The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5266
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[]Hunt, Beatrice Leigh (chron.)
- * Stone Steps and Wooden Stairs, (na) Cassell’s Family Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1877
- * Two Points of View, (na) Cassell’s Family Magazine Dec 1875, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1876
[]Hunt, Belle (fl. 1890s) (chron.)
- * Death of a Flower, (vi) Short Stories July 1892
- * Hay Ranching in Texas, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1893
- * New Orleans, Yesterday and To-Day, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1891
- * Silence, (vi) Short Stories March 1893
- * Sweet Lavender, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1895
- * Ted and I, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1892
- * Uncle Sam Turns Cowboy, (ts) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1892
- * Unprofitable Wanderings, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1891
- * Which Was to Blame?, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1893
[]Hunt, Carol (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Anniversary, (pm) New Love Magazine September 1953
- * The Best Way, (pm) Love Book Magazine November 1948
- * Bluebonnet Hil, (pm) Ten-Story Love Magazine June 1949
- * The Bride Remembers, (pm) Complete Love Magazine September 1950
- * Discovery, (pm) Love Short Stories May 1951
- * Encounter in the Rain, (pm) All-Story Love December 1950
- * Evening Scene, (pm) Love Book Magazine August 1952
- * Evening Walk, (pm) All-Story Love January 1951
- * Fair Is My Darling, (pm) Love Book Magazine December 1950
- * Fate Plays the Dummy Hand, (ss) Bedtime Stories December 1934
- * Fireside Romance, (pm) Variety Love Stories December 1943
- * First Breakfast, (pm) Love Short Stories September 1948
- * First Date, (pm) Complete Love Magazine March 1946
- * For a New Year Diary, (pm) Love Book Magazine January 1953
- * For Dog-Lovers Only, (pm) Love Short Stories July 1951
- * Forest Song, (pm) Love Short Stories June 1948
- * Forever, (pm) All-Story Love August 1948
- * The Gift, (pm) All-Story Love November 1945
- * Happiness, (pm) Variety Love Stories October 1946
- * Happy Family, (pm) Love Fiction Magazine April 1949
- * Heart on Strike, (pm) Love Short Stories November 1949
- * Inspiration, (ss) Bedtime Stories November 1934
- * It’s in the Cards, (pm) All-Story Love September 1950
- * Lilies of the Valley, (pm) Love Short Stories September 1953
- * Love—and Reason, (pm) Love Short Stories August 1950
- * Love-Dazed, (pm) Love Fiction Magazine December 1944
- * Love in Summer, (pm) New Love Magazine May 1953
- * Lucky Romance, (pm) Complete Love Magazine January 1948
- * Meeting at Sunset, (pm) Complete Love Magazine October 1943
- * Meet Me in the Lobby, (pm) Love Book Magazine October 1951
- * New Girl Friend, (pm) Love Short Stories April 1951
- * Phrenologist, (pm) Love Book Magazine October 1950
- * Rivals, (pm) Love Short Stories February 1950
- * Romantic Maid, (pm) Love Book Magazine August 1951
- * Silent Prayer, (pm) All-Story Love June 1950
- * Sorry—He’s Mine!, (pm) Ten-Story Love Magazine February 1946
- * Sunday Afternoon, (pm) Complete Love Magazine June 1947
- * Thanksgiving, (pm) All-Story Love December 1951
- * Two Dates, (pm) Love Book Magazine February 1950
- * Two’s Company, (pm) Complete Love Magazine December 1946
- * Warning, (pm) Love Short Stories September 1949
- * Wha’ Hoppen?, (pm) Love Short Stories June 1950
- * Winter Fantasy, (pm) All-Story Love March 1949
[]Hunt, Cecil (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * The Anaesthetist, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1950
- * Books, (rc) Good Taste October 1948
- * Does Love Date, (rc) Good Taste September 1947
- * The Figure of Venus, (ss) Gloucester Journal May 3 1941
- * The Grand Howl, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1937
- * “Here Lies the Bones…”, (ar) Lilliput September 1937
- * Howlers, (ms) This Week Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20, Mar 27, Apr 3, Nov 27, Dec 11, Dec 18 1938,
Jan 1, Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 22, Feb 5, Mar 19 1939
Feb 23 1941
- * Howlers from Smith Minor, (hu) Lilliput June 1940
- * Jersey Lily, (ss) Britannia and Eve June 1951
- * Up, The Blaster-Boons!, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly June 10 1938
