The FictionMags Index
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Bradbury, Ray (Douglas) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * To Ireland, (pm) Santa Susana Press, 1983 (broadside)
- * To Ireland No More…, (pm) Poly: New Speculative Writing ed. Lee Ballentine, Ocean View Books, 1989
- * To Know What Isn’t Known, That’s Mine, (pm) They Have Not Seen the Stars: The Collected Poems of Ray Bradbury, Stealth Press, 2002
- * To Make a Long Story Much, Much Shorter, (ss) Rob Wagner’s Script July 5 1941
- * The Tombling Day, (ss) Shenandoah Fall 1952
- The Supernatural Reader ed. Groff & Lucy Conklin, Lippincott, 1953
- The Supernatural Reader (var. 1) ed. Groff & Lucy Conklin, WDL Books, 1958
- Satellite Science Fiction June 1958
- I Sing the Body Electric!, Knopf, 1969
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- Mysterious, Menacing & Macabre ed. Helen Hoke, Elsevier, 1981
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories, Avon, 1998
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories (var. 1), Subterranean Press, 2007
- * The Tombstone, (ss) Weird Tales March 1945
- Weird Tales (Canada) May 1945
- Strange Tales #1, 1946
- Dark Carnival, Arkham House, 1947
- Dark Carnival (var. 1), Hamish Hamilton, 1948
- Argosy (UK) January 1952, as "Exit Mr. White"
- The Small Assassin, Ace UK, 1962
- The Toynbee Convector, Knopf, 1988
- Dark Carnival (var. 2), Gauntlet Publications, 2001
- The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition: Volume 3: 1944-1945, Kent State University Press, 2017
- * “The Tombstone”: March 1945, (is) Dark Carnival (var. 2), Gauntlet Publications, 2001
- * Tomorrow and Tomorrow, (ss) Fantastic Adventures May 1947
- * Tomorrow Midnight, (co) Ballantine, 1966
- * Tomorrow’s Child, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1948, as "The Shape of Things"
- I Sing the Body Electric!, Knopf, 1969
- Argosy (UK) April 1970
- Space 2 ed. Richard Davis, Abelard Schuman UK, 1974
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories, Avon, 1998
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories (var. 1), Subterranean Press, 2007
- * Too Much, (pm) The San Diego Union Currents in Books December 16 1979
- * Too Soon from the Cave, (ar) Space Illustrated September 2000
- * To Prove That Cowards Do Speak Best and True and Well, (pm) When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed, Knopf, 1973
- * Torrid Sacrifice, (ss) Cavalier November 1952
- The Golden Apples of the Sun, Doubleday, 1953, as "En La Noche"
- The Golden Apples of the Sun (var. 1), Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953, as "En La Noche"
- Argosy (UK) November 1953, as "Price of Silence"
- The Fog Horn & Other Stories, Taiyosha, 1979, as "En La Noche"
- Classic Stories 1, Bantam Spectra, 1990, as "En La Noche"
- Classic Stories 1 (var. 1), Bantam Spectra, 1995, as "En La Noche"
- The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories, Avon, 1997, as "En La Noche"
- The Golden Apples of the Sun, Subterranean Press, 2008, as "En La Noche"
- * To Sail Beyond the Sun (A Luminous Collage) (with Jonathan V. Post), (pm) Project Solar Sail ed. Arthur C. Clarke, NAL/Roc, 1990
- * To Sing Strange Songs, (co) A. Wheaton & Co., June 1979
- * To the Chicago Abyss, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1963
- * To the Chicago Abyss, (pl) The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays, Bantam, 1972; adapted from F&SF May ’63.
- * To the Future, (ss) Collier’s May 13 1950
- Argosy (UK) Sep 1950, Sep 1971, as "Escape"
- The Illustrated Man, Doubleday, 1951, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1951 ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Fredrick Fell, 1951, as "The Fox in the Forest"
- The Best Science Fiction Stories: Second Series ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Grayson & Grayson, 1952, as "The Fox in the Forest"
- The Illustrated Man (var. 1), Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- The Mysterious Traveler Magazine January 1952
- Frontiers in Space ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Bantam, 1955, as "The Fox in the Forest"
- The Vintage Bradbury, Vintage, 1965, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories Not for the Nervous ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1965
- Alfred Hitchcock: Stories Not for the Nervous, Part One ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Pan, 1966
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories Not for the Nervous (var. 1) ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1966
- The Mindworm, Tandem, 1967, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories Not for the Nervous, Book One ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Pan Books, 1968
- 2001 and Beyond: Science Fiction Stories ed. H. G. Stenzel, Longman, 1975, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- Fahrenheit 451: Short Stories, Raduga Publishers, 1983, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- The Dragon Who Ate His Tail, Gauntlet Press, 2007
- A Pleasure to Burn, Subterranean Press, 2010
- The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories, Library of America, 2022, as "The Fox and the Forest"
- * Touch and Go!, (cs) Crime SuspenStories (comic) June/July 1953; adapted from the story of the same name (Detective Book Magazine November 1948) by Al Feldstein.
