The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Bash-Bash and Blos, (ar) Lilliput January/February 1953
- * Bashful Blonde: Doris Keith, (pi) Real October 1952
- * The Basic Freedoms, (ed) Trailer Travel Magazine July 1950
- * Basic Microtechnique, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #34, June 15 1953 [Ref. Peter Gray]
- * The Basic Occupational Guidance Utility Statistical (B.O.G.U.S.) Test, (hu) The Tarpeian Rock v3 #3, 2005
- * Basic Physics, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #60, August 15 1955 [Ref. E. J. Chambers]
- * A Basic Reading List of Modern Heroic Fantasy, (bi) The Young Magicians ed. Lin Carter, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1969
- * Basil, (ms) Caper November 1956
- * Basil, (sl) The Australian Journal #124, September 1875
- * The Basilisk, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #245, September 24 1966
- * Basil MacDonald Hastings, (ms) Pan #1, November 8 1919 [Ref. Basil MacDonald Hastings]
- * The Basket-Maker: A Tale for Aristocrats and Non-Producers, (ss) The Chartist Circular #11, December 7 1839
- * The Basket Maker’s Child, (pm) Grit Story Section #1880, February 1 1931
- * Basket Makers of the Big Bend, (ms) Far West Stories November 1930
- * Basoko from the River, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1900
- * Basque and Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v20 #6, 1985
- * Basque and Nightdress Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v20 #8, 1985
- * Basque Blood, (ss) (by Tyas) Household Words #219, June 3 1854
- * The Basque Language, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1890
- * Bass and Where to Find Them, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 16 1910
- * Bass-Fishing at Bude, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper April 19 1879
- * Bassoon, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1945
- * Bas Tard, (sl) Probe #26 Sep/Oct 1974, #27 Mar, #28 Jun 1975
- * Bata the Duck, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1909; translated from the Swahili by Kusiali.
- * A Batch of Last Year’s Novels, (ar) (by L. J. Trotter) Dublin University Magazine April 1862
- * Bat Folding, (vi) Bits for Boys August 19 1893
- * The Bath, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly September 1861
- * A Bath at Penang, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1879
- * The Bath Chair Mystery [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Andrew Murray) The Sexton Blake Library #80, 1919
- * Bath-House Burglar Like High Life, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 30 1926
- * Bath-house of the Honorable Fondle, (ar) Mayfair v5 #5, 1970
- * Bathing, (pi) Playtime v1 #1, 1958
- * Bathing and Swimming, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper August 16 1884
- * Bathing as the Chinese Do, (ar) Modern Wonder July 29 1939; condensed from Japan Times, 1939.
- * A Bathing Tragedy, (il) The Happy Mag. July 1922
- * Bath Kills Convict, (ms) Best Detective Magazine July 1935
- * The Bath of Beauty, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #260, July 2 1853
- * Bathroom Bubbles, (hu) Gayety Dec 1932, Jan 1933, Sep 1934
- * Bathsheba Carew’s Curse. A Legend of the Old Colony, (ss) (by Jane G. Austin) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1870
- * The Baths of Gastein, (ar) The Argosy (UK) April 1873
- * The Bath That Started a Battle, (ss) The Skipper #196, June 2 1934
- * Bathtime for a Roman, (ar) (by Robert Erskine) Look and Learn #30, August 11 1962
- * Bath Time for a Train, (ar) Modern Wonder March 12 1938
- * Bath Time for Cover Girl Cathy Collins, (ms) McCall’s January 1952
- * Bat in the Clean-Up Spot!, (ms) Dime Sports Magazine May 1938
- * Batman … and the Ringer [Batman], (n.) (by Douglas Enefer) Batman World Adventure Library #1, November 1966
- * “Batman-Clown of Crime!”, (nv)
- * Batman Meets Dr. No-Face [Batman], (n.) (by Douglas Enefer) Batman World Adventure Library #3, December 1966
- * Batman Meets the Joker in The Last Laugh [Batman], (n.) (by Douglas Enefer) Batman World Adventure Library #2, November 1966
- * Bat Masterson, (ia) Ace-High Magazine September 1938
- * Bat Masterson, (ia) The Rio Kid Western Wtr 1940, Sep 1950, Mar, Jul 1951
- * Bat Masterson, One of the Most Famous of Western Lawmen, (ia) The Rio Kid Western Spring 1940
- * Bat Masterson, Sheriff, (ia) Thrilling Western June 1934
- * Bat Most Sensitive Animal, (ms) Mystery Magazine #91, August 15 1921
- * Baton ’Round, (pi) The Stocking Parade February 1943
- * A Batrachian Ballad, (pm) Harper’s Young People #168, January 16 1883
- * Bats? Don’t Believe the Horror Stories, (ar) Look and Learn #183, July 17 1965
- * Bats in the Belfry, (pi) Maclean’s March 15 1940
