The FictionMags Index
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[]Cushing, Nicole (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Bureaucratic Nativity of Panda Christ, (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #4, Fall 2010
- * The Company Town, (ss) The Grimscribe’s Puppets ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Miskatonic River Press, 2013
- * Crimes and Ashes, (na) I Am the Abyss ed. Chris Morey, Dark Regions Press, 2018
- * Delirium Vivens, (pm) Penumbra #1, 2020
- * Diary of a Sane Man [Cthulhu], (ss) Black Wings V ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2016
- * The Fourteenth, (ss) The First Book of Classical Horror Stories ed. D. F. Lewis, Megazanthus Press, 2012
- * I Am Moonflower, (ss) Weird Tales #361, Summer 2013
- * The Mirrors, (ss) Nameless Magazine Spring/Summer 2013
- * The Mistake, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #7, Fall 2016
- * My Favorite Halloween Memory:
* ___ Rescuer?, (ar) October Dreams II ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2015
- * Non Evidens, (nv) Women Writing the Weird II: Dreadful Daughters ed. Deb Hoag, Dog Horn Publishing, 2014
- * The Peculiar Salesgirl, (ss) Postscripts to Darkness October 9 2014
- * The Plague Queen’s Song, (pm) Spectral Realms #12, Winter 2020
- * Reality Is the Antagonist: A Theory of the Weird, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #43, January 2024
- * Rescuer?, (ar) October Dreams II ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2015
- * The Squatters, (ss) A Darke Phantastique ed. Jason V. Brock, Cycatrix Press, 2014
- * To See or Not to See?, (pm) Spectral Realms #3, Summer 2015
- * The Witch Who Will Not Die, (pm) The Audient Void #8, 2019
- * Yella, (ss) Cassilda’s Song ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Chaosium, 2015
_____, [ref.]
- * Interview: Nicole Cushing by Gordon White, (iv) Nightmare #89, February 2020
- * Interview: Nicole Cushing by Carson Winter, (iv) Cosmic Horror Monthly #18, December 2021
- * Interview: Nicole Cushing by Carson Winter, (iv) Cosmic Horror Monthly #44, February 2024
- * Interview with Nicole Cushing, (iv) Unnerving Magazine #2, March 2017, uncredited.
- * Q & A with Nicole Cushing by Peter Tennant, (iv) Black Static #49, November/December 2015
[]Cushing, Percy M. (1885-1951) (about) (chron.)
- * And Those That Wait, (pm) All-Story Weekly March 6 1920
- * The Brand of the Hurricane, (ss) The Argosy October 1912
- * Bucks of the 30th, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine November 1909
- * The Clam Man, (pm) The Outing Magazine May 1909
- * Daddy, (ss) The Cavalier November 1909
- * The Dance, (pm) The Bohemian Magazine September 1908
- * Ducks on the Rock, (ar) The Outing Magazine September 1911
- * Echoes of the Wild Rice, (ar) The Outing Magazine September 1912
- * The Finer Emotions, (ss) Collier’s June 8 1912
- * The Forest Call, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine November 1908
- * The Gray Wanderer, (ss) The Outing Magazine January 1912
- * Hand at the Throttle, (ss) Harper’s Weekly July 9 1910
- * Hollorhan’s Limited, (ss) Adventure January 1913
- * Howank, the Battler, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine September 1909
- * The Lady Wipes Our Eye, (ar) The Outing Magazine February 1913
- * A Length of Film, (ar) The Outing Magazine May 1911
- * A Market Gunner’s Diary, (ar) The Outing Magazine March 1913
- * Merely a Matter of Cigarettes, (ss) The Argosy July 1912
- * My Maniac, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1909
- * Opportunity, (pm) Hampton’s Magazine July 1910
- * The Passing of the Battery, (ar) The Outing Magazine February 1912
- * Playing for What There Is in It, (ar) The Outing Magazine September 1909
- * The Race, (pm) The Outing Magazine July 1909
- * Red Eye, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1911
- * Snapshotting Ducks, (ar) The Outing Magazine August 1912
- * Some Bear, But Mostly Parson, (ss) The Outing Magazine June 1911
- * Tides’ Fools, (ss) Harper’s Weekly July 22 1911
- * The Trail’s End, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1910
- * Under Way, (pm) The Outing Magazine June 1909
- * The Vagrants, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine September 1908
- * Wanderers of the Wind, (ar) The Outing Magazine March 1912
- * When the Stroke Falls, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1912
- * The Wolf Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1914
- * Women Who Dared Mountain Peak and Jungle, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- * Wrecks of the Great Lakes, (ar) Adventure July 1912
- * Wrecks of the Long Island Coast, (ar) Adventure September 1911
- * Wrecks of the Massachusetts Coast, (ar) Adventure December 1911
- * Wrecks of the New Jersey Coast, (ar) Adventure February 1912
[]Cushing, Peter (Wilton) (1913-1994) (books) (chron.)
