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Lansdale, Joe R(ichard Harold) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Case of the Stalking Shadow [Dana Roberts], (ss) The Cases of Dana Roberts, Subterranean Press, 2011
- * The Case of the Wailing Ghosts [Dana Roberts] (with Kasey Jo Lansdale), (ss) In League with Sherlock Holmes ed. Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger, Pegasus Crime, 2020
- * The Cases of Dana Roberts, (oc) Subterranean Press, April 2011
- * Castle of Shadows (with Ardath F. Mayhar), (ss) Weirdbook #21, Autumn 1985
- * A Change in Population, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * A Change of Lifestyle (with Karen Lansdale), (vi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine November/December 1984
- * Charlie the Barber, (nv) Alive in Shape and Color ed. Lawrence Block, Pegasus Books, 2017
- * Chompers, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July 1982
- Author’s Choice Monthly #18, March 1991
- The Little Book of Horrors ed. Sebastian Wolfe, Xanadu, 1992
- Bestsellers Guaranteed, Ace, 1993
- A Little Green Book of Monster Stories, Borderlands Press, 2003
- Bumper Crop, Golden Gryphon Press, 2004
- Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine Summer 2009
- Wet Juju, SST Publications, 2020
- * Choosing Not to Mention, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * Christmas Monkeys, (vi) Dark Discoveries #18, Winter/Spring 2011
- * Christmas with the Dead, (nv) PS Publishing, December 2010
- * Church Services, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * Circus, (ss) Bloodrake #5, May 1983
- * The Closet, (vi) The King and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2005
- * Cloud, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * Coach Whip [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (ss) Hap and Leonard: Blood and Lemonade, Tachyon, 2017
- * Coat, (ss) Subterranean (online) Summer 2007
- * Coco Butternut [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (na) Subterranean Press, January 2017
- * Cody’s Army [John Cody] (with Chet Cunningham & Stephen Mertz), (n.) Warner, July 1986 , as by Jim Case
- * Cold Cotton [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (na) Gordian Knot Books, May 2017
- * Cold in July, (n.) Bantam Books, March 1989
- * Companion, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * The Companion (with Kasey Jo & Keith Lansdale), (ss) Great Writers & Kids Write Spooky Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jill M. Morgan & Robert Weinberg, Random House, 1995
- * Companionship, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * The Complete Drive-In [Drive-In], (om) Underland Press, May 2010
- * Coronation, (vi) The King and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2005
- * Cosmic Interruptions, (co) Short, Scary Tales Publications, October 2018
- * Cowboy, (ss) The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent, Subterranean Press, 1997
- * The Crawling Sky [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)], (nv) Son of Retro Pulp Tales ed. Joe R. & Keith Lansdale, Subterranean Press, 2009
- * Crowd, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * Crucified Dreams, (in) The Best of Joe R. Lansdale, Tachyon Publications, 2010
- * Dana Roberts, Her Kith and Kin, (in) Terror Is Our Business with Kasey, Cutting Block, 2018
- * Dark, (vi) Portents ed. Al Sarrantonio, Flying Fox Publishers, 2011
- * The Dark Down There [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)], (nv) Deadman’s Road, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * Dark Hill Run (with Kasey Jo Lansdale), (nv) Dark Cities ed. Christopher Golden, Titan, 2017
- * Dark Inspiration, (ar) Texas Observer December 1 2009 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * Dark Kin (with Kasey Jo Lansdale), (co) Thunderstorm Books, May 2023
- * Darkness in the East, (ar) Texas Observer October 8 2010
- * The Dark Thing, (ss) Fangoria July 2020
- * The Day Before the Day After, (ar) Texas Observer January 6 2011
- * Dead Aim [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (na) Subterranean Press, January 2013
- * Dead Air, (pm) The Horror Zine March 2010
- * Dead Car, (ss) Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World ed. Charlatan Bardot & Eric J. Guignard, Dark Moon Books, 2021
- * Dead in the West, (n.) Space & Time, June 1986
- * Dead in the West [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)], (n.) Eldritch Tales #10 1984, #11 1985, #12 1986
- * Dead in the West [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)], (n.) Space & Time, 1986
- * Dead in the West [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)], (pl) Screamplays ed. Richard Chizmar & Martin H. Greenberg, Del Rey, 1997; adapted from the novel of the same name (Space & Time, 1986).