- * The Bat’s Origin [Dawson Clade (The Bat)], (ex) Popular Detective November 1934, as "The Bat Strikes", by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * The B.A.T.S.; or, The Shool for Backwards and Troublesomes, (sl) (by Herbert Allingham) The Boys’ Friend #1347 Apr 9, #1349 Apr 23, #1352 May 14, #1353 May 21, #1354 May 28, #1356 Jun 11, #1357 Jun 18, #1358 Jun 25 1927
- * Battle After Peace, (ms) Fifteen Western Tales April 1948
- * Battle Against the Beetle, (ar) Look and Learn #27, July 21 1962
- * The Battle and the Breeze; or, Our Sailors and Our Ships: Part II, (sl) (by Walter Viles) The Young Englishman Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Nov 24, Dec 1, Dec 8, Dec 15, Dec 22, Dec 29, Dec 31 1877,
Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 16, Feb 23, Mar 2, Mar 9 1878
- * The Battle and Triumph of Dr. Susan, (nv) (by Fitz Hugh Ludlow) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Aug, Sep 1863
- * The Battle at Brooklands, (ss) Thrills of the Speedways, Dean & Son, 1936
- * The Battle at the Bank of England [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #505, 1939
- * The Battle Autumn of 1862, (pm) (by John Greenleaf Whittier) The Atlantic Monthly October 1862
- * Battle Baby, (pi) Ace September 1964
- * Battle Between an Eagle and a Stag, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper March 14 1885
- * Battle Bird Lays Its Egg!, (ss) The Thriller Library #577, February 24 1940
- * The Battle Creek Fight, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 10 1931
- * Battle Cry, (pi) Adventure April 1955
- * The Battle Evening, (ss) The Bohemian #1, Christmas 1863
- * The Battlefield of Gettysburg: Its Memories and Memorials, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * Battlefields, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1898
- * Battlefields Still Draw Pilgrims, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2380, March 7 1936
- * Battlefield Stories, (ar) The Boys’ Friend #257, December 30 1899
- * A Battlefield That Has Gone Out of Fashion, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 7 1924
- * Battle for Back o’ Beyond [Black Buckaroo], (ss) The Buzzer #27, April 16 1938
- * The Battle for Britain-1959, (ar) Lilliput February 1959
- * A Battle for Life, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal October 31 1868
- * The Battle for Safe Water Supplies, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine September 1913
- * Battlegram, (cn) War Stories #85 Sep, #86 Oct, #87 Nov, #88 Dec 1930, #90 Jan, #91 Feb, #95 Jun 1931
- * Battlegram: Gas Masks On!, (cn) War Stories #96, July 1931
- * Battlegram: Military Police, (cn) War Stories #97, August 1931
- * Battlegram: The Leathernecks, (cn) War Stories #99, October 1931
- * Battlegram: ’Way for the Gobs!, (cn) War Stories #98, September 1931
- * Battle Hymn, (mr) Argosy March 1957
- * Battle Hymn of the Marines, (sg) Thrilling Adventures January 1943
- * Battle Hymn of the Republic, (pm) (by Julia Ward Howe) The Atlantic Monthly February 1862
- * A Battle in a Dream, (ss) (by N Urber, D.) Beadle’s Monthly #8, August 1866
- * A Battle in Nevada Reptile Life, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 14 1928
- * A Battle in the Air, (ss) Chums August 17 1912
- * The Battle in the Air [Dixon Brett], (n.) Aldine Dixon Brett Detective Library #17, 1927
- * The Battle in the Air [Jimmy Harding], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) Cheer Boys Cheer #63, August 2 1913
- * Battle in the Night, (ts) The Passing Show July 27 1935
- * The Battle in the Rosefields, (ia) Rover and Wizard #238, August 7 1965
- * Battle in the Sand, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine July 1942as told to Allan A. Michie
- * A Battle in the Sky!, (ss) The Bullseye #124, June 3 1933
- * Battle Memories, (pm) (by J. W. De Forest) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1866
- * Battle, Murder, and Sudden Death, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1912
- * The Battle of Bannockburn, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1880
- * The Battle of Beecher’s Island, (ar) Triple-X Western #78, November 1930
- * The Battle of Bennington, (pm) (by Alfred B. Street) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1863
- * The Battle of Bennington— August 16, 1777, (pm) (by Thomas Dunn English) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1860
- * Battle of Birds, (ms) Far West Stories June 1930
- * The Battle of Britain, (pi) Look and Learn #36, September 22 1962
- * The Battle of Britain-1969, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #397 Aug 23, #398 Aug 30 1969
- * The Battle of Britain: An Outline Chronology, (ar)
- * The Battle of Brunanburh, (pm) from The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,
