The FictionMags Index
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Dunsany, Lord (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * On the Other Side of the Sun [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Punch November 25 1942
- * On the Safe Side, (pm) Time and Tide May 27 1933
- * On Wings of Song [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Last Book of Jorkens, Night Shade, 2003
- * The Opal Arrow-Head, (ss) Harper’s Magazine May 1920
- * The Opulence of Yahn, (vi) Time and the Gods, Heinemann, 1906, as "Usury"
- * Or but a Wandering Voice, (ar) Queen’s Quarterly v44 #4, Winter 1937/1938
- * Our Distant Cousins [Joseph Jorkens], (nv) The Saturday Evening Post November 23 1929
- Britannia and Eve February 1930
- Travel Tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens, Putnam's UK, 1931
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror Vol. 3 ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1934
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror: Part VI ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1939
- The Third Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1942
- The Moonlight Traveler ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Doubleday, 1943
- The Armchair Science Reader ed. Isabel S. Gordon & Sophie Sorkin, Simon & Schuster, 1959
- The Moonlight Traveller ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, World/WDL, 1960
- The Second Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories ed. Robert Aickman, Fontana, 1966
- The Collected Jorkens, Volume One, Night Shade Books, 2004
- In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales, Penguin Classics US, 2004
- * Our Laurels, (vi) Saturday Review (UK) November 28 1914
- * Outcast, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Out West [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Punch May 16 1945
- * Over the Fragments, (pm) Lethbridge Herald November 22 1939
- * Over the Hills and Far Away, (co) Ballantine Adult Fantasy, April 1974 ; edited by Lin Carter
- * Over the Tea-Cups, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Ozymandias [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1934
- * The Pale-Green Image [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Fourth Book of Jorkens, Jarrolds, 1947
- * Paris, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Parthenon, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Partner [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The (London) Evening News April 27 1949
- * Passing Voices, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Path, (pm) The Dublin Magazine July/September 1934
- * Peace, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Pearly Beach [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Vanity Fair (US) March 1932
- * Pegāna, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * Pens, (ar) Saturday Review (UK) March 13 1909
- * The Persian Spell [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Evening Standard February 26 1934
- * Pétain, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Phantom, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Pirate of the Round Pond, (nv) The Little Tales of Smethers, Jarrolds, 1952
- * The ’Plane, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Plays for Earth and Air, (co) Heinemann, 1937
- * Plays for Earth and Air, (pm) Verses Dedicatory, Charnel House, 1985
- * Plays of Gods and Men, (co) Talbot Press, 1917
- * Plays of Near and Far, (oc) G.P. Putnam's Sons, December 1922
- * A Plaything of Our Betters [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Last Book of Jorkens, Night Shade, 2003
- * Poems for the British Legion, Dublin Branch, (gp)
- * The Poet, (pm) New York Herald Tribune
- * Poetry Modern and Ancient, (ar) Tomorrow February 1949
- * The Poet Speaks with Earth, (ss) Fifty-One Tales by Lord Dunsany, Elkin Mathews, 1915
- * The Policeman’s Prophecy, (ss) The Fortnightly Review January 1930
- * Poltarnees, Beholder of Ocean, (ss) Irish Homestead Christmas 1908
- * Poor Old Bill, (ss) A Dreamer’s Tales, George Allen, 1910
- * Poseidon, (ss) The Spectator June 13 1941
- * The Possibility of Life on the Third Planet, (ss) Coronet September 1937, as "Mars on the Ether"
- * The Postman of Otford, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) October 1917
- * Poulet à la Richelieu [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Holiday September 1950
- * The Prayer of Boob Aheera, (ss) Tales of Three Hemispheres, John W. Luce, 1919
- * The Prayer of the Flowers, (pp) Saturday Review (UK) December 18 1909
- * The Prayer of the Men of Daleswood, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * Preface, (pr) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * Preface, (pr) Time and the Gods, Heinemann, 1906
- * Preface, (pr) The Book of Wonder, Heinemann, 1912
- * Preface, (pr) Tales of Wonder, Elkin Mathews, 1916
- * Preface, (pr) Plays of Gods and Men, The Talbot Press, 1917
- * Preface, (pr) Unhappy Far Off Things, Elkin Mathews, 1919
- * Preface, (pr) Plays of Near and Far, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1922
- * Preface, (pr) Travel Tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens, Putnam's UK, 1931
- * Preface, (pr) Jorkens Remembers Africa, Longmans, Green, 1934
- * Preface, (pr) Plays for Earth and Air, William Heinemann, 1937
