The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 2708
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Furlong, William Barry (fl. 1950s-1970s) (items)
- He Put the White Sox Back in the League (with Fred Russell), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1951
- The Tigers’ Unlikely Third Baseman, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 15 1952
- The Bashful Terror of Notre Dame (John Lattner), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 14 1953
- Hockey’s Kings of Mayhem, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 9 1954
- The White Sox Katzenjammer Kid, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 10 1954
- The Senator’s Prize Castoff, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 14 1954
- He Ain’t Big, But He’s All Fire: Chicago White Sox Nelson Fox, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 14 1955
- Boom in Part Time Jobs, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1957
- The Third World of the Turf, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 21 1963
- Ara’s New Era, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 28 1964
- Twelve Years Later: What’s Happening to Tranquilizers, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1966
- Recap on Al Capp, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Winter 1971
- 1976’s Space Shuttle, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July/August 1973
- Politics ’80: V.P. Predictions, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 1979
Furman, Adam S. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Collateral Damage, (ss) Broadswords and Blasters #6, Summer 2018
- Olympian Six, (ss) Broadswords and Blasters #9, Spring 2019
- Impact, (ss) Alien Dimensions #18, 2019
- Rosetta, (ss) Pulp Modern Summer 2019
- Service with a Smile, (ss) EconoClash Review #5, 2020
- Intercession, (ss) Pulp Modern Summer 2020
- The Wisdom of Man, (ss) Cirsova Fall 2022
- Rising Shadows, (ss) Cirsova Winter 2023
Furman, E(ugene) A(ustin) (1879-1965) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories September 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories October 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories June 1905
- [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories July 1905
- [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories December 1905
- [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories April 1906
- [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories June 1906
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Bohemian Magazine September 1908
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Bohemian Magazine December 1908
- [illustration(s)], (il) The People’s Home Journal May 1910
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine October 1911
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine July 1912
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine September 1912
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine November 1912
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine March 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine July 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine September 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine October 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine November 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine December 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine April 1914
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine May 1914
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June 1914
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine July 1914
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine October 1914
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine November 1914
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine January 1915
- [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ Life June 1915
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June 1915
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine August 1915
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine September 1915
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine November 1915
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine December 1915
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine January 1916
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine March 1916
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine April 1916
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June 1916
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine September 1916
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine March 1917
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine April 1917
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine May 1917
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June 1917
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine July 1917
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine October 1917
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine November 1917
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine January 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine February 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine March 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine April 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine July 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine October 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine November 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine December 1918
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine January 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine February 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine March 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine April 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine August 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine September 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine October 1919
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine February 1920
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine March 1920
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine April 1920
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June/July 1920
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine August 1920
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine December 1920
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine January 1921
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine March 1921
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine June 1921
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine September 1921
- [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine November 1921
Furman, Laura (1945- ) (about) (books) (items)
- Last Winter, (ss) The New Yorker March 1 1976
- Free and Clear, (ss) The New Yorker March 7 1977
- The Kindness of Strangers, (ss) The New Yorker April 11 1977
- Seesaw, (ss) Redbook October 1977
- For Scale, (ss) The New Yorker March 19 1979
- Sweethearts, (ss) The New Yorker November 12 1979
- The Smallest Loss, (ss) The New Yorker April 14 1980
- Buried Treasure, (ss) The New Yorker August 25 1980
- Nothing Like It, (ss) The New Yorker May 17 1982
- Buddy, (ss) The New Yorker April 9 1984
- Sunny, (ss) The New Yorker January 28 1985
- Introduction, (in) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2003 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2003, etc.
- Plum Creek, (ss) The American Scholar Spring 2007
- The Blue Birds Come Today, (ss) The American Scholar Winter 2010
- To Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (1927-2013), (ar) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2019 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2019 [Ref. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala]
- Tuxedo Park, (ex)
Furman, Lucy S. (1870-1958) (about) (items)
- Brother Rolly’s Drawback, (??) The Century Magazine August 1894
- The Floating Bethel, (??) The Century Magazine December 1894
- Kate Negley’s Leadings, (??) The Century Magazine February 1895
- A Special Providence, (??) The Century Magazine November 1896
- The Flirting of Mrs. Nickins, (??) The Century Magazine October 1897
- The Curing of Kate Negley, (??) The Century Magazine February 1899
- Sight to the Blind, (ss) The Century Magazine July 1912
- Course of True Love, (ss) The Century Magazine August 1912
- Scarborough Spoons, (ss) The Century Magazine November 1912
- Christmas Tree on Clinch, (ss) The Century Magazine December 1912
- Most Knowingest Child, (ss) The Century Magazine March 1913
- Quare Women, (sl) The Atlantic Monthly May 1922, etc.
