The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7139
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[]Mitrut, Dan (1971- ) (chron.)
- * Boötes (invocation to Apollo), (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Capricornus, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Cosmic Eyes, (pm) Astropoetica Spring 2004
- * Hydrus, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Lacerta, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Last But One Depth, (pm) Astropoetica Winter 2004
- * Libra, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Milky Way, (pm) Astropoetica Spring 2006
- * Sagittarius, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Serpens, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Virgo, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
[]Mitskevich, A(natoly) P(etrovich) (1919-1975); used pseudonym Anatoly Dneprov (chron.)
- * Crabs on the Island, (ss) International Science Fiction June 1968, as "The Island of the Crabs", by Anatoly Dneprov
- * Crabs Take Over the Island, (nv) Soviet Literature v239 #5, 1968, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Kraby idut po ostrovu”, Znanie - Sila November 1958) by George Yankovsky.
- * Crabs Take Over the Island, (ss) International Science Fiction June 1968, as "The Island of the Crabs", by Anatoly Dneprov
- * Formula for Immortality, (nv) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Formula bessmertiya”, 1962) by Mirra Ginsburg.
- * Formula for Immortality, (nv) 1963, as by Anatoly Dneprov
- * The Heroic Feat, (ss) Russian Science Fiction 1968 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1968, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Podvig”, 1962) by Helen Saltz Jacobson.
- * Interview with a Traffic Policeman, (ss) Other Worlds, Other Seas ed. Darko Suvin, Random House, 1970, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Interv’yu s Regulirovshchikom Ulichnogo Dvizheniya”, Colectia “Povestiri stiintifico-fantastice” #279, 1966).
- * The Island of the Crabs, (ss) International Science Fiction June 1968, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Kraby idut po ostrovu”, Znanie—Sila November 1958) by James J. Karambelas.
- * The Maxwell Equations, (na) Destination: Amaltheia ed. Richard Dixon, tr. Leonid Kolesnikov, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1963, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Uravneniya Maksvella”, Molodaya gvardiya, 27 March to 27 April 1960) by Leonid Kolesnikov.
- * The Maxwell Equations, (nv) Russian Science Fiction ed. Robert Magidoff, New York University Press, 1964, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Uravneniya Maksvella”, Molodaya gvardiya 27 March to 27 April 1960) by Doris Johnson.
- * The Purple Mummy, (nv) Path Into the Unknown, MacGibbon & Kee, 1966, as by Anatoly Dneprov
- * Siema, (nv) The Heart of the Serpent, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated by R. Prokofieva
- * The S*t*a*p*l*e Farm, (ss) Other Worlds, Other Seas ed. Darko Suvin, Random House, 1970, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Ferma ‘Stanlyu’”, Fantastika, 1964).
- * When Questions Are Asked, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Kogda zadayut voprosy…”, 1962) by Mirra Ginsburg.
- * The World in Which I Disappeared, (ss) International Science Fiction June 1968, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Mir, v kotorom ya ischez”, Znanie-Sila February 1961) by Mirra Ginsburg.
- * The World in Which I Vanished, (ss) World’s Spring ed. Vladimir Gakov, Macmillan, 1981, as by Anatoly Dneprov; translated from the Russian (“Mir, v kotorom ya ischez”, Znanie-Sila February 1961) by Roger DeGaris.
[]Mittelholzer, Edgar (Austin) (1909-1965) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * Edgar Austin Mittelholzer, (bg) Presenting Moonshine #22, April 9 1972
- * Edgar Mittelholzer by Richard Dalby, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #19, 1995
- * Edgar Mittelholzer 1909-, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #21, March 1972
- * Going Into the Dark: The Life, Birth and Death of Edgar Mittelholzer by Chris Mikul, (ar) Biblio-Curiosa #10, 2022
- * My Bones and My Flute, by Edgar Mittelholzer (1955) by Dennis Lien, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 2005
- * Shadows Move Among Them by Edgar Mittelhölzer (1951) by Paul Di Filippo, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2021
[]Mittell, Seay; [i.e., C.A. Mittell] (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Charley’s Break, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories October 15 1932
- * Decision, (ss) Complete Stories 1st July 1930
- * Double Indemnity, (ss) The Popular Complete Stories June 15 1932
- * Easy Mark, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd August 1930
- * Flack’s Partner, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories August 1 1931
- * For Keeps, (ss) The Popular Complete Stories April 15 1932
- * The Mistake, (ss) Complete Stories 1st February 1929
- * Money in the House, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories June 15 1933
- * Not Provided For, (ss) The Popular Complete Stories December 1 1931
- * Strictly Under Cover, (ss) Complete Stories 1st December 1930
- * Too Ordinary, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd March 1931
- * Touchstone, (ss) The Popular Complete Stories January 1 1932
- * The Walworth Necklace, (ss) Complete Stories 1st August 1929
- * You Never Can Tell, (ss) Complete Stories 1st October 1930
[]Mitton, G. E.; [i.e., Geraldine Edith Mitton Scott] (1868-1955) (about) (chron.)
