The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 3498

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    Crime Investigator   (about)
    One of the many undated “one shot” magazines published in the UK in the years after the Second World War. In a loose series with Crime Detective, Homicide Reporter, Police Detective and Racket-Buster Detective.

    • Publishers:
      • Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.; 1&2 Melville Court, Goldhawk Road, London W12: Crime Investigator.

    Crime Mysteries   (about)
    An early horror-oriented crime pulp magazine with a decided macabre slant, Crime Mysteries started as a weekly, but dropped back to a monthly schedule after only six issues and folded two issues later.

    • Publishers:
      • Dell Publishing Co., Inc.; 97 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY: Crime Mysteries.
    • Editors:

    Crime Shorts   (about)
    Small pamphlet magazines issued toward the end of the Second World War when paper rationing was at its height.

    • Publishers:
      • Gerald G. Swan, Ltd.; London, England: Crime Shorts.

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