- * Touch and Go!, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Winter 1948
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #110, January 1953, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- The Golden Apples of the Sun, Doubleday, 1953, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- The Golden Apples of the Sun (var. 1), Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Argosy (UK) March 1954, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Cavalier #80, February 1960, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #3, 1962, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Ellery Queen’s 12 ed. Ellery Queen, Dell, 1964, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- The Vintage Bradbury, Vintage, 1965, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Best Murder Stories ed. Cyril Ray, Faber and Faber, 1965, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Mystery and Suspense Stories ed. John L. Foster, Ward Lock, 1977, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Horror ed. F. E. S. Finn, John Murray, 1978, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Murder Most Foul, Octopus, 1984, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Classic Stories 1, Bantam Spectra, 1990, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Classic Stories 1 (var. 1), Bantam Spectra, 1995, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories, Avon, 1997, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Bradbury Stories, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2003, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- The Golden Apples of the Sun, Subterranean Press, 2008, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- Killer, Come Back to Me, Hard Case Crime, 2020, as "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl"
- * Touched with Fire, (ss) Maclean’s June 1 1954, as "Shopping for Death"
- The October Country, Ballantine, 1955
- The October Country (var. 1), Ace UK, 1961
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories, Library of America, 2022
- * A Touch of Petulance, (ss) Dark Forces ed. Kirby McCauley, Viking, 1980
- The Toynbee Convector, Knopf, 1988
- Time Machines ed. Bill Adler, Jr., Carroll & Graf, 1997
- Killer, Come Back to Me, Hard Case Crime, 2020
- The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories, Library of America, 2022
- * Touch Your Solitude to Mine, (pm) When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed, Knopf, 1973
- * The Town Where No One Got Off, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1958
- The Day It Rained Forever, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1959
- A Medicine for Melancholy, Doubleday, 1959
- Ellery Queen’s 14th Mystery Annual ed. Ellery Queen, Random House, 1959
- Argosy (UK) July 1959, as "Back of Beyond"
- Forces ed. Harvey R. Granite, Millard H. Black, Virginia F. Lewis & Jo M. Stanchfield, Houghton Mifflin, 1970
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- Classic Stories 2, Bantam Spectra, 1990
- The Ghost Now Standing on Platform One ed. Richard Peyton, Souvenir Press, 1990
- A Story of Love, Le Livre de Poche, 1991
- Stranger: Dark Tales of Eerie Encounters ed. Michele Slung, HarperPerennial, 2002
- Killer, Come Back to Me, Hard Case Crime, 2020
- * The Toynbee Convector, (co) Alfred A. Knopf, June 1988
- * The Toynbee Convector, (ss) Playboy January 1984
- * A Train Station Sign Viewed from an Ancient Locomotive Passing Through Long After Midnight, (pm) Orange County Illustrated March 1969
- * The Transformation, (ss) The Cat’s Pajamas, Morrow, 2004
- * Trapdoor, (ss) Omni April 1985
- * The Traveller [The Elliott Family], (ss) Weird Tales March 1946
- Weird Tales (Canada) May 1946
- Dark Carnival, Arkham House, 1947
- Dark Carnival (var. 1), Hamish Hamilton, 1948
- The October Country (var. 1), Ace UK, 1961
- Beyond Midnight ed. Kirby McCauley, Berkley, 1976
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- Witches and Warlocks ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1990
- Dark Carnival (var. 2), Gauntlet Publications, 2001
- From the Dust Returned, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2001
- * “The Traveller”: March 1946, (is) Dark Carnival (var. 2), Gauntlet Publications, 2001
- * Tread Lightly to the Music, (ss) Cavalier #112, October 1962
- Long After Midnight, Knopf, 1976, as "Getting Through Sunday Somehow"
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories, Avon, 1998, as "Getting Through Sunday Somehow"
- Bradbury Stories, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2003, as "Getting Through Sunday Somehow"
