The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2032
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[]Clegg, Douglas (Alan) (1958- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) The Nightmare Chronicles, Leisure, 1999
- * The American, (ss) Wild Things: Four Tales, Cemetery Dance, 2006
- * Becoming Men, (ss) Subterranean Gallery ed. Richard T. Chizmar & William K. Schafer, Subterranean Press, 1999
- * The Cabinet-Maker’s Wife, (ss) Cemetery Dance #21, Summer 1994
- * Celeste, of the Chosen, (ss) Deathrealm #25, Autumn 1995
- * Chosen, (nv)
- * Coming of Age, (ss) Forbidden Acts ed. Nancy A. Collins, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1995
- * Damned, if You Do, (ss) Cemetery Dance #16, Spring 1993
- * The Dark Game, (nv) Flesh & Blood #14, #15 2004
- * Dark of the Eye, (n.) Pocket, August 1994
- * The Five, (ss) Twists of the Tale ed. Ellen Datlow, Dell, 1996
- * Foreword, (fw) Wild Things: Four Tales, Cemetery Dance, 2006
- * “Fries with That?”, (ss) Cemetery Dance #30, 1998
- * The Fruit of Her Womb, (ss) Phantoms of the Night ed. Richard Gilliam & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- * Funerary Rites, (ss) Dark Discoveries #27, Spring 2014
- * Goat Dance, (ex) Pocket, 1989
- * The Hurting Season, (ss) Deathrealm #19, Fall 1993
- * I Am Infinite; I Contain Multitudes, (ss) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
- * Ice Palace, (ss) Little Deaths ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium, 1994
- * The Innocents at the Museum of Antiquities, (sl) Cemetery Dance #61, #62 2009, #64 2010
- * Introduction to “Runaway”, (is) Killer Year ed. Lee Child, St. Martin's Minotaur, 2008
- * The Joss House, (ss) Deadbolt Magazine #5, 1999
- * The Little Mermaid, (ss) Palace Corbie #8, 1999
- * The Machinery of Night, (ss) Shivers II ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetery Dance, 2003
- * The Machinery of the Night, (ss) The Asylum, Vol. 1: The Psycho Ward ed. Victor Heck, DarkTales Publications, 1999
- * A Madness of Starlings, (ss) Cemetery Dance #50, 2004
- * Mrs. Phelan, (nv) South from Midnight ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Thomas R. Hanlon, Southern Fried Press, 1994
- * My Favorite Halloween Memory, (ms) October Dreams ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance, 2000
- * The Mysteries of Paris, (ss) More Phobias ed. Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Pocket, 1995
- * Naomi, (n.) Subterranean Press, December 2000
- * The Night Before Alec Got Married, (ss) Palace Corbie #5, 1994
- * The Nightmare Chronicles, (co) Leisure, September 1999
- * Only Connect, (ss) The Conspiracy Files ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Scott H. Urban, DAW, 1998
- * O, Rare and Most Exquisite, (ss) Lethal Kisses ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium, 1996
- * People Who Love Life, (ss) The Scream Factory #6, 1991
- Quick Chills II ed. Peter Enfantino & Robert Morrish, Deadline Press, 1992
- Quick Chills II ed. Robert Morrish & Peter Enfantino, Deadline Press, 1992
- 100 Tiny Tales of Terror ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1996
- The Best of the Scream Factory ed. Peter Enfantino, Robert Morrish & John Scoleri, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2019
- * The Rendering Man, (ss) Cemetery Dance #19, Winter 1994
- * The Ripening Sweetness of Late Afternoon, (ss) Dante’s Disciples ed. Peter Crowther & Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf, 1996
- * The Skin of the World, (ss) The Machinery of Night by Douglas Clegg, Cemetery Dance, 2004
- * The Stain, (ss) Cemetery Dance #67, 2012
- * 265 and Heaven, (nv) Imagination Fully Dilated ed. Alan M. Clark & Elizabeth Engstrom, Cemetery Dance, 1998
- * Underground, (ss) Phantasm #3, Spring 1996
- * Underworld, (ss) Phantasm #3, Spring 1996, as "Underground"
- * Where Flies Are Born, (ss) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991
- * White Chapel, (nv) Love in Vein ed. Poppy Z. Brite & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1994
- * Wild Things: Four Tales, (co) CD Publications, 2006
- * The Wolf, (ss) Wild Things: Four Tales, Cemetery Dance, 2006
- * The Words, (na) Four Dark Nights, Leisure, 2002
- * [haiku], (pm) Flesh & Blood #12, 2003
_____, [ref.]
- * A Conversation with Douglas Clegg by Wayne Edwards, (iv) Cemetery Dance #26, Spring 1997
- * A Conversation with Douglas Clegg by Henry W. Wagner, (iv) Cemetery Dance #34, 2001
- * A Dance with Douglas Clegg by John Scoleri, (iv) The Scream Factory #5, Summer 1990
- * Doug Clegg: An Appreciation by Edward Lee, (ar) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991
- * Douglas Clegg Interview by Michael McCarty, (iv) Darkling Plain Summer 2000
- * Douglas Clegg Interview, (iv) Book of Dark Wisdom #7, Fall 2005
- * The Douglas Clegg Interview, (iv) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991, uncredited.
