The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1310
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[]Brooks, George S(prague) (1895-1961) (about) (chron.)
- * All Fixed Up, (ss) Liberty February 21 1931
- * And a One-Two to the Heart, (ss) Liberty February 20 1932
- * And Cheap Enough, (ss) Collier’s May 2 1931
- * Another Thorpe, (ss) Liberty December 12 1931
- * As One Jeweler to Another, (ss) Flynn’s September 20 1924
- * As You Were, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 13 1935
- * At Space Rates, (vi) Brief Stories November 1923
- * At the Time Appointed, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 15 1941
- * The Avenger, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 2, Oct 9 1954
- * A Bath and a Shave, (ss) Collier’s September 9 1933
- * Between Editions, (ss) Brief Stories September 1923
- * Blind Staggers, (ss) Liberty July 15 1933
- * Block That Bride, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1935
- * Blonde Conscience, (ss) Liberty May 20 1939
- * Bowed Down by Youth, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 6 1936
- * Boy Friend of Broadway, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine January 1929
- * Brainstorm Play, (ss) Redbook Magazine December 1934
- * Brain That Lived Again, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1927
- * The Burgundy Day, (ss) Brief Stories July 1921
- * Canape Women, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 25 1937
- * Candy and Flowers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 21 1935
- * Cassidy’s Road to Rome, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1929
- * Change of Heart, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 28 1952
- * City Picnic, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 30 1934
- * Clever Legs, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 2 1935
- * The Comedy Comet, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1925
- * The Day for the Burgundy, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1921
- * The Devil in the Pigs, (vi) Collier’s April 9 1932
- * A Dietetic Decree, (ss) Brief Stories June 1923
- * Dog! Dog! Bite Pig!, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 9 1939
- * Easy Money, (vi) Liberty May 5 1934
- * Even a Sparrow, (ss) Brief Stories August 1922
- * Everybody Out, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 29 1934
- * Eye-Catcher, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion December 1933
- * Fifteen Love: Fifteen All, (vi) Brief Stories October 1922
- * Fit to Be Tied, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 14 1935
- * Floral Tribute, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 17 1938
- * For Fighting and Kissing, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1936
- * Four Months of His Life, (ss) Liberty October 24 1931
- * A Fugitive from Justine, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 11 1936
- * The Garrison Finish, (vi) Collier’s April 7 1934
- * The Girl at Table Six, (ss) The American Magazine February 1953
- * Girls Are Hard to Handle, (ss) College Humor November 1929
- * Going Through Love, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 18 1936
- * The Great Fur Coat Joke, (vi) The Corner Magazine April 1923
- * The Grouch, (ms) The American Legion Monthly July 1926
- * Hallohran, (ss) Liberty October 29 1927
- * Hannigan, (ss) Collier’s June 19 1948
- * His First Butler, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 1 1935
- * Honest Face, (ss) Country Gentleman April 1934
- * The Hope Chest, (ss) Collier’s September 3 1927
- * Horse Dealing Is Different, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 19 1932
- * Horsemen Never Smoke, (??) Collier’s May 27 1944
- * In the Foyer, (ss) The Story-teller October 1934
- * I.O.U., (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1924
- * Irish Rules, (??) Collier’s October 6 1934
- * Itsy-Bitsy Halfback, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 30 1937
- * Kiss in the Afternoon, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 22 1936
- * The Last Season, (ss) Collier’s December 9 1933
- * The Lesson, (ss) The Story-teller June 1933
- * The Little Schemer, (ss) Paris Nights June 1925
- * Lovers Think Fast, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 10 1935
- * Madam Is Right, (vi) Collier’s May 5 1934
- * Male with Intent, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 29 1935
- * The Mamma Bull, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 28 1942
- * Matched Pair, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1938
