The FictionMags Index
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[]Batchelor, Denzil (Stanley) (1906-1969) (about) (chron.)
- * At the Mill, (ss) Lilliput June/July 1952
- * Average Luck (with C. B. Fry), (ss) Illustrated July 1 1939
- * The Best All Round, (ar) Lilliput June 1950
- * The Big Fight, (ss) The Evening Standard June 24 1939
- * Caught Napping (with C. B. Fry), (ss) Illustrated June 17 1939
- * Enter the Amazons (with C. B. Fry), (ss) Illustrated July 22 1939
- * It Runs in Families (with C. B. Fry), (ss) Illustrated June 24 1939
- * No Stomach for It, (ss) Lilliput April/May 1952
- * Streem Makes History (with C. B. Fry), (ss) Illustrated July 8 1939
- * Taking a Toss (with C. B. Fry), (ss) Illustrated July 15 1939
- * The Taste for It, (ss) Lilliput October/November 1952
- * The Unended Epic, (ar) Collins’ Magazine April 1952
- * The Way to Wimbledon, (ar) Collins’ Magazine June 1952
- * We Need Luck in Helsinki, (ar) Collins’ Magazine July 1952
- * Wisden: 100 Not Out, (ar) The Sphere #33309A, November 8 1963
[]Batchelor, Glen (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Average Weight of the Human Head, (vi) Twisted Tongue #14, December 2009
- * Dear Cleaner, (vi) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * Donny and the Droolers, (vi) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Off the Record, (ss) Twisted Tongue #14, December 2009
- * Pieces of Kate, (vi) Twisted Tongue #7, August 2007
- * Soul Searching, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * Suffering Shapes the Soul, (ss) Dark Tales #1, Spring 2003
[]Batchelor, Hazel (Kay) Deyo (1890-1928) (chron.)
- * Handle with Care, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1924
- * A Modern Eve, (sl) Love Story Magazine Nov 10, Nov 25, Dec 10, Dec 25 1921, Jan 25 1922
- * Mrs. Don Juan, (sl) Snappy Stories Feb, Mar, Apr 5, Jun 15, Aug 30 1927
- * Romance, (ss) The Smart Set May 1922
[]Batchelor, J(ean Muriel) (1892-1945) (chron.)
- * The Angel of Last Judgement, (pm) The New Yorker October 4 1930
- * Anticlimax, (pm) The Grand Magazine January 1933
- * The Balloon Man, (pm) Harper’s Magazine August 1925
- * The Clown Sings, (pm) The Australian Women’s Weekly May 2 1936
- * Consecration, (pm) The Smart Set December 1916
- * Everyday Enchantment, (ms) Life Story Magazine #68, June 1945
- * Finality, (pm) Harper’s Magazine June 1926
- * Firmament, (pm) The New Yorker April 12 1930
- * The Pawn-Shop, (pm) Romance October 1920
- * Shadows, (pm) The New Yorker April 26 1930
- * To Helen on Her Second Birthday, (pm) The New Yorker July 26 1930
[]Bate, J. Victor (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * The Clue of the Crimson Fork, (tc) Startling Detective Adventures #91, February 1936
- * The Clue of the Killers’ Cabin, (ts) Startling Detective Adventures #99, October 1936
- * Clue of the Memphis Boy Friend, (ts) Headquarters Detective Fall 1945
- * Enigma of the Murdered War Bride, (ss) Startling Detective #248, November 1951
- * Secret of the Flames, (ss) Startling Detective #187, February 1944
- * Shame Bride of Sin and Death, (ss) Ladies of the Underworld June 194?
- * Trailing the Baby-Face Cop-Killer, (ar) Amazing Detective Cases April 1948
- * Voodoo Vengeance, (ts) Master Detective (Australia) May 1954
[]Bate, Sam(uel Ebenezer) (1907-1981) (chron.)
