The FictionMags Index
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Gilman, Charlotte (Anna) Perkins (Stetson) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Plagiarism, (ar) The Forerunner August 1913
- * A Platform for Women, (ar) The Forerunner January 1913
- * Play Supervisors, (ms) The Forerunner December 1911
- * Play-Time:
* ___ Aunt Eliza, (pm) The Forerunner March 1910
* ___ The Melancholy Rabbit, (pm) The Forerunner January 1910
* ___ A Walk Walk Walk, (pm) The Forerunner February 1910
- * A Poor Joke, (vi) The Forerunner October 1913
- * The Poor Relation, (vi) The Forerunner December 1909
- * The Power, (pm) The Forerunner April 1912
- * The Power Called God, (pm) The Forerunner June 1916
- * The Power of Freedom, (ar) The Forerunner January 1915
- * The Power of the Farm Wife, (ar) The Forerunner December 1915
- * “Practical” Measures, (ar) The Forerunner August 1915
- * A Prayer for All Speakers, (pm) The Forerunner March 1914
- * Price Tyranny, (ar) The Forerunner July 1912
- * The Primal Power, (pm) The Forerunner November 1913
- * Prisoners, (vi) The Forerunner June 1910
- * Prisons, Convicts, and Women Voters, (ar) The Forerunner April 1913
- * Private Morality and Pulic Immorality, (ar) The Forerunner January 1910
- * Prize Children, (ar) The Forerunner May 1910
- * Professor Langley and the Newspapers, (ar) The Forerunner July 1914 [Ref. S. P. Langley]
- * Property Rights and Wrongs, (ar) The Forerunner November 1913
- * Psychic Jiu-Jitsu, (ar) The Forerunner April 1916
- * Publicity, (vi) The Forerunner May 1914
- * The Puritan, (pm) The Forerunner June 1910
- * The Purpose, (pm) Woman’s Journal March 12 1904
- * Queer People, (pm) The Cosmopolitan June 1899, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * A Question, (pm) The Forerunner October 1910
- * A Question of Conscience, (ar) The Forerunner September 1914
- * A Question of the Government, (ar) The Forerunner January 1916
- * The Rabbit, the Rhinoceros and I, (pm) The Forerunner March 1912
- * Race Pride, (ar) The Forerunner April 1913
- * The Real Religion, (pm) The Forerunner May 1914
- * The Real Truth in Christianity, (ar) The Forerunner May 1912
- * Reasonable Resolutions, (ar) The Forerunner January 1910
- * Recreation, (pm) The Forerunner November 1911
- * A Re-Grip, (ar) The Forerunner October 1915
- * A Religion of Growth and Happiness, (ar) The Forerunner June 1913
- * Remarks from the Chair, (ss) The Forerunner January 1914
- * A Request from Your Grandchildren, (ms) The Forerunner February 1911
- * Rest and Power, (ar) The Forerunner October 1915
- * The Right Kind of Preparedness, (ar) The Forerunner February 1916
- * The Rocking Chair, (ss) Worthington’s Illustrated May 1893
- * The Room at the Top, (pm) The Forerunner June 1910
- * A Ruffle of Pantalette, (pm) The Forerunner January 1916
- * A “Sacred Subject”, (ar) The Forerunner August 1914
- * The Same Field, (vi) The Forerunner August 1913
- * The Sanctity of Human Life, (ar) The Forerunner May 1916
- * The Sands, (pm) The Forerunner March 1910
- * Santa Clara Hills, (pm) The Forerunner September 1914
- * Santa Claus, (pm) The Forerunner December 1916
- * Say It Again, (pm) The Forerunner February 1914
- * Scientific Promotion, (ar) The Forerunner June 1915
- * “A Sea Voyage”, (ar) The Forerunner June 1914
- * Seeking, (pm) 1895
- * Self Control, (ar) The Forerunner February 1911
- * The Sensible Dead Man, (vi) The Forerunner April 1911
- * The Sentence, (ms) The Forerunner November 1912
- * Shadows, (pm) The Forerunner August 1912
- * Shares, (pm) The Forerunner July 1910
- * She Walketh Veiled and Sleeping, (pm) 1889