- * The Material Witness, (ss) The New McClure’s March 1929
- * The Mayor’s Burglar, (ss) Liberty January 28 1928
- * A Medal to Show, (ss) Collier’s July 18 1931
- * A Mislaid Revolution, (ss) McClure’s Magazine November 1923
- * Money on the Tongue, (vi) Collier’s December 10 1927
- * The Mortgage Lifters, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 3 1934
- * Mrs. Jungle Smith, (ss) Liberty May 23 1931
- * Murder Was Her Dish, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 26 1936
- * Night Operations, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 24 1936
- * Off Skagerrak, (ss) Collier’s January 21 1928
- * One Cold Sunday, (vi) Collier’s August 11 1934
- * Pete Retires, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine December 1924
- * Picnic Panic, (ss) The Passing Show August 4 1934
- * The Pie Singer, (??) Collier’s November 17 1934
- * Pipe Major, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1926
- * Poor Sick Boy, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion
- * Post-Mortem in Bonds, (ss) North American Review February 1929
- * Prelude to A Flat, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 2 1936
- * The Puppet Show, (ar) The London Magazine April 1927
- * The Reprisal, (ss) Liberty February 4 1928
- * Riot Call, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion October 1933
- * Roses for Finerty, (ss) Liberty November 12 1932
- * The Safe Kind, (ss) Brief Stories February 1922
- * Section EE Row 47 Seat 3, (vi) Liberty December 2 1939
- * Sick Man’s Bargain, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 15 1933
- * Singing in His Cell, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 23 1935
- * Smile and Lie, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1924
- * Softly, with Emotion, (vi) Collier’s February 3 1934
- * Son of a Dick, (ss) Liberty September 17 1932
- * Son of Pericles, (ss) The Outlook August 8 1923
- * Sour Honeymoon, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 5 1937
- * Space Rates, (ss) The American Short Story December 1929
- * Specials Take Time, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion January 1935
- * Sugar Snow, (ss) Liberty December 1 1934
- * Sure as Shooting, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 20 1936
- * Tame Thief, (ss) Liberty September 2 1944
- * Technique of Women, (vi) Ainslee’s August 1922
- * A Tenderhearted Jill, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 17 1937
- * They Don’t Have Guns, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 18 1931
- * A Thing Like That, (ss) Liberty October 22 1927
- * Three Gin Mills and a Gentleman, (ss) Complete Stories 1st January 1929
- * The Trick Knee, (ss) Liberty November 21 1931
- * Twelve to Eight, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine December 1925
- * Unlisted Friends, (ss) Collier’s September 10 1927
- * Unwelcome Guest, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1949
- * Very Civil Service, (??) Collier’s February 16 1935
- * Very Hastily Yours, (vi) Liberty April 9 1932
- * Very Petty Larceny, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 5 1929
- * “Victor King In—”, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd January 1929
- * Visiting Firewoman, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 28 1936
- * When Manhattan Sank, (nv) Complete Stories July 1927
- * When the Court Leaked, (ss) North American Review October 1928
- * Where There’s Smoke, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion February 1935
- * Widow’s Mite, (ss) North American Review January 1929
- * A Wife in the League, (??) Collier’s April 14 1934
- * A Woman’s Intuition, (ss) Smart Set March 1929
- * Writer’s Cramp, (ss) Collier’s December 1 1928
- * [untitled], (bg) Brief Stories October 1922
_____, as told to
_____, [ref.]
[]Brooks, Gwendolyn (1917-2000) (chron.)
- * The Ballad of Rudolph Reed, (ss)
- * The Explorer, (pm)
- * Five Poems, (gp) Harper’s Magazine February 1945
- * Helen, (ss) 1953
- * love note: surely, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1945
- * my dreams, my works, must wait till after hell, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1945
- * the preacher: ruminates behind the sermon, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1945
- * Soldier Sonnets, (gp) Harper’s Magazine February 1945
- * southeast corner, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1945
- * We’re the only colored people here, (ss)
- * the white troops had their orders but the Negroes looked like men, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1945
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