The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6471
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[]Logan, Mary (Simmerson Cunningham) (1838-1923) (about) (chron.)
- * A Day of the President’s Life, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1899
- * The Gracious Lady of the White House, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1899
- * Kashmir, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1895, uncredited.
- * The New Art Criticism, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1895
- * Recollections of a Soldier’s Wife, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine Dec 1912, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1913
- * Women in Washington, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1900
[]Logan, Olive (1839-1909) (chron.)
- * Carpeaux, (bg) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1880 [Ref. Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux]
- * Cincinnati, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1883
- * English Domestics and Their Ways, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science December 1877
- * English Ladies at Washington, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1877
- * English Society in Paris, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education July 1868
- * Mrs. Marcellus (by a Guest at Her Saturdays), (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science November 1880
- * Other People’s Servants, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1877
- * A Song of a Skirt, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1877
- * The Stewart Hotel for Women, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1878
- * Try Norway!, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science April 1878
- * The Yankee before the Throne, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1867, uncredited.
[]Logan, Richard (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Babe, Bum and Bem, (ss) Planetary Stories #38, January 2017
- * Ballpeen Murders [Gumshoe 2040], (ss) Planetary Stories #14, April 2009
- * Captain Stark of the Space Patrol, (ss) Planetary Stories #39, July 2017
- * Detour, (ss) Planetary Stories #31, September 2014
- * Eternal Ships, (ss) Planetary Stories #18, April 2010
- * Gumshoe 2040 [Gumshoe 2040], (ss) Planetary Stories #12, October 2008
- * The Lemmings Murder Case [Gumshoe 2040], (ss) Planetary Stories #23, October 2011
- * Once Upon a Time, (ss) Planetary Stories #16, October 2009
- * To Save a Princess, (ss) Planetary Stories #20, October 2010
[]Logan, Roland (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * King of Milers, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct 1940
- * Trainer and Coach, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Jun, Jul, Dec 1940, Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov 1941
[]Logan, Ruth (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Acceptable Eccentricity, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st June 1926
- * The Allayed Suspicion, (ss) 10 Story Book March 1927
- * All the Sad Young Ladies, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1927
- * And He Knew It, Too!, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1927
- * Asterisks, (ss) Flapper’s Experience May 1925
- * But He Probably Would, (pm) Breezy Stories July 1931
- * But I Wasn’t, (pm) Droll Stories September 1926
- * But This Is 1926, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd March 1926
- * Censored to Suit, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd May 1926
- * A Confidence Delayed, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine June 1925
- * Dependent, (pm) Droll Stories December 1926
- * The Doubt That Died, (ss) Droll Stories September 1923
- * The Echo and the End, (ss) 10 Story Book February/March/April 1926
- * Entre Nous, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 21 1925
- * The Glorious Hour, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1947
- * A Gourmand’s Wooing, (ss) Droll Stories August 1926
- * Gramercy, Omar!, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st August 1925
- * A Haughty Fits, (pm) Droll Stories June 1925
- * Hearsay, (pm) Droll Stories June 1927, as by R. L.
- * How They Do Change!, (pm) Breezy Stories July 1927
- * I’d Feel Terrible, (pm) Droll Stories May 1927
- * I Don’t Think I Shall, (pm) Breezy Stories June 1927
- * If I Had You, (pm) Droll Stories June 1927
- * The Impersonal Past, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1926
- * I Think She Shot Him, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1928
- * The Jest of Men, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st May 1925
- * Joan Quiets Her Husband, (ss) Droll Stories February 1927
- * Judging by Appearances, (pm) Breezy Stories September 1928
- * Ladies’ Choice, (pm) Breezy Stories March 1931
- * A Lady to Her Husband, (pm) Breezy Stories December 1929
- * Lines and Maligns to an Heiress, (??) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine April 1920
- * The Man Who Thought Murder, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1928
- * Mary’s Modern Lamb, (pm) Droll Stories October 1925
- * Maybe You’ve Noticed, (pm) Droll Stories June 1926
- * May I Give You a Lift?, (pm) Droll Stories March 1927
- * The Memory Lingers, (pm) Droll Stories July 1926
- * Men and Hymen, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories November 1930
- * Mournful Numbers, (pm) 10 Story Book August 1924
- * Muldoon’s Mint Julep, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st July 1925
- * Mutual, (pm) Droll Stories February 1927
- * The Name That Was Hers, (ss) 10 Story Book April 1927
- * No Cause for Tears, (pm) Breezy Stories September 1930
- * Non Sequitur, (pm) Droll Stories September 1925
- * Not Bothered, (pm) Breezy Stories June 1930
- * Not His Style, (pm) Droll Stories April 1927
- * Now She Asks “Will Ya?”, (pm) Droll Stories July 1925
- * Obedient, (pm) Breezy Stories September 1926
- * The Proof of Devotion, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #5, January 20 1926
