The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6961
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[]Mann, Henry (chron.)
- * At Home and Abroad, (ed) The Columbian Magazine Jan, Apr, Jul, Sep 1911
- * Editorials, (ed) The Columbian Magazine July 1910
- * The Great American Order, (ar) The Columbian Magazine July 1910; on The Elks fraternal society.
- * Joe Cannon vs. Champ Clark, (ar) The Columbian Magazine April 1911
- * Modern Spiritualism, (ar) The Columbian Magazine July 1910
- * The Self-Tacking Schooner, (ar) Wide Awake January 1889
- * A Steamboat Without Steam, (ar) Wide Awake December 1888
- * Ways to Do Things:
* ___ I. A Steamboat Without Steam, (ar) Wide Awake December 1888
* ___ II. The Self-Tacking Schooner, (ar) Wide Awake January 1889
_____, ed.
[]Mann, Jack; pseudonym of Charles Cannell (1882-1947) (chron.)
- * Her Ways Are Death [Gees], (n.) Wright & Brown, 1940
- * Maker of Shadows, (sl) Argosy Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30 1939, Jan 6 1940
- * The Ninth Life [Gees], (n.) Argosy Aug 5, Aug 12, Aug 19, Aug 26 1939
_____, [ref.]
[]Mann, Jeff (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Cairn, (ss) Icarus #13, Summer 2012
- * Concerning Sigurd’s Appearance: A Sodomite’s Fantasy, (pm) Icarus #6, Fall 2010
- * The Death of Beautiful Men, (ss) Where Thy Dark Eye Glances ed. Steve Berman, Lethe Press, 2013
- * Devoured, (na) Masters of Midnight, Kensington, 2003
- * Protect the King, (nv) Suffered from the Night ed. Steve Berman, Lethe Press, 2013
- * Saving Tobias, (ss) Icarus #2, Fall 2009
- * Starry Night, (cv) On Spec #126, 2023
- * The Stone of Sacrifice, (nv) The Touch of the Sea ed. Steve Berman, Lethe Press, 2012
- * Summer Solstice Sacrifice, (ss) Glitterwolf Halloween Special Edition 2014
- * Tommy Cleburne, (ss) Shades of Blue and Gray ed. Steve Berman, Prime Books, 2013
- * Valhalla Revisited, (pm) Icarus #6, Fall 2010
- * Watching Dark Shadows, (ss) Icarus #1, Summer 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) Haven Speculative #8, March 2023
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2024
_____, [ref.]
[]Mann, Jim; [i.e., James Anthony Mann] (1955- ); also as James A. Mann (chron.)
- * The Atrocity Archive, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #181, September 2003 [Ref. Charles Stross]
- * City, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #203, July 2005 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * With Stars in My Eyes, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #198, February 2005 [Ref. Peter R. Weston]
- * [letter], (lt) Knights #19, December 1977
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #109, September 1997
[]Mann, Joy Hewitt (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * An Accident Waiting to Happen, (pm) Cottage Country Killers ed. Vicki Cameron & Linda Wiken, General Store Publishing House, 1997
- * Bad Chef, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * Black and White Blues, (pm) When Boomers Go Bad ed. Sue Pike, Joan Boswell & Linda Wiken, RendezVous Crime, 2005
- * Booming, (pm) When Boomers Go Bad ed. Sue Pike, Joan Boswell & Linda Wiken, RendezVous Crime, 2005
- * Bright Eyes, (ss) Hardboiled #22, December 1996
- * A Brisk Sit Down, (pm) Fit to Die ed. Joan Boswell & Sue Pike, Napoleon, 2001
- * By the Book, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * Chocolate to Die For, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * Climbing Sugar Hill, (ss) Hardboiled #18, June 1994
- * A Dirty Jog, (pm) Fit to Die ed. Joan Boswell & Sue Pike, Napoleon, 2001
- * Double Jeapordy, (ss) Kracked Mirror Mysteries May 1996
- * Eb and Flo, (pm) Cottage Country Killers ed. Vicki Cameron & Linda Wiken, General Store Publishing House, 1997
- * Empty Nest Syndrome, (pm) When Boomers Go Bad ed. Sue Pike, Joan Boswell & Linda Wiken, RendezVous Crime, 2005
- * Eve Gets Even, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * Fables from the Forest’s Edge #14, (vi) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1992
- * Fit to Die, (pm) Fit to Die ed. Joan Boswell & Sue Pike, Napoleon, 2001
- * The Glass Planet, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2002
- * Hunting Lessons, (pm) Cottage Country Killers ed. Vicki Cameron & Linda Wiken, General Store Publishing House, 1997
- * It’s in the Bag, (pm) Cottage Country Killers ed. Vicki Cameron & Linda Wiken, General Store Publishing House, 1997
- * It’s No Mystery to Me, (pm) Cottage Country Killers ed. Vicki Cameron & Linda Wiken, General Store Publishing House, 1997
- * My Husband the Dead Head, (pm) When Boomers Go Bad ed. Sue Pike, Joan Boswell & Linda Wiken, RendezVous Crime, 2005
- * Natural Medicine, (pm) Fit to Die ed. Joan Boswell & Sue Pike, Napoleon, 2001
- * Opera Lover, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * Partner-in-Crime, (pm) Cottage Country Killers ed. Vicki Cameron & Linda Wiken, General Store Publishing House, 1997
- * Piece and Quiet, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * P(oisoned) M(y) S(pouse), (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * The Quiet Village, (ss) On Spec Summer 2000
- * The Robber, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * Runner, (ss) Ascent Aspirations Magazine May 2000