- * A Graveside Chat with Douglas Clegg, (iv) Deathrealm #19, Fall 1993, uncredited.
- * Horror of the Imagination: An Interview with Douglas Clegg by Michael Rowe, (iv) All Hallows #28, October 2001
- * Interview with Douglas Clegg by James R. Beach, (iv) Dark Discoveries Spring 2004
- * The Tomes of Clegg by Stefan Dziemianowicz, (bi) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991
[]Clegg, Jaleta (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Butterfly Woman, (ss) Bugs! ed. Gerald Costlow, Pill Hill Press, 2012
- * The Eyes of Ashteroth, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v7 #2, 2011
- * Finding a Purpose, (ss) Hidden Menagerie: Vol. 1 ed. Michael Cieslak, Dragon's Roost Press, 2018
- * Meadow Munchies from Thorndancer: Recipes, (ms) Abandoned Towers #7, November 2010
- * Nexus Point Recipes, (ms) Abandoned Towers #5, March 2010
- * One Way Ticket, (ss) Beyond the Sun ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Fairwood Press, 2013
- * Pernese Picnic (serves 8-10), (ms) Abandoned Towers #3, July 2009
- * Redwall Feast, (ms) Abandoned Towers #2, March 2009
- * Scherezade’s Repast Created, (ms) Abandoned Towers #4, November 2009
- * Spirits, (ss) Abandoned Towers #3, July 2009
- * Temple of Doom Party Menu, (ms) Abandoned Towers #1, November 2008
- * They Call the Wind Mariah, (ss) Wandering Weeds ed. Jaleta Clegg & Frances Pauli, Hall Brothers Entertainment, 2012
- * The Ultimate Space Race, (ss) Mission: Tomorrow ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Baen, 2015
_____, ed.
[]Clegg, John (chron.)
- * Make Your Own Museum, (ar) Collins’ Magazine November 1952
- * Make Your Own Museum-1, (ar) Collins’ Magazine April 1952
- * Make Your Own Museum-3: Plaster Casts of Leaves, (ar) Collins’ Magazine June 1952
- * Make Your Own Museum-4: More Plaster Casts, (ar) Collins’ Magazine July 1952
- * Make Your Own Museum-5: Mounting Pressed Flowers, (ar) Collins’ Magazine August 1952
- * Make Your Own Museum-7: Flint Instruments, (ar) Collins’ Magazine October 1952
- * Make Your Own Museum: Fossils, (ar) Collins’ Magazine September 1952
- * Make Your Own Museum: Rock Collecting, (ar) Collins’ Magazine December 1952
- * Pond Hunting: 1-Equipment, (ar) Collins’ Magazine January 1953
- * Pond Hunting: 2-Water Beetles, (ar) Collins’ Magazine February 1953
- * Pond Hunting: Caddis Larvae, (ar) Collins Young Elizabethan June 1953
- * Pond Hunting: Larvae of Water Beetles, (ar) Collins’ Magazine March 1953
- * Pond Hunting: Newts, (ar) Collins Young Elizabethan May 1953
- * Pond Hunting: The Water Spider, (ar) Collins Young Elizabethan December 1953
- * Pond Hunting: Water Bugs, (ar) Collins Young Elizabethan April 1953
[]Cleghorn, Jodi (fl. 2010s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Blinded, (nv) Hope ed. Sasha Beattie, Kayelle Press, 2011
- * Firefly Epilogue, (ss) One Small Step ed. Tehani Wessely, FableCroft Publishing, 2013
- * Foreword, (fw) From Stage Door Shadows ed. Jodi Cleghorn, Literary Mix Tapes, 2012
- * Indigo, (ss) From Stage Door Shadows ed. Jodi Cleghorn, Literary Mix Tapes, 2012
- * Kissed by the Sun, (ss) Dead Red Heart ed. Russell B. Farr, Ticonderoga Publications, 2011
- * The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, (ss) The Never Never Land ed. Mitchell Akhurst, Phillip Berrie & Ian McHugh, CSFG Publishing, 2015
_____, ed.
[]Cleghorn, Sarah Norcliffe (1876-1959) (about) (chron.)
