The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 49
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[]Adams, Oscar Fay (1855-1919) (about) (chron.)
- * Æsop, (ar) Wide Awake February 1888
- * The Arabian Nights, (ar) Wide Awake January 1888
- * The Archbishop’s Unguarded Moment, (ss) The Cosmopolitan March 1892
- * The Architecture of the Moslems, (ar) Wide Awake November 1889
- * The Athenian Decline and the Theban Supremacy, (ar) Wide Awake June 1887
- * The Author of Paul and Virginia, (ar) Wide Awake November 1888
- * The Author of “The Heir of Redclyffe”, (ar) Wide Awake May 1890
- * Authors’ Allusions to Authors, (ar) Wide Awake Dec 1884, Dec 1885
- * Authors and Places, (ar) Wide Awake Feb 1885, Feb 1886
- * Authors and Their Subjects, (ar) Wide Awake July 1885
- * Authors with Names Alike or Nearly Alike, (ar) Wide Awake August 1886
- * The Beginnings of Rome, (ar) Wide Awake December 1887
- * Birthplaces of Authors, (ar) Wide Awake June 1885
- * The Brothers Grimm, (ar) Wide Awake May 1888
- * Caliphate of Bagdad, (ar) Wide Awake April 1889
- * Characters in Poetry and Fiction, (ar) Wide Awake Nov 1884, Nov 1885
- * Charles Perrault, (ar) Wide Awake April 1888
- * Conflict Between Cross and Crescent in the Crusades, 1096-1187, (ar) Wide Awake May 1889
- * Conflicts with the Barbarians, (ar) Wide Awake April 1887
- * Cross and Crescent in the Later Crusades, (ar) Wide Awake June 1889
- * Daniel Defoe, (ar) Wide Awake September 1888
- * Dear Old Story-Tellers:
* ___ I. Homer: Tales and Romances, (ar) Wide Awake December 1887
* ___ II. The Arabian Nights, (ar) Wide Awake January 1888
* ___ III. Æsop, (ar) Wide Awake February 1888
* ___ IV. Mother Goose, (ar) Wide Awake March 1888
* ___ V. Charles Perrault, (ar) Wide Awake April 1888
* ___ VI. The Brothers Grimm, (ar) Wide Awake May 1888
* ___ VII. La Fontaine “The Good”, (ar) Wide Awake June 1888
* ___ VIII. Edouard René Lefébre Laboulaye, (ar) Wide Awake July 1888
* ___ IX. Hans Christian Andersen, “The Goldsmith of the North”, (ar) Wide Awake August 1888
* ___ X. Daniel Defoe, (ar) Wide Awake September 1888
* ___ XI. La Motte Fouqué “The Valiant”, (ar) Wide Awake October 1888
* ___ XII. The Author of Paul and Virginia, (ar) Wide Awake November 1888
- * Early History of Athens, (ar) Wide Awake March 1887
- * Edouard René Lefébre Laboulaye, (ar) Wide Awake July 1888
- * Famous Old Story-tellers, 1: Tales and Romances, (ar) Atalanta December 1887
- * Famous Old Story-tellers, 2: The Arabian Nights, (ar) Atalanta January 1888
- * Famous Old Story-tellers, 3: Æsop, (ar) Atalanta February 1888
- * Famous Old Story-tellers, 4: Mother Goose, (ar) Atalanta March 1888
- * Famous Old Story-tellers, 5: The Brothers Grimm, (ar) Atalanta May 1888
- * Famous Old Story-tellers, 6: La Fontaine, (ar) Atalanta July 1888
- * Fiction and Locality, (ar) Wide Awake July 1886
- * The First Fifty Years of the Empire, (ar) Wide Awake June 1888
- * Friendship, (pm) The Cosmopolitan May 1887
- * From Antoninus to Aurelian, (ar) Wide Awake August 1888
- * From Caligula to Hadrian, (ar) Wide Awake July 1888
- * From Diocletian to Constantine the Great, (ar) Wide Awake September 1888
- * From Fall of the Gracchi to Pompey’s Death, (ar) Wide Awake March 1888
- * From Mahomet’s Death to the Fall of Omeyads, (ar) Wide Awake March 1889
- * From Pericles to the Sicilian War, (ar) Wide Awake May 1887
- * From the Hegira to Mahomet’s Death, (ar) Wide Awake January 1889
- * From the Year of the Elephant to the Hegira, (ar) Wide Awake December 1888
- * Grecian Mythology, (ar) Wide Awake September 1887
- * Greek Architecture and Sculpture, (ar) Wide Awake August 1887
- * The Greek Colonies, (ar) Wide Awake March 1887
- * Greek Literature: Poetry, (ar) Wide Awake October 1887
- * Greek Literature: Prose, (ar) Wide Awake November 1887
- * Hans Christian Andersen, “The Goldsmith of the North”, (ar) Wide Awake August 1888
