The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 521
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[]Bao, Ashley (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Garden of Stars, (vi) New Myths #51, June 2020
- * gnats in my head, (pm) Liminality #23, Spring 2020
- * How to Dismantle a Defective Sex Droid, (pm) The Future Fire #56, 2021
- * An Incomplete Encyclopedia of Exotic Songbirds (Annotated), (ss) Augur Magazine v6 #1, 2023
- * portrait of a girl in water, (pm) Mermaids Monthly #10, October 2021
- * secrets from a telepath, (pm) Strange Horizons May 11 2020
- * a siren whispered in my ear one night, (pm) Arsenika #7, Fall 2020
- * Star-Eater, (pm) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2024
- * Surgery, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2021
- * when the coral copies our fashion advice, (pm) Reckoning #5, 2021
[]Baoshu; pseudonym of Li Jun (1980- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Everybody Loves Charles, (na) Clarkesworld #112, January 2016; translated from the Chinese (Science Fiction World, September 2014) by Ken Liu.
- * Hyperspace Partner, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #51, July 2021; translated from the Chinese (Galaxy’s Edge (China) #7) by S. Qiouyi Lu.
- * The Lighthouse Girl, (ss) Clarkesworld #136, January 2018; translated from the Chinese (Zui Mook Vol 2, April 2017) by Andy Dudak.
- * Niuniu, (nv) Clarkesworld #170, November 2020; translated from the Chinese (Flower City fifth issue of 2018) by Andy Dudak.
- * Preface to the English Edition, (ar) The Redemption of Time by Baoshu, tr. Ken Liu, Subterranean Press, 2020
- * Preserve Her Memory, (ss) Clarkesworld #108, September 2015; translated from the Chinese (Super Nice Magazine, July 1, 2012) by Ken Liu.
- * The Redemption of Time [Remembrance of Earth’s Past], (n.) Tor, 2019; translated by Ken Liu
- Subterranean Press, October 2020
- * What Has Passed Shall in Kinder Light Appear, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2015; translated from the Chinese (“Dà shídài”) by Ken Liu.
- * Yang Feng Presents:
* ___ Hyperspace Partner, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #51, July 2021; translated from the Chinese (Galaxy’s Edge (China) #7) by S. Qiouyi Lu.
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[]Bar, Tala (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Human Sacrifice, (ar) New Myths #26, March 2014
- * The Huntress, (ss) SQ Magazine #1, Spring/Summer 2010
- * King David in the Cave, (ar) New Myths #19, June 2012
- * The Loss and Search for a Loved One, (ar) New Myths #28, September 2014
- * Mazes and Spirals, (ar) New Myths #33, December 2015
- * Myth and Literature, (ar) New Myths #15, June 2011
- * Mythological Giants and Their Wars, (ar) New Myths #12, September 2010
- * The Mythology of Water, (ar) New Myths #32, September 2015
- * Witches Lore, (ar) New Myths #3, June 2008
[]Barad, Rene; pseudonym of Robert Leslie Bellem (1902-1968) (chron.)
- * Abducting Antoine, (ss) Gay Parisienne April 1936
- * All’s Fair in Love, (ss) Bedtime Stories March 1937
- * Archery and Adrienne, (ss) Gay Parisienne Oct, Nov 1934
- * Baby Face, (ss) La Paree Stories April 1937
- * Backfire!, (vi) Gay Parisienne May 1937
- * Careless Cupid, (ss) Gay Parisienne April 1938
- * Concrete Evidence, (ss) The Stocking Parade January 1939
- * The Conquest of Camille, (ss) Gay Parisienne December 1934
- * Convincing Kathleen, (ss) Gay Parisienne May 1935
- * A Dash of Spice, (ss) La Paree Stories February 1937
- * Detour to Delight, (ss) La Paree Stories September 1937
- * Double Elopement, (ss) The Stocking Parade June 1939
- * Ideal Hunter, (ss) Tattle Tales February 1937
- * A Man for Manon, (ss) La Paree Stories November 1936
- * A Man for Mignonette, (ss) Gay Parisienne October 1937
- * Montmartre Honeymoon, (ss) La Paree Stories December 1937
- * New York Bound, (ss) Gay Parisienne July 1936
- * Night in Vienna, (ss) La Paree Stories July 1937
- * One Very Grand Duke, (ss) La Paree Stories February 1935
- * The Pay-Off, (ss) Bedtime Stories April 1935
- * Power of the Press, (ss) La Paree Stories May 1937
- * Romance for Rodney, (ss) Tattle Tales April 1935
- * Strangers in Eden, (ss) La Paree Stories February 1938
- * Substitute Charmer, (ss) Gay Parisienne March 1937
- * Victory for Vivienne, (ss) Gay Parisienne January 1935
[]Baraka, Imamu Amiri; [born Everett Leroy Jones] (1934-2014); previously known as LeRoi Jones (about) (chron.)
