The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7077
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[]Matania, Ugo (1888-1979) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine Jan, May, Jun 1922, Dec 1923, Jan 1924
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine Feb, Mar, May 1922, Mar 1924
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pan: The Fiction Magazine Jun 1923, Jan 1924
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The London Magazine August 1924
[]Matcha, Jack (B.) (1919-2003); used pseudonym John Tanner (chron.)
- * Aleister Crowley: High Priest of Sex, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #49, February 1972 [Ref. Aleister Crowley]
- * Aly Khan: Man with Perfect Sex Control, (ar) Adam Yearbook 1968 [Ref. Aly Khan]
- * Amsterdam’s Free Love Clubs, (ar) Knight July 1969
- * Are European Women Better Lovers?, (ar) Knight December 1973
- * Babes at Sea, (ar) Knight February 1974, as by John Tanner
- * Bouncing in Bavaria, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #36, September 1968
- * The Brass Ring, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1981
- * Breaking the Ice: You Have to Meet the Girl Before You Bed Her, (ar) Knight October 1974, as by John Tanner
- * Britain’s Au Pair Girls, (ar) Knight July 1970
- * Brothels of the World, (ar) Topper April 1976, as by John Tanner
- * The Business of Making Nudies, (ar) Knight February 1971
- * The Call Wives of Long Island, (ar) Knight January 1968
- * Capt. Bligh Raped by Eight Horny Women…and Other Ways to Hype a Sagging Sex Film, (hu) Knight April 1974
- * Concubines and Cabins, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #38, March 1969
- * The Dark Side of Luck, (ss) Chase September 1964
- * The Deer Park: A Sex Dream Come True, (ar) Knight January 1969 [Ref. Louis XV of France]
- * Getting Laid as a Fringe Benefit, (ar) Knight June 1972
- * The Girl from Havana, (na) Chase January 1964
- * Gomorrah by the Golden Gate, (ar) Knight August 1973, as by John Tanner
- * Go Native: Latest Style in Vacations, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #31, October 1967
- * The Hospitality Suite, (ar) Knight April 1973, as by John Tanner
- * The Howard Huge Caper, (hu) Knight October 1972, as "The Howard Hughes Caper", by Jack Matcha
- * The Howard Hughes Caper, (hu) Knight October 1972
- * How the Russians Set Sex Traps for Visitors, (ar) Knight April 1972, as by John Tanner
- * How to End an Affair in Any Language and Stil Be Friends, (ar) Knight November 1966
- * How to Succeed in Seduction Without Really Trying, (ar) Knight August 1970
- * The Importance of Earning Your Screw, (hu) Knight April 1969
- * Italy’s Love Machine Made in America, (ar) Knight December 1971
- * King’s Jester, (ss) Gamma #2, 1963
- * Let a Computer Pick Your Travel Partner, (ar) Knight January 1970
- * A Letter from Adolf Hitler, (ss) Essex Chronicle June 23 1944, as by John Tanner
- * A Little Bogart Can Do Wonders for Your Sex Life, (hu) Knight October 1973
- * The Love of the Month Club, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #48, December 1971
- * Love on a Eurailpass, (ar) Knight July 1967
- * Love’s Greatest Analyst, (ar) Adam September 1960, as by John Tanner
- * Lust in the Streets, (hu) Knight July 1976, as by John Tanner
- * Madame Chile’s School for Teenaged Courtesans, (ar) Knight August 1971, as by John Tanner
- * Madame Fanny’s Theater of Sex, (ar) Knight February 1975, as by John Tanner
- * The Many Faces of Marilyn Monroe, (ar) Topper March 1976, as by John Tanner
- * Megeve, Musical Beds and Skiing, (ar) Adam March 1968
- * My North Sea Sex Trip, or Letting It All Hang Out on the Nudist Isle of Sylt, (ar) Knight October 1970, as by John Tanner
- * The New Sex Scene in Paris, (ar) Knight August 1969
- * The New Sexual Revolution in the Theater, (ar) Knight September 1970
- * Open Season, (ss) Gamma #4, February 1965, as by John Tanner
- * Operation Sexual Revenge, (hu) Knight June 1973, as by John Tanner
- * Payola from a Doll, (ss) Prince v1 #3, 1960, as by John Tanner
