The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3393
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[]Fairman, Paul W(arren) (1909-1977); used pseudonyms Robert Arnette, Jerome Buxton?, Paul Daniels, John Denver, Clee Garson, E. K. Jarvis, Ivar Jorgensen, Robert Eggert Lee & F. W. Paul (about) (books) (chron.)
- * An Act of Compassion, (ss) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine April 1966
- * All Walls Were Mist, (nv) Fantastic December 1955
- * Any Man’s Death, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1962
- * Bad Blood, (nv) Mammoth Mystery April 1947
- * The Bare-Footed Murder, (ss) Crime Story Magazine December 1953
- * The Beasts of the Void, (nv) Imagination April 1956
- * Beyond the Black Horizon, (nv) Fantastic June 1955
- * The Biggest Kill, (ss) Complete Sports January 1950
- * Big-Time Operator, (ss) Black Mask July 1948
- * Black Blockade, (na) Fantastic February 1956
- * The Body Hunters, (nv) Fantastic February 1959
- * The Body of Madelon Spain, (nv) Mammoth Detective August 1947
- * Boothill Lady, (nv) Star Western April 1954
- * The Broken Doll, (ss) Fantastic Adventures July 1950
- * Brothers Beyond the Void, (ss) Fantastic Adventures March 1952
- Worlds of Tomorrow ed. August Derleth, Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1953
- Worlds of Tomorrow (var. 1) ed. August Derleth, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1955
- Worlds of Tomorrow (var. 2) ed. August Derleth, Berkley, 1958
- Worlds of Tomorrow (var. 3) ed. August Derleth, Four Square Books, 1963
- Thrilling Science Fiction Adventures #16, Summer 1970
- The Twilight Zone: The Original Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Richard Matheson & Charles G. Waugh, Avon, 1985
- * The Brown Package, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * The Bullet from Nowhere [Sheriff Mike Spain], (nv) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine February 1966
- * Bullets for Breakfast, (ss) Mammoth Western February 1948
- * Calico Jones Rides By [Calico Jones], (ss) Mammoth Western April 1949, as by F. W. Paul
- * The Case of the Masterpiece Murders, (ss) F.P. Detective Stories August 1949, as "The Masterpiece Murders"
- * A Chat with the Editor, (ed) If Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1952
- * A Child Is Missing, (ss) Fantastic Adventures February 1952
- * Clean Shirt Cop, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1961
- * Cop Killer, (ss) Redbook December 1958
- * The Cosmic Frame, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1955
- * Crash or Credit, (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories October 1949
- * Culture for the Planets, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * Dalrymple’s Equation, (ss) Imagination June 1956
- * The Dark Fountain, (ss) Escapade August 1960
- * The Dark Road Home, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1961, as by Paul Daniels
- * Deadly Cargo, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1951
- * Deadly City, (nv) If March 1953, as by Ivar Jorgensen
- * Dead Man’s Gold, (ss) Mammoth Western December 1948
- * Delenda Est Carthago, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * Devil on the Mountain, (ss) Mammoth Western March 1949
- * The Devil Snake, (ss) Best Sports November 1950
- * The Devil’s Tower, (ss) G.P. Detective Stories #24, April 1949
- * Dig My Grave in Hell, (nv) F.B.I. Detective Stories June 1949
- * The Dog with the Weird Tale, (ss) Amazing Stories April 1952
- * Don’t Shoot, Zoot-Suit!, (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories December 1949
- * The Editor’s Viewpoint, (cl) Fantastic July 1958
- * Empire of Evil [Darrien], (na) Amazing Stories January 1951, as by Robert Arnette
- * The End Never in Sight, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1961, as by John Denver
- * End of the Line, (ss) Redbook March 1958
- * Every Inch a Gentleman, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1964
- * The Fifty Grand Caper, (na) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1962
