The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 4485
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Lee, Doris M. (fl. 1940s-1960s) (items)
- A Lucky Break, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1944
- No Good at Games, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1944
- The Fairy Godfather, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1945
- Late-Again Leslie, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1945
- New Friends for Old, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1945
- Prince Grumble and the Golden Goblet, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1945
- Queer Cousin Claudine, (ss) Champion Book for Girls 1945
- An Adventuresome Afternoon, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1946
- Foiling a Feud, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1946
- Pamela’s Promise, (ss) Champion Book for Girls 1946
- The Christmas Tree Fairy, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1947
- Great Grandmother’s Trinkets, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1947
- It Was Fun After All, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1947
- The Queen Who Liked Cream Buns, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1947
- Switzerland for Christmas, (ss) Chatterbox 1948
- Bobbity’s Day Out, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1949
- A Generous Reward, (ss) Champion Book for Girls 1949
- The Prince Who Hated Parties, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1949
- “She Shall Have Music”, (ss) Ideal Book for Girls 1949
- They Couldn’t Teach Sally to Skate!, (ss) Monster Book for Girls 1949
- Wendy’s New Watch, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1949
- A Lucky Miss, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 194?
- The Queen and the Goose-Girl, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 194?
- Saved by a Song, (ss) Ideal Book for Girls 1950
- Two Tickets Too Many, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1950
- On Paddy Porker’s Birthday, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1951
- Six Yards of Satin, (ss) Monster Book for Girls 1951
- They Meant to Make Money, (ss) Champion Book for Girls 1951
- The Unruly Prince, (ss) Monster Book for Tinies 1951
- Grandmother Lacey’s Last Word, (ss) Chatterbox Annual 1952
- It Was Worth Getting Wet!, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1952
- “Once Upon a Tuesday”, (ss) Champion Book for Girls 1952
- Almost Past Believing, (ss) Chatterbox Annual 1953
- Audrey Does the Hat Trick, (ss) Monster Book for Girls 1953
- Aunt Lucy’s Locket, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1953
- Stella’s Day Out, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1953
- A Very Surprising Visit, (ss) Ideal Book for Girls 1953
- An Adventurous Journey, (ss) Ideal Book for Girls 1954
- On with the Dance, (ss) Ideal Book for Girls 1956
- A Surprise for the Fourth, (ss) Monster Book for Girls 1958
- Bobbity Elf’s New Suit, (ss) Ideal Book for Tinies 195?
- A Bunch of Sweet-Peas, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 195?
- It All Began with Monty, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 195?
- It Was Daddy’s Secret, (ss) Ideal Book for Tinies 195?
- Mrs. Twitter for Teas, (ss) Ideal Book for Tinies 195?
- The Prince Who Wouldn’t Play, (ss) Ideal Book for Tinies 195?
- The Wishing Tree, (ss) Ideal Book for Tinies 195?