- * Penetration Films: A Peek at L.A.’s Adult Action Houses, (ar) Knight May 1971, as by John Tanner
- * Prostitution: The Lay of the Land, (ar) Knight April 1974, as by John Tanner
- * Put the Blame on Lola, (ss) Cocktail v7 #4, 1968, as by John Tanner
- * Raquel Welch, the Instant Venus, (ar) Knight May 1967
- * The Red and the Black and the Blue: Stendhal’s Colorful Private Life, (ar) Dapper February 1967
- * The Secret Sex Life of Archie Clunker, (hu) Knight December 1972
- * Sex and Merchandising, (ar) Knight February 1973, as by John Tanner
- * Sex and the Business Convention, (ar) Knight September 1968
- * Sex on Wheels, (ar) Jaguar September 1966
- * Sodom on the Subway, (ar) Knight May 1969
- * Spain—The “In” Country for Traveling Males, (ar) Adam Yearbook 1969
- * Three on a Mattress, (hu) Knight November 1975, as by John Tanner
- * Tijuana Sex: Brass with Bare Knuckles, (ar) Knight November 1968, as by John Tanner
- * Topper Trips Out to Swinging Atlanta, (cl) Topper December 1975
- * Topper Trips Out to Swinging San Diego—and Tijuana, (cl) Topper March 1976
- * Topper Trips Out to Swinging Seattle, (cl) Topper April 1976
- * Understudy for Murder, (ss) The Executioner Mystery Magazine August 1975
- * Wall Street’s New Sex Game, (ar) Knight August 1974, as by John Tanner
- * What Turns You On Sexually?, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #51, June 1972
- * Why French Hookers Prefer Americans, (ar) Affair v13 #1, 1979, as by John Tanner
- * Women Are for Buying, (ar) Midnight v7 #2, 1968, as by John Tanner
- * The World’s Most Erotic Restaurant, (ar) King #7, 1960
- * You Too Can Make a Low-Cost Exploitation Film, (ar) Knight December 1970
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_____, [ref.]
[]Matena, Dick (1943- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Battle for Earth, (cs) Storm—The Collection ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004; translated from the Dutch (“De strijd om de aarde”, Eppo, 1979).
- * The Green Hell, (cs) Storm—The Collection ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004; translated from the Dutch (“De groene hel”, Eppo, 1978-1979).
- * The People of the Plains, (cs) Storm—The Collection ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004; translated from the Dutch (“Het volk van de woestijn”, Eppo, 1978).
- * The Secret of the Nitron Rays, (cs) Storm—The Collection ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004; translated from the Dutch (“Het geheim van de Nitronstralen”, Eppo, 1979-16 May 1980).
[]Matera, Lia (1952- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Champawat [Ella], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2012
- * The Children [Ella], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2011
- * Counsel for the Defense, (ss) Sisters in Crime ed. Marilyn Wallace, Berkley, 1989, as "Defense"
- * Counsel for the Defense and Other Stories, (co) Five Star US, June 2000
- * Dead Drunk, (ss) Guilty as Charged ed. Scott Turlow, Pocket, 1996
- * Defense, (ss) Sisters in Crime ed. Marilyn Wallace, Berkley, 1989
- * Destroying Angel, (ss) Sisters in Crime 2 ed. Marilyn Wallace, Berkley, 1990
- * Do Not Resuscitate, (ss) Crimes of the Heart ed. Carolyn G. Hart, Berkley, 1995
- * Dream Lawyer [Willa Jansson; Laura di Palma], (nv) Diagnosis Dead ed. Jonathan Kellerman, Pocket, 1999
- * Easy Go, (ss) Deadly Allies ed. Robert J. Randisi & Marilyn Wallace, Doubleday Perfect Crime, 1992
- * If It Can’t Be True, (ss) Irreconcilable Differences ed. Lia Matera, HarperCollins, 1999
- * Introduction, (in) Irreconcilable Differences ed. Lia Matera, HarperCollins, 1999
- * Introduction, (in) Counsel for the Defense and Other Stories, Five Star US, 2000
- * Performance Crime, (ss) Women on the Case ed. Sara Paretsky, Delacorte, 1996
- * The River Mouth, (ss) The Mysterious West ed. Tony Hillerman, HarperCollins, 1994
- * Snow Job, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2019
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