- * Dr. Frankenstein and I, (ar)
- * Foreword, (fw) The Sherlock Holmes Scrapbook ed. Peter Haining, Treasure Press, 1986
- * Foreword, (fw) Crime for Christmas ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1991
- * Foreword, (fw) Vampire Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1992
- * How I Became a Monster Hunter, (in) (ghost written by Peter Haining) Tales of a Monster Hunter ed. Peter Cushing, Arthur Barker, 1977
- * Vampire Hunter, (ms)
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * 10 Things You Never Knew About Peter Cushing, (bg) Phantasy Province #1, 1992, uncredited.
- * Case File No. 111: Peter Cushing by Steve Korr, (ar) E-GO Collectors Series #3, 1976
- * Hammer Horror by Mark Kermode, (ar) Cold Print #2, 1998
- * In Memorium: Peter Cushing 1913-1994, (ob) Eldritch Tales #30, Spring 1995, uncredited.
- * An Interview with Peter Cushing by John Exshaw, (iv) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #6, 1994
- * Peter Cushing: A Tribute by Owen Quinn, (ar) Phantasmagoria Magazine #5, Summer 2018
- * Peter Cushing Takes TV Stardom in His Stride by David Millwood, (ar) John Bull April 2 1955
- * Peter Cushing: Why We Should Celebrate Him by Simon Marshall-Jones, (ar) BFS Journal #12, 2014
[]Cushman, Dan (1909-2001); used pseudonym John Starr (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Athebasca Brigade, (ss) Short Stories October 1950
- * Batik, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1950
- * Beware the Sourdough Siren!, (nv) North•West Romances Fall 1947
- * Big Timber Gun-Wolf, (na) New Western Magazine October 1949
- * Bite of the Wood-Rats, (nv) North•West Romances Spring 1952
- * Black Assegai [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Action Stories Fall 1948
- * Black Mahogany [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Jungle Stories Spring 1946
- * Blind Man’s Deadfall, (ss) North•West Romances Winter 1945/1946
- * Blood of the Voodoo Gods, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine July/August 1947
- * Blood on the Forty Below, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales December 1949
- * Blood-Spoor of the Devil-Stones [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Action Stories Spring 1948
- * Bonanza, (nv) North•West Romances Winter 1950/1951
- * Boothill Loves a Pilgrim, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine November 1946
- * Buckaroos of the Big Die [The Pecos Kid], (na) The Pecos Kid Western June 1951
- * Buckskin Loot for Lobo Men, (na) (error, actually by Kenneth Gilbert) North•West Romances April 1943, as by Kenneth Gilbert
- * The Buckskin Trail-Blazers, (na) New Western Magazine December 1950
- * Bullets for Blackfeet, (ss) Frontier Stories Winter 1947
- * Burned with the Coyote Brand, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine July 1947
- * Cannon Over Ostrog, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine July/August 1946
- * The Canton Trunk, (na) Short Stories April 10 1946
- * Captain Buckskin, (na) Frontier Stories Spring 1946/1947
- * The Captive, (nv) North•West Romances Winter 1947/1948
- * The Cask of Khabar, (nv) Adventure June 1947
- * Chilkoot North, (nv) Adventure October 1949
- * Comanche John—Dead or Alive [Comanche John], (nv) Frontier Stories Winter 1946
- * The Complete Adventures of Armless O’Neil [Armless O’Neil], (co) Steeger Books, November 2014
- * The Conestoga Pirate [Comanche John], (na) Frontier Stories Winter 1944
- * The Craft of Ka-Yip, (ss) North•West Romances Fall 1945