- * Reminder, (pm) Breezy Stories March 1930
- * Résumé, (pm) Breezy Stories December 1926
- * Reversion to Type, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd June 1926
- * Right to the Heart, (pm) Breezy Stories June 1928
- * The Ruination of Rosie Roeger, (ss) America’s Humor April 1927
- * The Scandal at Wayside, (ss) 10 Story Book January 1924
- * Shocking, (pm) Droll Stories September 1925
- * Something to Ponder, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd April 1926
- * The Story of the Red Hot Mama Who Had the Small Town Ladies Talking, (ss) 10 Story Book February 1927
- * They’ll Be Time Enough, (pm) Droll Stories May 1926
- * A Treacherous Woman, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st June 1925
- * Unadulterated Desire, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd June 1925
- * The Villain, (pm) Droll Stories October 1926
- * What Men Do Not Want, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine April 1927
- * A Woman Over Thirty, (ss) 10 Story Book July 1925
- * You Won’t Forget, (pm) Droll Stories December 1925
[]Logan, Sean (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Can’t Stop the Rain, (ss) Midnight Carnival v1 #3, 2000
- * The Children’s Garden, (ss) Morpheus Tales #15, January 2012
- * Contrafactum, (ss) Penumbra (online) January 2014
- * Dollhouse by the Sea, (ss) Supernatural Tales #24, Autumn 2013
- * Home Invasion, (ss) Black Ink Horror #5, 2008
- * Ice Cream Man, (ss) Dread #1, Fall 1997
- * The Neglected, (ss) Sick Things ed. Cheryl Mullenax, Comet Press, 2010
- * Precious Little Thing, (ss) Roadworks #5, Summer 1999
- * Pushers, (ss) Postscripts to Darkness 4 ed. Sean Moreland, Ex Hubris Imprints, 2013
- * Raining Stones, (ss) Dark Visions: A Collection of Modern Horror—Volume One ed. Sharon Lawson & Anthony Rivera, Grey Matter Press, 2013
- * The Tagalong, (ss) Supernatural Tales #27, Autumn 2014
- * The Tower of Babel, (ss) Black Static #34, May/June 2013
- * Viola’s Second Husband, (ss) The New Gothic ed. Beth K. Lewis, Stone Skin Press, 2013
- * Where the Forest Ends, (ss) The 2nd Spectral Book of Horror Stories ed. Mark Morris, Spectral Press, 2015
[]Logan, Simon (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * The Abduction, (ss) Sci-Fright #6, 2000
- * The Accidental Collision of Particles, (ss) The Dream Zone #13, October 2002
- * Akin in Insects , (ss) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * And They Will Not Be Stopped, (ss) Flurb #7, Spring/Summer 2009
- * Beauty thru Submission, (ss) The Dream Zone #6, May 2000
- * The Binding, (vi) The Dream Zone #10, September 2001
- * Bleeder, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory Spring 2000
- * Blind Spot, (ss) Unhinged #6, 2000
- * Blood and Concrete, (ss) Parchment Symbols #7, April 2000
- * Boneman, (ss) Roadworks #9, Summer 2000
- * Broken, (ss) Sackcloth & Ashes #7, March 2000
- * Cipher, (vi) Unhinged #3, 1999
- * Closer to the Lung, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #1, 2005
- * Coaxial-Creature, (ss) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * A Consuming Love, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #13, September 1999
- * The Crawling Dead, (ss) Redsine #1, February 2000
- * Dark Foetus, (ss) A Small Collection of Mediocre Short Stories, Rainfall Books, 2001
- * Foetal Chambers, (ss) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * Fusion, (ss) The Dream Zone #8, January 2001
- * Good Game, Good Game, (ss) Roadworks #13, Winter/Spring 2002
- * The Hard Sell, (ss) Dead Things Magazine #1, July/September 1999
- * Ignition, (ss) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * i-o, (oc) Prime Books, 2001
- * Iron Lung, (ss) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * Like Clockwork, (ss) Enigmatic Electronic July 1999
- * La Mer, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #31, October 2009
- * The Method of Pulse, (vi) The Dream Zone #9, May 2001
- * My Smile, (ss) After ed. John Benson, John Benson, 2000
- * The New Black Dawn, (ss) A Small Collection of Mediocre Short Stories, Rainfall Books, 2001
- * The Old Ones Have Old Ways [Cthulhu], (ss) Cthulhu and the Coeds ed. Tina L. Jens, 11th Hour Productions, 2000
- * Other, (pm) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #1, 2000
- * Partofit, (ss) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * Pretty, (ss) ChiZine #12, April/June 2002
- * Prism: The Mechanisation and Deconstruction of Beauty, (ss) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * The Pulsating Wall, (vi) Enigmatic Tales #7, Winter 1999
- * Rape, (vi) Unhinged #4, 1999
- * Sacrifice of the Pig, (ss) Redsine #7, January 2002
- * Second Skin, (ss) The Dream Zone #7, September 2000
- * The Siamese Bitch Hole, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory #3/4, Fall/Winter 2000
- * A Small Collection of Mediocre Short Stories, (co) Rainfall Books, 2001
- * They Keep Her in the Attic, (ss) A Small Collection of Mediocre Short Stories, Rainfall Books, 2001
- * The Traffic Island of Doctor Moreau, (ss) A Small Collection of Mediocre Short Stories, Rainfall Books, 2001
- * Twist, (nv) Haunted Dreams #3, 2000
- * Two Point Four, (ss) A Small Collection of Mediocre Short Stories, Rainfall Books, 2001
- * The Unbearable Honesty of Formaldehyde, (ss) Peep Show #2, December 2001
- * Urban Rumblings, (vi) Black Rose #6, January 2001
- * What Lies Behind the Wall, (ss) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- * A Whispered Apocalypse, (ss) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
- * Within Us All, (ss) The Dream Zone #4, October 1999
- * You Have to Know This, (ss) The Last Pentacle of the Sun: Writings in Support of the West Memphis Three ed. M. W. Anderson & Brett Alexander Savory, Arsenal Pulp Press, 2004
- * [front cover], (cv) Redsine (online) #1, August 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) i-o, Prime Books, 2001
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Sackcloth & Ashes #7, March 2000
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