The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 3425

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    Crime Mysteries   (about)
    An early horror-oriented crime pulp magazine with a decided macabre slant, Crime Mysteries started as a weekly, but dropped back to a monthly schedule after only six issues and folded two issues later.

    • Publishers:
      • Dell Publishing Co., Inc.; 97 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY: Crime Mysteries.
    • Editors:

    Crime Shorts   (about)
    Small pamphlet magazines issued toward the end of the Second World War when paper rationing was at its height.

    • Publishers:
      • Gerald G. Swan, Ltd.; London, England: Crime Shorts.

    Crime Stories   (about)
    One of the many undated “one shot” magazines published in the UK in the years after the Second World War.

    • Publishers:
      • Grant Hughes: Crime Stories.

    Crime Stories Monthly
    Apparently a magazine of this title was planned ca. 1935 but was never published. All that survives is a cover of an ashcan edition produced for trademark purposes.

    Crime Story Magazine:   (about)
    Little is known about this magazine. A series of at least 8 issues labelled “Volume 6” was published by Blue Diamond with dates from Junuary 1952 to February 1954. Other issues have been seen with no dates and just issue numbers, published by Blue Diamond or Page Publications, which appear to duplicate the contents of the other series and are assumed to be later reprints. In addition, while it is likely that most of the stories are reprints, only a small number have been traced and it is possible the titles have been changed for many of the others. Number of issues published not known.

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