- * Cut Loose Your War!, (na) Dime Western Magazine September 1949
- * Dagger of Thebes [Armless O’Neil], (na) Action Stories Spring 1949
- * Death to the Red-Coat Tyrant, (nv) North•West Romances Fall 1948
- * Dread Safari [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Action Stories Winter 1947
- * Drifters Deep, (na) Short Stories July 25 1946
- * Escape from Zumongo [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Jungle Stories Winter 1953/1954
- * The Fastest Gun [Comanche John], (na) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine October 1953, as "The Fastest Gun Thar Be"
- * The Fastest Gun Thar Be [Comanche John], (na) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine October 1953
- * The Feminine Touch, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine October 1952
- * First Choice for the Cottonwood Prance, (ss) Dime Western Magazine October 1946
- * Five Suns to Angola! [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Jungle Stories Summer 1947
- * The Forgotten of Allah, (nv) Action Stories Summer 1947
- * Fort Benton—1846, (na) Short Stories October 25 1946
- * Fort of Fear, (ss) North•West Romances Spring 1948
- * Girl of the Golden Lode, (na) North•West Romances Winter 1943
- * Girl of the White Water Trail, (nv) North•West Romances Fall 1946
- * The Great Hunger, (ss) North•West Romances Fall 1946, as by John Starr
- * Hell’s Own Trail Drive, (na) Ace-High Western Stories April 1948
- * High Time for a Six-Gun, (ss) Texas Rangers January 1946
- * His Last Prisoner, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine May 1947
- * Homicidal Horse, (nv) Detective Tales March 1950
- * Hostage of the Frozen Trail, (nv) North•West Romances Winter 1946/1947
- * In Killer’s Custody, (ss) Texas Rangers December 1944
- * I.O.U.—One Bullet, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine May 1946
- * Jackal Kill [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Jungle Stories Fall 1946
- * The Jade Bell [Oakleg McQuarrie], (ss) Short Stories August 25 1947
- * Jewel of Jeopardy [Steve Cleve], (nv) Jungle Stories Fall 1947
- * Jewel of the Java Sea, (nv) Adventure October 1948
- * The Kid from Hell-an’-Gone, (na) Dime Western Magazine January 1950
- * Killers’ Country!, (na) Dime Western Magazine November 1950
- * Kraal of the Walking Dead, (nv) Jungle Stories Fall 1948
- * Land of the I-de-ho! [Comanche John], (na) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine February 1953
- * A Lesson in Siwash, (ss) Esquire December 1945
- * Louis Champlain’s Party, (ss) from Stay Away Joe,
- * Malemute Breed, (na) North•West Romances Spring 1950
- * Malemute Gold!, (na) New Western Magazine June 1950
- * Man Among Badmen, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1949
- * Man of the North, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1947
- * Melodious Joe, (ss) North•West Romances Spring 1946
- * Mistress of the Midnight Sun, (na) North•West Romances Fall 1950
- * Money Rider, (ss) Argosy February 1947
- * Night Coach to Rawhide, (ss) .44 Western Magazine November 1947
- * No Gold on Boot-Hill [Comanche John], (na) Action Stories Summer 1945
- * No Law West of Kansas, (nv) .44 Western Magazine February 1948
- * “Oakleg” McQuarrie, (ms) Adventure October 1948
- * The Old Copper Collar, (ss) 1957
- * Outcast of Stormland, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1947
- * Outlaw Queens Get Lonely!, (nv) Star Western June 1951
- * Partners at Gun Point, (ss) Argosy May 1950
- * The Phantom Herds of Furnace Flat, (na) Lariat Story Magazine March 1945
