The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7095
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[]Miller, Russ (fl. 1970s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Behind Enemy Lines, (cs) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Fun with Numbers, (cs) Gauntlet #4, 1992
- * Gauntlet Bob, (cs) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * Inspiration, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #25, July 1988
- * Of Nice and Men, (cs) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * Pelts, (cs) Gauntlet #3, 1992 [Ref. F. Paul Wilson]; adapted from a one-act play by F. Paul Wilson.
- * They Are Words, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #37, March 1992
- * [front cover], (cv) Dreams and Nightmares #25 Jul 1988, #26 Jan, #27 May, #28 Oct 1989, #30/31, #32 Nov 1990, #35 Sep, #36 Dec 1991, #41 1993,
#43 Dec 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales of the Unanticipated #5, Spring/Summer 1989
- * [front cover], (cv) The DragonFang August 1990
- * [front cover], (cv) Dark Side #3, Fall 1990
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Dreams and Nightmares #25 Jul 1988, #27 May 1989, #32 Nov 1990, #67 2004
_____, adapt.
[]Miller, Ruth Scott (fl. 1910s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Acrobats Abounding!, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1953
- * Animal, Vegetable and Now Mineral, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1953
- * Back Stage, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 16 1922
- * Ben. Son of Margulies, (ss) Commentary August 1958
- * The Cost of a Career, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 17 1923
- * Counter Attack!, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1954
- * Dressing a Film, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1952
- * It May Happen to You, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1953
- * Jazz Enthroned, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1927
- * Masterless Wives and Divorce, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal January 1925
- * The Musical Recording Angel, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 15 1919
- * Our American Music Makers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 18 1919
- * Our Early American Builders, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 20 1924
- * Our Orchestral Americanization, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 23 1920
- * People in Miniature, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1953
- * Polls and People, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1953
- * Sail Away, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1954
- * Swap Your Child for Another!, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1954
- * Tembeni, (pm) The London Magazine February 1957
- * They Live with Danger, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1953
- * What You Can Get Out of a Marriage, (ar) Liberty December 1949
- * The Young Idea, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 1 1919
- * [letter from Cleveland, OH], (lt) Astounding Stories of Super-Science May 1930
[]Miller, Sam J(oshua) (1979- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Allosaurus Burgers, (ss) Shimmer #20, July 2014
- * Alloy Point, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #163, December 25 2014
- * Angel, Monster, Man, (nv) Nightmare #40, January 2016
- * The Beasts We Want to Be, (ss) Electric Velocipede #27, 2013
- * The Blade Between, (ex) The Ecco Press, December 2020
- * Bodies Stacked Like Firewood, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #14, January/February 2017
- * Calved, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2015
- * Community Is a Superpower, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #52, May/June 2023
- * Conspicuous Plumage, (ss) Lightspeed #100, September 2018
- * The Country of Dead Voices, (ss) Icarus #16, Spring 2013
- * Darkness, Metastatic, (ss) Nightmare #100, January 2021
- * Deepening Your Engagement, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #16, May/June 2017
- * “Don’t Let Him Catch You with Your Work Undone”—Activism for the Long Haul (with Jean Rice), (ar) Uncanny Magazine #18, September/October 2017
- * Feral Arcade Children of the American Northeast, (ss) Southwest Review Autumn 2021
- * 57 Reasons for the Slate Quarry Suicides, (ss) Nightmare #15, December 2013
- * The Future of Hunger in the Age of Programmable Matter, (ss) October 18 2017
- * Ghosts of Home, (ss) Lightspeed #63, August 2015
- * Haunting Your House, (ss) Fiction International Fall 2008