- * Dead Man’s Curve, (nv) Nights of the Living Dead ed. Jonathan Maberry & George A. Romero, St. Martin's Griffin, 2017
- * Deadman’s Road [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)], (co) Subterranean Press, December 2010
- * Deadman’s Road [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)], (nv) Weird Tales February/March 2007
- The Shadows, Kith and Kin, Subterranean Press, 2007
- Subterranean (online) Spring 2007
- The Best New Horror 19 ed. Stephen Jones, Running Press, 2008
- The Living Dead ed. John Joseph Adams, Night Shade Books, 2008
- Zombies: The Recent Dead ed. Paula Guran, Prime Books, 2010
- Deadman’s Road, Subterranean Press, 2010
- Four Zombies, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2014
- * Deadman’s Road [Reverend Jebediah Mercer (aka Rains)] (with John L. Lansdale), (pl) Shadows West by Joe R. & John L. Lansdale, Subterranean Press, 2012
- * Dead on the Bones, (co) Subterranean Press, November 2016
- * Dead on the Bones, (nv) Games Creatures Play ed. Toni L. P. Kelner & Charlaine Harris, Ace Books, 2014
- * Dead Sister, (nv) Supernatural Noir ed. Ellen Datlow, Dark Horse Books, 2011
- * Dean of Suspense: An Interview with Dean R. Koontz, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1986 [Ref. Dean R. Koontz]
- * Death Before Bed, (pm) The Horror Zine August 2010
- * Death by Chili [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (ss) Veil’s Visit with Andrew Vachss, Subterranean Press, 1999
- Subterranean Gallery ed. Richard T. Chizmar & William K. Schafer, Subterranean Press, 1999
- Mad Dog Summer and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2004
- Hap and Leonard Ride Again, Tachyon, 2016
- Hap and Leonard, Tachyon Publications, 2016
- The Big Book of Hap and Leonard, Particle Books, 2018
- * A Debt to Pay, (ss) Easyriders #72, June 1979
- * December, (vi) Unchained and Unhinged, Subterranean Press, 2009
- * The Degree, (ss) The Darkling Halls of Ivy ed. Lawrence Block, Subterranean Press, 2020
- * Depression, (ss) For a Few Stories More, Subterranean Press, 2002
- * Devil in the Hole, (ss) The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent, Subterranean Press, 1997
- * Devil Red [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (n.) Alfred A. Knopf, March 2011
- * The Devil’s Pants, (ss) Trapped in the Saturday Matinee, PS Publishing, 2012
- * The Diaper or The Adventure of the Little Rounder, (ss) Nova Express Summer 1990
- * Dirt Devils, (ss) Sanctified and Chicken-Fried, University of Texas Press, 2009
- * Disappointment, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * Disaster Club, (ss) Cemetery Dance #32, 1999
- * Dog, (ss) Dark Delicacies II: Fear ed. Del Howison & Jeff Gelb, Carroll & Graf, 2007
- * Dog, Cat, and Baby, (vi) Masques II ed. J. N. Williamson, Maclay & Associates, 1987
- Author’s Choice Monthly #18, March 1991
- The Little Book of Horrors ed. Sebastian Wolfe, Xanadu, 1992
- Bestsellers Guaranteed, Ace, 1993
- 100 Creepy Little Creature Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- High Cotton, Golden Gryphon Press, 2000
- Insidious Reflections #4, Fall 2005
- Wet Juju, SST Publications, 2020
- * Doggone Justice, (ar) Texas Observer September 8 2010
- * Dog in Winter, (pm) The Horror Zine March 2010
- * Dolomite (with David E. Webb), (ar) Cemetery Dance #13, Summer 1992
- * Don’t Lef Go Off My Heart, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * The Donut Legion, (n.) Mulholland Books, March 2023
- * Down by the Riverside [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (ss) Fender Lizards (var. 1), Subterranean Press, 2015
- * Down by the Sea Near the Great Big Rock, (ss) Masques ed. J. N. Williamson, Maclay & Associates, 1984
- The Best of Masques ed. J. N. Williamson, Berkley, 1988
- By Bizarre Hands, Ziesing, 1989
- 100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories ed. Al Sarrantonio & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993
- Sea-Cursed ed. T. Liam McDonald, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- Bumper Crop, Golden Gryphon Press, 2004
- Insidious Reflections #4, Fall 2005
- By Bizarre Hands Rides Again, Bloodletting Press, 2010
- Cosmic Interruptions, Short, Scary Tales Publications, 2018
- * Dragon Chili: From the Grand Church Cookbook, (ss) Subterranean (online) Winter 2008
- * Dread Island, (na) IDW Publishing, August 2010
- * Dreaming Shadows, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * The Drive-In 2 (Not Just One of Them Sequels), (n.) Bantam Spectra, July 1989
- * The Drive-In 2 (Not Just One of Them Sequels) [Drive-In], (ex) Nova Express Spring 1989; forthcoming from Bantam Spectra (July 1989).
- * The Drive-In (A “B” Movie with Blood and Popcorn, Made in Texas) [Drive-In], (n.) Bantam Spectra, August 1988
- * The Drive-In (A “B” Movie with Blood and Popcorn, Made in Texas) [Drive-In], (ex) Bantam Spectra, August 1988
- * The Drive-In: A Double-Feature Omnibus [Drive-In], (om) Carroll & Graf, August 1997
- * Drive-In Date, (ss) Night Visions 8, Dark Harvest, 1991
- Hardboiled #15, February 1993
- Bizarre Bazaar #2, March 1993
- Electric Gumbo: A Lansdale Reader, Quality Paperback Book Club, 1994
- Writer of the Purple Rage, CD Publications, 1994
- High Cotton, Golden Gryphon Press, 2000
- Blood in the Gears, Short, Scary Tales Publications, 2019
- Things Get Ugly, Tachyon Publications, 2023
- * Drive-In Date, (pl) Cemetery Dance #7, Winter 1991; adapted from the short story of the same name (Night Visions 8, Dark Harvest, 1991).
