The FictionMags Index
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Wylie, I(da) A(lexa) R(oss) (items) (continued)
- All Hands…!, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1935
- Everything in the Window, (ss) Harper’s Magazine June 1935
- Furious Young Man, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post August 24 1935, etc.
- Cross My Heart, (ss) McCall’s August 1935
- The Golden Road, (ss) The Story-teller August 1935
- Susanna and Her Elders, (ss) The Story-teller December 1935
- Stars in Their Courses, (nv) Cosmopolitan February 1936
- The Third Day, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 18 1936
- “This is My Wife”, (sl) This Week July 19 1936, etc.
- A Perfect Prig, (nv) Redbook Magazine August 1936
- Vivacious Lady, (ss) Pictorial Review October 1936
- “For Valour”, (ss) This Week November 8 1936
- The Road to Reno, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1937, etc.
- Revolt in Heaven, (ss) McCall’s March 1937
- First Acquaintance, (vi) Collier’s May 1 1937
- Taking It on the Chin, (ss) The Passing Show May 8 1937
- On the Third Day, (ss) Woman’s Journal May 1937
- Curtain Rising, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1937
- “We Have Come Through…”, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1937
- Champion Luck, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 6 1937
- The Gay Banditti, (na) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1938, etc.
- The Gay Banditti, (na) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1938 (+4)
- Challenge to Spring, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1938
- Nobody Loves Me, (ss) McCall’s April 1938
- Now We Are Free, (sl) Good Housekeeping April 1938
- Hour of Honor, (ss) This Week May 22 1938
- Shadow of the Swastika, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1938
- By Right of Purchase, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1938
- It Must Come Once, (ss) Pictorial Review combined with Delineator August 1938
- The Dark Ages, (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1938
- A Formula for Happiness, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1938
- The Under Pup, (ss) Everywoman’s March 1939
- You Never Can Tell, Ladies!, (ss) This Week April 16 1939
- The Brink of the Melting Pot, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1939
- The Piper’s Children, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 8 1939
- Destination Unknown, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1939
- Crack Shot, (ss) This Week January 21 1940
- The Green Shutter, (vi) Collier’s February 3 1940
- Ever So Humble, (ss) McCall’s February 1940
- “Land’s Sake”, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 27 1940
- Depth Charge, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 6 1940
- “A-Hunting We Will Go”, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 27 1940
- The Glory of Going On, (ss) Liberty September 21 1940
- Eyes to See With, (vi) Collier’s December 28 1940
- A Bit of All Right, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1941
- To Glory, (ss) Collier’s February 15 1941
- Whip Hand, (vi) Collier’s March 1 1941
- “I Can’t Live Without You”, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1941
- Loud Speaker, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1941
- “Who Goes There?”, (ss) Britannia and Eve June 1941
- Break Through, (ss) This Week July 13 1941
- Strangers Are Coming, (sl) The American Magazine September 1941, etc.
- The Picket Fence, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1941
- A Bit of Bunting, (ss) This Week January 18 1942
- “Never from Valiant Men—”, (ss) Liberty January 24 1942
- Over the Hill, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1942
- Without Mercy, (vi) Liberty April 18 1942
- Soldier’s Serenade, (nv) Cosmopolitan April 1942
- Man on His Shield, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 6 1942
- Very Good Little Wife, (ss) The American Magazine October 1942
- Order of Release, (vi) Collier’s November 21 1942
- The Commando and the Spotted Cow, (ss) The American Magazine February 1943
- Command Performance, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post July 24 1943, etc.
- All Change Here, (sl) Country Gentleman August 1943, etc.
- Flight to Destiny, (ss) The American Magazine September 1943
- Storm in April, (na) McCall’s September 1943
- Dance Night, (vi) Collier’s December 11 1943
- Show Me the Way to Go Home, (sl) Good Housekeeping April 1944
- Twelve Letters, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1944
- Your Mother’s on the Way, (ss) McCall’s November 1944
- And the Little Dog Laughed, (ss) The American Magazine April 1945
- All the World Over, (sl) Liberty August 11 1945, etc.
