The FictionMags Index
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Gilman, Charlotte (Anna) Perkins (Stetson) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Competing with Men, (ar) The Forerunner July 1914
- * Confidential Remarks About Our Advertising, (ms) The Forerunner January 1910
- * An Conservative, (pm) 1892
- * Constructive Internationalism, (ar) The Forerunner November 1914
- * A Contemptible Trick, (ms) The Forerunner March 1915
- * The Cost and the Price of Living, (ar) The Forerunner January 1913
- * The Cottagette, (ss) The Forerunner August 1910
- * A Council of War, (ss) The Forerunner August 1913
- * Courage, Strength and Love, (pm) Wilshire’s Magazine
- * The Court of Infant Relations, (vi) The Forerunner January 1913
- * The Cream of the World, (ms) The Forerunner May 1913
- * A Crime Beyond Excuse, (ar) The Forerunner February 1913
- * The Cripple, (pm) The Forerunner March 1910
- * Crops, (pm) The Forerunner July 1914
- * The Crux, (n.) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1911
- * Cycles, (pm) The Forerunner February 1912
- * The Daily Squid, (pm) The Forerunner August 1915
- * The Dancing of Isadora Duncan, (ar) The Forerunner April 1915 [Ref. Isadora Duncan]
- * Danger in the Senate, (ar) The Forerunner April 1916
- * A Day’s Berryin’, (ss) Impress October 13 1894
- * A “Debate” on Suffrage, (ar) The Forerunner January 1915
- * Deserted, (ss) San Francisco Call July 10 1893
- * The Devout Farmers, (vi) The Forerunner January 1912
- * A Diet Undesired, (pm) The Forerunner June 1911
- * Difficulties of Organizing Saleswomen, (ar) The Forerunner February 1914
- * A Distinction, (ms) The Forerunner January 1916
- * The Divine Right of Judges, (ar) The Forerunner July 1912
- * Dr. Clair’s Place, (ss) The Forerunner June 1915
- * “Does a Man Support His Wife?”, (ar) The Forerunner September 1911
- * Dogs Again, (ar) The Forerunner September 1916
- * Dogs, Pigs and Cities, (ar) The Forerunner May 1916
- * Do Not Waste Emotion, (ms) The Forerunner October 1914
- * Do We Want a Political Party for Women?, (ar) The Forerunner November 1915
- * The Drama We Might Have, (ar) The Forerunner September 1913
- * A Dream of Gold, (pm) The Forerunner February 1913
- * The Dress of Women, (nb) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1915
- * The Earth’s Entail, (pm) The Forerunner August 1910
- * The Earth, the World and I, (pm) The Cosmopolitan February 1900, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * The Editor’s Problem, (ed) The Forerunner Aug, Sep 1910
- * Educated Bodies, (ar) The Forerunner March 1914
- * Education and Social Progress, (ar) The Forerunner March 1913
- * Education for Motherhood, (ar) The Forerunner October 1913
- * The Educator, (pm) The Forerunner March 1912
- * An Elopement, (ss) San Francisco Call July 17 1893
- * The Emotional Sex, (ar) The Forerunner October 1914
- * The “Emotional Sex” Again, (ms) The Forerunner May 1915
- * Encouraging Miss Miller, (ss) The Forerunner December 1915
- * The End of the Advertising Nuisance, (ar) The Forerunner December 1912
- * The Ends of God, (pm) The Forerunner April 1915
- * Entailed, (pm) The Forerunner March 1912
- * Erratum, (ms) The Forerunner March 1910
- * Eternal Me, (pm) The Cosmopolitan September 1899, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * Euthanasia Again, (ar) The Forerunner October 1912
- * Experts, (pm) The Forerunner December 1915
- * An Extinct Angel, (ss) Kate Field’s Washington September 23 1891
- * Faith and Fact, (pm) The Forerunner September 1913
- * Faith and Knowledge, (pm) The Forerunner July 1914
- * Faith in Humanity, (ar) The Forerunner August 1913
- * A Faith That Grows, (pm) The Forerunner October 1915
- * False Idols!, (ar) The Grand Magazine July 1905
- * The Fathers and the Mothers, (vi) The Forerunner April 1913
- * Favorable Symptoms, (ar) The Forerunner September 1914
- * Feeding the Wolves, (pm) The Forerunner December 1913
- * Feet, Flat Feet, and Brains, (ar) The Forerunner October 1914
- * Fels-Naptha Soap, (ms) The Forerunner November 1909
- * Feminism, College Education, and the Birthrate, (ar) The Forerunner October 1915
- * Feminism or Polygamy, (ar) The Forerunner October 1914
- * Fighting, Growling and Making, (ar) The Forerunner January 1913
- * The Finger of God, (ar) The Forerunner September 1913
- * Fire with Fire, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine February 1898, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * Five and Fifty, (pm) The Forerunner April 1916
