The FictionMags Index
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Roberts, (George Edward) Theodore Goodridge (books) (items) (continued)
- April, (ss) All-Story Weekly January 4 1919
- The Last Duel, (ss) The Red Magazine February 1 1919
- Treasure, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1919
- Up the Oxbow, (ss) The Open Road December 1919
- The Long Trail North, (na) The Popular Magazine April 20/May 7 1920
- The Painted City, (na) The Popular Magazine July 20 1920
- The Oxbow Wizard, (sl) The Open Road September 1920, etc.
- No Chances, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 7 1921
- Lost Like a Sportsman, (ss) The Open Road May/June 1921
- Musket House, (na) The Popular Magazine June 7 1921
- Quick Work on the Musquash, (ss) The Open Road August 1921
- The Bridegrooms of the Orisquibo, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 7 1921
- Where All Trails End, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 17 1921, etc.
- Under the Clock, (ss) The Canadian Magazine December 1921
- The Intruder, (sl) The Youth’s Companion January 5 1922, etc.
- Ice Runner, (ss) Boys’ Life January 1922
- Waiting at the Troc, (ss) The Canadian Magazine January 1922
- Standing the Gaff, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1922
- Guilty, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1922
- The Red Pirogue, (na) The Popular Magazine May 7 1922
- The Lure of Piper’s Glen, (nv) Short Stories May 25 1922
- Runaway Harbor, (na) People’s Story Magazine September 25 1922
- The Crack, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1922
- Oil, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 7 1923
- Swizzles, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1923
- Teasure for Two, (ss) The Captain #290, May 1923
- Traps, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1923
- Captain Stanway’s Gun-Loader, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1923
- The Pothooks Porcupine, (na) The Popular Magazine September 20 1923
- Sea Change, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 29 1923
- Green Timber Thoroughbreds, (nv) Short Stories November 10 1923
- Crab Reef, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 15 1923
- The Woman He Found, (nv) Novelets December 1923
- How Noel Fetched the Doctor, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1924
- The Dying Pirate’s Prayer, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 9 1924
- Figgy Duff Pot, (sl) The Youth’s Companion March 27 1924, etc.
- Flood, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 5 1924, etc.
- Moosemeadows, (na) Short Stories July 25 1924
- The Dungarvon Whooper, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1924
- The Outcasts of Kettle, (nv) Short Stories May 25 1925
- Honest Fool, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 30 1925, etc.
- Extermination Island, (nv) The Frontier May 1925
- Peaveys on Potlid, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1925
- The Loup-Garou, (na) Munsey’s Magazine December 1925
- The Strongest Man on Rattling River, (nv) Short Stories February 25 1926
- Fate in Christmas Cove, (ss) The Frontier February 1926
- Pot of Beans, (ss) The Canadian Magazine February 1926
- His Weight in Wildcats, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1926
- The Warning, (ss) Complete Story Magazine May 25 1926
- Forty Below Zero, (nv) Complete Story Magazine June 10 1926
- The Dark Lake, (ss) Complete Story Magazine July 10 1926
- A Backwoods Gamble, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1926
- The Leather Bottle, (ss) The Frontier August 1926
- The Pig’s Snout, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 7 1926
- Overhand Bowling, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 20 1926
- The Yellow Mare, (ss) Complete Story Magazine September 25 1926
- The Bridge, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1926
- Esprit de Corps, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1926
- Just a Whiz-Bang, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1926
- The Witches of Half-Mile Carry, (na) Complete Stories November 1926
- The Crater, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 20 1927
- Last Wolf Farm, (nv) Short Stories March 10 1927
- Fortune’s Favorite, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine March 1927
- The Spy, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1927
- Turn About’s Fair Play, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1927
- Close Season, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine May 1927
- The Crumpit Bull, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1927
- Up a Tree, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1927
- Bert Sander’s Brag, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1927
- The Gold of Galleon Cay, (nv) Sea Stories September 1927
- Sailor McCraw, (ss) Complete Stories September 1927
- Kin to the Campbells, (ss) The Popular Stories October 29 1927
- Fort, (ss) The Open Road for Boys October 1927
- Spring Freshets, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine October 1927
- Masterless Men, (ss) The Popular Stories November 5 1927
- The Moose Yard, (ss) The Popular Stories December 24 1927
- Word of Honor, (ss) Sea Stories December 1927
- The Return of the Gillicuddy, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1928
- The Blue Hound, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1928
- The Night Attack, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 28 1928
- Pistols at Daybreak, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 10 1928
- Another Son of Iver, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 17 1928
- The Salmon Pool, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 24 1928
- Man Who Swam Ashore, (sl) The Open Road for Boys May 1928, etc.