- * The Home of the Two Widows, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science May 1879
- * Homer: Tales and Romances, (ar) Wide Awake December 1887
- * The Kingdom of Granada, (ar) Wide Awake September 1889
- * La Fontaine “The Good”, (ar) Wide Awake June 1888
- * La Motte Fouqué “The Valiant”, (ar) Wide Awake October 1888
- * The Last Days of the Republic, (ar) Wide Awake April 1888
- * The Last Years of the Western Empire, (ar) Wide Awake October 1888
- * Literary Names and Nicknames, (ar) Wide Awake Oct 1884, Oct 1885
- * Literary Pseudonyms, (ar) Wide Awake Jan 1885, Jan 1886
- * The Macedonian and Roman Conquests, (ar) Wide Awake July 1887
- * Mahometan Chronology and Religion, (ar) Wide Awake February 1889
- * Mahometan Literature, (ar) Wide Awake October 1889
- * Miscellaneous Questions, (ar) Wide Awake Mar, Sep 1885, Mar, Sep 1886
- * The Moors in Spain—Their Kingdom of Cordova, (ar) Wide Awake August 1889
- * Mother Goose, (ar) Wide Awake March 1888
- * A Not-Unforeseen Contingency, (pm) New England Magazine February 1906
- * The Ottoman Turks, 1300-1800, (ar) Wide Awake July 1889
- * Our English Homes:
* ___ I. Worcester, (ar) Wide Awake June 1893
- * Patrician and Plebeian, (ar) Wide Awake January 1888
- * Personal History of Authors, (ar) Wide Awake Apr 1885, Apr, May 1886
- * Poems and Places, (ar) Wide Awake May 1885, Jun 1886
- * Post Augustan Literature, (ar) Wide Awake November 1888
- * Prehistoric and Early Greece, (ar) Wide Awake December 1886
- * Roman Literature to Death of Augustus, (ar) Wide Awake May 1888
- * Rue St. Jean, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1878
- * The Samnite and Punic Wars, (ar) Wide Awake February 1888
- * Search-Questions in American Literature:
* ___ I. Literary Names and Nicknames, (ar) Wide Awake October 1884
* ___ II. Characters in Poetry and Fiction, (ar) Wide Awake November 1884
* ___ III. Authors’ Allusions to Authors, (ar) Wide Awake December 1884
* ___ IV. Literary Pseudonyms, (ar) Wide Awake January 1885
* ___ V. Authors and Places, (ar) Wide Awake February 1885
* ___ VI. Miscellaneous Questions, (ar) Wide Awake March 1885
* ___ VII. Personal History of Authors, (ar) Wide Awake April 1885
* ___ VIII. Poems and Places, (ar) Wide Awake May 1885
* ___ IX. Birthplaces of Authors, (ar) Wide Awake June 1885
* ___ X. Authors and Their Subjects, (ar) Wide Awake July 1885
* ___ XI. Special Questions, (ar) Wide Awake August 1885
* ___ XII. Miscellaneous Questions, (ar) Wide Awake September 1885
- * Search-Questions in English Literature—Answers to August Search-Questions, (ar) Wide Awake October 1886
- * Search-Questions in English Literature:
* ___ I. Literary Names and Nicknames, (ar) Wide Awake October 1885
* ___ II. Characters in Poetry and Fiction, (ar) Wide Awake November 1885
* ___ III. Authors’ Allusions to Authors, (ar) Wide Awake December 1885
* ___ IV. Literary Pseudonyms, (ar) Wide Awake January 1886
* ___ V. Authors and Places, (ar) Wide Awake February 1886
* ___ VI. Miscellaneous Questions, (ar) Wide Awake March 1886
* ___ VII. Personal History of Authors, (ar) Wide Awake April 1886
* ___ VIII. Personal History of Authors, (ar) Wide Awake May 1886
* ___ IX. Poems and Places, (ar) Wide Awake June 1886
* ___ X. Fiction and Locality, (ar) Wide Awake July 1886
* ___ XI. Authors with Names Alike or Nearly Alike, (ar) Wide Awake August 1886
* ___ XII. Miscellaneous Questions, (ar) Wide Awake September 1886
- * Search-Questions in Greek History:
* ___ I. Prehistoric and Early Greece, (ar) Wide Awake December 1886
* ___ II. The Time of the Despots or Tyrants, (ar) Wide Awake January 1887
* ___ III. Early History of Athens, (ar) Wide Awake March 1887
* ___ IV. The Greek Colonies, (ar) Wide Awake March 1887
* ___ V. Conflicts with the Barbarians, (ar) Wide Awake April 1887
