The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 25
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[]Bascomb, Sheriff Ollie
- Harold de Polo:
- Ollie Goes Still Fishing, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 20 1931
- Ollie Gives the Alarm, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 29 1931
- Ollie Makes an Arrest, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #39, September 1931
- Ollie Picks a Murderer, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1931
- Ollie Learns Plug Casting, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 13 1932
- Ollie Hires a Bodyguard, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 27 1932
- Ransom from the Sky, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly June 24 1933
- Racketeers in Maine, (ss) Thrilling Detective November 1933
- Ollie Goes Fox Hunting, (ss) The Underworld Magazine December 1933
- Ollie Rolls a Barrel, (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1934
- Ollie Answers the Telephone, (ss) Thrilling Detective September 1934
- Good Fishing, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine February 1941
- No Mind for Clues, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 14 1941
- Killers Are Poor Fish, (ss) Detective Fiction November 15 1941
- Ollie Does Some Trapping, (ss) Popular Detective December 1941
- Ollie Does Some Tradin’, (nv) Speed Detective June 1943
- Ollie Fishes a Blackout, (ss) Speed Detective August 1943
- Ollie Does Some Gymnastics, (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1943
- Ollie Loses His Deer Meat, (ss) Speed Detective September 1943
- Ollie Tries Surf Casting, (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1943
- Ollie Does Some Deducing, (ss) Speed Detective January 1944
- Ollie Goes Ice Fishing, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1944
- Ollie Meets a Kidnaper, (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1944
- Ollie Gets His Evidence, (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1944
- Ollie Loses His Hat, (ss) Super-Detective June 1944
- Ollie Becomes an Actor, (ss) Hollywood Detective July 1944
- Ollie Gets a New Deputy, (ss) Speed Detective October 1944
- Ollie Uses Kerosene, (ss) Private Detective Stories December 1944
- Ollie Plays with Fingerprints, (ss) Private Detective Stories February 1945
- Ollie Hears a Cricket, (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1945
- Ollie Has to S.O.S., (ss) Speed Adventure Stories April 1945
- Ollie Sets a Trap, (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1945
- Ollie Tries Ice-Skating, (ss) Private Detective Stories July 1945
- Stilts for the Savage, (ss) Super-Detective November 1945
[]Bastable Children (about)
- Edith Nesbit:
- Noel’s Princess, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1898
- The G.B., (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1898
- Being Detectives: A Passage in the Life of Oswald Bastable, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1899
- Castilian Amoroso, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1899
- The Robber and the Burglar, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1899
- The Nobleness of Oswald, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1899
- The Soldier’s Mother, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1900
- The Blackheath Jungle, (ss) Harper’s Bazar July 21 1900
- The Moat, (ss) Harper’s Bazar August 18 1900
- The Water Works, (ss) Harper’s Bazar September 22 1900
- The Circus, (ss) Harper’s Bazar October 20 1900
- The Tower of Mystery, (ss) Harper’s Bazar November 17 1900
- Being Beavers, (ss) Harper’s Bazar January 12 1901
- Hunting the Fox, (ss) Harper’s Bazar January 26 1901
- The High-Born Babe, (ss) Harper’s Bazar February 23 1901
- The Sale of Antiquities, (ss) Harper’s Bazar March 23 1901
- The Benevolent Bar, (ss) Harper’s Bazar April 20 1901
- The Canterbury Pilgrims, (ss) Harper’s Bazar June 1901
- The Dragon’s Teeth, (ss) Harper’s Bazar August 1901
- Archibald the Unpleasant, (ss) The London Magazine December 1903
- Over the Water to China, (ss) The London Magazine January 1904
- The Honor of the Bastables, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 9 1904
- The Young Antiquarians, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 30 1904
- The Intrepid Explorer and His Lieutenant, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 27 1904
- The Turk in Chains; or Richard’s Revenge, (ss) The London Magazine April 1904
- The Golden Gondola, (ss) The London Magazine May 1904
- The Flying Lodger, (ss) The London Magazine June 1904
- The Smuggler’s Revenge, (ss) The London Magazine July 1904
- The Prophetess of the Golden Orient, (ss) The London Magazine August 1904
- The Arsenicators—A Tale of Crime, (ss) The London Magazine September 1904
- The Lady and the Licence, (ss) The London Magazine November 1904
[]Batchel, Mr.