- * The Heat of Us: Notes Toward an Oral History, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #2, January/February 2015
- * His Guns Could Not Protect Him, (ss) Lightspeed #153, February 2023
- * Iconophobe, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2022
- * If Someone You Love Has Become a Vurdalak, (ss) The Dark #98, July 2023
- * It Was Saturday Night, I Guess That Makes It All Right, (ss) A People’s Future of the United States ed. John Joseph Adams & Victor LaValle, One World, 2019
- * Kenneth: A User’s Manual, (ss) Strange Horizons December 1 2014
- * Last Gods, (nv) Drowned Worlds ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2016
- * Let All the Children Boogie, (ss) January 6 2021
- * A Love That Burns Hot Enough to Last: Deleted Scenes from a Documentary, (ss) Apex Magazine #122, 2021
- * Making Us Monsters (with Lara Elena Donnelly), (nv) Uncanny Magazine #19, November/December 2017
- * My Base Pair, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2018
- * My First Civil Disobedience, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #17, July/August 2017
- * The Nation of the Sick, (ss) Entanglements ed. Sheila Williams, The MIT Press, 2020
- * Notes on Genocidal Interchronological Incursion 57.7.3 (f.k.a. “Friends”), (ss) Baffling Magazine #15, April 2024
- * Planetstuck, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2023
- * Protest Tips and Tricks, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #15, March/April 2017
- * Red Lizard Brigade [The Owen Corporation], (ss) Uncanny Magazine #23, July/August 2018
- * Renunciation Orange, (ss) Awkward Robots Anthology: The Orange Volume, Awkward Robots, 2015
- * Resistance 101: Basics of Community Organizing for SF/F Creators and Consumers:
* ___ Volume Four: “Don’t Let Him Catch You with Your Work Undone”—Activism for the Long Haul (with Jean Rice), (cl) Uncanny Magazine #18, September/October 2017
- * Resistance 101: Basics of Community Organizing for SF/F Creators & Consumers:
* ___ Volume One: Protest Tips and Tricks, (cl) Uncanny Magazine #15, March/April 2017
* ___ Volume Two: Deepening Your Engagement, (cl) Uncanny Magazine #16, May/June 2017
* ___ Volume Three: My First Civil Disobedience, (cl) Uncanny Magazine #17, July/August 2017
- * Sabi, Wabi, Aware, Yugen, (ss) Daily Science Fiction December 6 2013
- * Shattered Sidewalks of the Human Heart, (ss) Clarkesworld #154, July 2019
- * Shiva and Octavia, (ar) Lightspeed #61, June 2015
- * Shucked, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2019
- * Smash Me Up, (ss) Swill #3, 2008
- * Someone Else’s Apocalypse, (ed) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2016
- * Songs Like Freight Trains, (ss) Interzone #254, September/October 2014
- * Sun in an Empty Room, (ss) Boys, Beasts & Men by Sam J. Miller, Tachyon, 2022
- * Things with Beards, (ss) Clarkesworld #117, June 2016
- The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Volume 2 ed. Neil Clarke, Night Shade Books, 2017
- The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Eleven ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris US, 2017
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Fourth Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, St. Martin's Griffin, 2017
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: 2017 ed. Rich Horton, Prime Books, 2017
- The Long List Anthology: Volume 3 ed. David Steffen, Diabolical Plots, 2017
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2018 ed. Jane Yolen, Pyr, 2018
- Clarkesworld Year Ten: Volume Two ed. Neil Clarke & Sean Wallace, Wyrm Publishing, 2019
- * To Die Dancing, (ss) Apex Magazine #78, November 2015
- * Tyrannosaurus Hex, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #38, January/February 2021
- * Unbashed, or: Jackson, Whose Cowardice Tore a Hole in the Chronoverse, (ss) Someone in Time ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2022
- * The Uncanny Dinosaurs—Introduction [The Owen Corporation] (with Brooke Bolander, Mari Ness, Nicasio Andres Reed, A. Merc Rustad, Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, K. M. Szpara, Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas & J. Y. Yang), (lk) Uncanny Magazine #23, July/August 2018
- * The Ways Out, (ss) Clarkesworld #129, June 2017
- * We Are the Cloud, (nv) Lightspeed #52, September 2014
- * When Your Child Strays from God, (ss) Clarkesworld #106, July 2015
- * Who Killed Thomas M. Disch?, (ar) Strange Horizons September 22 2008 [Ref. Thomas M. Disch]
- * Yellow for Ephemeral, (ss) Awkward Robots Anthology: The Yellow Volume, Awkward Robots, 2016