- * A Side View, (ms) The Forerunner August 1914
- * Similar Cases, (pm) 1890
- * The Simple Art of Public Speaking, (ar) The Forerunner August 1914
- * Since God Is So, (pm) The Forerunner February 1915
- * Sir Almroth Wright’s Diagnosis, (pm) The Forerunner June 1912
- * Six and Eros, (pm) The Forerunner February 1912
- * Six Mothers, (ar) Harper’s Bazar June 2 1900, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * The Slow People, (pm) The Forerunner March 1911
- * Sloyd and Cooking, (ms) The Forerunner June 1912
- * A Small God and a Large Goddess, (ar) The Forerunner November 1909
- * The Smoke Evil, (ms) The Forerunner January 1913
- * Soapine, (ms) The Forerunner December 1909
- * “Social Attentions”, (ar) The Forerunner November 1915
- * Social Ethics, (nb) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1914
- * Socialism and the Race Mind, (ar) The Forerunner April 1914
- * The Socialist and the Suffragist, (pm) The Forerunner October 1910
- * A Socialist Prayer, (ar) The Forerunner May 1911
- * Social Parasitism, (ar) The Forerunner August 1914
- * A Social Puzzle, (pm) The Forerunner October 1916
- * Society and the Philosopher, (vi) The Forerunner April 1914
- * The Sociologist and the Reformer, (ar) The Forerunner September 1915
- * Some Day, (pm) The Forerunner November 1915
- * Some Light on the “Problem”, (ar) The American Magazine August 1906
- * Some of the Reasons Why I Publish The Forerunner, (ar) The Forerunner January 1914
- * Some Results of Believing, (ar) The Forerunner October 1916
- * Some Sins Are Worse Than Others, (vi) The Forerunner February 1911
- * Something to Vote For, (pl) The Forerunner June 1911
- * Some Un-familiar Ways of Living, (ar) The Forerunner January 1916
- * Song for the World’s Flag, (pm) The Forerunner December 1914
- * The Speakers’ Sin, (pm) The Forerunner June 1914
- * “Special Dry Toast”, (pm) The Forerunner June 1915
- * The Splendid Faith, (pm) The Forerunner May 1916
- * Spoken To, (ss) The Forerunner February 1915
- * Standardizing Towns, (ar) The Forerunner February 1915
- * Step by Step, (pm) The Forerunner April 1914
- * Steps, (pm) The Forerunner December 1909
- * Stones, (pm) The Forerunner June 1911
- * Story Studies: Edgar Allan Poe, (ar) Impress December 15 1894
- * Story Studies: Edward Bellamy, (ar) Impress January 12 1895
- * Story Studies: George Eliot, (ar) Impress December 1 1894
- * Story Studies: Henry James, (ar) Impress January 5 1895
- * Story Studies: Louisa May Alcott, (ar) Impress December 8 1894
- * Story Studies: Mark Twain, (ar) Impress January 26 1895
- * Story Studies: Mary E. Wilkins, (ar) Impress October 20 1894
- * Story Studies: Nathaniel Hawthorne, (ar) Impress November 3 1894
- * Story Studies: Rudyard Kipling, (ar) Impress October 13 1894
- * A Strange Influence, (ss) The Forerunner May 1912
- * A Strange Land, (vi) The Forerunner August 1912
- * Strange Lands, (pm) The Cosmopolitan July 1904
- * The Stretching Limit of Honesty, (ar) The Forerunner September 1912
- * Studies in Social Psychology, (ar) The Forerunner Apr, May, Jun 1916
- * Suffering and Socialism, (ar) The Forerunner January 1916
- * Suffrage, (ed) The Forerunner May 1910
- * A Suggestion, (ms) The Forerunner October 1915
- * A Summary of Purpose, (ar) The Forerunner November 1916
- * Summer Air, (pm) The Forerunner August 1915
- * A Summer Cottage, (ms) The Forerunner Apr, May 1910
- * A Summer Sunday, (pm) The Forerunner August 1911
- * Summer Work, (ar) The Forerunner November 1912
- * Sunrise and the New Year, (ms) The Forerunner January 1915
- * A Surplus Woman, (ss) The Forerunner May 1916
