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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4587

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    Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine   (about)
    A character pulp whose lead novel featured the popular comic strip hero. Featured several full-page color illustrations. Harold Hersey publicized his involvement with this title contemporaneously, but his name does not appear anywhere in it and his actual connection remains uncertain.

    • Publishers:
      • C.J.H. Publications; New York: Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine.

    The Flatbush Artery [v1 #1, January 1938] ed. Frederik Pohl (2¢, 8pp, 8½″ x 7″) []
    “The Flatbush Artery - monthly organ of Flatbush Branch 3 of the Young Communist League”
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · The Editor’s Page · Frederik Pohl · ed; discusses the intentions of the publication.
    • 3 · Lenin, Leibnecht, Luxembourg · Stan Brown · ar; article on Vladimir Ilyitch Lenin, Karl Leibnecht and Rosa Luxembourg.
    • 4 · Franco - a picture of something, but what? · Lizzie von Schnitzelfritz · hu; spoof, satirical, interview with Franco by the “War Correspondent of the Flatbush Artery”
    • 5 · All About Us · Various · ms; gossip about members of the Flatbush YCL.
    • 6 · We Call Him Comrade · Stan Brown · ar; article on why people have joined the YCL.
    • 7 · State Youth Congress · [uncredited] · ar; article on the forthcoming New York State Model Legislature sponsored by the American Youth Congress.
    • 8 · Peter the First - A triumph · John B. Michel · mr

    The Flatbush Artery [v1 #2, February 1938] ed. Frederik Pohl (2¢, 8pp, 8½″ x 7″) []
    “The Flatbush Artery - monthly organ of Flatbush Branch 3 of the Young Communist League, 1112 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.”
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · The Editor’s Page · Frederik Pohl · ed; article supporting the communists and likening their attitudes to those of Lincoln and Washington.
    • 3 · The Picket Line · Helen Glaser · ar; article on the picketing of an F.W. Woolworth store that had been selling Japanese goods.
    • 4 · Trotzkyites at the Youth Congress · Stan Brown · ar; article on the New York State Model Legislature meeting and how the Trotzkyites had tried to disrupt it.
    • 6 · The Awful truth · Guess Who · ms; gossip about the Flatbush YCL members.
    • 7 · The Daily Worker · John Michel · ar; article exhorting everyone to buy the Daily Worker on a regular basis.
    • 8 · Group Goings On · Various · ms; summarising group activities and forthcoming events.

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