The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3514
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[]Fischer, Marjorie (1903-1961) (books) (chron.)
- * Artist’s Life, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion June 1937
- * At Dawning, (ss) Collier’s December 31 1938
- * The Bride, (ss) Redbook Magazine August 1937
- * Complete Charge, (??) Harper’s Bazaar #2721, March 15 1939
- * Introduction (with Rolfe Humphries), (in) Strange To Tell ed. Marjorie Fischer & Rolfe Humphries, Julian Messner, 1946
- * Jake and the Ballerina, (ss) Collier’s December 27 1941
- * The Mediterranean Trip, (ss) New Copy ed. Donald Lemen Clark, Columbia University Press, 1931
- * Possibility of Pleasure (with Rolfe Humphries), (in) Pause to Wonder ed. Marjorie Fischer & Rolfe Humphries, Julian Messner, 1944
- * Small World, (??) Harper’s Bazaar #2732, January 1940
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[]Fischer, Max (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * An Alibi (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
- * The Anonymous Letter (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine June 1905
- * An Artist (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
- * Barley-Sugar (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The Strand Magazine November 1916; translated from the French.
- * A Cash Transaction (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine July 1905
- * The Chudford Caricature (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine May 1905
- * The Circus Check (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1905
- * The Durands (with Alex Fischer), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #19, January 1924
- * A First Production (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1905
- * Geraldine; or, the Marquess’s Twins (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine January 1905
- * The Gluttony of Women (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine June 1905
- * The Hall-Mark of Success (with Alex Fischer), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #20, February 1924
- * A Handsome Bid (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
- * Interrupted Negotiations (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine March 1905
- * Just His Luck (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
- * Lolotte’s Duel (with Alex Fischer), (ss) John o’ London’s Weekly January 20 1923; translated by Garnett Eyre Macklin
- * Mafeking and Tommy; or, The Naughty Little Boy and The Good Little Boy (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine April 1905
- * Mr. and Mrs. Saunders (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1904
- * A Model Household (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1904
- * Most Urgent (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine January 1905
- * My Dishonest Employer (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine November 1904
- * My Suicide (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine March 1905
- * A New Motor (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine November 1904
- * Not the Play for One’s Wife (with Alex Fischer), (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine June 1922; translated by Garnett Eyre Macklin
- * Proof Evident (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine April 1905
- * A Reckless Prodigal (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1904
- * The Rector’s Plums (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine May 1905
- * Ruthless Stories:
* ___ I.—A Model Household (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1904
* ___ II.—A Reckless Prodigal (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1904
* ___ III.—Mr. and Mrs. Saunders (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1904
* ___ IV.An Artist (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
* ___ V.—Just His Luck (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
* ___ VI.—An Alibi (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
* ___ VII.—A Handsome Bid (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1904
* ___ VIII.—A New Motor (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine November 1904
* ___ IX.—My Dishonest Employer (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine November 1904
* ___ X.—Geraldine; or, the Marquess’s Twins (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine January 1905
* ___ XI.—Most Urgent (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine January 1905
* ___ XII.—My Suicide (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine March 1905
* ___ XIII.—Interrupted Negotiations (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine March 1905
* ___ XIV.—Mafeking and Tommy; or, The Naughty Little Boy and The Good Little Boy (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine April 1905
* ___ XV.—Proof Evident (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine April 1905
* ___ XVII.—The Rector’s Plums (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine May 1905
* ___ XVIII.—The Chudford Caricature (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine May 1905
* ___ XIX.—The Gluttony of Women (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine June 1905
* ___ XX.—The Anonymous Letter (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine June 1905
* ___ XXI.—Training the Foot-Passenger (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine July 1905
* ___ XXII.—A Cash Transaction (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine July 1905
* ___ No. XXIII: A First Production (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine September 1905
* ___ No. XXIII: The Circus Check (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine October 1905
* ___ No. XXIV: Supply and Demand (with Alex Fischer), (pl) The London Magazine October 1905
- * Stories from the French Humorists:
* ___ V. A Tiny Talk (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The Strand Magazine February 1917; translated from the French.
- * Supply and Demand (with Alex Fischer), (pl) The London Magazine October 1905
- * A Tiny Talk (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The Strand Magazine February 1917; translated from the French.
- * Training the Foot-Passenger (with Alex Fischer), (vi) The London Magazine July 1905
[]Fischer, Melanie E. (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Arise! Arise!, (pm) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999, as by M. E. F.
- * Art?, (pm) Imelod #12, Winter/January 1999, as by M. E. F.
- * Behold There Lies a Bleeding Horse, (pm) Imelod #12, Winter/January 1999, as by M. E. F.
- * The Black Box, (ss) The Ancient Track #2, 1999
- * Lovecraft’s Vision, (pm) The Ancient Track #2, 1999, as by M. E. F.
- * Music for the Severed Ear, (cl) Imelod #7 Sum/Jul 1997, #9 Spr/Apr 1998, #12 Win/Jan 1999
- * Music for the Severed Ear, (cl) Imelod #11, Autumn/October 1998, as by M. E. F.