- A Playmate for Molly, (ss) Tales for Tinies, Dean & Son, 1962
- Susie’s Silver Pencil, (ss) Stories for Little Folk, Dean & Son, 1964
- It Was Really Tony’s Boat, (ss) Tales for Tiny Folk, Dean & Son, 1965
- The Surprising Parcel, (ss) Tinies’ Story Book, Dean & Son, 1966
- The Wizards Who Changed Their Minds, (ss) Tinies’ Story Book, Dean & Son, 1966
- Christmas Day, (pm) Tiny Tots Story Book, Dean & Son, 1967
- A Surprise for Peter Pig, (ss) Happy Tales, Dean & Son, 1969
Lee, Edward (Seymour); pseudonym of Lee Edward Seymour (1957- ) (about) (books) (items)
- [letter from Radford, VA], (lt) Weird Tales Winter 1989/1990
- Doug Clegg: An Appreciation, (ar) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991 [Ref. Douglas Clegg]
- Almost Never, (ss) Cemetery Dance #10, Fall 1991
- The Man Who Loved Cliches, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #1, June 1992
- The Inn (Excerpts from the novel), (ex) Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion #1, 1992
- The Head, (pm) Cyber-Psychos AOD #3, February 1993
- Death, She Said, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #2, March 1993
- The Horror: A Look at the 1993 World Horror Convention, (ar) Deathrealm #18, Summer 1993
- The Wrong Guy, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #4, 1993
- The Horror!/HWA Meeting ’93 Report, (ar) Deathrealm #19, Fall 1993
- Portrait of the Psychopath as a Young Woman (with Elizabeth Steffen), (ss) Palace Corbie v2 #2, 1993
- Private Pleasures, (nv) Dark Seductions ed. Alice Alfonsi & John Scognamiglio, Zebra, 1993
- Xipe, (ss) The Barrelhouse 1993
- Equal Opportunity, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #3, March 1994
- Please Let Me Out, (ss) Voices from the Night ed. John Maclay, Maclay & Associates, 1994
- Providence of the Ghosts, (ss) Dark Desires ed. S. G. Johnson, Obelesk Books, 1994
- The Horror: Report on the 1994 World Horror Convention, (ar) Deathrealm #22, Summer 1994
- Succubi: Prologue, (ex) Bloodsongs #2, June 1994
- I’d Give Anything for You (with Dallas William Mayr), (ss) Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion ed. Stan Tal, Richard Kasak, 1994, as by Jack Ketchum & Edward Lee
- Mr. Torso, (nv) Deadly After Dark ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1994
- Murderer, (pm) Thin Ice #16, 1994
- Grub-Girl, (ss) Seeds of Fear ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1995
- Dead Girls in Love (with Gary Bowen), (ss) Stranger by Night ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1995
- Shit-House, (ss) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- Love Letters from the Rain Forest (with Dallas William Mayr), (nv) Fear the Fever ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1996, as by Jack Ketchum & Edward Lee
- Night of the Vegetables, (ss) White House Horrors ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- Goon [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (ex) Necro Publications, 1996
- Breeder’s Bosom (with S. Darnbrook Colson), (ss) The Universal Mind #1, 1997
- The Piano Player Has No Fingers [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
- Transcendence (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Brutarian #21, 1997
- Grub Girl in the Prison of Women [Grub Girl], (ss) Wetbones #2, Fall 1997
- The Pig, (na) Inside the Works, Necro Publications, 1997
- The Piano Player Has No Fingers [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
- Secret Service, (ss) The UFO Files ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1998
- Stillborn (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Imagination Fully Dilated ed. Alan M. Clark & Elizabeth Engstrom, Cemetery Dance, 1998
- Splatterspunk [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (co) Sideshow Press, August 1998
- Prologue (with John C. Pelan), (pr) Splatterspunk with John Pelan, Sideshow Press, 1998
- Refrigerator Full of Sperm [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (na) Splatterspunk with John Pelan, Sideshow Press, 1998
- Sideshow [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (na) Splatterspunk with John Pelan, Sideshow Press, 1998
