The FictionMags Index
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[]McNee, John (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Man Holding Razor Blade, (ss) Night Terrors III ed. G. Winston Hyatt, Marc Ciccarone & Theresa Dillon, Blood Bound Books, 2014
- * Repulsive Glamour, (ss) DOA III ed. Marc Ciccarone & Andrea Dawn, Blood Bound Books, 2017
- * Tears of Honey, (ss) Black Room Manuscripts: Volume Four ed. Tracy Fahey & J. R. Park, Sinister Horror Company, 2018
[]McNeely, C. T. (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Assisted Living, (ss) Thuglit #14, November/December 2014
- * The Burning Lungs of Avalloch: A Fist and Planet Novella, (ss) Dark Corners Fall 2014
- * A Peek Around Dark Corners (with Steve Gallagher & Emily J. McNeely), (ed) Dark Corners Fll, Win 2014, Spr, Sum 2015
- * Up Cripple Creek, (ss) All Due Respect #4, October 2014
- * Will Viharo: Unsung Hero of the Pulps, (ar) Dark Corners Fall 2014 [Ref. Will Viharo]
_____, ed.
[]McNeely, John H. (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Addenda to the American Credo (with Maurice Fulcher & H. R. Keeble), (ms) The Smart Set March 1921
- * After the Honeymoon, (pl) Saucy Stories May 1925
- * At the Stage Door, (pl) Saucy Stories April 1925
- * The College Game, (hu) The Bohemian Magazine August 1908
- * The Dark Conspiracy, (vi) The Bohemian Magazine November 1908
- * The Day Before the Wedding, (ss) 10 Story Book November 1922
- * Family Pride, (pl) Saucy Stories August 1924
- * Fooled Insurance Agent, (vi) The Bohemian Magazine July 1908
- * The Future, (ss) The Smart Set November 1920
- * The Innocent Little Thing, (ss) Droll Stories October 1924
- * The Numskull, (ms) The Smart Set February 1921
- * Scandal—1950, (ar) Heart to Heart Stories June 1925
[]McNeely, Tom (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Star Weekly Mar 28, Jul 11, Aug 1, Sep 5, Sep 19, Oct 17, Nov 28 1959, Jan 2, Jan 30, Apr 2,
May 21, Jul 9, Jul 16, Aug 20 1960
Feb 18, Feb 25, Jul 1, Sep 9, Nov 4, Dec 2 1961, Mar 3, Jun 30, Aug 4, Aug 25,
Sep 8, Sep 15 1962
Jun 8 1963
[]MacNeice, Louis (1907-1963) (chron.)
- * An Alphabet of Literary Prejudices, (cl) The Windmill v3 #1, 1948
- * Beni Hasan, (pm) The London Magazine April 1956
- * Canto in Memoriam Dylan Thomas, (pm) The London Magazine February 1954
- * The Crash Landing, (pl) Botteghe Oscure
- * Death of an Old Lady, (pm) The London Magazine September 1956
- * The Doctor and the Devils, (br) The London Magazine April 1954 [Ref. Dylan Thomas]
- * Donegal Triptych, (pm) The London Magazine February 1955
- * Dylan Thomas, (br) The London Magazine May 1955 [Ref. Derek Stanford]
- * Easter Returns, (pm) The London Magazine September 1956
- * Four Poems of Place, (gp) The London Magazine April 1956
- * George Herbert, (br) The London Magazine August 1954 [Ref. Margaret Bottrall]
- * Indian Village, (pm) The London Magazine May 1958
- * Inspiration and Poetry, (br) The London Magazine September 1955 [Ref. C. M. Bowra]
- * John Clare, (br) The London Magazine August 1956 [Ref. John & Anne Tibble]
- * Lost Generations?, (ar) The London Magazine April 1957
- * The People of the Sea, (br) The London Magazine October 1954 [Ref. David Thomson]
- * Poetry and the Age, (br) The London Magazine September 1955 [Ref. Randall Jarrell]
- * The Poetry of Dylan Thomas, (br) The London Magazine May 1955 [Ref. Elder Olson]
- * Prayer Before Birth, (pm)
- * Quite Early One Morning, (br) The London Magazine May 1955 [Ref. Dylan Thomas]
- * The Rest House, (pm) The London Magazine April 1956
- * Return to Lahore, (pm) The London Magazine April 1956
- * The Russet Coat, (br) The London Magazine August 1956 [Ref. Christina Keith]
- * Two Poems, (gp) The London Magazine September 1956
- * Under Milk Wood, (br) The London Magazine April 1954 [Ref. Dylan Thomas]
- * Under the Sugar Loaf, (hu)
- * Visitations, (pm) The London Magazine November 1955
- * Wessex Guidebook, (pm) The London Magazine April 1956
- * [letter], (lt) The London Magazine September 1955
- * [letter] (with Peggy Ashcroft, Kenneth Clark, T. S. Eliot, Graham Greene, Augustus E. John, Edwin Muir, Goronwy Rees, Edith Sitwell, Osbert Sitwell, Vernon Watkins, Emlyn Williams & Walter de la Mare), (lt) The London Magazine February 1954
- * [response to Robert Greacen], (ms) The London Magazine August 1955
_____, [ref.]
[]McNeil, Dan (fl. 2000s-2020s); used pseudonym David McAlinden (chron.)
- * Car(n)age: A Psychopathic Love Story, (ss) Fantastic Metropolis February 18 2002
- * Decay Syndrome, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #2, Autumn 2003
- * The Hokkaido Exit, (vi) Whispers of Wickedness #12, Spring 2006
- * The Observed, (ss) IZ Digital March 23 2023
- * The View from Mrs Mote, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #15, Summer 2007
- * The Wrong Stuff, (ss) Redsine #8, April 2002, as by David McAlinden
- * [illustration(s)], (il) IZ Digital March 23 2023
[]McNeil, (Henry) Everett (1862-1929) (about) (chron.)
- * At the Hands of the Master, (ss) The Thrill Book October 1 1919
- * Battle of the Stings, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #5, October 1924
- * California First Gold, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #26, July 1926
- * The Cow Saddle, (ar) Western Story Magazine February 17 1923
- * The Dead, (ss) Live Stories September 1920
- * Diagnosis and Treatment of Love, (ar) Saucy Stories May 1924
- * The Duping of Scarnose, (ss) Triple-X Western #82, March 1931
- * First Things in New York, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1910
- * A Golden Vengeance, (ss) The Argosy January 1900
- * The Lost Gold of Mad Wolf Gulch, (sl) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #8 Jan, #9 Feb 1925
- * Love’s Treasure-Trove, (pm) Smith’s Magazine April 1905
- * The Marlow Murder, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine December 1905
- * The Marriage of Denis Graham, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine March 1906
- * My Adventure with a Rattlesnake, (vi) Comfort November 1895
- * My Girl, (pm) People’s February 1907
- * On the Rock, (ss) Western Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * Pickles, (ss) The People’s Home Journal July 1913
- * The Rapier Point, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1921
- * The Round-up of Polly, (nv) People’s Magazine December 1906
- * Stringing the Stranger, (ss) The American Boy December 1915
- * A Student of Psychology, (ss) The White Elephant #16, September 1897
- * Superstitions of the Moon, (ar) People’s Magazine October 1906
- * 232 Different Ways of Saying “Money”, (ms) The Scrap Book January 1908
- * [letter from New York City, NY], (lt) Weird Tales January 1925
_____, [ref.]
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