The FictionMags Index
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Gaffney, W. S. (fl. 1850s-1870s) (items)
- The First Lesson, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine September 1854
- A Dream, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1854
- Gone, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1855
- The Commotion in Gossipdale, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine September 1855
- Keep Your Heart for Me, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1855, as by W. S. G.
- Mission of the Angels, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine March 1856
- A Chapter on Matrimony, (es) Peterson’s Magazine August 1856
- A Homily Upon Flowers, (es) Peterson’s Magazine September 1856
- Leaves from My Scrapbook, (ms) Peterson’s Magazine November 1856
- Oh, Let Me Live to Do Some Good, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1856
- Shadows on the Wall, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1857
- The Birds, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1857
- Go, False One, Go!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1858
- Four in Heaven, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1858
- Mission of the Flowers, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1858
- Bell Smith and I!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1859
- Love and Fame, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1860
- Oh! Let Us Love While Life Is Young, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1860
- Love and Beauty, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1860
- Lonely Hours, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1860
- Farewell to Autumn, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1861
- Dreaming and Doing, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1861
- The Golden Rule, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1861
- Invocation to May, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1863
- Virtue’s Appeal, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1863
- Oh! For Happy Childhood, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1864
- The Mother’s Vigil, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1870
- Take Me Back!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1870
- My Annie!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1873
- Sabbath Morning, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1873
- Mercy’s Plea, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1875
Gafford, Sam (1962-2019) (about) (books) (items)
- Fantasy Gaming for Lovecraftians, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #14, St. John’s Eve 1983 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- Lovecraft’s Influence on Stephen King, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #18, Yuletide 1983 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft & Stephen King]
- Spyder, Spyder Burning Bright, (ss) Fungi #4, Winter 1984
- Machina Ex, (ss) Haunts #1, 1984
- The Last Bus, (ss) Haunts #2, 1985
- The Painting, (nv) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #1, 1985
- William Hope Hodgson: A Remembered Genius, (ar) Fungi #11, Autumn 1986
- The Horseman, (vi) Eldritch Tales #14, 1987
- Unearthing the Forgotten, (in) Demons of the Sea by William Hope Hodgson, Necronomicon Press, 1992
- Writing Backwards: The Novels of William Hope Hodgson, (ar) Studies in Weird Fiction #11, Spring 1992 [Ref. William Hope Hodgson]
- The Road to Adventure, (in) At Sea by William Hope Hodgson, Necronomicon Press, 1993
- Showtime, (ss) Dark Corridor #1, Fall 2007
- [illustration(s)], (il) Dark Corridor #1, Fall 2007
- The Council of Forever, (ss) Dark Corridor #2, Fall 2008
- Exchange, (ss) Dark Corridor #2, Fall 2008
- The Gathering Daemonica, (ss) Dark Corridor #3, Spring 2009
- Passing Spirits, (ss) Black Wings ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2010
- Houdini v. Hodgson: The Blackburn Challenge, (ar) The Weird Fiction Review #3, Fall 2012 [Ref. Harry Houdini & William Hope Hodgson]
- The Man Who Saved (W. H.) Hodgson!, (ar) Nameless Magazine Spring/Summer 2013
- Intrduction to “Out of the Storm”, (is) Fungi #21, Summer 2013 [Ref. William Hope Hodgson]
- HPL and WHH: Ships in the Night, (ar) The Weird Fiction Review #4, Fall 2013 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft & William Hope Hodgson]
- Introduction, (ed) Sargasso: The Journal of William Hope Hodgson Studies Fall 2013, etc.
- Weltschmerz, (nv) Black Wings III ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2014
- The Land of Lonesomeness, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #5, Fall 2014
- On the Shelf, (br) Sargasso: The Journal of William Hope Hodgson Studies Fall 2014
- Casting Fractals, (ss) Black Wings V ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2016
- Editorial (with John Linwood Grant), (ed) Occult Detective Quarterly #1, Winter 2016/2017, etc.