- * Preface, (pr) Jorkens Has a Large Whiskey, Putnam, 1940
- * Preface, (pr) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Preface, (pr) To Awaken Pegasus, George Ronald, 1949
- * Preface, (pr) Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey, Michael Joseph, 1954
- * A Pretty Quarrel, (vi) Tales of Three Hemispheres, John W. Luce, 1919
- * The Price of a Drink, (ss) The (London) Evening News June 20 1951
- * The Prince of Stamboul, (pl) Harper’s Bazar January 1921
- * The Prisoner, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * Prisoners in the Red Sea, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Probable Adventure of the Three Literary Men, (ss) The Sketch February 8 1911
- * Progress, (ss) The (London) Evening News January 11 1950
- * A Prophet Without Honour [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Last Book of Jorkens, Night Shade, 2003
- * The Pumpkin, (pl) The London Mercury June 1931
- * Pundleton’s Audience [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Jorkens Has a Large Whiskey, Putnam, 1940
- * The Punishment, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * The Queen’s Enemies, (pl) Plays of Gods and Men, The Talbot Press, 1917
- * The Queer Island [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1930
- * The Quest, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 31 1929
- * The Quest of the Queen’s Tears, (ss) The Sketch January 18 1911
- * Quiet Again, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * The Raffle, (pl) Seven Modern Comedies, Putnam, 1928
- * The Raft Builders, (pp) Saturday Review (UK) December 18 1909
- * A Rash Remark [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey, Michael Joseph, 1954
- * The Rations of Murdoch Finucan, (vi) Punch October 8 1947
- * Raw Material, (pm) Fifty Poems, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929
- * The Real Thing, (ss) Unhappy Far Off Things, Elkin Mathews, 1919
- * The Reaping, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Rebuff [Joseph Jorkens], (vi) The (London) Evening News March 10 1945
- * The Refugee, (pm) The Fortnightly Review February 1942
- * The Refugees, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Relenting of Sarnidac, (ss) Time and the Gods, Heinemann, 1906
- * A Remembrance of Pan, (pm) Time and Tide August 26 1933
- * A Request, (pm) The Double Dealer March 1921
- * Researches Into Irish History, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) November 1919
- * The Return, (ss) The Listener January 16 1935
- * The Return of Ibrahim, (vi) Saturday Review (UK) December 27 1913
- * The Return of Song, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) December 31 1910
- * The Return of the Exiles, (ss) The Cambridge Review 1912
- * The Revelation to Mr. Periple, (ss) The Manchester Guardian September 7 1934
- * The Revolt of the Home Gods, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * The Reward [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Fifty-One Tales by Lord Dunsany, Elkin Mathews, 1915
- * The Reward, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Reward [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The (London) Evening News August 27 1952
- * Rhymes from a Suburb, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1897
- * The Riders, (pm) The Daily Express August 29 1928
- * Riding to El Dorado, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The River, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * The Road, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * Romance, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) May 29 1909
- * The Romance of His Life, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar March 1952
- * Rory and Bran, (pm) Verses Dedicatory, Charnel House, 1985
- * The Rose By-Pass, (ss) The Man Who Ate the Phoenix, Jarrolds, 1949
- * Roses, (pp) Saturday Review (UK) December 31 1910
- * Rose Tibbets, (ss) The Radio Times May 18 1934
- * A Royal Dinner [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The (London) Evening News May 24 1947
- * A Royal Swan, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1950
- * The Russian Snow, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Sack of Emeralds, (ss) Tales of Three Hemispheres, John W. Luce, 1919
- * The Sacred City of Krakovlitz [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1941, as "The City on the Hill"
- * The Sayings of Imbaun, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * The Sayings of Kib, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * The Sayings of Limpang-Tung, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * The Sayings of Slid, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * The Second Front [Mr. Linley], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #92, July 1951, as "The Most Dangerous Man in the World"
- * The Secret of the Gods, (vi) Time and the Gods, Heinemann, 1906
- * The Secret of the Sea, (ss) The Sketch June 10 1914
- * The Secret of the Sphinx [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Selected Writing, 1946
- * The Secret Order, (ss) The Emperor’s Crystal and Other Lost Tales, Vol. II, Pegana Press, 2013
- * Seeing the World, (ar) Holiday March 1951
- * Selections from Patches of Sunlight, (ex) 1938
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