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    The Collected Stories by Dylan Thomas (J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1983, 0-460-04603-9, £8.50, xv+362pp, hc, co)
    • vii · Foreword · Leslie Norris · fw
    • 1 · After the Fair · Dylan Thomas · ss The New English Weekly March 15 1934
    • 5 · The Tree · Dylan Thomas · ss Adelphi December 1934
    • 12 · The True Story · Dylan Thomas · ss Yellowjacket May 1939
    • 16 · The Enemies · Dylan Thomas · ss New Stories (UK) June/July 1934
    • 21 · The Dress · Dylan Thomas · ss Comment January 4 1936
    • 24 · The Visitor · Dylan Thomas · ss The Criterion January 1935
    • 32 · The Vest · Dylan Thomas · ss Yellowjacket May 1939
    • 35 · The Burning Baby · Dylan Thomas · ss Contemporary Poetry and Prose May 1936
    • 41 · The Orchards · Dylan Thomas · ss The Criterion July 1936
    • 49 · The End of the River · Dylan Thomas · ss The New English Weekly November 22 1934
    • 54 · The Lemon · Dylan Thomas · ss Life and Letters Today Spring 1936
    • 59 · The Horse’s Ha · Dylan Thomas · ss Janus May 1936
    • 65 · The School for Witches · Dylan Thomas · ss Contemporary Poetry and Prose August/September 1936
    • 72 · The Mouse and the Woman · Dylan Thomas · ss Transition Fall 1936
    • 87 · A Prospect of the Sea · Dylan Thomas · ss Life and Letters Today Spring 1937
    • 96 · The Holy Six · Dylan Thomas · ss Contemporary Poetry and Prose Spring 1937
    • 104 · Prologue to an Adventure · Dylan Thomas · ss Wales Summer 1937
    • 109 · The Map of Love · Dylan Thomas · ss Wales Autumn 1937
    • 115 · In the Direction of the Beginning · Dylan Thomas · ss Wales March 1938
    • 117 · An Adventure from a Work in Progress · Dylan Thomas · ss Seven #4, Spring 1939
    • · Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog · Dylan Thomas · co (r)
    • 122 · The Peaches · Dylan Thomas · ss Life and Letters Today October 1938
    • 138 · A Visit to Grandpa’s · Dylan Thomas · ss The New English Weekly March 10 1938
    • 144 · Patricia, Edith, and Arnold · Dylan Thomas · ss Seven #7, Christmas 1939
    • 153 · The Fight · Dylan Thomas · ss Life and Letters Today December 1939
    • 165 · Extraordinary Little Cough · Dylan Thomas · ss Life and Letters Today September 1939
    • 174 · Just Like Little Dogs · Dylan Thomas · ss Wales October 1939
    • 181 · Where Tawe Flows · Dylan Thomas · ss
    • 196 · Who Do You Wish Was with Us? · Dylan Thomas · ss Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog by Dylan Thomas, 1940
    • 206 · Old Garbo · Dylan Thomas · ss Life and Letters Today July 1939
    • 219 · One Warm Saturday · Dylan Thomas · ss Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog by Dylan Thomas, 1940
    • · Adventures in the Skin Trade · Dylan Thomas · co (r)
    • 239 · A Fine Beginning · Dylan Thomas · ss Folios of New Writing Autumn 1941
    • 258 · Plenty of Furniture · Dylan Thomas · ss New World Writing November 1952
    • 274 · Four Lost Souls · Dylan Thomas · ss New World Writing May 1953
    • 291 · Quite Early One Morning · Dylan Thomas · ss Wales Autumn 1946
      first broadcast on BBC Wales, August 31, 1945.
    • 296 · A Child’s Christmas in Wales · Dylan Thomas · ss Harper’s Bazaar December 1950, as “A Child’s Memories of Christmas in Wales”
      amalgamation of “Memories of Christmas” (The Listener, December 20, 1945), first broadcast on BBC Wales Children’s Hour on December 16, 1945, and “Conversation About Christmas” (Picture Post, December 27, 1947).
    • 304 · Holiday Memory · Dylan Thomas · ss The Listener November 7 1946
      first broadcast on BBC Wales, October 25, 1946.
    • 311 · The Crumbs of One Man’s Year · Dylan Thomas · ss The Listener January 2 1947
      first broadcast on the BBC Home Service, December 27, 1946.
    • 316 · Return Journey · Dylan Thomas · ss Quite Early One Morning by Dylan Thomas, J.M. Dent & Sons, 1954
      first broadcast on the BBC Home Service, May 9, 1947.
    • 329 · The Followers · Dylan Thomas · ss World Review October 1952
    • 337 · A Story · Dylan Thomas · ss The Listener September 17 1953
      written for BBC television, August 10, 1953.
    • · Appendix: Early Stories
    • 347 · Brember · Dylan Thomas · ss Swansea Grammar School Magazine April 1931
    • 349 · Jarley’s · Dylan Thomas · ss Swansea Grammar School Magazine December 1933, as by Old Boy
    • 352 · In the Garden · Dylan Thomas · ss Swansea Grammar School Magazine July 1934, as by Old Boy
    • 355 · Gaspar, Melchior, Balthasar · Dylan Thomas · ss Early Prose Writings by Dylan Thomas, Dent, 1971
    • 359 · List of Sources · [uncredited] · bi

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