- * The Forgetful Robot, (oc) Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * The Gallant Lady, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * The Ghost of Devil’s Tower, (ss) G.P. Detective Stories #24, April 1949, as "The Devil’s Tower"
- * The Girl Who Loved Death, (na) Amazing Stories September 1952
- * The Girl Who Wouldn’t Talk, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1957
- * Give Me My Body!, (nv) Fantastic June 1959
- * The Glass Ladder, (na) Mammoth Mystery October 1947 (unpublished)
- * The Golden Scalp, (nv) Mammoth Western April 1949, as by Robert Eggert Lee
- * A Grave for Rachel, (nv) Rogue March 1959
- * A Grave to Call My Own, (ss) Mammoth Western April 1949
- * A Great Night in the Heavens, (vi) Amazing Science Fiction Stories December 1959
- * The Guns of God, (ss) Mammoth Western November 1947
- * Hallowed Be Thy Name, (ss) Mammoth Mystery August 1947
- * Hang the Man High, (na) Mammoth Western May 1950
- * The Heiress of Copper Butte, (na) Mammoth Western March 1950, as by Guy Archette
- * Hell-Bomb Decoy, (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories June 1950
- * Hell in Tin-Horn Heaven, (ss) Mammoth Western December 1949, as by F. W. Paul
- * The Hills Cried Murder, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1956
- * Homecoming, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1966
- * “I’ll Think You Dead!”, (ss) Imaginative Tales September 1956
- * Incidents on B Street, (ss) Ed McBain’s Mystery Book #3, 1961
- * Including Goodbye, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1963
- * Interlude in the Desert, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * Introducing the Author, (bg) Imagination February 1956
- * Invasion from the Deep, (na) Fantastic Adventures May 1951
- * The Ivory Tower, (na) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1960, as by Paul Daniels
- * The Jack of Planets, (na) Fantastic Adventures April 1952
- * Jason and the Maker, (vi) Imaginative Tales July 1956
- * “Kill the Red Devils!”, (ss) Mammoth Western April 1950
- * The Lady and the Lynch Mob, (ss) Mammoth Western August 1948
- * Late Rain, (nv) Mammoth Detective February 1947
- * Leonardo Da Vinci, (bg) If November 1952 [Ref. Leonardo da Vinci]
- * Let’s Have a Little Reverence, (nv) Fantastic Adventures May 1952
- * Long Hop, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * Lost in a Junkyard, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * Love Comes to Calico Jones [Calico Jones], (ss) Mammoth Western February 1950, as by F. W. Paul
- * Low Man on the Asteroid, (ed) Fantastic; Apr-Dec 56, Jan, Feb, Apr-Dec 57, Feb, Apr 58.
- * Man #6, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1959, as by Paul Daniels
- * The Man in the Ice Box, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1955
- * The Man Who Stopped at Nothing, (na) Fantastic Adventures November 1951
- * The Man with the Clutching Hand, (ss) Fantastic Adventures August 1951
- * Mastermind of Zark, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * The Masterpiece Murders, (ss) F.P. Detective Stories August 1949
- * A Matter of Integrity, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1965
- * The Mine Field, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * The Missing Symbol, (ss) Fantastic November/December 1952, as by Ivar Jorgensen
- * Montana Queen, (ss)
- * My Knife—Your Neck, (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories August 1949
- * Nesters Die Hard, (ss) Mammoth Western November 1948
- * Never Trust a Martian!, (nv) Amazing Stories January 1951, as by E. K. Jarvis
- * A New Kind of Fiction, (ed) Dream World May 1957
- * Night Call, (ss) Bestseller Mystery Magazine September 1958
- * Nine Worlds West, (na) Fantastic Adventures April 1951, as by Clee Garson
- * No Blood in the Valley, (ss) Mammoth Western February 1948
- * No Hero Stuff, (ss) Mammoth Detective September 1947
- * Not Born to Greatness, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * No Teeth for the Tiger, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1950
- * Not to Polite to Kill, (ss) Mammoth Western August 1949
- * The Observatory, (ed) Amazing Stories; Nov 52, Jan, Feb 53, May-Nov 56, Jan, Mar-Dec 57, Jan, Feb, Apr, May 58.