- * The Alternate Generation, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine March 1925
- * At the Pit Row, (ss) Crampton’s Magazine November 1902
- * The Backward Races of Burma, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1932
- * A “Blackleg”, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine September 1896
- * The Boy and the Bicycle, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1906
- * A ’Bus Conductor, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1898
- * Claude Walton, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1894
- * The Coward, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1908
- * Dandie Dinmont, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1931
- * The Dividing Line, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1914
- * The Girl and the Game, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1895
- * The Green Moth:
* ___ Chapter I. Over the Edge (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1921
* ___ Chapter II. The Rock Monastery (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1921
* ___ Chapter III. “Mrs. Frog’s Egg” (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1921
* ___ Chapter IV. The D.C. (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1921
* ___ Chapter IV. (continued). The D.C. (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1921
* ___ Chapter V. Marjoram Finds the Clue (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1921
* ___ Chapter VI. Mrs. Seymour’s Second Husband (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1921
* ___ Chapter VII. The Green Moth (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1921
* ___ Chapter VIII. The Scene at the Club (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1921
* ___ Chapter IX. “Miching Mallecho” (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1921
* ___ Chapter IX. (continued). “Miching Mallecho” (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1921
* ___ Chapter X. “Prend Garde a Toi” (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1921
* ___ Chapter XI. “Numpa One Chinaman” (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1921
* ___ Chapter XII. The Lady of the Dream (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1921
* ___ Chapter XII. (continued). The Lady of the Dream (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1921
* ___ Chapter XIII. Laying the Trail (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1921
* ___ Chapter XIV. Thornthwaite Acts (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1921
* ___ Chapter XV. The Launch Goes Up-Stream (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1921
* ___ Chapter XVI. Gloriana Has Her Say (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1921
* ___ Chapter XVII. A Desperate Alternative (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1921
* ___ Chapter XVIII. The Two Men (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1921
* ___ Chapter XIX. The Village Above the River (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1921
* ___ Chapter XIX. (continued). The Village Above the River (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1921
* ___ Chapter XX. “That Which is Not” (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1921
* ___ Chapter XXI. The Other Man (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1921
* ___ Chapter XXII. Into the Sea (with J. G. Scott), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1921
- * Heads in the Hills, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1935
- * How the Other Half Lives:
* ___ The Pitman, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1896
* ___ Prison Warders, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1896
- * Letting the Devil Out, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine November 1895
- * Life on Board a ’Bus, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1897
- * The Line of Fate, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1900
- * The Little Gondolier, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine November 1927
- * Lovers: A Burmese Idyll, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine August 1930
- * A Man of Inaction, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine May 1924
- * The Man on the Monument, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1896
- * A Masculine Woman, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine July 1897
- * Morning Calls:
* ___ The Man on the Monument, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1896
- * On Solway Bridge, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine Nov, Dec 1928, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1929
- * The Pitman, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1896
- * Prison Warders, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1896
- * The Queen’s Jewel, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) June 1929
- * The Test and the Jest, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine December 1926
- * U 001, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1915
- * Underground London: A Chat About Its Railways (with Wilfrid Klickmann), (ar) The Windsor Magazine November 1897
- * “Woe to the Vanquished”, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1896
- * A Woman’s Judgment, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1893
- * The Wrong Man and the Right, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine June 1898
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Mitton, Walter A. (fl. 1900s) (chron.)
- * How We Started our School Magazine, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper April 25 1903
- * Sir Galahad, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 13 1902
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 28 1903, Aug 27 1904, Apr 2 1910
- * [cartoon(s)] (with P. V. B. & T. C. H.), (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 22 1904
- * [cartoon(s)] (with W. E. Tickner), (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper August 17 1907
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper Mar 14, Apr 25, Jun 27, Dec 19 1903, Jan 16, Feb 6, Aug 6, Aug 20, Sep 10, Oct 15 1904,
Feb 4, May 13 1905
Jan 27, Feb 17, Nov 24 1906, Apr 6, Aug 3, Aug 17, Aug 31, Oct 12 1907, Oct 17, Nov 14 1908,
Jan 9, Feb 13, Mar 20, May 15 1909
Oct 29 1910, May, Jul 1916
[]Mittra, Archita (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * The Alien in the Attic, (ss) The Colored Lens #38, Winter 2021
- * Charmed Honeycake, (ss) Hexagon Magazine #3, Winter 2020
- * cinderella, (pm) Mithila Review #14, June 2020
- * Death, Collector of Stories, (ss) Three Crows Magazine #8, December 2020
- * The Green Man’s Wife, (ss) Tasavvur #3, Summer 2022
- * Lady Fortune, (ss) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #12, May 2021
- * The Other Wives, (ss) Human Monsters ed. Sadie Hartmann & Ashley Saywers, Dark Matter Ink, 2022
- * The Princess and the Frog, (pm) Haven Speculative #12, December 2023
- * The Quality of Mercy Is Not Strain’d, (ss) Lightspeed #171, August 2024
- * Rabbitheart, (ss) Zooscape #13, December 15 2021
- * radha, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2022
- * Swan Sisters, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2023
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