- D. G. Rowlands:
- From the Diggings, (ss) More Stoneground Ghost Tales by David G. Rowlands, 1983
- The Marsh Lights, (ss) More Stoneground Ghost Tales by David G. Rowlands, 1983
- One Good Turn…, (ss) More Stoneground Ghost Tales by David G. Rowlands, 1983
- One Man Went to Mow, (ss) More Stoneground Ghost Tales by David G. Rowlands, 1983
- Providing a Footnote, (ss) More Stoneground Ghost Tales by David G. Rowlands, 1983
- The Saints Which Slept, (ss) More Stoneground Ghost Tales by David G. Rowlands, 1983
- Vox Humana, (ss) More Stoneground Ghost Tales by David G. Rowlands, 1983, uncredited
- Off the Record or, The Recording Angel, (ss) Dark Dreams #3, December 1985, uncredited
- The Codex, (ss) Mystery for Christmas ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1990
- Hic Dracones, (ss) The Living & the Dead by David G. Rowlands, Crimson Altar Press, 1991
- The Long Hundred, (ss) The Living & the Dead by David G. Rowlands, Crimson Altar Press, 1991
- On Information Received, (ss) The Living & the Dead by David G. Rowlands, Crimson Altar Press, 1991
- The Train of Events, (ss) The Living & the Dead by David G. Rowlands, Crimson Altar Press, 1991
- With This Ring, (ss) The Living & the Dead by David G. Rowlands, Crimson Altar Press, 1991
[]Bates, Buffalo Billy
- Scott Carleton:
- Buffalo Billy Bates, (nv) Popular Western November 1940
- Buffalo Billy’s Reward, (nv) Popular Western January 1941
- Buffalo Billy Makes Medicine, (nv) Popular Western March 1941
- Chief Buffalo Billy Bates, (nv) Popular Western May 1941
- Buffalo Billy in Old Wyoming, (nv) Popular Western July 1941
- Buffalo Billy Turns Bandit, (nv) Popular Western September 1941
- The Pipe of Peace, (nv) Popular Western November 1941
- Manhunter, (nv) Popular Western March 1942
- Deputy Marshal Bates, (nv) Popular Western May 1942
- The Scarlet Scalp, (nv) Popular Western July 1942
- Iron Horse Stampede, (nv) Popular Western September 1942
- The Wagon Train, (nv) Popular Western November 1942
- Scout from Fort Flintlock, (nv) Popular Western March 1943
- Apache Country, (ss) Popular Western May 1943
- The Comanche Caravan, (nv) Popular Western July 1943
- Santa Fe Trail Race, (nv) Popular Western September 1943
- The Trail of the Centipede, (ss) Popular Western November 1943
- Rustlers on the Border, (nv) Popular Western January 1944
- The Navajo Thunder Bird, (nv) Popular Western March 1944
- Billy Draws a Long Bow, (ss) Popular Western May 1944
- A Scalp for Custer, (ss) Popular Western July 1944
- Frontier Peril, (ss) Popular Western September 1944
- Red Runs the War Trail, (ss) Popular Western November 1944
- Westward Roll the Wagons, (ss) Popular Western January 1945
- Meat for Colonel Cody, (nv) Popular Western March 1945
- Indian Scout, (ss) Popular Western May 1945
- Holster Law for Renegades, (nv) Popular Western July 1945
- Death of a Chieftain, (ss) Popular Western September 1945
- The Water of Death, (ss) Popular Western November 1945
- Rebellion at Mescalero, (ss) Popular Western January 1946
- The Spirit of Lost River, (ss) Popular Western March 1946
- North of the Cimarron, (ss) Popular Western May 1946
- Drums of War, (ss) Popular Western October 1946
- Mission for a Buckskin Man, (ss) Popular Western June 1947
- Buckskin Buscadero, (ss) Popular Western June 1948
- Buckskin Man’s Medicine, (ss) Popular Western December 1948
- Buckskin and Iron, (ss) Popular Western April 1949
- Buckskin Man’s Pasear, (ss) Popular Western June 1949
- Orders for a Buckskin Man, (ss) Popular Western August 1949
- Mission for a Buckskin Warrior, (ss) Popular Western October 1949