- The Wagon and the Star, (na) Cosmopolitan October 1945
- And They Forever Young, (ss) McCall’s December 1945
- So Hard to Forget, (ss) McCall’s February 1946
- Postscript to a Marriage, (ss) McCall’s May 1946
- Jungle Pete Comes Home, (sl) Liberty July 20 1946, etc.
- Morning in Their Eyes, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1947
- Don’t You Remember?, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 19 1947
- A Quarter for an Angel, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion October 1947
- The Lucky Ones, (na) Woman’s Home Companion November 1947
- We Have Found Each Other, (sl) Woman’s Home Companion March 1948, etc.
- The Great Question, (na) The American Magazine August 1948
- Strange Wedding, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 9 1948
- The Invisible Pursuit, (ss) Collier’s March 5 1949
- Why Should I Cry?, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 24 1949
- Strange Avenger, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post October 28 1950, etc.
- Phone Call from a Stranger, (na) McCall’s November 1950
- Crack-Up at Curtain Time, (ss) This Week January 20 1952
- The Dangerous Age, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 7 1952
- End of Season, (ss) Esquire March 1954
- Yesterday’s Fortune, (sl) Woman’s Journal March 1954
- Strangers Are Friends, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 31 1954
- How Can I Forget You?, (ss) The American Magazine March 1955
- A Merest Trifle, (ss) Woman’s Journal October 1956
- Arch of Heaven, (ss)
Wylie, Jeanne E.; [i.e., Jeanne E. Wylie Sproull] (1917-2005) (about) (items)
- A Long Way to Go, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly December 1941
- When Blue Put the Listen On, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1942
- Frosh Date, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 2 1943
- Look at It My Way, (ss) McCall’s July 1948
- Sure as There’s a Sun in the Morning, (ss) McCall’s June 1949
- The Temptress, (ss) Redbook May 1951
- Buy Yourself a Dress!, (ss) Canadian Home Journal November 1954
- You Deserve Each Other, (ss) McCall’s January 1956
- A Strange Awakening, (ss) Redbook February 1960
- What Will the Neighbors Think?, (ss) Redbook March 1960
Wylie, Philip (Gordon) (1902-1971); used pseudonym Gordon Phillips-Edwards (about) (items)
- Westward Hoax, (ss) College Humor February 1926
- Cartography, (ss) The New Yorker April 10 1926
- Le Sport, (ss) The New Yorker July 31 1926
- Against Dialect, (ss) The New Yorker September 11 1926
- Seeing New York by Kiddie Car, (ms) Zest October 1926
- A Cat, (ss) The New Yorker February 12 1927
- New Shoes for Baby, (ss) The New Yorker February 19 1927
- Love Is Blonde, (ss) College Stories January 1928
- The Coward, (ss) Live Girl Stories January 1929
- Ann Called Six Times, (ss) Live Girl Stories February 1929
- Her Fatal Beauty, (ss) Live Girl Stories April 1929
- The Girl Who Was Afraid, (ss) Modern Girl Stories May 1929
- She Couldn’t Act, (ss) Modern Girl Stories June 1929
- For Love and for Spite, (ss) Modern Girl Stories July 1929
- Found—$100.00, (ss) Modern Girl Stories August 1929
- Pearls, (vi) Liberty October 5 1929
- Camera!, (ss) Modern Girl Stories October 1929
- The Girls Men Love, (ar) Girl Stories November 1929
- The Girl at the Red Door, (ss) Girl Stories January 1930
- Fire Next Door, (ss) The New Yorker March 29 1930
- Patricia, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly April 1930
- Before Dawn, (pm) The Grand Magazine June 1930
- Darkness, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 22 1930
- Echo of Heart-Beat, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1930
- Why Colleges Fail Students, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 13 1930
- Maid of Manhattan, (ss) Redbook Magazine December 1930
- The Footprint of Cinderella, (sl) Redbook Magazine January 1931, etc.