- Inkspots, (ss) Ravenwood Quarterly #1, 2016
- The Legacy of Marc Michaud, (bg) NecronomiCon Providence 2017 Memento Book ed. S. J. Bagley, Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council Press, 2017 [Ref. Marc Michaud]
- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath and Other Stories, (br) Crypt of Cthulhu #108, Hallowmas 2017 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft & Jason Bradley Thompson]
- My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, (br) Crypt of Cthulhu #108, Hallowmas 2017 [Ref. Emil Ferris]
- Chimera, (ss) Return of the Old Ones ed. Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2017
- Chrysalis, (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #1, 2017
- The Void, (mr) Crypt of Cthulhu #109, Candlemas 2018
- Occult Legion Chapter Four: Faultlines, (rr) Occult Detective Quarterly #4, Spring 2018
- Tunnel Vision, (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #3, 2018
- [front cover], (cv) Crypt of Cthulhu #112, Candlemas 2019
- William Hope Hodgson, (ar) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume One ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019 [Ref. William Hope Hodgson]
Gaffron, Horace (C.) (1896-2000) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Red Magazine June 10 1921
- [illustration(s)], (il) Home Magazine and the Ladies Field #242, October 1929
- [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Magazine January 1932
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine May 1933
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1934
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping June 1934
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine September 1934
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping October 1934
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine October 1934
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine November 1934
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine October 1935
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine December 1935
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Passing Show February 29 1936
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping February 1936
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Passing Show April 4 1936
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping April 1936
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine April 1936
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping June 1936
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine September 1936
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping October 1936
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping November 1936
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping December 1936
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping January 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping February 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping March 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping April 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping May 1937
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine May 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping June 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping July 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping August 1937
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine August 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping September 1937
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine September 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping October 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping November 1937
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping December 1937
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Passing Show February 19 1938
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping February 1938
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping April 1938
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Passing Show June 4 1938
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Passing Show July 2 1938
- [front cover], (cv) Good Housekeeping August 1938
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine October 1940
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine “Colonial Edition” November 1940
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine June 1942
- [illustration(s)], (il) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction December 1946
- [illustration(s)], (il) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction April 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction August 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull August 2 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #363, December 28 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #365, January 11 1969
Gage, Earle W. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- Building Machines Accurately, (ar) Science and Invention December 1920
- On the Ivory Elephant Trail, (??) Wild Game Stories July/August 1926
- Canoeing in the North Woods, (ar) Wild Game Stories September 1926
- In the Clutches of Two Tigers, (vi) Wild Game Stories October 1926, as by E. W. G.
- Camping Out on the Gypsy Trail, (ss) Wild Game Stories November 1926
- The Juice Era, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1930
- The Sun Sets on the Hump Rider, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1930
- The Mechanical Gandy Dancer, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1931
- The Other Side of the Picture, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1931
Gage, George W(illiam) (1887-1957) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) The Woman’s Magazine (US) September 1914
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy December 13 1919
- [front cover], (cv) 1919
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy May 8 1920
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy June 5 1920
- [front cover], (cv) The Blue Book Magazine June 1921
- [illustration(s)], (il) Everybody’s August 1922
- [illustration(s)], (il) The People’s Home Journal January 1923
- [frontispiece], (fp) Harper’s Magazine May 1924
- [front cover], (cv) North•West Stories September 1925
- [front cover], (cv) North•West Stories October 1925
- [illustration(s)], (il) McClure’s June 1927
- [illustration(s)], (il) McClure’s July 1927
- [illustration(s)], (il) McClure’s September 1927
- [illustration(s)], (il) McClure’s October 1927
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smart Set December 1927
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 26 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 16 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 25 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 29 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 3 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 17 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 24 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy December 7 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy April 19 1930
- [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post June 3 1933
- [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post October 31 1936
- [front cover], (cv)
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