- Buckskin Man’s Promise, (ss) Popular Western February 1950
- Buckskin Man’s War, (ss) Popular Western June 1950
- Buckskin Yearling, (ss) Popular Western August 1950
- Buckskin Bloodhound, (nv) Popular Western October 1950
- Message for a Buckskin Man, (ss) Popular Western February 1952
[]Bates, Joe
- Ray Humphreys:
- A Real Top Cowhand, (ss) Wild West Weekly August 13 1927, as by Rex McKay
- That Dawg at Three H, (ss) Wild West Weekly August 20 1927, as by Rex McKay
- The Posse from Gold Gulch, (ss) Wild West Weekly September 3 1927, as by Rex McKay
- Joe Bates Knew Mules, (ss) Wild West Weekly September 10 1927, as by Rex McKay
- The Hoss Thief at Three H, (ss) Wild West Weekly September 17 1927, as by Rex McKay
- Joe Bates—Outlaw Tamer, (ss) Wild West Weekly September 24 1927, as by Rex McKay
- The Siege of Three H, (ss) Wild West Weekly October 8 1927, as by Rex McKay
[]Bates, Judge
- Lee Floren:
- Judge Bates’ Boothill Recess, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1940
- Judge Bates Presides—In Boothill!, (ss) New Western Magazine May 1941
- Judge Bates’ Scattergun Sentence, (ss) New Western Magazine November 1941
- Judge Bates’ Boothill Balloon, (nv) New Western Magazine September 1942
- Judge Bates and the Men from Mars, (ss) New Western Magazine January 1944
- Judge Bates’ Gunsmoke Ghost, (nv) Best Western Novels Magazine January 1944
- Judge Bates, Rain-Maker, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western December 1944
- Judge Bates—Coyote Catcher, (ss) Famous Western Winter 1945
- Judge Bates’ Shotgun Court, (nv) Famous Western Spring 1945
- Judge Bates’ Gun-Bought Gold, (nv) Famous Western Summer 1945
- Judge Bates—Boothill Jurist, (ss) Western Action October 1945
- Mountain Justice, (ss) Famous Western Winter 1946
- Guns of Post Hole Valley, (na) Real Western June 1946
- Lost Creek Guns, (nv) Western Action June 1946
- Bonanza at Wishbone, (na) Western Action April 1947
- Gunsmoke Holiday, (na) Blue Ribbon Western September 1947
- Blizzard Guns, (na) Real Western January 1948
- Judge Bates’ Trigger Trap, (na) Famous Western June 1948
- Broken Creek, (na) Real Western August 1948
- Gunsmoke at Broomtail Basin, (na) Double Action Western November 1948
- Guns Along the Rattlesnake, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine February 1950
- The Matter of the Jump-Rope Jury, (na) Best Western March 1952
- Scattergun Law, (na) Real Western Stories April 1953
- Loco Lead, (nv) Real Western Stories August 1953
- Judge Bates’ Boothill Court, (nv) Real Western Stories February 1954
[]Batey, George
- Edgar Franklin Stearns:
- Watch ’Em Lick Batey!, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 28 1931, as by Edgar Franklin
- Two-Thirty for Batey, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 8 1936, as by Edgar Franklin
- Brains—Plus Hunches, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 24 1936, as by Edgar Franklin
- Take the Overcoat, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 28 1937, as by Edgar Franklin
- Instead of Vegetables, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 16 1937, as by Edgar Franklin
- You Have to Get Details, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 27 1937, as by Edgar Franklin
- A Little Window-Dressing, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 5 1938, as by Edgar Franklin
- Speed! Speed!, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 1 1938, as by Edgar Franklin
- As Nice as Pie, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 3 1938, as by Edgar Franklin
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