- * Adieu, Butterflies, (pm) All-Story Weekly July 10 1920
- * Amateur Socialist, (ss) The Outlook September 2 1911
- * “And She Never Could Understand”, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1920
- * Arcadia Minor, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine December 1914
- * At Dusk in the Garret, (pm) The American Magazine May 1909
- * At Last It Comes to Christmas Evening, (pm) The American Magazine December 1909
- * At the Golden Wedding, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1913
- * Bare Mountain Travelers, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine November 1911
- * The Bible, (pm) The American Magazine January 1910
- * The Blackwater Tantrums, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine October 1906
- * A Bride, (pm) The American Magazine November 1915
- * The Brides of May and September, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine September 1908
- * But This Is Also Everlasting Life, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine December 1915
- * By Evening Light, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1913
- * A Century of Little Girls, (pm) Harper’s Magazine August 1915
- * The Children Have Gone, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1914
- * Credo, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1911
- * Death the Adventure, (pm) The American Magazine January 1913
- * The Deep Spring in the Evergreen Forest, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1913
- * Emily Bronte, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1910
- * Enheartenment, (pm) Harper’s Magazine August 1914
- * Esmond in New England, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1909
- * Far from Fair, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1914
- * The Genesis of Malice, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly April 1926
- * A Green Mountain Gardner, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine June 1916
- * Haunted Village, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine September 1916
- * Henry Peaslee and His Aunt Emma, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine November 1906
- * Hesperides, (pm) Harper’s Magazine June 1914
- * High Street and Hemlock Lane, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #6, March 1912
- * His Bible Interleaved, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine April 1913
- * If I Forget Thee, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1920
- * Immemorial Day, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine June 1915
- * In a Far Township, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine September 1910
- * In an Old Cemetery, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine June 1911
- * In the Spring of Sixty-One, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1912
- * Irish Fairies, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly April 1910
- * The Jail, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine July 1913
- * Judge Me, O Lord!, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1911
- * Kind Was My Surgeon, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1910
- * A Lace Mantilla, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1913
- * Lamia in Windsor, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1916
- * Last Sunday, (pm) The American Magazine October 1912
- * Little Mother, (pm) The American Magazine June 1915
- * Lovers’ Lane, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1910
- * Magellan in the Strairs, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 28 1920
- * Marjorie, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1912
- * “Mr. Charles Raleigh Rawdon, Ma’am”, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1917
- * Mr. Willoway, (pm) The American Magazine December 1906
- * The Mother at the Telescope, (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1925
- * The Mountaineer Returning in Spring, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * My Sister’s Jane, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine December 1907
- * New England Franciscans, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #3, December 1911
- * Nightfallen Snow, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1924
- * An Old Portrait of Two Children, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1917
- * Old Portraits Revisited, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine March 1913
- * Omnes in Arcadia, (pm) The American Magazine March 1907
- * On an Anniversary, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1910
- * On Christmas Eve, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1908
- * Patchwork, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1913
- * Portrait of a Family, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine July 1920
- * Portrait of a Lady, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine September 1919
- * The Procession, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine April 1910
- * The Red Woman, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine April 1907
- * The River, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine January 1917
- * Sail West, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1915
- * A Saint’s Hours, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine December 1908
- * Salem Hills to Ellis Island, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine January 1913
- * Scottish Chiefs, (pm) The American Magazine April 1909
- * Soldiers of the Old Guard, (pm) The American Magazine November 1913
- * Spring in the Suburbs, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine April 1914
- * Spring in Vermont, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine April 1916
- * Survival of the Fittest, (pm) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1910
- * Taking Down the Stockings, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine December 1908
- * The Talisman, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1915
- * The Thread Speaks to the Loom, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine June 1914
- * Three Great Ladies, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine December 1921
- * The Traveler, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine January 1907
- * Turnpike Cronies, (pm) McClure’s Magazine July 1907
- * Vermont, (pm) The Century Magazine April 1913
- * The Vermonter Departing, (pm) Everybody’s September 1921
- * Who Else Heard It?, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1913
- * Who Would Be a Young Lady, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1910
- * The Yellow Leaf, (pm) The American Magazine March 1909
- * The Young Man’s Darling, (pm) The American Magazine February 1913
- * [frontispiece], (fp) The American Magazine January 1913
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