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    Samovar [April 25, 2022] (online) [] (Full Text)
    The issue also contains the original versions of all the translated items.
    Details taken from magazine website.
    • · Panorama People · Azrin Fauzi; translated by Ali Aiman Mazwin · ss
      translated from the Malay (“Orang Panorama”).
    • · You, or Dissociation as a Survival Tool in Pursuit of Finding a Mental Haven of Sanity and Companionship · Diana Barberena-Jonas · ss
      translated from the Spanish (“Tú, o La disociación como herramienta de supervivencia en aras de encontrar un remanso mental de cordura y compañía”).
    • · The Door · Tasos Leivaditis; translated by N. N. Trakakis · pm
      translated from the Greek.

    Samovar [October 24, 2022] (online) [] (Full Text)
    The issue also contains the original versions of all the translated items.
    Details taken from magazine website.

    Samovar [February 27, 2023] (online) [] (Full Text)
    The issue also contains the original versions of all the translated items.
    Details taken from magazine website.
    • · A Short Biography of a Conscious Chair · Renan Bernardo · ss
    • · Tempus Fugit · Ketty Steward; translated by Christine Gutman · ss Daring Shifts ed. Lucas Cantori & Alicia Reymond, Clinamen, 2022
      translated from the French (“Tempus Fugit”).
    • · Aborting the Old World · Claudia Vaca; translated by Brittany Hause · pm
      translated from the Spanish (“Aborteras del Viejo Mundo”).

    Samovar [January 22, 2024] (online) [] (Full Text)
    The issue also contains the original versions of all the translated items.
    Details taken from magazine website.
    • · House on the Edge of the Crater · Gábor Képes; translated by Anna Kállai · ss
    • · The House of the Scolopendra · Nicola Lombardi; translated by J. Weintraub · ss The Blood Tomes Volume 2: Creatures ed. Andrea Dawn, Tell-Tale Press, 2020
      translated from the Italian (“La Casa delle Scolopendre”).
    • · The First Step · Guy Goffette; translated by Kathryn Kimball · pm
      translated from the French (“Le premier pas”).

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