The FictionMags Index
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Locke, William J(ohn) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Scourge, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine September 1914
- * Septimus, (sl) The Idler Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1908, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1909
- * The Shorn Lamb, (n.) Ladies’ Home Journal May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1930
- * Simon the Jester, (sl) The American Magazine Nov, Dec 1909, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1910
- * Simple Septimus, (sl) The American Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1908, Jan 1909
- * A Snowflake from Picardy, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1930
- * The Song of Life, (nv) The Story-teller December 1913
- * A Spartan of the Hills, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1926
- * The Story of Bertha Begg, (ss) The Story-teller December 1920
- * A Tale of Tombarel’s Past, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1930
- * Too Many Dreams [M. Tombarel], (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1927
- * Viviette, (nv) Ainslee’s Nov, Dec 1910
- * When the Circus Came to Creille, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1928
- * A Woman of the War, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1918
- * The Wonderful Year, (sl) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine Dec 1915, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1916
_____, [ref.]
[]Locker, Frederick; former name of Frederick Locker-Lampson (1821-1895) (chron.)
- * Any Poet to His Mistress, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine March 1876
- * Baby Mine, (pm) The Burlington January 1881
- * Du Rys de Madame d’Allbret, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881
- * Extract from Mrs. Rose’s Diary. (After John Leech), (pm) The Dark Blue #4, June 1871
- * From the Cradle, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1880
- * Her Cuckoo, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine September 1879
- * My Neighbour Rose, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine September 1861, as by F. L.
- * My Neighbour’s Wife, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1877, uncredited.
- * My Only Love, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine December 1873
- * My Wife, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine February 1878
- * The Old Stonemason, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine February 1876
- * On an Old Muff, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine April 1864
- * A Rhyme of One, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1876
- * The Twins, (ss) Home Christmas 1880
- * The Unrealized Ideal, (pm) The Golden Argosy April 19 1884
- * A Winter Fantasy, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873
_____, [ref.]
[]Locker-Lampson, Frederick (1821-1895); previously known as Frederick Locker (about) (chron.)
- * Any Poet to His Mistress, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine March 1876, as by Frederick Locker
- * Baby Mine, (pm) The Burlington January 1881, as by Frederick Locker
- * Du Rys de Madame d’Allbret, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881, as by Frederick Locker
- * Extract from Mrs. Rose’s Diary. (After John Leech), (pm) The Dark Blue #4, June 1871, as by Frederick Locker
- * From the Cradle, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1880, as by Frederick Locker
- * Her Cuckoo, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine September 1879, as by Frederick Locker
- * “Mrs. Smith”, (pm) Once a Week November 19 1864
- * My Only Love, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine December 1873, as by Frederick Locker
- * My Wife, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine February 1878, as by Frederick Locker
- * The Old Stonemason, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine February 1876, as by Frederick Locker
- * On an Old Muff, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine April 1864, as by Frederick Locker
- * A Rhyme of One, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1876, as by Frederick Locker
- * Tramps, (vi) The Cornhill Magazine December 1921
- * The Twins, (ss) Home Christmas 1880, as by Frederick Locker
- * Unpublished Sketches and Poems, (gp) Scribner’s Magazine April 1921
- * The Unrealized Ideal, (pm) The Golden Argosy April 19 1884, as by Frederick Locker
- * A Winter Fantasy, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873, as by Frederick Locker
_____, [ref.]
[]Locker-Lampson, [Commander] Oliver (Stillingfleet) (1880-1954) (about) (chron.)
- * Condemned by the Kaiser, (ar) Lloyd’s Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1918
- * Cossack Camp Song, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) December 1930
- * Meet H.G. Wells, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1931 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * Meet Lord Lonsdale, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 1931
- * Personalities in Parliament, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine July 1928
- * Personalities in the New Parliament, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine November 1929
- * Poverty on £5,000 a Year, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine November 1928
- * Queen Marie of Rumania, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 1931
- * Recollections of Frederick Locker-Lampson, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Jan, Feb 1921 [Ref. Frederick Locker-Lampson]
- * A Sabbath Swim, (ts) The Cornhill Magazine July 1913
- * These Are Your Leaders!, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine October 1931
- * A Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Winston Churchill, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine December 1930 [Ref. Winston Churchill]
- * Winning a Seat, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1929
[]Lockett, A. (chron.)
- * Chums Help Club: How to Make a Model Cinema Theatre, (cl) Chums Nov 26, Dec 3 1921
- * How to Make a Chums Spectroscope, (cl) Chums November 10 1923
- * How to Make a Garden Fountain, (cl) Chums July 19 1924
- * How to Make an Electric Cycle Lamp, (cl) Chums March 22 1924
- * How to Make an Electric Dark Room Lamp, (cl) Chums November 3 1923
- * How to Make an Electric Torch, (ar) Chums September 21 1924
- * How to Make a Square Telescope, (ar) Chums October 12 1924
- * How to Make Electric Scarf-Pins, (cl) Chums March 31 1923
- * How to Make Lantern Slides, (ar) Chums February 1 1925
- * How to Make Your Own Card Index, (cl) Chums November 17 1923
- * Humorous Trick Eggs, (cl) Chums April 19 1924
- * Making a Ball Target, (cl) Chums August 16 1924
- * Making a Barometer, (cl) Chums February 10 1923
- * Making a Magentic Compass, (ar) Chums February 12 1921
- * Making a Mechanical Race Game, (cl) Chums May 10 1924
- * A Miniature Bagatelle Board, (cl) Chums December 23 1922
- * Our How to Make Page: A Post-Card and Diagram Lantern, (cl) Chums May 12 1923
- * Portable Wireless Masts, (ar) Chums May 31 1925
- * Puzzle Boxes and How to Make Them, (cl) Chums March 3 1923
- * A Scout’s Portable Fire Brazier, (ar) Chums May 17 1925
- * A Simple Signalling Heliograph, (ar) Chums July 19 1925
- * A Small Electrical Motor, (ia) Chums January 8 1921
- * Something New in Easter Eggs, (ar) Chums April 12 1925
- * Tricks with Magnets, (ar) Chums January 5 1924
- * Xmas Gifts-Home-Made, (ar) Chums November 20 1920
[]Lockett, George (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Artistic Vision, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #81, December 2020
- * Corporate Interests, (ss) Kzine #25, September 2019
- * Demonology Book Club, (vi) DreamForge Anvil #9, Out of Place 2022
- * The Last Siren Sings, (ss) Making Monsters ed. Djibril al-Ayad & Emma Bridges, Publishing, 2018
- * Lies About Your Better Self, (ss) The Colored Lens #25, Autumn 2017
- * The Memory Jar, (ss) The Colored Lens #29, Autumn 2018
- * Ten Utterances of the Vampire Word, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Winter 2019
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