- ICU, (nv) 999 ed. Al Sarrantonio, Avon, 1999
- Charlie’s Web (with John C. Pelan), (nv) Of Pigs and Spiders, Bereshith/ShadowLands Press, 1999
- Goddess of a New Dark Age, (ss) Midnight Hour #1, Spring 2000
- The Mother, (ss) Midnight Hour #1, Spring 2000
- The Deviltry of Elemental Valence, (ss) Skull Full of Spurs ed. Jason Bovberg & Kirk Whitham, Dark Highway Press, 2000
- The Decortication Technician, (ss) The Spook #6, January 2002
- Sex, Drugs & Power Tools, (co) Necro Publications, February 2002
- The Horn-Cranker, (na) Sex, Drugs & Power Tools, Necro Publications, 2002
- Other Cat, (ss) Dead Cats Bouncing ed. Gerard Houarner & GAK, Bedlam Press, 2002
- Make a Wish, (ss) Horror Garage #5, 2002
- Portrait of a Sociopath, (ss) Shivers ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetery Dance, 2002
- The Baby, (ss) Bloodletting Press 2003
- The McCrath Model SS40-C, Series S, (ss) Excitable Boys ed. Kelly Laymon, Night Shade Books, 2003
- The Angel, (nv) Damned: An Anthology of the Lost ed. David G. Barnett, Necro Publications, 2004
- Makak, (ss) Shocklines Press, 2004
- The Piece of Paper, (ss) The Fountain/The Piece of Paper, Gauntlet Press, 2004
- The Order of Nature, (ss) Taverns of the Dead ed. Kealan Patrick Burke, Cemetery Dance, 2005
- Gast Excerpt, (ex) Wicked Karnival #7, 2006
- The Characters, (ss) Tales Too Extreme for Cemetery Dance, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2010
- The First Header, (ex) Necro Publications, 2013
- Introduction (with Gerard Daniel Houarner), (in) Beware the Dark #2, May 2014
- The Night Sitter, (nv) Into Painfreak ed. Gerard Houarner, Necro Publications, 2016
- The Statement of Sgt Justin Jessup of the Innsmouth Police Department, (vi) Forbidden Futures #7, Spring 2020
- Vodou Children of Dennis Alan (with Dustin LaValley), (ss) Brewtality ed. K. Trap Jones, The Evil Cookie Publishing, 2020
- Something Like Doubt Tapping at the Door, (ss) The Chamber Magazine June 18 2021
- In the Garden of Past Tense, (il) Tree and Stone #3, July 2022
- Girl’s Night Out [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Brutarian #23,
- Header, (na)
- The Table, (ss) Camelot Books,
Lee, Edward Edson (1884-1944) (items)
- Introduction and Comment, (ed) Boy Partners #0, April 1921
- The Secret of the Jade Throne, (sl) Boy Partners #0, April 1921, etc.
- Troubles in Doubles, (sl) Boy Partners #0, April 1921, etc.
- The Business of Writing: Part 1, (ar) Boy Partners #3, July 1921
- The Business of Writing: Part 2: The Plot, (ar) Boy Partners #4, August 1921
- The Business of Writing: Part 3, (ar) Boy Partners #5/6, September/October 1921
- The Business of Writing: Part 4: Starting the Story, (ar) Boy Partners #7, November 1921
- The Mind Master [Tick Lally], (sl) Boy Partners #7, November 1921, etc.
- The Business of Writing: Part 5, (ar) Boy Partners #8, December 1921
- Our Future, (ed) Boy Partners #8, December 1921
- Advertising Andy [Advertising Andy], (ss) The American Boy January 1922
- Reorganization Plan and 1922, (ed) Boy Partners #9, January 1922
- Adventures in Ouija Boards [Advertising Andy], (ss) The American Boy February 1922
- The Business of Writing: Part 6: Humor, (ar) Boy Partners #10, February 1922
- The Hidden Will, (sl) Boy Partners #14, June 1922, etc.
- Boy Partners Suspended, (ed) Boy Partners #17/18, September/October 1922
- The Whispering Mummy, (sl) The American Boy February 1923, etc.
- The Waltzing Hen, (ss) The American Boy December 1924
Lee, Eileen Gunnell; pseudonym of Selena Middleton (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Baro Porrajmos, or Love in the Vardo, (ss) Event Horizon 2018 ed. Jake Kerr, Quanta, 2018
- A Dry River Runs with Blood, (ss) Selene Quarterly Magazine May 2020
- The Wolf Boys of Wide River County, (vi) Little Blue Marble November 13 2020
- In a Village Without Dogs, (ss) Fusion Fragment #4, January 2021
- When the Snowshoe Hare Turns White, (vi) Nightmare #103, April 2021
- The Orbital Bloom (with Christi Nogle), (ss) Fusion Fragment #6, May 2021
- You Cannot Return to the Burning Glade, (ss) Reckoning #5, 2021
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