- * Swimming, (ms) The Forerunner July 1914
- * Taken at Its Worst, (ar) The Forerunner July 1915
- * Teaching “Morals” in Public Schools, (ar) The Forerunner June 1915
- * Teaching Practical Philosophy, (ar) The Forerunner April 1915
- * Teaching the Mothers, (ar) The Forerunner March 1912
- * Ten Suggestions, (ar) The Forerunner June 1910
- * Thanksgiving, (pm) The Forerunner November 1909
- * Thanksong, (pm) The Forerunner November 1909
- * That Obvious Purpose, (ar) The Forerunner June 1911
- * That Rare Jewel, (ss) Woman’s Journal May 17 1890
- * Their Answer, (pm) The Forerunner July 1916
- * Their House, (ss) The Forerunner December 1912
- * Then This, (pm) The Forerunner November 1909
- * The Theory of the Upper Dog, (ms) The Forerunner October 1913
- * These Lovers, (ar) The Forerunner October 1916
- * These Proud Fathers, (ar) The Forerunner May 1914
- * Things We Wish to Advertise, (ms) The Forerunner January 1910
- * This Bitterness, (ms) The Forerunner December 1912
- * This Is a Lady’s Hat, (pm) The Forerunner April 1914
- * This Is the Year, (pm) The Forerunner January 1911
- * This “Self-Development”, (ar) The Forerunner June 1916
- * This “Shepherd” Imagery, (ms) The Forerunner January 1914
- * Thoughts and Facts, (pm) The Forerunner April 1912
- * A Thousand Farmers’ Wives, (ar) The Forerunner May 1913
- * Three Little Antis, (pm) The Forerunner November 1913
- * Three Thanksgivings, (ss) The Forerunner November 1909
- * Three Women, (pl) The Forerunner May 1911
- * Through This, (ss) Kate Field’s Washington September 13 1893
- * Time, (pm) The Forerunner January 1911
- * To Choose, (pm) The Forerunner October 1911
- * A Toilet Preparation, (ms) The Forerunner November 1909
- * To-morrow Night, (pm) The Forerunner September 1910
- * To My Real Readers, (ar) The Forerunner December 1916
- * Too Much, (pm) 1893
- * To One Who Suffers, (pm) The Forerunner February 1916
- * To the Wise—A Bargain, (pm) The Forerunner January 1914
- * To the Young Wife, (pm) 1893
- * To Those Specially Interested in This Magazine, or Specially Interested in Fifty Dollars, (ms) The Forerunner Oct, Nov 1910
- * The Traitor, (pm) The Forerunner October 1914
- * A Trick Worth Knowing, (ms) The Forerunner June 1916
- * Turned, (ss) The Forerunner September 1911
- The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings, Bantam, 1989
- Herland and Selected Stories, Penguin/Signet, 1992
- The Yellow Wall-paper and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, 1995
- Herland, The Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings, Penguin US, 1999
- Saved by the Belle ed. T. M. Gray & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2013
- The Emerging “New Woman” ed. Kathleen L. Nichols & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2013
- From Out of the Kitchen ed. Lori B. Schlenker, Jennifer A. Schlenker, Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021
- * Twice Beautiful, (pm) The Forerunner August 1913
- * Two Callings, (pm) The Forerunner April 1911
- * Two Great Pleasures, (vi) The Forerunner April 1912
- * Two Prayers, (pm) The Forerunner February 1910
- * Two Rooms and a Bath, (ms) The Forerunner March 1912
- * Two Storks, (vi) The Forerunner February 1910
- * Two Ways to Govern, (pm) The Forerunner September 1916
- * The Ultra-Male, (pm) The Forerunner June 1912
- * Undergoing the Cure for Nervous Prostration, (ar)
- * The Unexpected, (ss) Kate Field’s Washington May 21 1890
- * The Unexpurgated Case of Sir Almroth Wright, (ar) The Forerunner November 1913 [Ref. Almroth Wright]
- * The Unnatural Mother, (ss) Impress February 16 1895
