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[]Jones, Thomas Samuel, Jr. (1882-1932) (chron.)
- * Arthur, (pm) Aknahton and Other Sonnets by Thomas Samuel Jones, Jr., 1930
- * As a Still Brook Within the Woodlands Green, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1906
- * As in a Rose Jar, (pm) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine February 1906
- * As One Who Listens, (pm) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine June 1906
- * At End, (pm) The Smart Set November 1906
- * Caer Sidi, (pm) Aknahton and Other Sonnets by Thomas Samuel Jones, Jr., 1930
- * A Debt, (pm) The Smart Set October 1911
- * A Deserted Village, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine November 1907
- * The Door of Spring, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1907
- * Dream-Dust, (pm) Harper’s Bazar May 1913
- * A Druid Town, (pm) Aknahton and Other Sonnets by Thomas Samuel Jones, Jr., 1930
- * The End of Autumn, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine November 1906
- * The Great Poets, (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1917
- * In Arcady: A Villanelle, (pm) Appleton’s Magazine September 1906
- * In London Town, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1909
- * In the Fall o’ Year, (pm) The Smart Set September 1906
- * The Lure o’ the Woodland, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine November 1907
- * May Upon Ictis, (pm) Aknahton and Other Sonnets by Thomas Samuel Jones, Jr., 1930
- * New Grange, (pm) Aknahton and Other Sonnets by Thomas Samuel Jones, Jr., 1930
- * Of One Who Walks Alone, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine October 1911
- * Old Roses, (pm) The Smart Set February 1906
- * Pastoral, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine July 1908
- * The Path of the Stars, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1919
- * Sometimes, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine September 1907
- * A Symphony, (pm) The Smart Set May 1912
- * Taliesin, (pm) Aknahton and Other Sonnets by Thomas Samuel Jones, Jr., 1930
- * To Song, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine July 1910
- * Where Sleep the Gods, (pm) The Smart Set April 1907
- * Youth, (pm) The Smart Set June 1908
[]Jones, Tim (fl. 1980s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * After the War, (ss) Scheherazade #26, 2003
- * Alarm, (ss) Bravado #5, 2005
- * Antilia, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Best Practice, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * Black Box, (ss) What on Earth ed. Tim Jones, Steep Birancas Operation, 1992
- * Books in the Trees, (ss) Turbine 2002
- * Borges and I, (vi) Winedark Sea v1, 2000
- * Cold Storage, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * The Double-Cab Club, (ss) Forever Project March 25 2020
- * Extreme Weather Events, (HeadworX Publishers, April 2001, co)
- * Filling the Isles, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * Flensing, (ss)
- * Going to the People, (ss) I Have Seen the Future ed. Bernard Gadd, Longman Paul, 1986, as "Statesman"
- * Going Under, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * Good Solid Work, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #70, 2005
- * Homestay, (ss) Strange Horizons January 31 2005
- * Horologium, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Hunger, (vi) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- * Jim Clark, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * The Kiwi Contingent, (vi) AntipodeanSF 1998
- * Kraken, (pm) June 12 2015
- * The Last Good Place, (ss) A Foreign Country ed. Anna Caro & Juliet Buchanan, Random Static, 2010
- * The Lizard, (ss)
- * Losing Weight, (pm) Astropoetica Summer 2009
- * The Man Who Loved Maps, (ss)
- * Maria and the Tree, (ss) Starsongs: Tau Whetu ed. Jean Weber, Pegapuss Press, 1993
- * Measureless to Man, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * Morning on Volkov, (ss) Nanonights ed. Yvonne Eve Walus, Piper's Ash, 2000
- * My Friend the Volcano, (nv)
- * The New Land, (ss)
- * The New Neighbours, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * Not Wanted on Voyage, (ss) Bravado #1, 2003
- * Octans, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * The Pole, (vi)
- * Queen Amygdala, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #64, January 2003
- * Queen of the Snows, (vi) 100 New Zealand Short Short Stories 4 ed. Graeme Lay, Tandem Press, 2000
- * Rat Up a Drainpipe, (ss) Boys’ Own Stories: Short Stories by New Zealand Men ed. Graeme Lay, Tandem Press, 2000
- * Red Canvas, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2004
- * Revenant, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #58, January 2001
- * Robinson in Love, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * The Royal Tour, (ss) JAAM #24, 2006
- * Said Sheree, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * The Seeing, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * A Short History of the Twentieth Century, with Fries, (ss) flashquake Fall 2004
- * Sisters, (ss) JAAM #17, 2002
- * The Stars, Natasha, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #58, January 2001
- * Statesman, (ss) I Have Seen the Future ed. Bernard Gadd, Longman Paul, 1986
- * Story of Princes, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #68, 2004
- * Summoning, (pm) Strange Horizons February 13 2006
- * The Temple in the Matrix, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #14, 1999
- * Tour Party, Late Afternoon, (ss)
- * Transported, (Random House/Vintage New Zealand, June 2008, co)
- * The Visit, (ss) JAAM #26, 2006
- * The Visit of M. Foucault to His Brother Wayne, (ss) JAAM #26, 2006, as "The Visit"
- * The Wadestown Shore, (ss) Transported, Vintage New Zealand, 2008
- * When She Came Walking, (ss) Strange Horizons September 24 2001
- * Win a Day with Mikhail Gorbachev! (A Melodrama in Four Parts), (ss) Full Unit Hookup #2, Summer 2002
- * Wintering Over, (ss) Aurealis #5, 1991
[]Jones, Trevor (1944-1993); used pseudonym B. K. Lascher (books) (chron.)
- * Audience Participation, (ss) Dream Magazine #10, March 1987, as by B. K. Lascher
- * Editorial, (ed) Dream Science Fiction #22 Win 1989, #25 Sep, #26 Nov 1990, #28 Apr, #29 Win, #1 Sep 1991, #2 Jan 1992
- * Genesis of a Dream, (ar) Focus #12, October/November 1986
- * Love Story, (vi) Dream Magazine #2, November 1985, as by B. K. Lascher
- * Notes from a Blue Pencil, (cl) Focus #21, August 1990
- * Toward the 21st Century…, (ed) Dream Quarterly #17, Autumn 1988
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #52, October 1991
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Dream Magazine #1 Sep, #2 Nov 1985, #3 Jan, #4 Mar, #5 May, #6 Jul, #7 Sep, #8 Nov 1986, #9 Jan, #10 Mar,
#11 May, #12 Jul, #13 Sep, #14 Nov 1987
#15 Spr, #16 Sum, #17 Aut 1988
- * A Book of Dreams (with George P. Townsend), (Weller Publications, March 1991, an)
_____, [ref.]
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