_____, [ref.]
[]Hunt, Deborah L. (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Air Tight, (ss) The Thirteenth Moon June 1995
- * Beads and Mountains, (ss) Fantasque April 1999
- * Blue, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Three ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1997
- * Brandy, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #3, 1999
- * Drexel, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #18, Fall 1998
- * Exceptional Touch, (ss) Parchment Symbols #2, August 1999
- * Falling, (ss) Parchment Symbols #5, February 2000
- * Flying Suitcases, (vi) New Altars ed. Dawn Albright & Sandra J. Hutchinson, Angelus Press, 1997
- * The Game of Horses, (ss) Outer Darkness #5, Fall 1995
- * Glass, (vi) Cyber-Psychos AOD #8, 1998
- * The Halls of the Dead, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #15, Spring 1997
- * The Kiss, (ss) Bare Bone #1, 2001
- * Late, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #2, Winter 1996
- * Mary’s Bad Day, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #7, 2000
- * Nails, (ss) Aberrations #38, July 1996
- * The Pact, (ss) Outer Darkness #9, Autumn 1996
- * Picking Papers, (ss) Weird Stories #9, June 1997
- * Porcelain, (ss) Waste ed. John Benson, John Benson, 1999
- * Sheets, (ss) Dead Lines #4, April 1996
- * Strings of Nerves, (vi) Space & Time #75, Winter 1989
- * Tall, (ss) The Midnight Gallery #6, 1998
- * A Thief in Alubet, (ss) Once Upon a World #7, 1996
- * Tracings, (ss) Black Satellite Fall 2001
- * The Yap, (ss) Outer Darkness #15, Spring 1998
[]Hunt, Edward Eyre (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * Atrocities, (ss) The New Republic September 2 1916
- * Deserter, (ss) The Book News Monthly July 1918
- * A Flemish Tale, (ss) The Outlook April 4 1917
- * Ghosts, (ss) The New Republic January 13 1917
- * Ghosts: A War Legend, (vi) 1918
- * In the Street of the Spy, (ss) The Outlook October 10 1917
- * Microcosm, (ss) The Outlook August 8 1917
- * A Millionaire Pioneer Farmer, (bg) The American Magazine January 1915
- * Odyssey of Mr. Solslog, (ss) Current Opinion June 1918
- * The Pensioners, (ss) The Outlook February 7 1917
- * Saint Dympna’s Miracle, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly May 1917
- * Two Boys with a Great Idea, (bg) The American Magazine March 1915
- * The White Island, (ss) The Outlook January 17 1917
[]Hunt, Frazier (1885-1967) (about) (chron.)
- * All the Boys Remember Maisie, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 27 1944
- * America Fights for the Heart of Mankind, (ar) Liberty February 24 1934
- * America’s Schools Take the Lead, (ar) Hearst’s International June 1924
- * Another Covered Wagon, (ar) Cosmopolitan November 1925
- * Are the Philippines a Military Weakness?, (ar) Liberty August 4 1934
- * The Bachelor Prince, (ar) Liberty Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10 1934
- * A Business Built on a Hunch—, (ar) The New McClure’s July 1928
- * Canada Takes to the Air, (ar) Liberty July 26 1941
- * Canada Takes to the Sea, (ar) Liberty July 19 1941
- * Can Our Planes Protect America?, (ar) This Week February 18 1940
- * Can This Be 1929?, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1929
- * The Church Rolls Up Its Sleeves, (ar) Good Housekeeping March 1933
- * Comanche, (ss) Western Story Roundup October 1955
- * Cosmopolite of the Month:
* ___ Karl H. von Wiegand, (cl) Cosmopolitan April 1939
- * Cousin Ernie’s Radio, (es) Cosmopolitan July 1924
- * The Cub Reporter Again, (ss) Collier’s November 8 1913
- * The Danger Triangle of the World, (ar) Liberty April 21 1934
- * France’s Royal Roughnecks, (ar) Hearst’s International October 1923
- * From Wagons to Limousines, (ar) The New McClure’s September 1928
- * The General and the Sergeant, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1944
- * The Hardest-Working Man in the World, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine May 1929
- * A Heart-to-Heart Talk with President Hoover, (iv) Cosmopolitan February 1931 [Ref. Herbert Hoover]
- * He Dreamed $1,300 Into $50,000,000, (ar) The New McClure’s August 1928
- * He “Hired Out” as Governor, (ar) This Week September 22 1935
- * He Is Giving the Kids a Break, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1933
- * He Knew All My Boyhood Heroes, (ar) Cosmopolitan November 1925
- * Henry Ford, (iv) Cosmopolitan February 1926 [Ref. Henry Ford]
- * He Passed Up a Million Dollars, (bg) Cosmopolitan June 1927 [Ref. Harry Steenbock]
- * Here They Are—“Bert” and “Al”, (ar) The New McClure’s July 1928