- * Shary-Shiny, (ss) Hardboiled #29/30, September 2003
- * The Silencer, (pm) Going Out with a Bang ed. Joan Boswell, Linda Wiken & Barbara Fradkin, Napoleon & Company, 2008
- * The Spanish Gardener, (ss) On Spec Winter 1995
- * Stella, (ss) Hardboiled #32, November 2004
- * A Straight Lie, (pm) Fit to Die ed. Joan Boswell & Sue Pike, Napoleon, 2001
- * Subway Dreams, (ss) Hardboiled #14, September 1992
- * There Was an Over-Aged Hippie, (pm) When Boomers Go Bad ed. Sue Pike, Joan Boswell & Linda Wiken, RendezVous Crime, 2005
- * This Famous Poem by Edward Lear, (ss) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v2 #3, 1995
- * Top Ten, (pm) When Boomers Go Bad ed. Sue Pike, Joan Boswell & Linda Wiken, RendezVous Crime, 2005
- * Travels with Cat, (ss) Aphelion #39, September 2000
- * Unnaturally Inclined, (pm) Cottage Country Killers ed. Vicki Cameron & Linda Wiken, General Store Publishing House, 1997
- * Where Were You Then?, (pm) When Boomers Go Bad ed. Sue Pike, Joan Boswell & Linda Wiken, RendezVous Crime, 2005
- * Writer’s Cramp, (pm) Fit to Die ed. Joan Boswell & Sue Pike, Napoleon, 2001
[]Mann, Katherine (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.)
- * A Ballad of Spring, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1904
- * Cecil Rhodes, (pm) The Idler March 1904
- * Chloris, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1903
- * Devotion, (pm) The Idler February 1904
- * The Emigrant, (pm) The Windsor Magazine August 1904
- * Failure, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1896
- * Her Name, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1896
- * May in a Paris Garden, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1906
- * A Recipe, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1909
- * La Rosita Blanca, (ss) Temple Bar May 1904
- * To a Summer Wind, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1897
- * Triolets, (pm) The Royal Magazine December 1902
[]Mann, Mary Carolyn; [née McIlvaine] (1837-1899); used pseudonym Rosalie Gray (about) (chron.)
- * Aunt Jerusha’s Visit to Town, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1871, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Beauty of Brains!, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1862, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Dressing to Please One’s Husband, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine January 1859, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Echo, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1884, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Frank Douglas’ Honeymoon, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine November 1856, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Garroting and Marrying, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine August 1857, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Getting a Country Practice, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine March 1873, as by Rosalie Gray
- * How Deacon Wiseman Went to the Circus, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine March 1876, as by Rosalie Gray
- * How I Came to Live in the City, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1861, as by Rosalie Gray
- * How I Spent My New Year’s, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1857, as by Rosalie Gray
- * How Jep Proposed, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1874, as by Rosalie Gray
- * The Inconveniences of Improving One’s Property, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine January 1860, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Love and Temper, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine December 1863, as by Rosalie Gray
- * “Make Yourself at Home”, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine May 1861, as by Rosalie Gray
- * A Mystery on Skates, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine March 1864, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Naomi’s Bakery, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1878, as by Rosalie Gray
- * The New Minister, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine February 1861, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Our Little Country Cousin, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1861, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Rhoda’s Prisoner, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1877, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Ruth and the Doctor, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1873, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Sam’s Near-Sighted Sister, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1875, as by Rosalie Gray
- * A Strange Experience, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine June 1867, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Strictly True, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine April 1858, as by Rosalie Gray
- * Timothy Thurlow’s First Baby, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1859, as by Rosalie Gray
- * What Happened to Dorothy, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine March 1880, as by Rosalie Gray
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