* ___ VI. From Pericles to the Sicilian War, (ar) Wide Awake May 1887
* ___ VII. The Athenian Decline and the Theban Supremacy, (ar) Wide Awake June 1887
* ___ VIII. The Macedonian and Roman Conquests, (ar) Wide Awake July 1887
* ___ IX. Greek Architecture and Sculpture, (ar) Wide Awake August 1887
* ___ X. Grecian Mythology, (ar) Wide Awake September 1887
* ___ XI. Greek Literature: Poetry, (ar) Wide Awake October 1887
* ___ XII. Greek Literature: Prose, (ar) Wide Awake November 1887
- * Search-Questions in Mahometan History:
* ___ I. From the Year of the Elephant to the Hegira, (ar) Wide Awake December 1888
* ___ II. From the Hegira to Mahomet’s Death, (ar) Wide Awake January 1889
* ___ III. Mahometan Chronology and Religion, (ar) Wide Awake February 1889
* ___ IV. From Mahomet’s Death to the Fall of Omeyads, (ar) Wide Awake March 1889
* ___ V. Caliphate of Bagdad, (ar) Wide Awake April 1889
* ___ VI. Conflict Between Cross and Crescent in the Crusades, 1096-1187, (ar) Wide Awake May 1889
* ___ VII. Cross and Crescent in the Later Crusades, (ar) Wide Awake June 1889
* ___ VIII. The Ottoman Turks, 1300-1800, (ar) Wide Awake July 1889
* ___ IX. The Moors in Spain—Their Kingdom of Cordova, (ar) Wide Awake August 1889
* ___ X. The Kingdom of Granada, (ar) Wide Awake September 1889
* ___ XI. Mahometan Literature, (ar) Wide Awake October 1889
* ___ XII. The Architecture of the Moslems, (ar) Wide Awake November 1889
- * Search-Questions in Roman History:
* ___ I. The Beginnings of Rome, (ar) Wide Awake December 1887
* ___ II. Patrician and Plebeian, (ar) Wide Awake January 1888
* ___ III. The Samnite and Punic Wars, (ar) Wide Awake February 1888
* ___ IV. From Fall of the Gracchi to Pompey’s Death, (ar) Wide Awake March 1888
* ___ V. The Last Days of the Republic, (ar) Wide Awake April 1888
* ___ VI. Roman Literature to Death of Augustus, (ar) Wide Awake May 1888
* ___ VII. The First Fifty Years of the Empire, (ar) Wide Awake June 1888
* ___ VIII. From Caligula to Hadrian, (ar) Wide Awake July 1888
* ___ IX. From Antoninus to Aurelian, (ar) Wide Awake August 1888
* ___ X. From Diocletian to Constantine the Great, (ar) Wide Awake September 1888
* ___ XI. The Last Years of the Western Empire, (ar) Wide Awake October 1888
* ___ XII. Post Augustan Literature, (ar) Wide Awake November 1888
- * Seinte Marie College of Wynchestre, (ar) Wide Awake March 1891
- * The Serious Dilemma of the Bishop of Oklaho, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1894
- * Some British Castles, (ar) Wide Awake November 1892
- * Song, (??) The Century Magazine May 1883
- * Special Questions, (ar) Wide Awake August 1885
- * The Time of the Despots or Tyrants, (ar) Wide Awake January 1887
- * To Modjeska as Rosalind, (??) The Century Magazine November 1884
- * Why the Bishop Left Rye Beach, (ss) The Cosmopolitan August 1890
- * Worcester, (ar) Wide Awake June 1893
[]Adams, Pamela Crippen (1961- ) (books) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Alternatives (with Robert Adams), (oa) Baen, May 1989
- * Barbarians II (with Robert Adams, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh), (an) NAL Signet, February 1988
- * Friends of the Horseclans (with Robert Adams), (oa) NAL/Signet, April 1987
- * Friends of the Horseclans II (with Robert Adams), (oa) NAL Signet, March 1989
- * Hunger for Horror (with Robert Adams & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) DAW, March 1988
- * Phantom Regiments (with Robert Adams & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Baen, February 1990
- * Robert Adams’ Book of Alternate Worlds (with Robert Adams & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) NAL/Signet, July 1987
- * Robert Adams’ Book of Soldiers (with Robert Adams & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) NAL Signet, September 1988
[]Adams, Paul (fl. 1930s-1940s); house pseudonym (chron.)