- * He’s a Grand Old Man, (cl) Cosmopolitan March 1927
- * The House That Is to Be, (ar) Good Housekeeping March 1934
- * Is America Safe?, (ar) This Week February 11 1940
- * Is England Going Dry?, (ar) Hearst’s International January 1923
- * I Thank God I’m an American, (ar) This Week May 29 1938
- * I Think Most Paris Divorces Aren’t Worth the Paper They Are Written On, (ar) Hearst’s International February 1925
- * It’s Great to Be Home Again, (es) Cosmopolitan May 1924
- * I Wonder How Dry I Am!, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1931
- * Karl H. von Wiegand, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1939
- * The Kipling Man, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st June 1916
- * Lightning Flashes Around the World, (ss) Collier’s April 2 1921
- * Little Doc, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 23, May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28 1938
- * Little Mrs. Lindetrom’s Pull, (ss) Collier’s October 25 1913
- * Little Prince, (ss) Today’s Magazine November 1916
- * Me for Manila, (ss) Collier’s October 29 1921
- * Millionaires Made While You Wait, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1920
- * Morals in Scandinavia, (ar) Hearst’s International August 1923
- * The Most Interesting Woman I Ever Met, (bg) Cosmopolitan April 1926 [Ref. Nancy Astor]
- * My Little Old Home Town, (es) Cosmopolitan June 1924
- * My Neighbour, (ar) Nash’s Magazine June 1928 [Ref. Edward VIII]
- * The Myth of Scotland Yard, (ar) Liberty November 24 1934
- * The New Prince, (ar) Nash’s Magazine August 1929 [Ref. Edward VIII]
- * Nice and White and Innocent, (ss) Collier’s May 7 1921
- * 98, A Millionaire—and Still Working, (bg) Cosmopolitan August 1925 [Ref. John R. Booth]
- * $125 for Mare and Foal (with Robert Hunt), (ss)
- * The Other Side of It, (ss) Live Stories July 1916
- * Our New America, (cl) This Week Aug 28, Sep 11, Sep 25, Oct 23 1938
- * President Coolidge, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1926
- * The Racing President (with Robert Hunt), (ss)
- * Red Petrograd Days, (ar) Collier’s August 9 1919
- * The Romantic Soldier, (sl) The Red Book Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct 1928
- * Roosevelt Looks Ahead, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1935 [Ref. Franklin D. Roosevelt]
- * The Story of Your Car—No. 1: Your Buick, (ar) McClure’s May 1928
- * The Story of Your Car—No. II: Your Chrysler, (ar) McClure’s June 1928
- * Strangling the Jewish Student in Europe, (ar) Hearst’s International June 1923
- * Such Things Really Happen, (ar) McClure’s January 1928
- * The Tall Slayer of Billy the Kid, (ar) Argosy December 1950
- * Tea Stands for Tokyo, (ss) Collier’s April 23 1921
- * Tell It to the Marines, (ss) Collier’s May 21 1921
- * 10 Minutes for Marriage, 9 Minutes for Divorce, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine July 1930
- * That Burns Me Up!, (ar) Cosmopolitan May 1933
- * They Offered Me a Divorce in 45 Days, (ar) Hearst’s International January 1925
- * This, at Least, I Have Learned, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1925
- * The Three Brave Dreams, (ar) This Week July 3 1938
- * A Thunderbolt Waits for India, (ar) Liberty July 21 1934
- * The Two Blind Women of Arcon, (ar) Liberty February 2 1935
- * U.S. Army—Stepchild of Congress?, (ar) This Week February 25 1940
- * War on Your Doorstep, (ar) Liberty January 29 1938
- * We Pay Red Grange 10 Times as Much as Coolidge, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1926
- * What a Fighter! What a Writer, (bg) Cosmopolitan May 1926 [Ref. John W. Thomason, Jr.]
- * What I Saw in Turkey, (ar) Hearst’s International April 1923
- * What Is the Black International?, (ar) Hearst’s International July 1923
- * What the Folks of New Ireland Told Me to Tell America, (ar) Hearst’s International June 1922
- * What Would You Do with a Million?, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1920
- * Where Lightning Strikes, (ss) Collier’s July 2 1921
- * Who’s to Blame in Ireland?, (ar) Hearst’s International July 1922
- * Why the Prince of Wales Will Never Marry, (ar) Liberty September 29 1934
- * Will 400,000,000 Chinese Go Communist?, (ar) Liberty June 16 1934
- * Will Soviet Russia Fight Japan?, (ar) Liberty March 31 1934
- * The Woman Who Wrote “The Sheik”, (ar) Cosmopolitan September 1922 [Ref. E. M. Hull]
- * Words That Will Never Die, (ar) This Week July 2 1939
_____, as told to
_____, [ref.]
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