- The Lost Aeronauts, (na) The Popular Magazine August 7 1928
- Under the Skin, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1928
- Clear for Action!, (nv) Sea Stories September 1928
- The Teakettle, (ss) Outdoor Stories September 1928
- The Boatswain’s Pipes, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st September 1929
- Gay of Mount Gay, (ss) The Canadian Magazine September 1929
- Homing Song, (pm) Sea Stories September 1929
- Stand by to Hoist Aboard a Bloody Pirate!, (ss) The Open Road for Boys September 1929
- The Colonel, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st October 1929
- The Man from Beaverdam, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd October 1929
- Cut of His Jib, (ss) MacLean’s November 1 1929
- Iced, (ss) The Canadian Magazine December 1929
- Flurry, (ss) MacLean’s March 1 1930
- Lanterns Aloft, (nv) Argosy May 31 1930
- The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy May 31 1930
- Oxbow Sleuth, (ss) The Open Road for Boys September 1930
- Off the Careenage, (ss) The Canadian Magazine October 1930
- The Passenger, (ss) Argosy January 31 1931
- Two Tigers, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1931
- Jo-Jum-Jo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories 2nd June 1931
- The Parrot, (ss) Argosy August 29 1931
- Battle of the Barnacles, (ss) The Canadian Magazine February 1932
- The Hammock, (ss) Argosy March 26 1932
- Rum Island, (nv) Argosy April 16 1932
- Il Capitaneo, (ss) The Canadian Magazine September 1932
- Trial by Fire, (ss) Argosy December 31 1932
- The Boatswain Blundered, (ss) Argosy March 25 1933
- All the Signs, (ss) Argosy July 8 1933
- According to the Stars, (nv) The Grand Magazine October 1933
- The Hero, (ss) Argosy May 26 1934
- The Arrow, (ss) Argosy June 30 1934
- Cutting a Figure, (ss) The Open Road for Boys November 1934
- To Camelot, (pm) The Leather Bottle 1934
- The Softy, (ss) Argosy February 1 1936
- Meat in the Pot, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1936
- The Great Man, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1936
- The Man-Breaker, (nv) North•West Stories Fall 1936
- Alive or Dead!, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1937
- Ned Bolster’s Dog, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1937
- A Bear Loves Prunes, (ss) Country Gentleman December 1940
- Kelpie Rapids, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1942
- The Girl Grew Up, (ss) Collier’s October 24 1942
- Coat of Destiny, (ss) Collier’s April 24 1943
- The Spanish Rooster, (??) Collier’s January 29 1944
- A Disreputable Interlude, (ss) Esquire March 1944
- He Set the Horns Ablowing, (ss) Collier’s April 1 1944
- The Flight, (ss) Collier’s July 1 1944
- Of Moose and Men, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1944
- Forest Fugitives, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 14 1945
- The Last Straw, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1945
- With Hue and Cry, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1945
- The Caribbean Corsair, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1946
- Locked Horns, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1946
- Young Wings Unfurling, (na) The Blue Book Magazine October 1947
- Strike Hard! Bite Deep! [Sir Dennys ap Rhys], (na) The Blue Book Magazine December 1947
- A Quest Must End [Sir Dennys ap Rhys], (na) The Blue Book Magazine April 1948