- * The Alternative, (ss) Transatlantic Review #18, Spring 1965, as by LeRoi Jones
- * Answers in Progress, (ss) Tales by LeRoi Jones, Grove Press, 1967, as by LeRoi Jones
- * B*r*o*a*d*w*a*y, (ss) Escapade February 1963, as by LeRoi Jones
- * The Campaign, (ss) Evergreen Review #87, February 1971
- * A Chase (Alighieri’s Dream), (ss) , as by LeRoi Jones
- * The Death of Horatio Alger, (ss)
- * Going Down Slowly, (ss) Evergreen Review #43, October 1966, as by LeRoi Jones
- * Norman’s Date, (ss) Playboy July 1983
- * Ode to Laney Poo, (pm) Swank January 1961, as by LeRoi Jones
- * Planetary Exchange, (pm) 1969, as by LeRoi Jones
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[]Baran, Deanna (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Adventure at Bellingbeck Park [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part XI ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2018
- * The Adventure at St. Catherine’s [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part VI ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2017
- * The Adventure of the American Opera Singer [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part XX ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2020
- * The Adventure of the Borzoi Breeder [Solar Pons], (ss) The New Adventures of Solar Pons ed. David Marcum, Belanger Books, 2019
- * The Adventure of the Cardinal’s Notebook [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part XLII ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2023
- * The Adventure of the Lama’s Dream [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part VIII ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2017
- * The Adventure of the Temperance Society [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part IX ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2018
- * The Adventure of the Turkish Cipher [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part IV ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2016
- * The Adventure on the Road to Mecca [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Holmes Away from Home: Adventures from The Great Hiatus: Vol I (1891-1892) ed. David Marcum, Belanger Books, 2016
- * The Case of the Melancholic Widow [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Early Adventures: Volume I ed. David Marcum, Belanger Books, 2019
- * The Case of the Vanishing Stars [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part I ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2015
- * Claws of Change, (ss) Wings of Change ed. Lyn Worthen, Camden Park Press, 2019
- * No Malice Intended [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part XXVIII ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2021
- * The Pearls of Great Price [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) Sherlock Holmes: Adventures Beyond the Canon: Volume III: 1903-1921 ed. David Marcum, Belanger Books, 2018
[]Barat, Cos (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Bushwhack Range, (na) Famous Western October 1958
- * Dead Hands, (ss) Western Romances September 1958
- * The Gullible Gunslick, (ss) Real Western Stories June 1958
- * The Hunted, (nv) Famous Western August 1958
- * I’m Living in a Kind of Nightmare, (ss) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #14, January 1959
- * Rio Grande Renegade, (na) Real Western Stories April 1959
- * The Straight Shooter, (ss) Real Western Stories April 1960
- * The Three Avengers, (na) Western Action September 1959
- * Watch for a Killer, (vi) Famous Western August 1959
[]Barb, Patrick (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Casual, (ss) Not One of Us #67, 2021
- * Dream, Girl, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #28, October 2022
- * LIVE NUDE DEATH, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #5, April 2019
- * The Nut House, (na) Cosmic Horror Monthly #25 Jul, #26 Aug, #27 Sep, #28 Oct, #29 Nov, #30 Dec 2022
- * The Other David, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #32, February 2023
- * Regarding the Influx of Skeletons Coming Out from the Soil in Our Community Garden, (ss) On Spec #120, 2022
- * The Scare Groom, (ss) Come October ed. C. M. Muller, Chthonic Matter, 2023
- * The Secret Society of Schrödinger’s Children, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #43, January 2024
- * The Server Room, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #49, July 2024
- * She Doesn’t Get Too Many Visitors These Days, (vi) Nothing’s Sacred May 2019
- * Slip Into My Fur, (ss) Pulp Literature #37, Winter 2023
- * Vegetable Mommy, (vi) Diabolical Plots #87, May 2022
- * Woof, (ss) Humans Are the Problem ed. Willow Becker & Michael Cluff, Weird Little Worlds, 2021
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