- * The Drive-In: The Bus Tour, (n.) Subterranean Press, October 2005
- * The Drive-In: The Bus Tour [Drive-In], (ex) Subterranean #1, 2005
- * Driving to Geronimo’s Grave, (nv) The Highway Kind ed. Patrick Millikin, Mulholland Books, 2016
- * Driving to Geronimo’s Grave and Other Stories, (oc) Subterranean Press, October 2018
- * The Drowned Man, (ar) Texas Observer February 25 2011
- * The Drunken Moon, (ss) Subterranean (online) Winter 2012
- * Duck-Footed, (nv) Subterranean Press, 2004
- * Duck Hunt, (ss) After Midnight ed. Charles L. Grant, Tor, 1986
- By Bizarre Hands, Ziesing, 1989
- 100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories ed. Al Sarrantonio & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993
- Bumper Crop, Golden Gryphon Press, 2004
- The Best of Joe R. Lansdale, Tachyon Publications, 2010
- By Bizarre Hands Rides Again, Bloodletting Press, 2010
- Bad Seeds: Evil Progeny ed. Steve Berman, Prime Books, 2013
- Shadows Over Main Street: Volume 2 ed. Doug Murano & D. Alexander Ward, Cutting Block, 2017
- * Ducks, (vi) The King and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2005
- * The Dump, (vi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July 1981
- Great Stories from Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine ed. T. E. D. Klein, TZ Publications, Inc., 1983
- Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990
- Author’s Choice Monthly #18, March 1991
- Bestsellers Guaranteed, Ace, 1993
- 100 Creepy Little Creature Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- A Little Green Book of Monster Stories, Borderlands Press, 2003
- Bumper Crop, Golden Gryphon Press, 2004
- Cosmic Interruptions, Short, Scary Tales Publications, 2018
- * The Ear, (vi) Kwik Krimes ed. Otto Penzler, Thomas & Mercer, 2013
- * Edgar Allan Poe’s Shadow and the Aluminum Chair Collide: One Survivor, Weak in the Knees with Pen and Paper, (ss) Trapped in the Saturday Matinee, PS Publishing, 2012
- * Edge of Dark Water, (n.) Mulholland Books, March 2012
- * Electric Gumbo: A Lansdale Reader, (co) Quality Paperback Book Club, 1994
- * Elephant Dick, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * The Elephant of Surprise [Hap Collins & Leonard Pine], (n.) Mulholland Books, March 2019
- * Escape Artist, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1980
- * The Events Concerning, (co) Subterranean Press, February 2023
- * The Events Concerning a Nude Fold-Out Found in a Harlequin Romance, (nv) Dark at Heart ed. Joe R. & Karen Lansdale, Dark Harvest, 1992
- Bestsellers Guaranteed, Ace, 1993
- Electric Gumbo: A Lansdale Reader, Quality Paperback Book Club, 1994
- The Long Ones, Necro Publications, 2000
- The Shadows, Kith and Kin, Subterranean Press, 2007
- The Best of Joe R. Lansdale, Tachyon Publications, 2010
- Blood in the Gears, Short, Scary Tales Publications, 2019
- The Events Concerning, Subterranean Press, 2023
- * The Events Concerning Two Stabbed Clowns in a Bloody Bathtub, (na) The Events Concerning, Subterranean Press, 2023
- * Everybody Plays the Fool, (ss) Thunder’s Shadow Collector’s Magazine February 1993
- * Everything Sparkles in Hell [Nat Love (Deadwood Dick)], (nv) Driving to Geronimo’s Grave and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2018
- * Failed Motives, (pm) Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations, Independent Legions Publishing, 2021
- * Family, (ss) Trapped in the Saturday Matinee, PS Publishing, 2012
- * The Fat Man, (ss) The Horror Show January 1987
- Author’s Choice Monthly #18, March 1991
- Bestsellers Guaranteed, Ace, 1993
- Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1995
- Bumper Crop, Golden Gryphon Press, 2004
- Cosmic Interruptions, Short, Scary Tales Publications, 2018
- * The Fat Man and the Elephant, (ss) By Bizarre Hands, Ziesing, 1989
- * Fender Lizards, (n.) Subterranean Press, October 2015
- * Fender Lizards (var. 1), (co) Subterranean Press, November 2015
- * Filling Station, (ss) The Horror Zine’s Book of Ghost Stories ed. Jeani Rector, Hellbound Books, 2020
- * A Fine Dark Line, (n.) Subterranean Press, June 2002
- * A Fine Dark Line, (ex) The Mysterious Press, 2003
- * Fire Dog, (ss) The Silver Gryphon ed. Gary Turner & Marty Halpern, Golden Gryphon Press, 2003
- * Fishing for Dinosarus, (na) Limbus, Inc.: Book II ed. Brett J. Talley, JournalStone, 2014
- * Fishing for Dinosaurs and Other Stories, (co) Subterranean Press, November 2020
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