- * Plunder Valley, (nv) North•West Romances Spring 1944
- * Poets on Wheels, (ar) Short Stories August 10 1946
- * Queen for a River Killer, (nv) Star Western March 1950
- * Queen of the Caribou Cut, (na) North•West Romances Summer 1946
- * Quest for the Golden Hoard, (nv) North•West Romances Spring 1947
- * Rabble Soldier’s Private Rebellion, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1947
- * Race the Blackfoot Ambush, (nv) Frontier Stories Summer 1953
- * Raiders of the Stage Trails [The Pecos Kid], (na) The Pecos Kid Western January 1951
- * Reckoning at Robber’s Roost, (nv) Frontier Stories Spring 1946
- * Red Moon of Monkoto, (nv) Jungle Stories Spring 1947
- * Riders of the Gunsmoke Rim [The Pecos Kid], (na) The Pecos Kid Western July 1950
- * The Rimfire Kid, (na) Two Western Books Summer 1953
- * The Ripper from Rawhide [Comanche John], (n.) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine May 1952
- * Rogues’ Treasure [Oakleg McQuarrie], (na) Five-Novels Magazine January/February 1947
- * A Rope for a Killer, (ss) Thrilling Western April 1946
- * Safari for Satan’s Diamonds [Steve Cleve], (nv) Jungle Stories Winter 1946
- * Salvation Guns [Comanche John], (na) Frontier Stories Winter 1953
- * The Samaritan of Snake Creek, (ss) Dime Western Magazine November 1946
- * Seekers of the Glittering Fetish [Armless O’Neil], (co) Altus Press, April 2010
- * Seekers of the Glittering Fetish [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Jungle Stories Winter 1945
- * She-Wolf of the Hundred Smokes, (na) North•West Romances Spring 1949
- * She-Wolf of the Rio Grande, (na) Lariat Story Magazine March 1949
- * Smoke Talk [Comanche John], (ss) Frontier Stories Winter 1948
- * The Snow-Witch, (nv) North•West Romances Spring 1945
- * The Sorcerer of Kambara, (nv) Jungle Stories Spring 1948
- * Squaw Guns [Comanche John], (na) Frontier Stories Spring 1949
- * Steel Portage, (na) North•West Romances Fall 1944
- * Stranger’s Luck, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine March 1946
- * Strange Safari, (nv) Jungle Stories Spring 1950
- * Swamp Fetish [Armless O’Neil], (co) Altus Press, June 2012
- * Swamp Fetish [Armless O’Neil], (na) Jungle Stories Winter 1949/1950
- * Tall Wyoming, (n.) Star Weekly January 5 1957
- * Tamers of the Deadfall Towns [The Pecos Kid], (na) The Pecos Kid Western March 1951
- * That Buzzard from Brimstone, (na) Six-Gun Western June 1946
- * That Varmint, Comanche John! [Comanche John], (nv) New Western Magazine September 1951
- * Three for the Deadwood Drive! [The Pecos Kid], (na) The Pecos Kid Western September 1950
- * Two Queens for Skidway Empire, (nv) Star Western July 1950
- * Voodoo Fangs, (nv) Jungle Stories Winter 1948/1949
- * Voyageurs of the Midnight Sun, (na) North•West Romances Winter 1944
- * Voyageurs of the Midnight Sun and Other Stories, (co) Capra Press, 1995
- * Waif of the Wilderness Pack, (nv) North•West Romances Summer 1948
- * War-Bonnet Ambush [Comanche John], (nv) Frontier Stories Summer 1947
- * White Capote, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1946
- * Windigo Pass, (na) Spur Western Novels #1, February/April 1955
- * Wind River Marshal, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1946
- * Witch-Queen of the Voodoo Drums [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Action Stories Summer 1948
- * The Wolfpack Breed, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1945
- * Yellow Eyes of Voodoo [Armless O’Neil], (nv) Action Stories Fall 1949
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