- * Behind the Big Top, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1960
- * Can You Invent a New Christmas Game or Toy?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1955
- * Christmas Greeting, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1953
- * “Go to Nature, Young Scientists!”, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1957
- * Holly Comes from Hollywood, (ar) London Life December 1947
- * Ideas for Your Christmas Party (with Sid G. Hedges), (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1953
- * The Kiss of Lillith, (ss) Weird Story Magazine #1, 1946
- * Lost £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £!, (ar) Young Elizabethan September 1955
- * “Lost—One Mountain”, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * Man’s Memory Is a Mystery, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1955
- * Matchbox-Tricks, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1959
- * Out of Evil, (ss) Yankee Romance Shorts #8, 1943
- * “Peacocks, Admirals, Emperors”, (ar) Chatterbox Annual 1955
- * Pep Up Your Party, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * A Real Muddle, (ar) Young Elizabethan May 1955
- * The Roast Beef That Talked, (ar) Young Elizabethan July 1955
- * Santa Claus Does Exist, (ar) Chambers’s Journal December 1956
- * Ships That Disappeared, (ar) Lilliput October 1942
- * Strange Christmas Presents, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1957
- * “What’s All This About Dragons?”, (ar) Chatterbox Annual 1954
- * “Where Do You Live?”, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1958
[]Bateman, Arnold (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Bill Simmons and the Crystal Ball, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1946
- * Deep Sea Patrol, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1942
- * Diamond Horseshoes, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1948
- * Gus the Gloom, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1949
- * Heavenly Twins, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1946
- * One Pitching Arm Left, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1952
- * Prejudice, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #192, June 1938
- * Pride, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #189, March 1938
- * Rattlesnake Country, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1952
- * Rig Ship for Diving, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1938
- * A Star Might Fall, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1941
- * Submarine Jitters, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1939
- * Submarine Salute, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1945
- * This Is It!, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1944
- * Time Will Tell, (ss) The Evening Standard September 12 1951
[]Bateman, Charles T. (fl. 1890s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Art and Letters in a Surrey Town, (ar) The Windsor Magazine October 1900 [Ref. Frederick Courteney Selous]
- * “Far from the Madding Crowd”: Where Eminent Workers Rusticate, (ar) The London Magazine September 1902
- * Haslemere As a Literary Centre, (ar) The Windsor Magazine July 1898
- * J.S. Sargent, R.A.; A Brilliant Portrait Painter, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 1906 [Ref. John Singer Sargent]
- * Mr. G. F. Watts and His Art, (ar) The Windsor Magazine June 1901
- * M.P.’s Off Duty: How His Majesty’s Commons Spend the Vacation, (ar) The London Magazine August 1902
- * The Painter of the Coronation Picture—Mr. E.A. Abbey, R.A., (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 1905 [Ref. Edwin Austin Abbey]
- * The Soldier’s & Sailor’s Home Ties. The “Snapshots from Home” League, (ar) The Windsor Magazine July 1916
- * Some Literary Landmarks on the Cornish Coast, (ar) The Windsor Magazine August 1908
- * The Training of Boys for the Sea, (ar) The Windsor Magazine August 1919
- * The Y.M.C.A. and the War, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1916
[]Bateman, Claire (1956- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Bridge Escort, (pm) Ninth Letter Fall/Winter 2005
- * Clumsy, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2000
- * Crowns, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2000
- * The Daughter-in-law’s Tale, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2000
- * A Day Without the Car, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1991
- * Doing the Muse in Different Voices, (br) The South Carolina Review Spring 1991
- * Explicit, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1991
- * The Frog Princess, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1990
- * The Given and the Made and the Breaking Up, (br) The South Carolina Review Spring 1996
- * The Invisibility Cloak, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #63, August 2017
- * I Spy, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1996
- * It Happened Again, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1992
- * Jellyfish, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1996
- * Merciless, (pm) Phantom Drift #3, October 2013
- * On Ronald Moran’s Sudden Fictions and Getting the Body to Dance Again, (br) The South Carolina Review Fall 1994
- * Recent Poetry in the Carolinas, (ar) The South Carolina Review Fall 1992
- * Telephone Land, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1996
- * To a Sky, (pm) Ninth Letter Fall/Winter 2005
- * A Universe Kept in Balance: Four Poets, (ar) The South Carolina Review Spring 2000
- * The White-Dark, Some Speculations, (pm) Phantom Drift #3, October 2013
[]Bateman, Colin (1962- ) (chron.)
- * Chapter & Verse, (ss) Girls’ Night Out/Boys’ Night In ed. Jessica Adams, Chris Manby & Fiona Walker, HarperCollins UK, 2001
- * Dublin Express, (ss) Sex in the City: Dublin ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Xcite Books, 2010
- * NIPD Blue, (ss) Mean Time ed. Jerry Sykes, Bloodlines, 1998
- * Unhappy Endings, (ss) Crime Scene NI September 25 2009
_____, [ref.]
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