The FictionMags Index
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Weeks, Raymond (fl. 1920s) (items)
- Arkansas, (ss) The Midland June/August 1923
- Bucking Palfrey, (ss) The Midland January 1924
- Fat Women of Boone, (ss) The Midland January 1 1925
- On the Road to the Big Blue, (ss) The Midland January 1 1925
- Snakes of Boone, (ss) The Midland January 1 1925
- Thou Canst Not Say I Didn’t, (ss) The Midland January 1 1925
- Two Gentlemen from Indiany, (ss) The Midland January 1 1925
- Mollie Shamary, (ss) Southwest Review October 1926
- The Hound-Tuner of Callaway, (ss) The Midland December 1926
- Trees of Sans-Souci, (ss) Southwest Review January 1927
- Two Hands, (ss) The Midland September/October 1928
Weeks, Robert Kelley (1840-1876) (about) (items)
- Green-House Flowers, (pm) Episodes and Lyric Pieces by Robert Kelley Weeks, Leypoldt & Holt, 1870
- Rara Avis, (pm) Episodes and Lyric Pieces by Robert Kelley Weeks, Leypoldt & Holt, 1870
- Before the Snow, (pm) Twenty Poems by Robert Kelley Weeks, Henry Holt, 1876
- An Autumn’s Picture, (pm)
- Here, Many a Time, (pm) , as by Robert Kelley Weeks
Weems, Harcourt; pseudonym of Robert Leslie Bellem (1902-1968) (items)
- Crime Pays a Bonus, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories August 1934
- Priestess of the Sun, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1934
- The 7 Tears of Siva, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories October 1935, as by Jerome Severs Perry
- To Save a Life, (ss) Private Detective Stories June 1940
- Riding the Whirlwind, (ss) Spicy Western Stories July 1940
- Too Smart, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories September 1940
- To the Killer, (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1940
- A Slip of the Tongue, (ss) Private Detective Stories December 1940
- Death Trail, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories January 1941
- Ghosts in Her Eyes, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories January 1941
- Accidental Thief, (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1941
Wees, Wendy (Adrian) (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Ghosts & Scholars #5, 1983
- Black Gauze, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #4, 1984
- Chocolate, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #3, 1984
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasy and Terror #4, 1984
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasy and Terror #5, 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasy Macabre #6, 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasy Macabre #7, 1985
- Lady Death, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #10, 1987
- Mousewoman, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #10, 1987
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasy & Terror #14, 1992
- Beggar Non, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #15, 1996
- Blighted Ovum, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #15, 1996
- A Scene, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #15, 1996
Wegner, Fritz (1924-2015) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Daily Mail Annual for Girls 1948 ed. Susan French, Daily Mail, 1948
- [illustration(s)], (il) Daily Mail Annual for Girls 1949 ed. Susan French, Daily Mail, 1949
- [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull May 27 1950
- [front cover], (cv) John Bull February 16 1952
- [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull January 31 1953
- [illustration(s)], (il) Lilliput October/November 1953
- [front cover], (cv) The Hamish Hamilton Book of Princesses ed. Sally Patrick Johnson, Hamish Hamilton, 1963
- [illustration(s)], (il) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- House of Forfeits, (gm) The Puffin Annual Number 2 ed. Treld Bicknell & Kaye Webb, Puffin Books, 1975
- [illustration(s)], (il) The First Puffin’s Pleasure ed. Kaye Webb & Treld Bicknell, Puffin, 1976
Weguelin, Conrad (items)
- “What are the advantages of attaining old age?”, (sy) The Idler April 1900
- “Which is the most painful, Wit or Humour?”, (sy) The Idler May 1900
- “What Are the Benefits of Procrastination?”, (sy) The Idler June 1900
- Improvements, (ms) The Idler July 1900
- “My Programme for an Ideal Day”, (sy) The Idler July 1900
- “Can Professional Morality Be Cured?”, (sy) The Idler August 1900
- Stoney, (pm) The Idler August 1900
- “Has any existing thing more Virtue than its Contemporaries?”, (sy) The Idler September 1900
- The Demon Laundry, (pl) The Idler October 1900
- A Summer Song, (ms) The Idler October 1900
- “Would it be reasonable for Locksmiths to raise a Monument to Burglary?”, (sy) The Idler October 1900
- “Can a Man be conscious of His Own Stupidity?”, (sy) The Idler November 1900
- “Is our National Trade Instinct Choking our Arts?”, (sy) The Idler December 1900
- A Dead Letter, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine January 1901
- Lord Fitzroy’s Butler, (ss) The Idler January 1901
- “Should Professional Men Work?”, (sy) The Idler January 1901
Weguelin, John Reinhard (1849-1927) (about) (items)
- [frontispiece] (with Victor Bernstrom), (fp) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1886
- [illustration(s)] (with Anderson, Frank Pierce French, Peckwell & W. B. Witte), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1889
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1891
- [illustration(s)] (with W. M. Aikman), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1892
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1894
- Rustic Phidile, (il) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1895
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1895
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine January 1896
- Artists on Their Works (2), (sy) The Ludgate February 1896
- The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1896
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine November 1896
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine March 1897
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Graphic Summer 1898
Wehm, M. Darusha (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Homecoming, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #8, December 2011
- I Open My Eyes, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #9, March 2012
- Modern Love, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #54, 2012
- Home Sick, (ss) Use Only As Directed ed. Simon Petrie & Edwina Harvey, Peggy Bright Books, 2014
- The Care and Feeding of Mammalian Bipeds, v. 2.1, (ss) Science Fiction Short Stories ed. Laura Bulbeck, Flame Tree Publishing, 2015
- War Profiteering, (ss) Mothership Zeta #4, July 2016
- Showing the Colors, (ss) Procyon Press Science Fiction Anthology 2016 ed. Jeanne Thornton, Procyon Press, 2016
- Reflections on a Life Story, (vi) Nature #7633, December 15 2016
- if ink could flow backward, (pm) Arsenika #1, Spring 2017
- Preventative Maintenance, (ss) Little Blue Marble July 11 2017
- Force Nine, (pm) Liminality #13, Autumn 2017
- A Most Elegant Solution, (ss) Terraform April 28 2018
- . ..... ..story .. time, (pm) Liminality #21, Autumn 2019
- Good Hunting, (ss) November 25 2019
- recursion, (pm) Liminality #22, Winter 2019/2020
- we are all energy, (pm) Kaleidotrope Spring 2020
- Creation Myth, (ss) Augur Magazine v3 #2, 2020
- The chrononaut, (pm) Strange Horizons May 31 2021
- A Thorn in Your Memory, (ss) Many Worlds December 15 2021
- How to Make Time, (pm) The Deadlands #11, March 2022
- The Stars Above Eos, (ss) Fireside Magazine #101, March 2022
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