The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7816
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[]Oakley, Thornton (1881-1953) (about) (chron.)
- * The Arab, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine December 1908
- * The Blast Furnace, (pi) Appleton’s Magazine December 1907
- * From Sun to Sun, Four Drawings, (il) Metropolitan Magazine June 1910
- * The Greatest Shipyard in the World, (pi) Harper’s Magazine October 1918
- * Mississippi Sketches, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1905
- * On the Spanish Railway, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1907
- * The Passing of the ’Bus, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine May 1907
- * The Shipyard, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1909
- * Toilers of the River, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1906
- * Vignettes of the Road, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1907
- * Women of France, (ar) The Century Magazine December 1919
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s Jun 27 1908, May 6 1911, Dec 28 1912
- * [front cover], (cv) Scribner’s Magazine August 1916
- * [frontispiece], (fp) Harper’s Magazine October 1916
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Sep 1905, Feb, Jul, Aug, Dec 1906, Aug, Nov 1907,
Jan 1908
Feb, Jun, Jul, Nov 1909, Jun 1910
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine Aug 1905, Dec 1915
- * [illustration(s)], (il) St. Nicholas Nov, Dec 1908, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1909, Sep 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Century Magazine December 1919
[]Oakman, Anthony (chron.)
- * ConVergence: Writers and their Books (with Sarah Carmela Helen Endacott), (ar) Aurealis #30, 2002
- * Recent Reads, (br) Orb Speculative Fiction #1, Autumn/Winter 2000
- * Recent Reads: Thumbnail Reviews, (rc) Orb Speculative Fiction #2, 2001
- * Recent Reads: Thumbnail Reviews (with Sarah Carmela Helen Endacott), (rc) Orb Speculative Fiction #3/4, 2002
- * Reviews from Australian Reviewers (with Alison Barton, Sarah Carmela Helen Endacott, Russell B. Farr & Shannon Walker), (br) Orb Speculative Fiction #5, 2003
[]Oaks, Amanda (chron.)
- * Cast Off Your Inhibitions, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #4, July 2004
- * Home Wrecker, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #4, July 2004
- * Salvage, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #2, May 2003
- * washout, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- * When the Dust Settled, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #3, November 2003
[]Oates, Joyce Carol (1938- ); used pseudonym Rosamond Smith (about) (books) (chron.)
- * ***, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2023
- * The Abduction, (ss) Seventeen November 1987
- * Accomplished Desires, (ss) Esquire May 1968
- * Accursed Inhabitants of the House of Bly, (nv) The Antioch Review Winter 1993
- * The Affliction, (ss) Bomb 1995
- * After Amnesia, (mm) Granta #63, Autumn 1998
- * An Afterword by the Author, (aw) Haunted, Penguin/Dutton, 1994
- * Afterword: The Practice of Writing—The Writing Workshop, (aw)
- * Aiding and Abetting, (ss) Playboy January 2002
- * All the Beautiful Women, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 29 1968
- * All the Good People I’ve Left Behind, (n.) Redbook May 1977
- * Alone, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1984
- * American, Abroad, (ss) North American Review March 1990
- * Ancient Airs, Voices, (nv) The Antioch Review Winter 1986
- * …& Answers, (ss)
- * And How Is Your Life?, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1971
- * Angel Eyes, (ss) The South Carolina Review Spring 1986
- * Angel of Mercy, (ss) The Spook #4, October 2001
- * Angel of Wrath, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2002
- * Apoca ca lyp se: A Dip tych, (pp) Dark Horizons #50, Spring 2007
- * The Appointment, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #11, Fall 2020
- * The Archivist, (nv) Boulevard #98/99, 2018
- * Archways, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1965
- * The Artist, (vi) Omni May 1992
- * At Our Fingers’ Tips There Are Small Deadly Faces, (pm) Red Clay Reader #7, 1970
- * At the Paradise Motel, Sparks, Nevada, (ss) Murder for Love ed. Otto Penzler, Delacorte, 1996
- * August Evening, (vi) Flash Fiction ed. James Thomas, Denise Thomas & Tom Hazuka, W.W. Norton, 1992
- * Au Sable, (ss) Harper’s Magazine February 1999
- * Author’s Perspective: Oates: Productivity and the Critics, (ar)
- * Baby, (ss) The Ontario Review Fall 1986/Winter 1987
- * Babysitter, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2006
- * Bad Girls, (nv) Norton Anthology of Contemporary Fiction (Second Edition) ed. R. V. Cassill & Joyce Carol Oates, W.W. Norton, 1997
- * Bad Habits, (ss) McSweeney’s #18, 2005
- * The Banshee, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2004
- * Bare Legs, (ss) The Yale Review October 1992
- * The Barter, (ss) Story Autumn 1999
- * Les Beaux Jours, (ss) Alive in Shape and Color ed. Lawrence Block, Pegasus Books, 2017
- * Beersheba, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2010
- * Big Momma, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2016
- * The Bingo Master, (ss) Dark Forces ed. Kirby McCauley, Viking, 1980
- * Bitch, (ss) Boulevard Fall 2005
- * The Blessing, (ss)
- * Blind, (ss) Haunted, Penguin/Dutton, 1994
- * The Blind Man’s Sighted Daughters, (nv) Fiction Fall/Winter 2007