- Appearances, (ss) The Story-teller February 1931
- The Rest Must Perish, (ss) Liberty April 4 1931
- She Actually Came from Podunk, (ss) Collier’s April 4 1931
- Perkins Takes the Case [Willis Perkins], (ss) Collier’s April 25 1931
- Twenty Cigarettes, (ss) Liberty May 23 1931
- Thy Neighbor’s Wife, (ss) Liberty June 6 1931
- Never Question Youth, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1931
- In a Hole [Willis Perkins], (ss) Collier’s July 11 1931
- Interference, (ss) Liberty July 11 1931
- Agatha’s Affairs, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1931
- The Wild Wallaces [The Wallaces], (ss) Redbook Magazine August 1931
- Then He Met Lucy [The Wallaces], (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1931
- Sued on All Sides, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1931
- After the Rescue, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1931
- Angela Blocks a Kick, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1931
- The Russians Have Beards, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 19 1931
- The Man in Armor, (ss) Redbook Magazine December 1931
- Henry’s Emotional Outlet [The Wallaces], (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1932
- An International Episode, (ss) Liberty March 5 1932
- Angela Regrets an Invitation [The Wallaces], (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1932
- The Pink Chemise, (ss) Liberty April 16 1932
- Perfect Cast and Setting, (ss) Liberty July 9 1932
- The Easy Miracle, (ss) Liberty September 17 1932
- When Worlds Collide (with Edwin Balmer), (n.) The Blue Book Magazine September 1932, etc.
- The Flying Coed, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 22 1932
- A Good Wife, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1932
- Make Way for Marcia, (ss) Liberty November 5 1932
- from When Worlds Collide (with Edwin Balmer), (ex) J.B. Lippincott, 1932
- The Savage Gentleman, (n.) Farrar & Rinehart, 1932
- Let’s Make It Hell, (ar) Liberty March 18 1933
- Mad House, (ss) Mystery March 1933
- Privacy Impossible, (ss) The Delineator August 1933
- After Worlds Collide (with Edwin Balmer), (n.) The Blue Book Magazine November 1933, etc.
- Valiant Pride, (ss) The Story-teller January 1934
- A Resourceful Lady, (ss) Liberty March 31 1934
- Middle Class, (ss) Redbook Magazine May 1934
- Don’t Send Flowers, (ss) Collier’s July 7 1934
- Death Flies East, (na) The American Magazine July 1934
- Mogu Bogo Gets a Brain Trust, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1934
- The Ignominious Picnic, (ss) Liberty August 4 1934
- What, No Harem?, (ss) Liberty August 11 1934
- I Found the Bodies, (na) Liberty September 22 1934, etc.
- Lady Without a Past, (sl) Cosmopolitan September 1934, etc.
- Re-Employment Engineer, (ss) Liberty November 17 1934
- An Epistle to the Thessalonians, (ex) Rinehart, 1934
- The Battling Butler, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 10 1935
- No Hearts and No Flowers, (ss) Woman’s Journal January 1935
- Emotionally American, (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1935
- The Mystery of Galleon Key, (na) The American Magazine March 1935
- Experiment in Barter, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1935
- The Trouble with the Wakefields, (nv) Woman’s Journal June 1935
- The Trial of Mark Adams, (na) The American Magazine September 1935
- One Love at a Time, (na) Redbook Magazine December 1935
- Depression Over the Atlantic, (nv) The Grand Magazine February 1936
- Too Much of Everything, (sl) Redbook Magazine March 1936, etc.
- Death on the 8.06, (sl) Liberty June 13 1936, etc.
- The Paradise Canyon Mystery, (na) The American Magazine July 1936
- Murderers Welcome, (na) Liberty September 26 1936, etc.
- Murderers Welcome, (na) Liberty September 26 1936 (+2)
- Crime on the 8.36, (nv) The Grand Magazine September 1936
- The Girl Who Really Got Kissed, (ss) Pictorial Review October 1936
- Second Honeymoon, (na) Redbook Magazine December 1936
- Smoke Across the Moon, (sl) Redbook Magazine February 1937, etc.
- Shield of Silence (with Edwin Balmer), (sl) Woman’s Journal May 1937
- Puzzle in the Snow, (na) The American Magazine June 1937
- Home from the Hills, (na) Redbook Magazine November 1937
- Danger Mansion, (na) The American Magazine December 1937
- Murder Takes Wings, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1938
- James McVane, M.D., (sl) Redbook Magazine February 1938, etc.
- Profile of a Prodigal, (na) Redbook Magazine November 1938
- Neither Strong nor Silent, (sl) Redbook Magazine December 1938, etc.