- * Five Girls, (ss) Impress December 1 1894
- * The Flag of Peace, (pm) The Forerunner September 1911
- * Food and Clothes, (pm) The Forerunner September 1913
- * The Fool-Killer, (pm) The Forerunner July 1915
- * The Football Theory, (ar) The Forerunner October 1916
- * For 1911, (ed) The Forerunner January 1911
- * The Ford Party and the Newspapers, (ar) The Forerunner March 1916
- * For Fear, (pm) The Forerunner April 1910
- * For Power, (pm) The Forerunner October 1914
- * Forsythe & Forsythe, (ss) The Forerunner January 1913
- * The Fountain of Youth, (pm) The Forerunner February 1913
- * Freed, (ss) The Forerunner March 1912
- * Freedom of Speech in the Public Schools, (ar) The Forerunner March 1915
- * “Free Speech”, (ar) The Forerunner June 1914
- * Free Speech in the Schools, (ar) The Forerunner January 1915
- * A Frequent Question, (ms) The Forerunner November 1910
- * A Fresh Grievance, (ar) The Forerunner August 1915
- * A Friendly Response, (ed) The Forerunner November 1910
- * From a Hearst Paper, (ms) The Forerunner September 1914
- * Fulfilment, (ss) The Forerunner March 1914
- * Full Motherhood, (pm) The Forerunner October 1915
- * The Gardens, (vi) The Forerunner July 1916
- * Genius, Domestic and Maternal, (ar) The Forerunner Jun, Jul 1910
- * Get Your Work Done, (pm) The Forerunner December 1909
- * The Giant Wistaria, (ss) New England Magazine June 1891
- The Arkham Sampler v2 #3, 1984
- The Yellow Wall-paper and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, 1995
- American Gothic: An Anthology, 1787-1916 ed. Charles Crow, Wiley-Blackwell, 1999
- Herland, The Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings, Penguin US, 1999
- Arboris Mysterius ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2014
- Great Horror Stories: 101 Chilling Tales ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Fall River Press, 2016
- Evil Roots ed. Daisy Butcher, The British Library, 2019
- Women’s Weird: Strange Stories by Women, 1890-1940 ed. Melissa Edmundson, Handheld Press, 2019
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 11 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2022
- * A Gift for Needle Work, (ss) The Forerunner April 1915
- * Gifts and Good Taste, (ar) The Forerunner November 1914
- * The Girl in the Pink Hat, (ss) The Forerunner February 1916
- * Girls and Land, (ss) The Forerunner May 1915
- * Girls’ Wild Oats, (ms) The Forerunner March 1914
- * Giving, (ar) The Forerunner December 1911
- * God with Us!, (pm) The Forerunner July 1912
- * Good and Bad Taste in Suicide, (ms) The Forerunner May 1912
- * Good Fighting, (pm) The Forerunner October 1912
- * The Good Man, (vi) The Forerunner November 1910
- * The Gorgeous Exposition, (ar) The Forerunner May 1915
- * Gratitude as a Virtue, (ar) The Forerunner December 1911
- * “The Great Adventure”, (ms) The Forerunner September 1913
- * The Great Change, (ar) The Forerunner December 1914
- * Groups of Babies, (ar) The Forerunner April 1916
- * A Growing Heart, (ss) The Forerunner December 1916
- * The Growing Power of Woman: Impressions of the Congress in Berlin, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine September 1904
- * Growth and Combat, (nb) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1916
- * The Gunman, (pm) The Forerunner January 1915
- * The Hand of Man, (pm) The Forerunner April 1911
- * Happiness, (ar) The Forerunner October 1911
- * Happiness, (pm) The Forerunner November 1911
- * Happiness, (ar) The Forerunner September 1914
- * Happiness and Religion, (ar) The Forerunner June 1911
- * The Happiness That Belongs to Us, (ar) The Forerunner December 1912
- * Hats in Houses, (ms) The Forerunner August 1914
- * Having Faith in Evolution, (ar) The Forerunner November 1915
- * The Head of the Board, (pm) The Forerunner November 1913
- * Heaven Forbid!, (pm) The Forerunner May 1910
- * Heights, (pm) The Forerunner September 1914
- * Heirlooms, (pm) The Forerunner December 1913
- * Her Beauty, (ss) The Forerunner February 1913
- * Her “Charms”, (ms) The Forerunner January 1915
- * Her Doll, (vi) The Forerunner July 1911
- * Here Is the Earth, (pm) The Forerunner January 1910
- * Her Hair, (ar) The Forerunner July 1914
- * Her Housekeeper, (ss) The Forerunner January 1910
- * Herland [Van Jennings], (n.) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1915
- * Herland [Van Jennings], (n.) Pantheon, April 1979
- * Herland [Van Jennings], (ex) Pantheon, April 1979
