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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 5094

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    Golden Nugget   (about)
    Golden Nugget was the first attempt by the Gold family at producing a men’s magazine and of defininte fictionmaggish interest thanks to the involvement of New Worlds veterans Mike Moorcock, J. G. Ballard and Langdon Jones. Jones was working for the Golds as a photographer and editor (and as Assistant Editor on New Worlds) and was probably the editor and art editor here. Moorcock (as Bill Barclay) was Features Editor and, as you would expect, the magazine included articles by and about J. G. Ballard and William Burroughs in these two issues. “John Michael” was probably a Moorcock - full name Michael John Moorcock - pen-name; he was certainly behind the Hank Janson story in issue 9 (subsequently revised for inclusion in Fabulous Harbours). The other Janson stories were written by James Moffatt.

    Golden Nugget was published by Dagg Books Ltd., 42-44 Dock Street, London, E.1. but lasted a mere nine months, March to November 1966. 8″ x 11″.

    • Publishers:
      • Dagg Books Ltd.; London: Golden Nugget.
    • Editors:

    Golden Nugget [v1 #8, 1966] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · What’s In…in the Secret Agent Business · Ed Bradbury · cl; reviews Somewhere In The Night and Printer’s Devil by “Bill Barclay”.

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