- Death Takes a Reno Holiday, (sl) Liberty January 28 1939, etc.
- It Couldn’t Be Murder, (na) The American Weekly April 2 1939
- Widow Voyage [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 10 1939
- Hooky Line and Sinker [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 24 1939
- Will We Do It All Over Again?, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1939
- The Old Crawdad [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 19 1939
- The Big Ones Get Away [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1939
- Blowing East [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1939
- There He Blows! [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 11 1939
- The Visiting Fire-Eater [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 23 1939
- I Haunt a Castle, (sl) Redbook Magazine December 1939, etc.
- Crunch Goes Haywire [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 17 1940
- Fresh-Water Mermaid [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 23 1940
- Salt-Water Daffy, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post April 6 1940, etc.
- Away from It All, (nv) Redbook Magazine April 1940
- Light Tackle [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 1 1940
- No Scandal!, (na) Redbook Magazine June 1940
- The Hex on Mr. Hicks, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 20 1940
- The Missing Mariners [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 24 1940
- Spare the Rod, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post September 28 1940
- Alex and Mollie Come Over, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1940, as by Gordon Phillips-Edwards
- A Man Can Stand So Much, (na) Redbook Magazine October 1940
- Fifty-Four, Forty and Fight, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 23 1940
- You Can’t Beat Beauty, (sl) Redbook Magazine December 1940, etc.
- Hull Down [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 1 1941
- London Bolero, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1941, as by Gordon Phillips-Edwards
- Fire on the Beach [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 10 1941
- Black Water, (sl) The American Magazine May 1941, etc.
- The Expert [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 7 1941
- Troubled Waters, (na) Argosy June 14 1941, etc.
- Fish Bites Man [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 19 1941
- At Nineteen You’re Nothing, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1941
- The Way of All Fish, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 6 1941
- Bimini Haul, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 11 1941
- A Day Off for Desperate, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 22 1941
- Rx: Death, (na) The Third Mystery Book, Farrar & Rinehart, 1941
- Crunch and the Golden Lure [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 3 1942
- Reports from a Rookie, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1942
- Shake-Up Cruise [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1942
- Three-Time Winner [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 2 1942
- Girl Comes Home, (ss) Good Housekeeping June 1942
- She Wanted to Be a Hero, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 18 1942
- A Sales Talk from Sari, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 17 1942
- Flingding, (??) Collier’s January 9 1943
- One-Legged Gull, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 16 1943
- Lingerie Lady, (ss) The American Magazine January 1943
- How Not to Worry, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1943
- The Man Who Had Been Around, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 13 1943
- Judy Adjudicates, (ss) Redbook April 1943
- Crunch Catches a Megrim [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 29 1943
- I.Q.—Suzie Q., (ss) Redbook May 1943
- The Murder at Recluse House, (na) The Blue Book Magazine July 1943
- Trophy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 14 1943
- The Snarling Santa Claus, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 2 1943
- Judy Pre-Judges, (ss) Redbook October 1943
- Stab in the Back, (na) The American Magazine October 1943
- Once Upon a Sunday, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 13 1943
- The Band Played a Fine Tune, (ss) The American Magazine November 1943
- Judy Comes Home with a Hero, (ss) Redbook January 1944
- War Paint for the Poseidon, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 19 1944
- Ten Thousand Blunt Instruments, (na) The American Magazine February 1944
- The Battle of Florida (with Laurence Schwab), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1944
- Judy Saves a Marriage, (ss) Redbook March 1944
- The Shipwreck of Crunch and Des [Crunch & Des], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 3 1944
- A Diet of Fish, (ss) Argosy June 1944
- Beauty and the Poor Fish, (ss) Argosy July 1944
- Strike Three, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 9 1944
- Everybody’s Got Phobias, (ss) Argosy September 1944
- Beautiful Rich—and Dumb, (ss) Redbook October 1944
- Mr. Pike and the Tin Fish, (ss) Argosy November 1944
- Man Wanted, (na) Cosmopolitan December 1944
- Foreword, (fw) It’s a Woman’s World ed. Mary Louise Aswell, Whittlesey House, 1944
- Off Tackle, (ss) Argosy January 1945
- Bait for McGillicudy, (ss) Argosy March 1945
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