- Castle Cavanaugh [Sir Dennys ap Rhys], (nv) The Blue Book Magazine August 1948
- Revolt in the Forest, (na) The Blue Book Magazine September 1949
- A Quarrel for a Lady [Sir Dinadan], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1950
- The Shanaput Bull, (ss) Short Stories March 1950
- A Purfle for a King [Sir Dinadan], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1950
- The Quest of the Saracen Beast [Sir Dinadan], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1950
- The Madness of Sir Tristram [Sir Dinadan], (nv) The Blue Book Magazine December 1950
- The House in the Swamp, (ss) Short Stories March 1951
- Sir Dinadan and the Giant Taulurd [Sir Dinadan], (nv) The Blue Book Magazine April 1951
- The Goose Girl [Sir Dinadan], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1951
- For to Achieve Your Adventure [Sir Dinadan], (nv) The Blue Book Magazine October 1951
- Mountain Miracle [Sir Dinadan], (nv) The Blue Book Magazine December 1951
- Mountainy Madness, (uw) The Camelot Chronicles ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 1992
- The Merriest Knight, (Green Knight Publishing, January 2002, co); edited by Mike Ashley
- Author’s Introduction, (in) The Merriest Knight, Green Knight Publishing, 2002
- A Fairy’s Child [Sir Dinadan], (ss) The Merriest Knight, Green Knight Publishing, 2002
- Quest’s End [Sir Dinadan], (nv) The Merriest Knight, Green Knight Publishing, 2002
- Flight of the Sorrel Mare, (ss)
- Matilda and the Wolf, (ss)
- When a Sailor Is Tough, (ss) Blackwood’s Magazine
Roberts, Tom (fl. 1970s-2020s) (items)
- [letter], (lt) Zimri #6, May 1974
- About the Artist, (bg) The Death-Head’s March and Others by Geoffrey & Hugh B. Cave, Black Dog Books, 1999, etc., uncredited.
- About the Author, (bg) White Star of Egypt by Hugh B. Cave, writing as Justin Case, Black Dog Books, 1999, etc., uncredited.
- About the Authors, (bg) The Death-Head’s March and Others by Geoffrey & Hugh B. Cave, Black Dog Books, 1999, uncredited.
- Introduction, (in) The Death-Head’s March and Others by Geoffrey & Hugh B. Cave, Black Dog Books, 1999, etc.
- [front cover], (cv) Windy City Pulp Stories #1, 2001
- Annotated Bibliography of the Works of Raoul F. Whitfield Appearing in Black Mask (with E. R. Hagemann & Peter Ruber), (bi) Jo Gar’s Casebook by Raoul Whitfield, Crippen & Landru, 2002
- [front cover], (cv) Jo Gar’s Casebook by Raoul Whitfield, Crippen & Landru, 2002
- [front cover], (cv) The Ship of Shadows by H. Bedford-Jones, Black Dog Books, 2002
- [front cover], (cv) Come Into My Parlor by Hugh B. Cave, Crippen & Landru, 2003
- [front cover], (cv) Marksman and Other Stories by William Campbell Gault, Crippen & Landru, 2003
- A Bostonian Goes West - Tracing the Western Stories of Hugh B. Cave, (ia) Windy City Pulp Stories #3, 2003 [Ref. Hugh B. Cave]
- A Brief Look at the Pulp Adventure Story Market, (ar) The Stinging ’Nting by Hugh B. Cave, Black Dog Books, 2003
- Introducing Milt Thomas, Hugh Cave Biographer, (iv) Windy City Pulp Stories #3, 2003
- [front cover], (cv) Windy City Pulp Stories #4, 2004
- [front cover], (cv) Ray Gun Revival #9, November 1 2006
- A Bibliography of the Pulp Magazine Art of Graves Gladney, (bi) Windy City Pulp Stories #6, 2006 [Ref. Graves Gladney]
- By George! A Talk with Jerome Rozen, Jr., (iv) Windy City Pulp Stories #6, 2006 [Ref. Jerome Rozen, Jr.]