- Out by Ox-Team, (ss) The Outlook April 11 1923
- Glass Window, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1925
- Little Lowizy, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly September 1925
- Uncle Tutt’s Typhoids, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly October 1925
- The Price of Furs (A Plea for Humane Trapping), (ar) The Atlantic Monthly February 1928
- Christmas on Bee Tree, (ss)
Furman, Robert T., Jr. (items)
- They Fight with Film, (ar) Liberty November 21 1942
- Fighting Words, (ar) Liberty August 25 1945
- Dry Storage for Warships, (ar) Liberty November 3 1945
- Golden Locks, (ar) Liberty April 6 1946
- The Lady Is No Monkey, (ar) Liberty April 27 1946
- Going! Going! Gone!, (ar) Liberty May 18 1946
- The Nose Knows, (ar) Liberty July 6 1946
- Invisible Policemen, (ar) Liberty July 27 1946
- Traffic in Hope, (ar) Liberty October 12 1946
- Anything for a Laugh, (ar) Liberty October 19 1946
- On the Record, (ar) Liberty January 4 1947
Furnas, J. C. (1905-2001) (items)
- The Deep End, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1930
- Not That It Matters (with George C. Tyler), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1934, etc.
- The Vanished American, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1934
- Leningraduates, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 26 1935
- Leningraduates—Red Run-Around, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 9 1935
- Leningraduates—Catherine Doesn’t Live Here Any More, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 30 1935
- To Meet Mr. 10,001, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 14 1935
- Strictly on the Level, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1935
- Sandmania, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 15 1936
- Utopia Limited, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 15 1936
- Yakahula Hickydula, (ar) Coronet November 1936
- Home Was Never Like This, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 23 1937
- Main Street, Polynesia, (ar) Coronet February 1937
- The Muzhik Goes Round, (ar) Coronet March 1937
- Gray Hairs for Casey Jones, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 10 1937
- The Laocoön Complex, (ss) Esquire April 1937
- Don’t Laugh Now, (ar) Esquire May 1937
- The Iron Hobbyhorse, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 21 1937
- Canada’s Wonder Boy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1938
- Specs Before the Eyes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 19 1938
- Blood from a Stranger, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1938
- Mr. George & Mr. John, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 31 1938
- Brainstorm Department, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 28 1939
- Meet the Platterbug, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 27 1939
- Who Wants to Know?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 15 1939
- Daniel Webster Had It Too, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 22 1939
- Death in a Mirror, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 5 1939
- So You’re Going to Stop Smoking!, (ex) 1939
- The War of Lies and Laughs, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 3 1940
- Country Doctor Goes to Town, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 20 1940
- Who Wants Willkie, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 2 1940
- Fire on Queer Street, (ar) Esquire November 1940
- Hide and Hair De Luxe, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 25 1941
- The Battle for Skills, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 10 1941
- Quick Help—When Needed, (ar) This Week August 3 1941
- New Styles in Unions, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 16 1941
- Lady at the Lamp, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1941
- Glamour Goes to War, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 29 1941
- Polly Wants a Contract, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 23 1942
- Catfish Navy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 22 1942
- War Has a Silver Lining, (ar) Liberty November 21 1942
- Psychology Goes to War, (ar) Liberty February 27 1943
- The Mine Nobody Wanted, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1943
- The Cross Is Blue, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 2 1943
- Are Women Doing Their Share in the War, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1944
- Rare Beef? You Said It, Brother!, (ar) Liberty June 24 1944
- Home Alive (Watkin), (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1944
- Why Drunkards Act That Way (with Helen Furnas), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1945
- Goodbye Contract, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 2 1945
- Ill-Finished Children (with Helen Furnas), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 29 1945
- Will Hawaii Become a State?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 6 1946
- St. Calaisphen, North America, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 31 1946
- Uncle Sam Moves Out, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 14 1947
- Darkness Is Danger, (??) Collier’s February 12 1949
- Sudden Death for “Mr. Million”, (??) Collier’s November 3 1951
- Boyhood Pal, (ss) Collier’s February 16 1952
- The Starling Nuisance: It’s Driving Everybody Crazy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 26 1952
- Tales of the Rented Cars, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 22 1952
- The Ingenious Doctor of Morgantown KY, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 13 1952
- The House That Saves Lives, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 16 1953
- How Not to Get Seasick, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 11 1953
- The Pooches Never Had It So Good, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 18 1955
- My First Ten Years with a Hearing Aid, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 1 1957
- You, Too, Can Have Art Treasures, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 30 1957
- The Slaver Chase, (ss) Jack London’s Adventure Magazine October 1958
- Must They Spoil Children’s Books, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 12 1959
- Are Electric Cars Coming Back?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 12 1960
- South Seas Food: Sweet, Sour, Spicy and Cool, (ar) Holiday November 1960
- Great Snakes!, (ss)
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