- * The Bloodstained Bridal Gown; or, Xavier Kilgarvan’s Last Case [Xavier Kilgarvan], (n.) Mysteries of Winterthurn, Dutton, 1984
- * Bloodstains, (pm) Red Clay Reader #7, 1970
- * Blood-Swollen Landscape, (ss) The Southern Review Winter 1975
- * Blue-Bearded Lover, (vi) The Assignation by Joyce Carol Oates, The Ecco Press, 1988
- * Bodies, (nv) 1970
- * Bone Marrow Donor, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2021
- * Broke Heart Blues, (ss) Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, HarperPrism, 1998
- * The Brothers, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1994
- * A Brutal Murder in a Public Place, (ss) 2011
- * The Buck, (ss) Story Winter 1991
- * By the River, (nv) December v10, 1968
- * Capricorn, (nv) Small Avalanches and Other Stories, HarperTempest, 2003
- * Cardiff, by the Sea, (na) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2020
- * Ceremonies, (nv) At the North Gate by Joyce Carol Oates, Vanguard, 1963
- * The Chair of Tranquility (from the Diary of Mrs. Thomas Peele, Trenton, New Jersey, 1853), (ss) A Darker Shade of Noir ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Akashic Books, 2023
- * The Children, (ss) Transatlantic Review #32, Summer 1969
- * The Cold, (ss) The Virginia Quarterly Review Summer 2019
- * The Collector of Hearts, (co) Dutton, November 1998
- * The Collector of Hearts, (ss) Seventeen May 1998
- * Color Blind, (ss) The Best of the Best ed. Elaine Koster & Joseph Pittman, Signet, 1998
- * Commencement, (nv) Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction ed. Al Sarrantonio, Roc, 2001
- * The Corn Maiden, (na) Transgressions ed. Ed McBain, Forge, 2005
- * The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares, (co) The Mysterious Press, November 2011
- * The Cousins, (ss) Harper’s Magazine July 2004
- * Craps, (ss) Boulevard 1991
- * The Crawl Space, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2016
- * The Crossing, (nv) Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Morrow AvoNova, 1995
- * Cumberland Breakdown, (nv) Boulevard Fall 2002
- * Curly Red, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 2001
- * Daisy, (ss)
- * The Damnation of A—— K——, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1989
- * The Dark Prince, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1999
- * The Dead, (nv) McCall’s July 1971
- * Dear Husband, (ss)
- * Death Astride Bicycle, (ss) Western Humanities Review 1995
- * Death Cup, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1997
- * Death Mother, (nv) The Kenyon Review 1995
- * The Death of Mrs. Sheer, (nv) Upon the Sweeping Flood by Joyce Carol Oates, Vanguard, 1966
- * The Deaths, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2002
- * Death Valley, (ss) Esquire July 1988
- * Death Watch, (ss) Story Winter 1997
- * Deceit, (ss) Protectors 2: Heroes ed. Thomas Pluck, Goombah Gumbo Press, 2015
- * Demon, (ss) Demon and Other Tales, Necronomicon Press, 1996
- * Demon and Other Tales, (co) Necronomicon Press, January 1996
- * Detour, (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 2021
- * Devil’s Half Acre; or, The Mystery of the “Cruel Suitor” [Xavier Kilgarvan], (n.) Mysteries of Winterthurn, Dutton, 1984
- * Did You Ever Slip on Red Blood?, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1972
- * The Doll, (nv) Epoch 1980
- The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural ed. Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg & Barry N. Malzberg, Arbor House, 1981
- Great Tales of Horror and the Supernatural ed. Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg & Barry N. Malzberg, A&W/Galahad, 1985
- Haunted, Penguin/Dutton, 1994
- Haunted Houses: The Greatest Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books, 1997
- Nightshade ed. Robert Phillips, Carroll & Graf, 1999
- Night Shadows ed. Joan Kessler, David R. Godine, 2001
- * Doll: A Romance of the Mississippi, (ss) The Gettysburg Review Spring 2003
- * The Doll-Master, (nv) The Doll Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2015
- * Don’t You Trust Me?, (ss) Glamour August 1992
- * The Double-Edged Knife, (ss) Redbook May 1987
- * Do with Me What You Will, (ss) Playboy June 1973
- * The Dream-Catcher, (ss) Off Limits ed. Ellen Datlow, St. Martin's, 1996
- * The Dungeon, (ss)
- * Dying, (ss) Transatlantic Review #20, Spring 1966
- * EDickinsonRepliLuxe, (nv) The Virginia Quarterly Review Fall 2006
- * Elvis Is Dead: Why Are You Alive?, (ss) The King Is Dead ed. Paul M. Sammon, Delta, 1994
- * Equatorial, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2014
- * Exile, (ss)
- * Extenuating Circumstances, (ss) Sisters in Crime 5 ed. Marilyn Wallace, Berkley, 1992
- * The Fabled Light-House at Viña del Mar, (nv) McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories ed. Michael Chabon, Vintage, 2004
- * Face, (ss) Inferno ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2007
- * Faithless, (nv) The Kenyon Review Winter 1997
- * Faithless: Tales of Transgression, (co) HarperCollins/Ecco Press, March 2001
- * Family, (ss) Omni December 1989
- * Famine Country, (ss)
- * Fast Forward, (ss) The Yale Review October 1998
- * Fatal Woman, (ss) Night-Side, Vanguard Press, 1977
- * “The Father of Modern Gynecology”: J. Marion Syms, M.D. (1813-1883), (ss) Screams from the Dark ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor Nightfire, 2022
- * Feral, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1998
- * Fever, (ss) The South Carolina Review Fall 1986
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