- * Herland and Selected Stories, (co) Penguin/Signet, July 1992 ; edited by Barbara H. Solomon
- * Herland, The Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings, (co) Penguin US, September 1999
- * Her Memories, (ss) The Forerunner August 1912
- * Her Overhearing, (ss) The Forerunner March 1916
- * Her Pets, (vi) The Forerunner August 1910
- * The Higher Law, (ar) The Forerunner October 1914
- * The Highest Treason, (ar) The Forerunner April 1915
- * His Agony, (pm) The Forerunner April 1910
- * His Crutches, (pm) The Forerunner December 1909
- * His Excuse, (ss) The Forerunner April 1916
- * His Mother, (ss) The Forerunner July 1914
- * His Record, (ss) The Forerunner November 1914
- * His Share, (ar) The Forerunner November 1912
- * Holeproof Hoisery, (ms) The Forerunner November 1909
- * The Holy Stove, (pm) Wayside Tales June 1905
- * The Home and the Postoffice, (ar) The Forerunner July 1916
- * The Home Without a Kitchen, (ar) The Puritan December 1899, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * An Honest Woman, (ss) The Forerunner March 1911
- * The Honor of Bearing His Name, (ar) The Forerunner February 1916
- * Hope, (ar) The Forerunner January 1911
- * The Hope of Heaven, (ar) The Forerunner July 1913
- * The House of Apples, (vi) The Forerunner May 1910
- * The House-Taster, (ar) The Forerunner April 1915
- * The Housewife, (pm) The Forerunner September 1910
- * How Doth the Hat, (pm) The Forerunner November 1909
- * How Long, Oh Grandpa!, (pm) The Forerunner December 1912
- * How Much Is a Dollar?, (ms) The Forerunner May 1912
- * How They Did It, (ar) The Forerunner January 1915
- * How They Were Denobled, (ss) The Forerunner August 1916
- * How to Receive Gossip, (ar) The Forerunner December 1913
- * How We Waste Three-Fourths of Our Money, (ar) The Forerunner December 1910
- * How Worship We the Lord?, (pm) The Forerunner March 1911
- * The Human Law, (pm) The Forerunner August 1912
- * Humanness, (nb) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1913
- * The Humanness of Women, (ar) The Forerunner January 1910
- * Human Work, (pm) The Forerunner November 1911
- * The Hypnotizer, (ss) The Forerunner October 1914
- * “Hysterically Worded”, (ms) The Forerunner March 1913
- * Ideas That Hinder Socialism, (ar) The Forerunner September 1912
- * Idols (“King Olaf smote the Idols and tumbled them about”), (pm) The Forerunner July 1911
- * Idols (“When men made idols, carving the blank eyes”), (pm) The Forerunner May 1912
- * If I Were a Man, (ss) Physical Culture July 1914
- The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings, Bantam, 1989
- Herland and Selected Stories, Penguin/Signet, 1992
- The Lifted Veil ed. A. Susan Williams, Xanadu, 1992
- The Yellow Wall-paper and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, 1995
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- Library of Congress Magazine July/August 2017
- * Illegitimate Children, (ar) The Forerunner November 1913
- * Illiopolis, (pm) The Forerunner January 1913
- * The Illogical Mind, (ar) The Forerunner November 1913
- * Immigration, Importation, and Our Fathers, (ar) The Forerunner May 1914
- * Immortal Life, (ar) The Forerunner April 1911
- * Imprisonment for Life, (ms) The Forerunner September 1912
- * Improved Methods of Habit Culture, (ar) The Forerunner July 1910
- * Improving on Nature, (ss) The Forerunner July 1912
- * In Alabama Woods, (pm) The Forerunner November 1913
- * In As Much, (pm) The Forerunner December 1910
- * The Incentive, (vi) The Forerunner September 1914
- * Individualism, (pm) The Forerunner February 1911
- * In Duty Bound, (pm) 1884
- * In How Little Time, (pm) The Forerunner October 1910
- * Ink Beggars, (pm) The Forerunner July 1912
- * In Modern Verse, (pm) The Forerunner November 1912
- * An Innocent Girl, (ss) The Forerunner March 1912
- * Instead of a Story, (ar) The Forerunner December 1914
- * The Instinct of Worship, (ar) The Forerunner November 1911
- * Instincts, Morals and Ethics, (ar) The Forerunner June 1912
- * The International Congress of Women, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine September 1899, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * Interstate Sanitation, (ms) The Forerunner September 1912
- * “Interviewing”, (ar) The Forerunner February 1914
- * In the Near Future, (ms) The Forerunner January 1912
- * In the Street, (pm) The Forerunner September 1911
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