- * Of Men and Dreams—, (ed) Dream World August 1957
- * One Man to Kill, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1955
- * Raymond A. Palmer, (bg) If May 1952 [Ref. Raymond A. Palmer]
- * Panther, Panther in the Night, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1959
- * Patsy, (nv) Manhunt April 1961
- * The Payoff Is Murder, (ss) F.P. Detective Stories March 1950
- * Personalities in Science Fiction:
* ___ Raymond A. Palmer, (bg) If May 1952 [Ref. Raymond A. Palmer]
* ___ Jules Verne, (bg) If September 1952 [Ref. Jules Verne]
- * Personalities in Science:
* ___ Leonardo Da Vinci, (bg) If November 1952 [Ref. Leonardo da Vinci]
- * Phantoms of Zark, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * A Piece of God’s Prairie, (ss) Mammoth Western January 1948
- * Pillory Justice, (na) Mammoth Western September 1950
- * The Pit, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * Proud Asteroid, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1951
- * Quest of the Golden Ape (with Stephen Marlowe), (n.) Amazing Stories Jan, Feb, Mar 1957, as by Adam Chase & Ivar Jorgensen
- * The Reason, (ss) The Gent April 1961
- * Recollection of the Future, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1959, as "Vision of a Crime"
- * Rest in Agony, (na) Fantastic Adventures January 1952, as by Ivar Jorgensen
- * The Roaming Cadaver, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1938
- * Robots Should Stick Together, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * The Roots Grow Deep…, (ss) Mammoth Western June 1950
- * A Rope on the Mesa, (ss) Mammoth Western March 1948
- * Rumble in Sunset Park, (ss) This Week August 16 1959
- * The Scheme of Things, (n.) Belmont, 1966, as by Lester del Rey
- * The Secret of Gallows Hill, (ss) Fantastic Adventures January 1952
- * Secret of the Martians, (na) Imagination February 1956
- * The Seven Kid, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1960, as by John Denver
- * The Shaken Heart, (ss) This Week August 16 1959, as "Rumble in Sunset Park"
- * Side Road to Glory, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1953, as by Robert Eggert Lee
- * The Smashers, (nv) Fantastic August 1955
- * The Smell of Big Time, (ss) Black Mask July 1948, as "Big-Time Operator"
- * “Someday They’ll Give Us Guns”, (ss) Fantastic Summer 1952
- * The Space Museum, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * Spotlight on Slaughter, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1949
- * Strange Blood, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1952
- * Street of Oblivion, (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories October 1950
- * Sweet Dreams, Darling, (vi) Mammoth Detective July 1947
- * Switch-Blade, (ss) Manhunt February 1960, as by Paul Daniels
- * Syndicate Bait, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) June 1963
- * Taste of Terror, (ss) Manhunt June 1961
- * The Terrible Puppets, (na) Fantastic Adventures September 1951
- * The Third Ear, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories June 1952
- * This Grave for Hire, (nv) Mammoth Western October 1950, as by Robert Eggert Lee
- * This Is My Son, (nv) Fantastic October 1955
- * This Treasure Is Mine!, (ss) Imaginative Tales March 1956
- * Those Remarkable Ravencrafts, (ss) The Forgetful Robot, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968
- * The Tinhorn Draws a Queen!, (nv) Star Western December 1952
- * Too Late for Dreams, (ss) Redbook March 1958, as "End of the Line", by Paul W. Fairman
- * Traitor’s Choice, (ss) Imagination August 1956
- * Turtle Race, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1955
- * The Untamed Hearts, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 1 1955
- * Jules Verne, (bg) If September 1952 [Ref. Jules Verne]
- * Vision of a Crime, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1959
- * Wally and the Autograph Collector [Wally Watts], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1961
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