- * Sad Boy, (pm) Imelod #9, Spring/April 1998, as by M. E. F.
- * The Sky at Night, (pm) Imelod #12, Winter/January 1999, as by M. E. F.
- * Thought of Immortality, (pm) Imelod #12, Winter/January 1999, as by M. E. F.
- * Untitled Eight, (pm) Imelod #8, Winter/January 1998, as by M. E. F.
- * Untitled Twenty Two, (pm) Imelod #12, Winter/January 1999, as by M. E. F.
- * [front cover], (cv) Imelod #9, Spring/April 1998
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[]Fischer, Steven (B.) (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * And All Our Bones Were Dust, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #48, September 2017
- * A Beginner’s Guide to Space Travel and Seafood, (vi) Nature #7734, December 6 2018
- * The Earth Is Flat, and I Am No One, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 7 2017
- * The First Fragmented Church of Entropy, (vi) Nature #7631, December 1 2016
- * A Hero’s Guide to Fairy Tales, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #16, July 2018
- * I Am Not the Hive Mind of Transetti Prime, (vi) Nature #7769, August 15 2019
- * A List of Forty-Nine Lies, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2018
- * The Man Who Has to Die, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #4, January 2019
- * Query, Queue, Repeat, (vi) Nature #7651, April 27 2017
- * A Siren Song for Two, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #49, October 2017
- * Snail Mail, (vi) Daily Science Fiction May 29 2017
- * That Electric Feel, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 14 2018
- * The Train to Wednesday, (ss) Diabolical Plots: Year Five ed. David Steffen, Diabolical Plots, 2019
[]Fischer, Todd H. C. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Algonquin Hunt, (pm) Imelod #2, Summer 1996
- * Amarok’s Children, (ss) Imelod #3, Autumn 1996
- * Anarchy Bunny’s Bleeding Bookcase, (br) Imelod #7 Sum/Jul 1997, #8 Win/Jan, #9 Spr/Apr, #11 Aut/Oct 1998, #12 Win/Jan, #13 Spr/Apr, #15 Aut/Oct 1999, #17 Aut/Oct 2000
- * Arkham, (vi) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #9, 1998
- * The Bells of Kallandra, (ss) Imelod #13, Spring/April 1999
- * Beyond the Cellar Door, (ss) Imelod #1, January/Winter 1996
- * Cthulhoid Celluloid (with Rengor), (mr) Imelod #17, Autumn/October 2000
- * Cthuloid Celluloid, (ar) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Deeds of Sleep, (pm) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999
- * The Dreaming of Algernon Early, (ss) The Ancient Track #1, October 1998
- * A Drink at Shub’s (Where Everybody Goes Insane!), (hu) Cthulhu Cultus #12, 1998
- * Dunn’s Point, (ss) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999
- * Erich Zann Lives On, (ar) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Eviscerous Emanations, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #11, 1998
- * Frank Belknap Long Gets Cannonized, (ar) Imelod #11, Autumn/October 1998
- * From Out of the Sea, (ss) Fungi #18, 2000
- * The Gate to M’gall’anah, (ss) Al-Azif #4, 1998
- * Genealogies, (ss) Dark Legacy #5, May 1999
- * Great Old Ones Genealogies, (ar) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Idyll of the Chiroptera, (vi) Helios Quarterly Magazine June 2017
- * Innsmouth Returns: Interview with Aaron Vanek, (iv) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999 [Ref. Aaron Vanek]
- * Joshi Speaks, (ar) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * The Maleficent Seven (Or, Cthulhu and the Indians), (hu) The Innsmouth Archive website 1997
- * More Cthuloid Celluloid, (ar) Imelod #11, Autumn/October 1998
- * The Musicians in Darkness, (br) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Never Send a Man…, (ss) Imelod #2, Summer 1996
- * The Nocturne, (pm) Imelod #2, Summer 1996
- * Old Idols, (ss) Imelod #9, Spring/April 1998
- * Out of the Past-Part I: The Star Ovum, (ss) Imelod #8, Winter/January 1998
- * Playing Hopfrog in Sesqua Valley, (ar) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Return of the Cthuloid Celluloid, (mr) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999
- * The Revelations of Alexander Dyer, (ss) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Scampy, the Very Naughty Christmas Elf, (ss) Imelod #12, Winter/January 1999
- * A Song of Madness and of Death, (nv) The Ancient Track #2, 1999
- * Standing on the Darkest Hilly Knoll, (ar) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Tsathogguan Chant, (pm) The Sorcerer’s Apprentices ed. James Ambuehl, Sunken Citadel/Tenoka Press, 1998
- * The Walrus and Aristotle, (pm) Imelod #3, Autumn 1996
- * Warriors of the Worm, (ss) The Sorcerer’s Apprentices ed. James Ambuehl, Sunken Citadel/Tenoka Press, 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Imelod #7 Sum/Jul 1997, #8 Win/Jan 1998, #17 Aut/Oct 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) The Dream Zone #4, October 1999
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Dream Zone #4, October 1999
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