- Casting a Long Shadow - A Look at George Rozen, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #6, 2006 [Ref. George Rozen]
- A Master of Darkness - Tom Lovell, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #6, 2006 [Ref. Tom Lovell]
- On the Life and Work of Graves Gladney, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #6, 2006 [Ref. Graves Gladney]
- [front cover], (cv) Masquerade by Max Brand, Crippen & Landru, 2007
- From the Vaults: Pulp Paperback Castoffs (with Doug Ellis), (ia) Windy City Pulp Stories #8, 2008
- [front cover], (cv) The Good Die Young—and Other Early Tales of Romance by Cornell Woolrich, Black Dog Books, 2008
- [photography], (pt) Windy City Pulp Stories #8, 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2009
- A Brief Look at the Career of Howard L.V. Parkhurst (d.1950), (bg) Windy City Pulp Stories #9, 2009 [Ref. H. L. V. Parkhurst]
- A Partial Bibliography of Cover and Interior Art for Pulp Magazines of Hubert Rogers (1898-1982), (bi) Windy City Pulp Stories #9, 2009 [Ref. Hubert Rogers]
- A Bibliography of the Writings of Laurence L. Donovan, (bi) Twice Murdered by Laurence Donovan, Black Dog Books, 2010 [Ref. Laurence Donovan]
- Congratulations to 2009 Munsey Award Winner Bill Thom, (ms) Windy City Pulp Stories #10, 2010 [Ref. Bill Thom]
- Painting the Man of Bronze, (ia) Pulp Vault #14, April 2011
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2011
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 2011
- A Day at Popular Publications, 1940, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #11, 2011
- The Popular Publications Premiums (with Chris Kalb), (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #11, 2011
- An Interview with Artist Greg Hildebrandt, (iv) Windy City Pulp Stories #12, 2012 [Ref. Greg Hildebrandt]
- [front cover], (cv) Beyond the Pole and Other Weird Fantasies by Philip M. Fisher, Jr., Black Dog Books, 2013
- About the Author, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #13, 2013 [Ref. Anthony M. Rud]
- J.C. Coll: A Retrospective Gallery, (il) Windy City Pulp Stories #13, 2013 [Ref. J. C. Coll]
- [front cover], (cv) The Johannesburg Conspiracy by William Murray Graydon, Black Dog Books, 2014
- Mean Pete Growls!, (iv) Windy City Pulp Stories #14, 2014 [Ref. Peter Brandvold]
- [front cover], (cv) Windy City Pulp Stories #14, 2014
- Lovecraft: A Lasting Influence, (si) Windy City Pulp Stories #15, 2015
- The Faces of Science Fiction, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #16, 2016
- A Gallery of Science Fiction Art by Roy G. Krenkel, (pi) Windy City Pulp Stories #16, 2016
- Steranko Sounds Off!, (iv) Windy City Pulp Stories #17, 2017 [Ref. Jim Steranko]
- Tom Lovell: The Hersey Years, (bg) Windy City Pulp Stories #17, 2017 [Ref. Tom Lovell]
- A Free Range Discourse with F. Paul Wilson, (iv) Windy City Pulp Stories #18, 2018 [Ref. F. Paul Wilson]
- Before He Was King, (bg) Windy City Pulp Stories #19, 2019 [Ref. H. Bedford-Jones]
- Frankly Speaking, (bg) Windy City Pulp Stories #19, 2019 [Ref. Frank M. Robinson]
- The Hand of Merlin, (bg) Windy City Pulp Stories #19, 2019 [Ref. Merlin Moore Taylor]
- In the City, (in) Windy City Pulp Stories #19, 2019
- Editor’s Note, (is) Windy City Pulp Stories #20, 2021
- Random Clues, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #20, 2021
- Fiction House Advertisements (with Doug Ellis), (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #21, 2022
- Preface to “The Pit of the Serpent”, (is) Windy City Pulp Stories #21, 2022
- A Brief Look at Frank L. Packard, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #22, 2023 [Ref. Frank L. Packard]
- A Brief Look at R.T.M. Scott, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #22, 2023 [Ref. R. T. M. Scott]
- An Introduction to “The Top Ten Spider Novels”, (is) Windy City Pulp Stories #22, 2023
- When Fighting Monsters, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #22, 2023
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2024
- A Note About the Cover, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #23, 2024
- [front cover], (cv) Pearls from Macao by H. Bedford-Jones, Black Dog Books, 2000
- [front cover], (cv) The Invisible Master by Edmond Hamilton, Black Dog Books, 2000
- Syndicated Edgar Rice Burroughs Newspaper Art, (pi)
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