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories (var. 1), Subterranean Press, 2007, as "Getting Through Sunday Somehow"
- * Tremonstrous, (pm) Le Zombie January 13 1940, as by D. Lerium Tremaine
- * Triangle, (ss) The Cat’s Pajamas, Morrow, 2004
- * Tricks! Treats! Gangway!, (ar) The Reader’s Digest October 1975
- * The Troll, (ss) The Bradbury Chronicles ed. William F. Nolan & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1991
- * Troll Charge, (ss) It Came from Outer Space, Gauntlet Press, 2004
- * The Trolley [Green Town], (ss) Good Housekeeping July 1955
- Argosy (UK) March 1956, as "Enchanted Trolley"
- Dandelion Wine, Doubleday, 1957
- S Is for Space, Doubleday, 1966
- Ray Bradbury, Harrap, 1975
- Classic Stories 2, Bantam Spectra, 1990
- Bradbury Stories, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2003
- * The Trouble with Humans Is People, (ss) The Damn Thing March 1941
- * Troy, (pm) Death Has Lost Its Charm for Me, Lord John Press, 1987
- * The Trunk Lady, (nv) Detective Tales September 1944
- New Detective Magazine August 1952
- Invincible Detective Magazine #34, September 1952
- Detective Tales (UK) August 1960
- Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1965
- Horror Times Ten ed. Alden H. Norton, Berkley Medallion, 1967
- A Memory of Murder, Dell, 1984
- The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition: Volume 2: 1943-1944, Kent State University Press, 2014
- Killer, Come Back to Me, Hard Case Crime, 2020
- * Tunnel to Yesterday, (pl) Bullet Trick, Gauntlet Press, 2009
- * The Turkey That Attacked New York, (in) They Came from Outer Space ed. Jim Wynorski, Doubleday, 1981
- * Twice Twenty-Two, (om) Doubleday, 1966
- * The Twilight Greens, (ss) We’ll Always Have Paris, Morrow, 2009
- * Twin Hieroglyphs That Swim the River Dust, (co) Lord John Press, July 1978
- * Twin Hieroglyphs That Swim the River Dust, (pm) Twin Hieroglyphs That Swim the River Dust, Lord John Press, 1978
- * Two Impressionists, (pm) The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope, Knopf, 1981
- * Tyrannosaurus Rex, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 23 1962, as "The Prehistoric Producer"
- * Uncle Einar [The Elliott Family], (ss) Dark Carnival, Arkham House, 1947
- Dark Carnival (var. 1), Hamish Hamilton, 1948
- Argosy (UK) October 1949
- The October Country, Ballantine, 1955
- The October Country (var. 1), Ace UK, 1961
- R Is for Rocket, Doubleday, 1962
- Haunting Tales ed. Barbara Ireson, Faber and Faber, 1973
- To Sing Strange Songs, A. Wheaton & Co., 1979
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- Weird Worlds #8, 1981
- Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment ed. David G. Hartwell, SFBC, 1988
- Classic Stories 1, Bantam Spectra, 1990
- Classic Stories 1 (var. 1), Bantam Spectra, 1995
- The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories, Avon, 1997
- Dark Carnival (var. 2), Gauntlet Publications, 2001
- From the Dust Returned, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2001
- The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories, Library of America, 2022
- * Uncle Einar, (pm) Greentown Tinseltown, Stanza Press, 2012
- * “Uncle Einar”: October 1949, (is) Dark Carnival (var. 2), Gauntlet Publications, 2001
- * The Undead Die (with E. Everett Evans), (ss) Weird Tales July 1948, as by E. Everett Evans
- Food for Demons by E. Everett Evans, Shroud, 1971, as by E. Everett Evans
- The Rivals of Dracula ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977, as by E. Everett Evans
- More Tales of Unknown Horror ed. Peter Haining, NEL, 1979
- Third Book of Unknown Tales of Horror ed. Peter Haining, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1980
- * Undersea Guardians, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1944
- * Under the Mushroom Tent, (ar) The Last Circus & The Electrocution, Lord John Press, 1980
- * Unfinished Screenplay: “Face in the Deep”, (ss) It Came from Outer Space, Gauntlet Press, 2004
- * Un-Pillow Talk, (ss) We’ll Always Have Paris, Morrow, 2009
- * “Unpublished Script for the Coming Tarzan Picture”, (pl) D’journal March 1939, as by Cecil Clayborne Cunningham
- * Unterderseaboat Doktor, (ss) Playboy January 1994, as "Unterseeboot Doktor"
- * Unterseeboot Doktor, (ss) Playboy January 1994
- * Untitled: Early Fragments, (uw) Somewhere a Band Is Playing, Gauntlet Press, 2007
- * untitled (“With Recombinant DNA recall from dust”), (pm) Los Angeles Times April 21 1985
- Lord John Ten ed. Dennis Etchison, Lord John Press, 1988, as "Revivere, Rex!"