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Lightspeed #63, August 2015
_____, [ref.]
- * Blackfish City by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #274, March/April 2018
- * Blackfish City by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (iv) Interzone #274, March/April 2018
- * Interview: Sam J. Miller & Lara Elena Donnelly by Shana DuBois, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #19, November/December 2017
- * Interview with Sam J. Miller by Christian A. Coleman, (iv) Lightspeed #96, May 2018
- * A Whole New Wonderful Nightmare: A Conversation with Sam J. Miller by Arley Sorg, (iv) Clarkesworld #189, June 2022
[]Miller, Sandy (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Abracadabra, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1949
- * Aerial Rescue, (ar) Mammoth Adventure July 1946
- * Anticyclonic Climate, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1949
- * The Arctic Shield, (vi) Fantastic Adventures June 1950
- * Are We Slipping?, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1950
- * Artificial Gravity, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1951
- * Aubrey, the Pace Setter, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1946
- * Becoming Another Person, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1948
- * Beyond Pluto’s Orbit, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1950
- * Black Diamond Against Black Gold, (ar) Fantastic Adventures February 1949
- * Boots and Saddles!, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1949
- * The Box Detective, (ms) Mammoth Mystery February 1947
- * Brunetti’s Baby, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1950
- * Bull-Whip Marksman, (ms) Mammoth Western February 1950
- * The Burroughs Legend, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1950
- * By the Numbers!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1950
- * The Cardelli Monster, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1948
- * Checkmate…, (vi) Fantastic Adventures March 1950
- * Chief Red Cloud, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1946
- * Chinese Magic, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1948
- * Crystal Growers, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1950
- * Dance of the Gods, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1948
- * Dangerous Sleepwalkers, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1947
- * Daniel Freeman, First Homesteader, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1950
- * Daredevil Kane, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1946
- * Daylight Darkness, (ar) Mammoth Adventure September 1946
- * Death Valley, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1948
- * Destruction—1851 Vintage, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1952
- * Detective in Wood, (ms) Mammoth Detective July 1947
- * Elemental Spirits, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1948
- * Faithful Burro, (ms) Mammoth Western April 1949
- * Fastest Man in the West, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1946
- * The Fearless Davy, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1946
- * Flexible Radio Tube, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1949
- * French Detective with Stripes, (ar) Mammoth Mystery June 1946
- * The French Dwarf, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1945
- * Geiger Builders!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1951
- * Gold in His Pockets, (ar) Mammoth Western November 1950
- * Gone but Not Forgotten, (vi) Amazing Stories July 1950
- * Grass Pills, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1947
- * “Grease Monkey”, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1949
- * The Green Tower, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1947
- * Gutenberg’s Genius, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1951
- * Hawkins’ Lucky Strike, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1946
- * Heli-Taxi, (vi) Fantastic Adventures May 1950
- * High Level Debt, (ms) Mammoth Western January 1951
- * Hobby of the Future, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1950
- * Homeopathic Magic, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1949
- * Horace Greeley—Sucker!, (ar) Mammoth Western May 1949
- * “Hot-Rod Hellies”, (vi) Amazing Stories May 1950
- * How to Beat the Horses, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1951
- * Human Servomechanism, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1949
- * The Inscrutable God, (vi) Amazing Stories October 1950
- * “I Want to Be a G-Man!”, (ar) Mammoth Mystery August 1946
- * Killer’s Death, (ms) Mammoth Western April 1948
- * The Labyrinth, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1950
- * Lief the Lucky, (ar) Fantastic Adventures October 1945
- * The Livery Stable, (ar) Mammoth Western July 1949
- * The Magyar Killer, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1948
- * The Major’s Masquerade, (ms) Mammoth Detective December 1946
- * The Marquis of Anglesey’s Leg, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1945
- * Martians by the Inch, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1951
- * Martians by the Inches, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1951
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