- * An Unpatented Process, (ss) Impress January 12 1895
- * The Unrestricted Hat, (ar) The Forerunner May 1914
- * An Unsavory Subject, (ar) The Forerunner October 1911
- * untitled (“Coming to England brings a sense”), (pm) The Forerunner July 1913
- * untitled (“I gave myself to God”), (pm) The Forerunner April 1910
- * untitled (“Sit up and think!”), (pm) The Forerunner August 1910
- * untitled (“The green slopes cream with ‘innocents’’ snow”), (pm) The Forerunner June 1913
- * untitled (“There was a young lady whose wish”), (pm) The Forerunner January 1912
- * untitled (“With God Above”), (pm) The Forerunner January 1910
- * An Unwilling Interview, (ss) The Forerunner April 1912
- * Up and Down, (pm) The Forerunner January 1912
- * A Vandal, (pm) The Forerunner May 1912
- * Village Brains and City Problems, (ar) The Forerunner September 1914
- * A Village of Fools, (vi) The Forerunner April 1910
- * The Vintage, (ss) The Forerunner October 1916
- * A Visible Evolution, (ar) The Forerunner August 1914
- * The Vision and the Program, (ar) The Forerunner May 1915
- * Waiting for a Leader, (pm) The Forerunner June 1913
- * The Waiting-Room, (pm) The Forerunner September 1910
- * A Walk Walk Walk, (pm) The Forerunner February 1910
- * Wanted, a Railroad Cafeteria, (ar) The Forerunner February 1916
- * “Wanted—Young Girl to Mind Baby and Do Light Housework”, (ms) The Forerunner April 1914
- * War, (ms) The Forerunner May 1914
- * The War and Liars, (ar) The Forerunner November 1916
- * War and the Duel, (ar) The Forerunner November 1914
- * War-Maids and War-Widows, (ar) The Forerunner March 1915
- * War—Peace—Love, (ar) The Forerunner December 1914
- * War Waste, (ms) The Forerunner November 1914
- * Water-Lure, (pm) The Forerunner March 1910
- * We Eat at Home, (pm) The Forerunner July 1910
- * What Are “Feminine” Qualities, (ar) The Forerunner September 1914
- * What “Authorities” May Do in America, (ms) The Forerunner April 1912
- * What Diantha Did, (n.) The Forerunner Nov, Dec 1909, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1910
- * What Do Men Think of Women?, (ar) The Forerunner January 1912
- * What Do We Wish in Life?, (pm) The Forerunner April 1913
- * What Do You Believe?, (ar) The Forerunner July 1911
- * Whatever Is, (pm) The Cosmopolitan June 1904
- * What First?, (ms) The Forerunner May 1915
- * What Hope, (pm) The Forerunner July 1911
- * What May We Expect of Eugenics?, (ar) Physical Culture March 1914
- * What Occupation, (ss) The Forerunner August 1911
- * What Should They Do?, (ar) The Forerunner September 1914
- * “What Substitute for War”, (ar) The Forerunner December 1914
- * What Virtues Are Made Of, (ar) The Forerunner September 1910
- * What Work Is, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1899, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * What Young People Are For, (ar) The Forerunner January 1912
- * When I Was a Witch, (ss) The Forerunner May 1910
- * When Thou Gainest Happiness, (pm) The Forerunner April 1910
- * When We Know God, (ar) The Forerunner September 1911
- * Where the Heart Is, (vi) The Forerunner November 1909
- * Where to “Begin”, (ar) The Forerunner May 1916
- * Which Is More Beautiful—Man or Woman? (Both Sides) (with Eugenie Martin), (ar) The Grand Magazine April 1905
- * While the King Slept, (vi) The Forerunner September 1910
- * Wholesale Hypnotism, (ar) The Forerunner August 1910
- * Why?, (pm) The Forerunner January 1916
- * Why Don’t We Stop It?, (ms) The Forerunner September 1915
- * Why I Wrote the Yellow Wall Paper?, (ar) The Forerunner October 1913
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