- * Alibi for Plunder, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine December 1939
- * Badge of Death, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine May/June 1939
- * Bullet Banknight, (ss) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine April 1941
- * Bullet Boundary, (ss) Red Seal Western January 1941
- * Crime Hostage, (nv) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine February 1940
- * Crimson Angels, (ss) 12 Adventure Stories October 1939
- * Curse of the Cloven Hoof, (nv) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine October 1940
- * Date with the Grim Reaper, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1940
- * Dead Man’s Bullets, (nv) Red Seal Western May 1941
- * Death Prepaid, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine February 1939
- * Death’s Trickster [Luke Purvis], (ss) Variety Detective Magazine November 1938; possibly a reprint of “Meet the Corpse!” by G.T. Fleming-Roberts (Secret Agent X, February 1935).
- * The Devil’s Duo, (ss) Variety Western November 1939
- * Disaster Junction, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine June 1939
- * The Dressing Room Champ, (na) 10 Short Novels Magazine October 1938
- * Fall-Guy Grappler, (ss) 10 Short Novels Magazine January 1939
- * Flaming Alibi, (nv) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine February 1941
- * Forty-Five Fate, (ss) Variety Western October 1938
- * Fugitive Payoff, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1940
- * Golden Spikes, (ss) 12 Adventure Stories August 1939
- * Grim Reaper’s Sidekick, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1938
- * Gun Ghost Parade, (ss) All-Novel Western June 1941
- * Hangman’s Hoodoo, (ss) Variety Western March/April 1939
- * Luck o’ the Flyin’ Irish, (ss) 10 Action Adventures January 1939
- * Man Who Went Back, (ss) Overland Monthly December 1924
- * Mausoleum Mission, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine July 1939
- * New Day, (ss) Overland Monthly September 1923
- * O. Henry and Texas, (bg) The Bellman #584, September 22 1917 [Ref. O. Henry]
- * One Death Too Many, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine April 1938
- * The Phantom Star, (ss) Variety Western January 1939
- * Photo Phantom, (ss) 12 Adventure Stories March 1939
- * Plunder Deadline, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine September 1939
- * Prof. Puttie at Bear Creek, (ss) Overland Monthly January 1923
- * Red Faces, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine November 1939
- * Renegade’s Receipt, (vi) Variety Western July 1939
- * Rustler Bait, (ss) Variety Western September 1939
- * Satan’s Envelope, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine May 1940
- * Satan’s Hour [Robert Corliss], (vi) Variety Detective Magazine April/May 1939; probably a reprint of “The Expert Fixer” by Ralph Andre (Ten Detective Aces, August 1933).
- * Satan’s Man-Trap, (nv) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine August 1940
- * Satan’s Showdown, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1938
- * Scarlet Shroud, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine August 1939
- * Shakedown Syndicate, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine September 1940
- * Sharpshooter—Without Bullets, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine July 1938
- * Smoke-Wagon Justice, (ss) Variety Western May/June 1939
- * The Steel Ribbon Murder, (ss) 12 Adventure Stories May 1939
- * Terror’s Triangle [Garvin Clark], (ss) Variety Detective Magazine October 1939; probably a reprint of “A Devil’s Highball” by G.T. Fleming-Roberts (Ten Detective Aces, July 1933).
- * The Trigger Trail-Blazer, (ss) All-Novel Western December 1940
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