm) New York American April 11 1935
- * New Year’s Resolutions, (pm) Cosmopolitan February 1942
- * No Doctors Today, Thank You, (pm) The New Yorker November 14 1942
- * No, No, November, (pm) Cosmopolitan December 1941
- * Norma Shearer—Shakespearer, (pm) Redbook Magazine April 1936
- * The Northerners, (pm) New York American April 11 1935
- * The Norwegian Nightingale, (pm) Redbook Magazine February 1936
- * Now Tell Me About Yourself, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 1 1941
- * Now You see It, Now I Don’t, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1941
- * Nursery Cursery, (pm)
- * The Octopus, (pm) The New Yorker August 30 1941
- * Oh, Stop Being Thankful All Over the Place, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 14 1934
- * One from One Leaves Two, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 23 1934
- * One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 7 1934
- * On Ice-Breaking, (pm) The New Yorker August 9 1930
- * The Only Good Indian Is a Dead Public Relations Counselor, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1934
- * The Ostrich, (pm) The New Yorker December 1 1956
- * The Other Mind Reader, (ss) Collier’s October 25 1947
- * Out Is Out, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 22 1936
- * The Oyster, (pm) The New Yorker April 4 1931
- * The Panda, (pm) The New Yorker January 3 1942
- * A Parable for Sports Writers, Society Columnists, Bond Salesmen and Poets; or, Go Get a Reputation, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 2 1933
- * Parsley for Vice-President!, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 8 1935
- * “Parsley Is Gharsley”, (pm)
- * Pastoral, (pm) Versus by Ogden Nash, 1949
- * A Penny Saved Is Impossible, (pm) Lilliput December 1940
- * Personal Appearances, (gp) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1944
- * Personal Form Sheet, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 24 1935
- * The Phoenix, (pm) The New Yorker April 4 1931
- * The Pig, (pm) The New Yorker January 28 1933
- * The Pigmy, (pm) The New Yorker January 28 1933
- * Pipe Dreams, (pm) New York American October 10 1935
- * The Pizza, (pm) House & Garden June 1957, as "Table Talk: The Pizza"
- * Platitudinous, (pm) The New Yorker October 25 1930
- * The Platypus, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1949
- * A Plea for a League of Sleep, (pm) New York American May 16 1935
- * Poems, (gp) The Saturday Evening Post November 4 1933
- * Poems, (pm) Literary Cavalcade November 1955
- * Political (“I for one…”), (pm) The New Yorker August 9 1930
- * Political (“Like an art lover looking at the Mona Lisa…”), (pm) The New Yorker July 12 1930
- * Poor Fish, (pm) The New Yorker November 15 1930, as "Autres Betes, Autres Moeurs I"
- * The Porcupine, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1944
- * The Porpoise, (pm) The New Yorker August 30 1941
- * Portrait of the Artist As a Prematurely Old Man, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 16 1934
- * Practically Autumn, (pm) The American Magazine October 1939
- * The Praying Mantis, (pm) The New Yorker December 1 1956
- * Preface to a Wedding Trip, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) October 1930
- * The Purist, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 25 1935
- * The Queen Is in the Parlor, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 17 1936
- * Queer Bird, (pm) Good Intentions by Ogden Nash, Little, Brown and Company, 1942, as "The Grackle"
- * The Quick Frown Sox Lumps Over The—, or, Farewell, Phi Beta Kafka, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 17 1965
- * The Rabbits, (pm) The New Yorker April 11 1931
- * Rainy Day, (pm) New York American September 10 1935
- * Raisin Why, (pm)
- * Random Reflections, (gp) The New Yorker Jul 12, Aug 9, Sep 20, Oct 25, Nov 1 1930
- * Raven, Don’t Stay Away from My Door, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar April 1932
- * Recipe for a Dictatorship, (pm) Esquire February 1936
- * Reflecscience, (pm)
- * Reflection on a Common Misapprehension, (pm) Free Wheeling by Ogden Nash, Simon and Schuster, 1931
- * Reflection on Ice Breaking, (pm) The New Yorker August 9 1930, as "On Ice-Breaking"
- * Reflections on Babies, (pm) The Face Is Familiar by Ogden Nash, Little, Brown, 1940
- * Remembrance of Things to Come, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 29 1936
- * Reminiscent, (pm) The New Yorker September 20 1930
- * The Return, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 6 1934
- * The Rhinoceros, (pm) The New Yorker January 28 1933
- * Riding on a Railroad Train, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 28 1935
- * Ring in the News, (pm) Cosmopolitan February 1943
- * The Roach, (pm) The New Yorker April 11 1931
- * Roulette Us Be Gay, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1934
- * Roundelay, (pm)
- * Ruinous Racing, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1936; revised and abridged from “Hark! Hark! The Pari-Mutuels Bark!” (The Saturday Evening Post, September 6, 1936).
- * A Salute to the Four Seasons, (pm) Esquire August 1935
- * Seaside Serenade, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 4 1936
- * Sedative, (pm) The New Yorker November 1 1930
- * September, and How to Use It, (pm) Cosmopolitan October 1941
- * September Still Hath Thirty Days, (pm) Cosmopolitan October 1943
- * The Seven Ages of Mrs. Marmaduke Moore, (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1933
- * The Shark, (pm) The New Yorker August 30 1941
- * The Short-Order Cocktail, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 21 1966
- * The Sniffle, (pm) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1941
- * Song Before Breakfast, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 21 1936
- * Song of the Open Road, (pm) The New Yorker October 15 1932
- * So That’s Who I Remind Me Of, (pm) The New Yorker October 24 1942
- * Speaking of Valentines…, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1934
- * Speculative, (pm) The New Yorker September 20 1930
- * Splash!, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1935
- * Spring Bored, (pm) Cosmopolitan May 1942
- * Spring Fever, (pm)
- * Spring—Hat or Cold, (pm) Cosmopolitan May 1940
- * Spring Song, (pm) New York American March 21 1935
- * The Squab, (pm) The New Yorker December 1 1956
- * The Squid, (pm) The New Yorker December 1 1956
- * Stag Night, Paleolithic, (pm) The New Yorker May 22 1948
- * The Stilly Night, (pm) McCall’s June 1966
- * The Stork, (pm) Happy Days by Ogden Nash, Simon and Schuster, 1933
- * The Strange Case of Mr. Ormantude’s Bride, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 4 1942, as "The Strange Case of Mrs. Ormantude"
- * The Strange Case of Mr. Pauncefoot’s Broad Mind, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 8 1941
- * The Strange Case of Mrs. Ormantude, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 4 1942
- * The Strange Case of the Cautious Motorist, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 7 1950
- * The Strange Case of the Dead Divorcee, (vi) New York American May 9 1935
- * Stranger in the House, (ss) The New Yorker January 30 1954
- * Summer Serenade, (pm) Cosmopolitan August 1942
- * Suppose I Darken Your Door, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 28 1934
- * The Swan, (pm) The New Yorker January 7 1950
- * Swelter, Swelter, Helter-Skelter, (pm) Cosmopolitan September 1943
- * Table Talk: The Pizza, (pm) House & Garden June 1957
- * Taboo to Boot, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 17 1940
- * A Tale of the Thirteenth Floor, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1955
- * The Termite, (pm) Good Intentions by Ogden Nash, Little, Brown and Company, 1942
- * Thar She Blows, (pm) Cosmopolitan April 1943
- * That Hat, (pm) This Week April 13 1941
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