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The Underworld Detective [1950s]

Country: US

True crime.

Issues & Index Sources:  1949 – ?
Publishers:   World at War Publishing Co., 19 W. 44th St., New York, NY., 55 Morton St., New York, NY
Frequency:   nine times a year

Underworld Love Stories

see under Underworld Romances

The Underworld Magazine

see under The Underworld

Underworld Romances

Country: US
Total Issues: 3+1=4

Short-lived attempt to merge the gang and love pulp genres.

Issues & Index Sources

  Nov-1931 – Jan-1932: Crime Fiction Index
  Feb-1932, as Underworld Love Stories: Crime Fiction Index


  Popular Publications


  standard pulp



Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps
Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Underworlds was launched as a tri-annual paperback magazine that sought "to create a bridge between crime fiction (especially, but not necessarily exclusively, of the noir school) and horror fiction". It folded after only two issues in two years.

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-2002 – Dec-2004: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Underworlds Magazine, Ridgewood, NY
Editors:   Thomas Deja (#1), Sean Wallace (#2)
Formats:   7½" x 9" spiral-bound
Prices:   $5.99
Pagecounts:   108pp
Issue Checklist

Underworld Stories

Country: Australia

Another thin Australian digest, this one seemingly containing only reprint stories Subtitled "incorporating Crime Story Magazine" even though Crime Story Magazine was being published at the same time.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: all except v5 #1)
Publishers:   Blue Diamond Publishing Company
Issue Checklist

Undinal Songs

Country: US

Fanzine labelled "a magazine of necrophilia and vampirism" which specialised in "the portrayal of death as a lover" and contained a mixture of short stories and poems.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1980s: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Leilah Wendell, Oakdale, New York
Editors:   Leilah Wendell

Undine Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 9

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-1900 – Jun-1901: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Street & Smith, New York
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   250
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography


Country: US
Total Issues: 8

A small press SF magazine devoted to beginning writers.

Issues & Index Sources:  Winter 1977 – Winter 1979: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Unearth Publications, Boston
Editors:   Jonathan Ostrowsky-Lantz and John M. Landsberg
Formats:   digest
Prices:   $1.00 (but varied)
Pagecounts:   128pp (but varied)
Frequency:   quarterly
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Issue Checklist

Unfit Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 7

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 2018 – Summer 2021: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Longshot Press
Editors:   Daniel Scott White

Issue Checklist


Country: UK
Total Issues: 6

Small press fantasy/horror fiction magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1999 – #6, 2000: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Paul J. Lockey
Editors:   Paul J. Lockey
Formats:   A5
Prices:   £2.50
Pagecounts:   80
Frequency:   irregular
Issue Checklist

The Union Jack

Country: UK
Total Issues: 193

Labelled "New Series" from issue 144 (3-Oct-1882).

Issues & Index Sources

  1-Jan-1880 – 25-Sep-1883: Story Paper Index (Missing: all after #144)

#superseded by The Union Jack Library


  1-Jan-1880 – 26-Sep-1882: Sampson Low
  3-Oct-1882 – 25-Sep-1883: Cecil Brooks


  Jan-1880 – Aug-1880: W.H.G. Kingston
  Aug-1880 – 1883: G.A. Henty


  large tabloid






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The Union Jack Library [1888]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 12

Lofts states "It is believed to have been published weekly," but Gifford gives monthly. "Small pocket size which portrayed on its cover a soldier on one side, a sailor on the other, with a Union Jack spread across the top. Very bloodthirsty stories published. The numbering was very crude, as some copies were numbered one number on the cover and a different one inside. (e.g. issue 3 has No.6 on the cover)." (W.O.G. Lofts)

Issues & Index Sources:  1888
Publishers:   General Publishing Co.
Frequency:   monthly

The Union Jack Library [1894]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 494+1531=2025

Best known as the home of Sexton Blake (the character had had first appeared in The Halfpenny Marvel, 1893, then was moved over to The Union Jack in 1894). Contained complete stories of 36-40,000 words. Early covers were by H.M. Lewis, well served by the introduction of colour covers in the early 1920s, although it was not long before Blake's best artist, Eric R. Parker came on the scene. The Detective Supplement was introduced around 1921, some 12,000 words of material (the lead story was at that time around 25-30,000 words).

aka Union Jack

Issues & Index Sources

  28-Apr-1894 – 10-Oct-1903: Story Paper Index (sample issues only)
  17-Oct-1903 – 18-Feb-1933: Story Paper Index (sample issue only)

#becomes Detective Weekly


  Harmsworth (Amalgamated Press)


  1894: Somers J. Summers
  William H. Maas
  J.H. Pym
  in 1890s: Percy C. Bishop
  1895: Ernest Goddard
  1903 – 1904: Norman Goddard
  1904 – ?: William H. Back
  c. 1912 – 1914: Lewis Carlton
  c. 1914: Robert Murray Graydon (briefly during War)
  ? – 1921: Walter Shute
  1921 – 1933: H.W. Twyman
  S. Rossiter Shepherd [Assistant Editor]
  Jack Hunt [Assistant Editor]


  enlarged to large tabloid


  ½d; increased to 1d; 2d from #885


  20pp; 28pp



Union Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 23

Issues & Index Sources:  4-Jan-1890 – 7-Jun-1890: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Union Library Co., 18 Rose St., New York
Formats:   9 x 6"
Prices:   5c
Pagecounts:   32
Frequency:   Weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Union Magazine

Country: US

Under Kirkland was mostly fiction, sketches and poetry. Authors inc. J.A. Neal, W.G. Simms, Catherine Sedgwick. Under Sartain mostly literary review and poetry.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jul-1847 – Dec-1848
  Jan-1849 – Aug-1852, as Sartain's Union Magazine


  Israel Post, 1847; James L. DeGraw, 1848; John Sartain, Philadelphia, from 1849.


  Caroline M. Kirkland alone to 1848, then with John S. Hart to Jun-1851; Reynell Coates to Nov-1851; then John Sartain



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Union Square Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 46

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1870s – in 1880s
Publishers:   N. Munro
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography


Country: US
Total Issues: 1


Issues & Index Sources:  v1 #1, 1978: Science Fiction Index
Issue Checklist

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