- * The Battle of Cantigny, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #39, November 1930
- * The Battle of Chateau Thierry, (ar) Three Star Magazine 2nd September 1928
- * The Battle of Constantinople, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1940
- * The Battle of Copenhagen, (ar) (by Peter Toft) The Cornhill Magazine September 1891
- * Battle of Delhi, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 27 1880
- * The Battle of Dorking, (pm) Punch May 20 1871
- * Battle of Edgehill, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 23 1880
- * The Battle of Greyfriars!, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1929, 1928
- * The Battle of Hastings, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal August 17 1867
- * The Battle of Hastings, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1940
- * The Battle of Hastings as Depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, (pi) Look and Learn #212, February 5 1966
- * The Battle of Havana, (ss) The Wave April 2 1898
- * The Battle of Karahassankei, (il) The Young Englishman November 3 1877
- * The Battle of Midway, (ar) Flying Aces October 1942
- * The Battle of Muret, A.D. 1213, (pm) (by Constantina E. Brooks) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1872
- * The Battle of Parkey’s Farm, (ar) Cheer Boys Cheer #39, February 15 1913
- * The Battle of Pinkie, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 9 1880
- * The Battle of Salamis, (ar) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #11, November 1 1884
- * The Battle of Sempach, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 10 1880
- * Battle of Stirling Bridge, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 8 1881
- * The Battle of Tewkesbury, (il) Black & White #37, October 17 1891
- * The Battle of the Arickaree, (ss) The American Boy November 1926
- * Battle of the Bagpipes, (pi) Collier’s November 8 1952
- * The Battle of the Bees, (vi) My Magazine March 1915
- * Battle of the Bergs, (ar) Modern Wonder March 12 1938
- * The Battle of the Bergs, (ia) The Passing Show December 3 1932
- * The Battle of the Birds, (ss) Magic Realism #6, Summer 1992
- * The Battle of the Boats! [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by R. T. Eves) The Boys’ Realm #112, May 21 1921
- * A Battle of the Border, (ss) New York World
- * The Battle of the Cowpens, (pm) (by Thomas Dunn English) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1861
- * Battle of the Fair at the Fair, (ar) Liberty May 18 1940
- * Battle of the Frying Pans [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #2, October 23 1937
- * The Battle of the Future, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1889
- * Battle of the Glorious First of June, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 30 1880
- * The Battle of the Huge Numbers, (ar) Fantastic Adventures April 1943
- * The Battle of the Inks, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1895
- * The Battle of the Ironclads, (ss)
- * Battle of the Jaguars [Incas], (ss) The Buzzer #28, April 23 1938
- * The Battle of the Kegs, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1876
- * The Battle of the Marne, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1940
- * The Battle of the Moon, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950
- * The Battle of the North Sea, (ex) Hugh Rees, 1912, as by Searchlight
- * Battle of the Railway Giants, (ar) Modern Wonder February 4 1939
- * Battle of the Speed Aces, (ar) Modern Wonder June 5 1937
- * Battle of the Spurs, (ms) North•West Stories June 1925
- * The Battle of the “Yatches”, (pm)
- * Battle of Tours, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1940
- * The Battle of Trafalgar, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1940
- * The Battle of Tuttle Fields, (ar) Cheer Boys Cheer #37, February 1 1913
- * Battle on Liner in Dark, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * Battle on the Moon [School on the Moon], (ss) The Buzzer #3, October 30 1937
- * Battle Over Denver scenario, (gm) Spicy Air Tales v1, 1999
- * Battle Over the Bund, (ar) Flying Aces December 1937
- * The Battle-Painter at Home: Mr. Stanley Berkeley and His Work, (ar) The Windsor Magazine July 1899
- * Battler, Charles E. Coughlin, (ar) The American Magazine April 1934 [Ref. Charles E. Coughlin]
- * A Battle Relic, (pm) (by N. G. Shepherd) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1865
- * A Battle Royal, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories June 1931
- * Battles Among the Stars!, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Battles Grizzly Bare-Handed—and Lives, (ms) North•West Stories 1st July 1926
- * The Battle Ship, (ar) The Argosy #529, January 21 1893
- * Battleship Launched with the “Glory Song”, (ms) The Sunday Strand January 1906
