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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 6687

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    Man’s Epic (Australia) [v5 #4, March/April 1972] (Cavalcade Magazine Pty. Ltd., 35¢, quarto) []
    • 4 · The Day the Eagle Screamed Death · Jim Knox · ts
    • 8 · The Incredible Knife Vengeance of the Colorado Beauty · Dean W. Ballenger · ss
    • 10 · Necklace of Death · Curtis W. Casewit · ts
    • 12 · Man’s Epic Discovers: Bertha Jenson · [uncredited] · pi
    • 18 · 10 Ways to Spark a Woman’s Passion Drive · H. L. Brown · ar
    • 20 · Shoot Out at Death Ridge · Rod Howard · ss
    • 24 · The Day My Town Drowned in Its Own Blood · Roy Murray · ts
    • 26 · Starry-Eyed Liza Stewart · [uncredited] · pi
    • 30 · The Vice Dolls of Monte Carlo Who Smashed the Nazi Master Plan · Mark Brand · ts
    • 34 · The Incredible Saga of America’s Top Secret Kidnappers · Bob Strange · ts
    • 38 · The Harlot Marshall Who Loved a Town to Death · Dean W. Ballenger · ss
    • 40 · Continental Charmer · [uncredited] · pi
    • 56 · Irresistable Erina · [uncredited] · pi

    Man’s Illustrated [Volume 16 No. 3, June 1972] ed. B. R. Ampolsk (Q.M.G. Magazine Corp, 50¢, 74pp, quarto) []
    • 6 · Letters to the Editor · The Readers · lc
    • 8 · Flashes for Men · [uncredited] · ms
    • 10 · It’s a Mod Mod World · [uncredited] · ct
    • 12 · Daytime Passion with the Girls Who Ply the Nylon Jungle · Brad Martin · ts
    • 16 · The Glory Charge of the Kraut Hunters · Doug Milligan · ar
    • 20 · Witchcraft! Suburbia’s Latest Sex Gimmick · Ed Thomas · ar
    • 24 · Exposed: How Crooked Gamblers Prey on You · Larry Garrison · ar
    • 28 · The Air Force Wash-Out Who Smashed Hitler’s Luftwaffe · Mel Smythe · ar
    • 32 · Sex, Guilt and the American Nightmare · L. S. Thomas · ar
    • 36 · Halls of Horror! The Scandal of Our Mental Institutions · Dave Graham · ar
    • 38 · Man’s Illustrated Discovers Carol Dene · [uncredited] · pi
    • 48 · From Our Adventure Bookshelf · Richard Stevens · br

    Man’s Life [Vol. 7 No. 3, January 1959] ed. Harold Straubing (Crestwood Publishing Co., Inc., 25¢, 80pp, quarto, cover by Will Hulsey) []
    Details supplied by Steve Scott.
    • 4 · Says You! · The Readers · lc
    • 8 · Modern Medicine for Men: Baldness and Sexuality · R. M. Saunders, M.D. · cl
    • 12 · American Males Are Too Late with Too Little · Evelyn Whitmore · ar; “By the time men learn of love they’re too old to use their knowledge”.
    • 14 · I Was a Guide for a White Slave Safari · Josh Pearson · ts; illustrated by Will Hulsey; “The trucks were jammed with virgins to be sold to the highest bidder”.
    • 18 · Stand Up and Die · Ray Inge; as told to Gordon Cunningham · ts; “They were scared spitless-but they laid down a fire that stopped the Reds”.
    • 20 · Hot Fangs Tore My Flesh · William O’Bannon; as told to Allan Stone · ts; illustrated by Bruce Minney; “Vicious jaws chewed me to the bone-the squirming, screaming bloody mess was me”.
    • 22 · The Fabulous Madam of Berlin’s Strangest Bordello · James Finnegan · ts; illustrated by Bruce Minney; “A stage-struck beauty brought a new twist to Europe’s most famous love temple”.
    • 24 · Panicked in a Blazing Hell · John Orr; as told to J. J. Lewis · ts; “I was one of the mob trapped by the flames—roasting in the juices of human fat”.
    • 26 · Murder Rides the Back Seat · Derek Coleman · ar; “A pleasure car is both opportunity and weapon-the handiest tool a killer ever had”.
    • 30 · John Silk and His Red-Satin Gang · Robert Moore · ts; illustrated by Lou Marchetti; “He had women who’d steal for him-kill for him-do anything for his love”.
    • 32 · National Scandal: Wild, Wanton Weekends on Wheels · Gene Channing · ts; “Shameless love-starved women are turning public buses into a pick-up paradise”.
    • 36 · Lt. Cushing: One Man Navy · Richard Weaver · ts; illustrated by Geoffrey Biggs; “He was daring-he was fearless-and he liked odds, like one man against a navy”.
    • 38 · A Man’s Castle Is Madeline · [uncredited] · pi; featuring Madeline Castle.
    • 42 · Attacked by the Girl Pirates of the Yangtze · Thomas Halloran · ts; illustrated by Will Hulsey; “Fighting women isn’t a man’s job-but these female demons stopped at nothing”.
    • 44 · Top o’ the Morning · Stan Fine · ct

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