- They Have Not Seen the Stars: The Collected Poems of Ray Bradbury, Stealth Press, 2002, as "Revivere, Rex!"
- I Live by the Invisible, Salmon Publishing Ltd., 2002, as "Revivere, Rex!"
- * L’Uomo e le Sue Macchine, (ar) Nova SF (Italy) v1 #1, May 1967; translated from the English (“Creative Man Among His Servant Machines”) by M. Cesari.
- * Up from the Deep, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 1981
- * Usher II [Mars], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1950, as "Carnival of Madness"
- The Martian Chronicles, Doubleday, 1950
- The Illustrated Man (var. 1), Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952
- The Martian Chronicles (var. 2), Time Inc., 1963
- The Worlds of Science Fiction ed. Theodore W. Hipple & Robert G. Wright, Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1979
- The Martian Chronicles (var. 4), Doubleday, 1990
- The Martian Chronicles (var. 5), Avon, 1997
- Popular Fiction: An Anthology ed. Gary Hoppenstand, Addison-Wesley, 1998
- Bradbury Stories, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2003
- The Martian Chronicles: The Complete Edition, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * The Utterly Perfect Murder, (ss) Playboy August 1971, as "My Perfect Murder"
- Long After Midnight, Knopf, 1976
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- The Saint Magazine June 1984
- A Story of Love, Le Livre de Poche, 1991
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories, Avon, 1998
- I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories (var. 1), Subterranean Press, 2007
- Killer, Come Back to Me, Hard Case Crime, 2020
- * The Vacation, (ss) Playboy December 1963
- The Machineries of Joy, Simon & Schuster, 1964
- The Twelfth Anniversary Playboy Reader ed. Hugh M. Hefner, Trident Press, 1965
- The Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Playboy, 1966
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- Magical Wishes ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL/Signet, 1986
- * Valley of the Winds, (ss) Weird Tales March 1943, as "The Wind"
- * The Veldt, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1950, as "The World the Children Made"
- The Illustrated Man, Doubleday, 1951
- The Illustrated Man (var. 1), Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952
- Beyond the Barriers of Space and Time ed. Judith Merril, Random House, 1954
- More Horror Stories ed. Elizabeth Lee, Elek Bestseller Library, 1962
- The Vintage Bradbury, Vintage, 1965
- Second Orbit ed. G. D. Doherty, John Murray, 1965
- Untravelled Worlds ed. Alan Frank Barter & R. Wilson, Macmillan UK, 1966
- Masters’ Choice ed. Laurence M. Janifer, Simon & Schuster, 1966
- Science Fiction ed. L. P. Stupin, Prosveshcheniye, 1970
- World Zero Minus ed. Aidan & Nancy Chambers, Topliners, 1971
- Science Fiction 3 ed. Robert Pierce & Murray Suid, Houghton Mifflin, 1973
- Past, Present, and Future Perfect ed. Jack C. Wolf & Gregory Fitz Gerald, Fawcett Premier, 1973
- Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow… ed. Bonnie L. Heintz, Frank Herbert, Donald A. Joos & Jane Agorn McGee, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1974
- Ray Bradbury, Harrap, 1975
- The Best Horror Stories, Hamlyn, 1977
- Space 3 ed. Richard Davis, Abelard Schuman UK, 1977
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980
- Suspense ed. Raymond Wilson, John Murray, 1982
- The Best Horror Stories (var. 1), BDD/Mallard Press, 1990
- The Best Horror Stories (var. 1), Ivy Leaf, 1990
- The Puffin Book of Ghosts and Ghouls ed. Gene Kemp, Viking UK, 1992
- Science and Technology Today ed. Nancy R. MacKenzie, St. Martin's, 1995
- American Gothic Tales ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Penguin/Plume, 1996
- Science-Fiction Classics: The Stories That Morphed into Movies ed. Forrest J Ackerman, TV Books, 1999
- Technohorror ed. James Frenkel, Lowell House/Roxbury Park Books, 1999
- Norton Anthology of Short Fiction: Sixth Edition ed. R. V. Cassill & Richard Bausch, W.W. Norton & Company, 2000
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000
- Forever and the Earth, PS Publishing, 2005
- The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories, Library of America, 2022
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