- * Battleship of the Skies!, (ar) The Modern Boy November 28 1931
- * Battleship Reconstruction, (ia) Modern Wonder March 19 1938
- * Battleships, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 20 1917
- * Battleships Controlled by Wireless, (cl) The Captain #284, November 1922
- * The Battleship Spy, (ss) Chums February 22 1913
- * The Battles in Our Kitchen [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth September 1 1881
- * Battle Tactics in the Clouds, (ar) Modern World September 14 1940
- * Battle Training in “No-Man’s Land”, (ar) Modern World May 11 1940
- * Battle with a Cougar, (ms) North•West Stories February 1932
- * A Battle with a Grizzly, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 28 1935
- * “Battle with Life!”, (pm) Household Words #26, September 21 1850
- * A Battle with Rustlers, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 13 1935
- * Battling Belles, (pi) Modern Girl Book March 1939
- * The Battling Blues, (ar) The Modern Boy March 31 1928
- * The Battling Buckaroo [Black Buckaroo], (ss) The Buzzer #36, June 18 1938
- * The Battling Buzzard, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces October 1937
- * The Battling Cyclone [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #29, April 30 1938
- * Battling for Life in the Barren Lands, (ms) North•West Stories August 1925
- * Battling Musk Oxen on the Ice Floes, (ms) North•West Stories August 1925
- * Battling Nazi Bombers to Archangel, (ar) Flying Aces #1, 1970
- * Battling Siki, Child of Impulse, (ar) Fight Stories October 1931
- * Battling the Railway’s Worst Enemy - Fog, (ia) Modern Wonder November 19 1938
- * Battling Through to Victory, (ia) The Triumph March 14 1931
- * Battling with Buffalo Bill [Buffalo Bill], (sl) Boy’s Cinema #637 Feb 27, #638 Mar 5, #639 Mar 12, #640 Mar 19, #641 Mar 26, #646 Apr 30, #647 May 7 1932; adapted from the movie (Tom Tyler, Lucille Browne).
- * The Batty Corner, (hu) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy April 1938
- * The Batty Corner, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy March 1938
- * A Baulked Maecenas, (pm) The Grand Magazine September 1905
- * Bavarian Beauty, (pi) Dream v1 #1, 1962
- * Baxter’s Bath-Chair, (ss) (by George E. Rochester) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1928, 1927
- * The Bayard of the East, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #779, September 1880
- * The Bayard of the Indian Army, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 21 1889
- * Bayard the Outlaw! [Cookey Scrubbs], (nv) (by Harold J. Garrish) The Boys’ Friend #1363, July 30 1927; revised from Jester, (ex-Cookey Stubbs by Harry Belbin).
- * Bay City Girl with model Melody Ward, (pi) Escapade October 1958
- * The Bay Fight, (pm) (by Henry Howard Brownell) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1864
- * Bayne with a Cane, (pi) High Time v1 #4, 1961
- * Bayonet Fighting, (ia) Modern World January 11 1941
- * Bayou Ballet, (pi) Rogue January 1961
- * The Bayou Mystery, (ts) Mystery February 1934
- * Bayreuth Forty Years Ago, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1929
- * The Bay Window, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1876
- * The Bay-Window of Our Club, (pm) London Society June 1864
- * “Baz”, (ss) Chicago Daily News January 10 1916
- * The Bazaar, (pm) The Grand Magazine May 1906
- * Bazaar Notes, (ms) Beauty Bazaar v2 #3 1970, v2 #4 1971
- * “B. B.”, (hu) The Boy’s Own Paper January 3 1885
- * BBC Audiobooks Crime Competition, (qz) Crime Time #40, 2004
- * B.B.C. Battle of Words “Haw-Haw” Takes a Back Seat, (ar) Tit-Bits #2866, October 3 1936
- * B.B.C.’s Link with Humanity, (ar) The Passing Show August 17 1935 [Ref. Sir Stephen Tallents]
- * B.B.C. Voices of the Future, (pi) The Strand Magazine February 1944
- * BBR Review, (br) BBR #18 Spr, #19 Sum 1991, #20 Spr, #21 1992, #22 1994
- * B. C.’s First Fire Pump, (ms) Maclean’s September 15 1940
- * Be a Better Driver, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 30 1959
* ___ In Slow—Out Fast, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
* ___ Steering Clear of Trouble, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 9 1959
* ___ Stopping Without Brakes, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 2 1959
* ___ Talk Yourself to Safety, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 16 1959
- * Be a Boy When You’re Fifty, (ar) Physical Culture March 1924
- * Beach Babe, (pi) Rex #29, 1972
- * Beach Babe, (pi) Penthouse (US) August 2005
- * Beach Ball, (pi) Cloud-9 v1 #6, 1961
- * Beach Ballerina, (pi) Argosy April 1948
- * Beach Beauty Previews of ’59, (pi) Ace August 1959
- * Beach Bonanza, (pi) Showpiece October/November/December 1972
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